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PLENTY OF HORSES FOR RENO Over 300 Thoroughbreds at Nevada City for Meeting in June. RENO. Nev.. May 15. — According to the present outlook there will be no scarcity of horses for the rr.eiting which opens here on June 9 and continues for twenty-five days. There are already about 300 horses here now. Neal and Bartholomew have in their stable Josephine Newell. Al Hotfoot, A. Lester, Benmore II., Norford Honey, Bonnebelle, Doctor Tuffs. A then Rule, Norfords Last, Malanetto, Sky Lark and Viola D. R. M. Hollenbecks string includes Dr. Cor-bett, Amackassin, Antela, Vibrate and Due de Guise. H. T. Palmer has Hamilton A.. Old Red. No Wonder. James G., Zetetic. Zainer, Lewis B.. Pokey Jane. Net Star, Cork, N. K. Beal, Quincy Ward, Jane A., Clare Frances and Leta. Among others here are W. L. Hunter and Son, with Missoula, Bessie Young, Senator Donlan, Miss Fryer and Baby Fryer; R F. Cloud, with Fickle Fancy. Meteor. Lariat and Silk Socks; A. M. Gray, with Al Wick. Kirk-wood and Calithump: Guy Gray, with Dark Ages. Babe Ruth. Harry Rudder and Angelo: W. Gargan. with Eye Bright, Baisy and Robert L. Owen ; Steven Ballinger, with Undine Fireplace and Miss Manage; Jack relter. with Home Guard, Anna Regina, Little Beach and Blue Btlls; lee Hawkins, with Peasant. Cuba and Coombs; W. Cavener. with Calzar, Gilliflower and Glenzar; G. Bussey, with Old McKenna, Car and Irene Delsa. — ♦ ■