2nd Race [2nd Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-16

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i I I I | I i . | 2nd RACE 3-4 Mi,e* .3- ear-°i«is- oc*. 5, 1022 — itn 1-5 — 2 — 117. WHIRLWIITD ch. c 3 114 By Ultimns-Saraia. by Quebec. ajn!r S- C- Hlldreth- Owner, Bancocas Stable. Breeder. B. Combs. „«„ «ofo Tama!°a MJ!,HaSt 21 108 1 1 1 IS L Futor f Osprey. Atherstone. KompRonie f?:7 amaCa 3-4 l:13%fast 4 112 4 2 2 4S L Fator 6 StoryTeller, R.IIome. M. Morning *i- Jamaica 51 f l:€6Vfefast 8 109 12 9 8» 8» L Fator 12 RotterLuck, Ilv bf Bav, Osprey 5223 Fm ,CO 3-4 l:12%fast 11-10 110 S 1 U 21 L Fator 8 Rigcl. BoysBeiveMe, if.st Love fffff P"*"0 3-4 1:12%fast 4-5 117 3 2 l-» SJ E Sand» 8 PowVVow. Pettifger. B.sToney £fr2i lmllco 3-4l:l2%fast 7-5 106 8 4 41 3 M Fator 11 Blossom Time. Rig, 1. Rialto ,6£24? mf"re 61f l"06%fast 4 11318 3 4 ft* E Sande 10 Spot Cash. Stella Maria, Kullon H222 Aqueduct 5-8 59%fast 13-5 115 10 5 81 11" E Sande 13 Sunference. Cber.Pie. Budlrnd MH« Belmont o-8 st 57%fast 2-9 115 5 2 » 3l E Sande 0 Prince Regent, ZmV. Valador 61482 Jamaica 5-8 1:00 fast J-6 115 1 1 1» 1 E Sande 9 BlancSeing. Gen.Thatclier. Osage ALADDIN, br c,3 118 By Dick FinneU— Viola Vail, by Jean Bereaud. £nnJ ltrainer- S- C* Hlldreth- Owner, Bancocas Stable. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 69901 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%slow 4 107 4 2 2« 21 M Fator ■ FrankC... C. ie LftMJ, Beverwv k 22212 -Iama,ca 3-4 l:12ysfast 10 107 3 6 6 BS L Fator 9 Hullabaloo. Mode. Frank O. r,-l iamaCa- ,J-41:1-*fast I" 10* 3 6 6« 6S L Fator 8 Hullabaloo. Frank G. Wishbone 664.6 Empire Ab 3-4 l:08%fast 1S-5 1121 4 6 5 5" E Sande 5 Lit.Celt. Bestlw. WiiliamTell •*1*2 Jama!ca 3-4 1:12 fast 6 106 1 2 2 B L Fator 6 Tall Timber, BlancSeing, Osprev 6o948 Jamaica 3-4 l:12%fast 41 118 6 4 3 3 L Fator S Best Lam*, Battersea. UCorra M7M Jamaica 51 f l:05%fast 8 107 4 5 4 23 L Fator » WilmTell. BlancSeing S. Tassel A*ueJuct 6-8 59 fast 21 110 3 8 71 7« L Fator S OrtMan, TallTher, Amorlnfao r-oiS »: Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast BM 112 2 3 4» 4*1 L Fator 11 Bail— I Mel Bl.Seing. Pet.l.rown 65012 Belmont ft] f st 1 :03 fast 12 115 3 7 T* 11** B Sande 11 Cyclops, AmorPatriae, Shamrock ATHERSTONE cK c 3 U8 By Marathon-Silica, by Bockton. e«oi,raXner H" Huaes. Owner. Sanford Stud Farm Stable. Breeder. J. Sanford. 698G: Jamaica 3-4 rilfast 4J 108 4 5 4 IS C Bang 7 Whirlwind. Osprey. Romp.IIome •*£* fiS-** "If ,1:??Mast 12 109 * 5 73 7* Turner 12 BetterLuck. Fly l,v Bay. Osprey 22222 S !°° 3"4 1:11fast 8 116 6 4 51 6=J J Butwell ■ Rigel. Cherry l ie. Solisa 22222 T,rnlir,0 3-4 1:13%fast 7 115 6 1 1 lJJ Butwell 12 R.Bottom. h.nMintes. Pettifer 66384 Laurel ol f l:08%fast 6 115 8 7 7» 5»i C Lang 8 Gen.Thatclier. ■—Mill Dr.Uill ROMPING HOME. ch. c. 3 115 By Disguise— Bold Girl, by Ogden. *««JJramer,.S- P Harlan- Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. fiQfi Jama!ca 3-4 Bll-Jfast 7 111 2 3 3* 4" J McTagt 7 Whirlwind. Osprey. Atherstone rll~t ,amaica 3"1 : !*fast 18"5 i12 6 3 3* 21 C Lang 6 S.Teller, M.Morning, Whirlwind l,. «°W,e 3-jl:14%fast 13 111 3 1 U lb J McTagt 11 Forest Lore, Cala.liuni, Felsi.le c«?«* SOW,10 °ifl:08 fast 75 111 2 1 I* 1 J McTagt 12 Noel. Dan E. OSullivaii. Pennon c«i?! Sml-,C° J:7 fast 2 115 7 3 3 3» H Thomas • Lis.Dearie, EIDorado. PayDear £V4 Smp!re iv6Jfl:06 fast 15 I" 5 6 6» 6" E Sande 7 Little Celt, Osprey, Ile.enion 2221! mP!re A3-41:l° fat 21 104 3 2 2i 41 H Thomas 4 Ruddy. Full. n. Ko.est Ix re rtiU mp!re Ab3-4 1:09Vandfast 20 107 5 6 5 SJ J Merimee 5 Cyclops, Shamrock. Best Uve 6361 Empire 61 r l:0 %good 9-6 105 6 4 4* 4" H Thomas ft T.Timber. San.llatcU. Moourakej TUXEDO, b. c, 3 112 By Sunstar— Togs, by St. Frusquin. *««J?rafler S L Burch 0wner Salubria Stable. Breeder. P. M. Walker. ?