untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04


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Bill Kennedy schuyler floyd m »" "" Culvert Rnildlns. Broadway at 41st Street Bryant G333 New York City Americas Premier Clocker ~~~ 1547 Broadway, Suite 506 NEW YORK CITY w . , Yesterday s My staff personally on the scene of operations at Kentucky. "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" KENNEDY FOLLOWERS BANKED AGAIN YESTERDAY Finished SECOND The big horse released Saturday: • The fifth FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVEST-DCOnicl T* CI* -1 r fr *t»r 117- 5f 1 0» # 0"5p" WOn MENT" takes place at an early date in Canada. Watch for ANNOUNCEMENT IN THESE COLUMNS Friday Kennedy released: HIGH WATER $ 8.20- WON Thursday Kennedy released: CONSECUTIVE SUCCESSES ARE ASSURED MUSKEG W0N limiJZ The one hundred dollar "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" planned SAM MENGEL 0.50- WON , for Pimlico, Jamaica and Lexington this coming week. Tuesday Kennedy released: MEXICAN TEA 2.20- WON Protect prospective investments by telegraphing early sufficient . „._ 0/C?? WEEKLY— .00 DAILY funds to cover A busy 3 weeks K program. s FIVE DAYS FIVE WINNERS r~ Terms for Each Investment: SPECIAL INDUCEMENT ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE Monday my chief has arranged for our first pool special,; which is costing thousands of dollars. I have made special terms The only nine "Schuyler Investments" released in April are as to release free to all twenty-dollar weekly subscribers. follows: J ROCK BOTTOM 0.50- WON v J WARNING 3.10- WON A trial will convince the most skeptical. FREEZY SNEEZY $ 5.20- WON Wire money at once — 0.00 Weekly or .00 Daily. Western HIDDEN JEWEL 3.30- WON Union or Postal Telegraph. A. J. BUJA $ 6.30- WON — MOON MAGIC 8.30- WON ~ ~~~~~ ~~~" LISTEN DEARIE 0.10- WON W** ■ "% 1 p Tj AiL I | 1 ir With two losing horses — both finishing second. THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE LIKE "STERLING" ON 1819 BROADWAY, GOTHAM BANK BLDG. NEW YORK CITY SILVER— THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION Begonia, .70-, Won e BUGLE MARSHALL HALL mandl**t=and££RS ftandftJandAJ The most "■■■■■■■ »»d best-informed turf 10- 18 4 A seconds 1 • 1 last 4, CiA 24 1 *V w i i_ j F winners. in days. Absolutely only one horse a day tL/T" -CTheBUCjlX SjEKsfM, ; J J J J bid vn _w i»aV "BervtilSE n.,,,™.,,, corespondent in America. * Never more than two 00 FLAT BET OVER 0,000 WINNER MJ ***n jfl r horse* **"* °ut per week vnvt of which " wired B B *° **** papar. NEXT HORSE GOES MONDAY B featuring u to M *. »«, every *, /Price EVERY DAY m*y *■ classed as "dumb-bells." Should Pay 10 to 1 150/ A *100 JU" *" weU mdTi"d * think this ov" T S FREE My fee, 5.00 daily, in advance. No propositions. Wire subscription by _ _... Emch rel»"« *iu *« known a. -halls occa- Western Union or Postal Telegraph. SPECIAL sional,- The Bugle Is Still Going Strong TERMS : *«ffiSandafes ° for w Re!ease HARVEY IflF RRANn OxJMJ A/llillll/ were filed* w.tT this* paper a night before. And JNlQ iWOlY* £1 Tirf IVn I ACC * v J»T*V* %Z Clllll 1 W jLiCj 0 — here is some of the Lone Shots we save you the |A JY _ 301 w- 58TH ST. HEW Y0EK CITY last month— Tir«*fcW ♦„. .v |/| |V 6.90- WON ,ZU"" " M" "-— "" - -1V1 Sagamore A everybody eveeybodyknows mows me me Hi l3 Ca«gu|a 2.80-W0N „. « ..HA1I.S 0CCASI0KAt.. „„ I tmve l.ren opernting at Kentucky tracks Goldetl BjllOWS .3.10- WON « Tuetdmy, M»y sth. If interested, wire mone7 Earle Building «du*i, tor . „.