°W,e, lB43%fa.st fl 10315 10 11 10" R Kummerll Oui Oui. Vigil. Moonraker ««*-4 663.,3 Laurel ofl:07%fast « 27 106 6 6 6» ft*] B Parke S Sweetheart. Hull Lilt rs%~~ Aque,duct £***££* 6 112 3 1 U 1. F. Parke 11 Spread Kagle. Contour. Majority Air! °Ba "4!:I6V5hvy « "0 2 7 7 7" B Parke 8 B.Ming. M.Smith. Boughoregan c £¥£ ara,toea 51fl:05%fast 16 10616 3 31 3*| B Parke 7 Vigil, Curtis, Prince Regent «4««S !ara,tOEa i,59, fast 20 »ou 10 10l S" B Parke UZev, Enchantment, Bunlin . ??4? ; ,aratoga 5i f l:08hvv 20 11 2 12 13 13" F Keogh 14 Zev, Doughoregan. Beatitude 01444 Pimlico 1-2 47=Wast 16-5 112 10 10 9» 8" F Keogh 11 Tall Timber. Windigo. Frauk G HIGH PRINCE, br. c 3 M 108 By Mont dOr II.-Yermila, by Jack Atkin. ,-a;fV, £Wner BaviMa Stable. Breeders. Keene U Black. «? n-r.a;lI!er• r, » l, V2fS!1°P " 107 7 7 •* 8" H Thomas S NUssa. j. MissSmith, Cur deLiaa 22221 SSaM !K l!Ei2i ]2 S 5 7 6 6" T Rice n B lty nea11- ««▼»». Carol «l?ro 1Je,mtt jifC, :g°,K 50 102 6 5 5" 5?* A McLlin 7 Wilderness, Nassau, Curtis 21i22 faraftOSa SJJ«?f00d 2 "5 9 6 6i 6"W McClry 9 Wilderness. B.Tomorrow. H.G,U Qi? araoa 5hfl:SVy 2 U513 13 12a 9" « W CrollH Zev, Doughoregan. Beatitude el?*.! ?.aratoEa 6-8 59-Jsfast 50 115 15 18 18 M*. T Rice 20 Comixa, Zev, Betty Beall Ji mr,re °H1:Lmud 20H4 5 * 4 4" T Rice 0 Dustabout, Bayonet, A. Patriae 61706 Jamaica 5-8 59%fast 1 MS 3 5 5 5" C Borel 5 L.Granite. UighChf. Ilome.Cclj XUT,Wr. b °* 3, 112 By Wrack— Desirous, by Hamburg. /.riJra5ner J Johnson- Owner, J. Butler. Breeder. Mrs. L. Viau. 22222 £**£ SiiS*""* * "■ 4 7 7* 8T*A r,nl— «•■»*» «MBfc. Stclh Marie Fulion f"5 mplr:i BJ f l:06**faat 7 111 6 6 6 4*1 E Taplin 7 Best Bove. Ospr, v, Little Celt 22222 Empire 1 f 1:07 fast 4 114 3 2 1J 1* E Taplin 10 Mi.zeppa, Sakah. Ueod Night ™*H mP!re 5|fl:06fast 15 106 2 4 4« 4* L McAtee I T.Timber, BoMcMillan. Mraker Antt £mU B ihJ ;!,U™? J. HI * « 71 7 C H Millerlo P.Shay. DustaU ...t. Am. Pa triae lllll f- Pre Abi Mast 50 112 3 2 22SLFator • M.Twain. Dustabout, PYcTiiTii 2222; mpife . •512**J 2 112 6 8 8S 97T Rice 9 Budlrner. Bel. Buck. T.Timber 22222 £q,ueduf co3-81:0° E°»d 30 115 12 8 8" C H MillerlS Cyclops, Gen. Thatcher Zev 62o9. Belmont 5-8 st 9Vkfast 15 115 Wheeled. E Ambrse 9 Sandyllatch. Stockmar llboldt SHTrFFLE ALONG brc, 3 112 By Luke McLuke— Black Brocade, by Neil Gow. fi-o«?Te TV We,U,h; , 0wner J E Widener - Bresder. J. O. and G. H. Keene. I6 Uf* 3r11:I2S°P ■ 115U 12 12 1F Keogh 12 Martingale. B.Berner. ios.awk r»??r tqueducJ 22 rcg°°1 2 "5 1 1 I3 1" F Keogh 14 William Tell. Stockmar. Dunlin rill* AQ UC b-*™%SOOd 20 112 8 8 9a10" F Keogh 11 Ooshawk. P.etterBuck. SpotCash col?f Aqueduct a-8 1 :00 good 30 115 17 14 14" F Keogh IS Cyclops, Oen. Thatcher Zev rfd m0ntt " 5 2 U5 8 8 9 8" F Keogh 9 Ambler, S.Hatch. KingS.sSeal -OW 62103 Belmont 41 f st o3%fast 15 111 | 5 5 5 5" F Keogh 5 Certain. Plavus, Boughore-au POTENTILLA cb c 3 M 106 By Superman-Ponte Rosa, by Bridge of Canny. Trainer, J. H. Smith. Owner, J. H. Smith.. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard First start.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051601/drf1923051601_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1923051601_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800