*, w y.ar,, m« Marble 0.1 0- WON " «""» •— • •*■ « p-ui T.I. ,i c. Broadway at 52nd street wku time i have proved m ■ ».„r.i, Warning 3.10- WON UADCUAII II All NEW new york YORK city CITY . SiTDMAT , AOTISE0; ™« Hidden Jewel .. • 3.30- WON ■AlUtULL HALL wqn i "" VISIT0R 00 Won Humboldt 2.00- WON . , , a ZTJZ7Z25JZZ — ™ Bucado .30- won SOUTHERN TURF BUREAU ffiGH m_ WATER. . . .20- WON AlltK|Ulty 2.20" WON » WEKT ..» «.« ST. • oroad and U, eoaaen.. ,k„ ..He, re. And other winners to numerous to mention. You J-Ol Is II, LE, KY. quire- three prntlenien to represent ns THUHSDAY I ADVISED- aU na-Ye read our adds in this paper and yoa know how many winners we rave in the last three weeks. 1 ACT WFFKC RPPORR In Europe. AflPVCTPVCC Our followers are all clesnin? up. Sooner or later l_MO I HLLIV O nLuUnU cm on *o nun AX1U£i£ lJKJCi£ a . . ? Z 1 . Z U A 2ND AT - $ you are going to start buyinp the Bugle, so why LEXINGTON 42 races: The representative -we seek for London WEDNESDAY I ADVISED- °° ™* EOR TOMORROW— MONDAY— 26 AVINNERS must b. *mm to make his hon.e at a HM—a R A LONG SHOT BEST BETSAT TSmSSST £ each day: leadinp hotel In London during the three *,,1U" WOn 00 EREE SPECIAL GOES AT LEXLNGTON. i WINNERS— 1 SE OMl _..___._ _ Under no condition mirs this long shot. When we t • «T am ATP ,„»„__ AT A ...i. j._i j months mentioned, in our emploj only, TUESDAY I ADVISED: yay iong shot. we mean LONG SHOT. Get the t " » ""■■■-i xTk i?». i Js MM . ?. v .°. e dayS! Bugle, today. Sunday, for Monday. On sale at the and must further the Interests in anj ca- MEXICAN ,„„„,„ _,. TEA 2.20- Won following agents and ether agenti where the Rac- AT HAVRE DE GRACE AND PIMLICO one each — ing Form is sold, which we cannot put here as we day. 6 racing days: parllj possible of our subscribers. MONDAY I ADVISED- htve onl7 a limited space. Or send .00 for two 5 WINNERS— 1 i.OSKR WeCkS °Ur 0ffiC- _ AT COLUMBUS rone each day , 6 racing day.: The representative we seek for Tarls LITTLE ,-™,~~„ JIMMY ~ 3.80 Won Bugle Publishing Co. 4 "*■*«■»-« SECOND— 1 L«tf IR must speak both English and Erenrh fin- 1711 Great Northern Building. CHICAGO. LLL. PARI. AYS eat,,, make his home M the Paris M ft Si K itSlS M0NBAY! OH, BOYS, MONDAY Special Notice ! FOI 1 VS dev.gnated by and In ns, e*ery Way prove TOE SALE TODAY-SUNDAY-FOR MONDAY The above record is from Saturday April 26 up an aoset to this office. AT THESE NEWSSTANDS — to and including Friday, May 2 1924 Yester- Ii I ■ 1A 1 Detroit Players, Attention! tZJSSfeSiSZZ « StBr" i The represcntatiie we seek for Berlin II f" I AAAf I II I For Sale at This stand 0nly: WHAT WE t.lVE must speak both English anl Erench flu- rtl I if.|jl I I I™ I BAGLEY NEWSSTAND Woodward and Mor.roe FULL CARD SELECTION AT LEXING- , . . . ,_ mmm m*§/A%J%. AJ X In front of Hie Itagley Monument TON: THREE BEST EACH DAY AT LEX - ently and also must be familiar with CINCINNATI— Ray Pierces. Fifth and Vine Sts. INGTON: ONE A DAY AT EACH OTHER .erman and the same tact and . , LEXINGTON— Reinsteins. Corner Main and Lime. TRACK; PARLAY EACH DAY possess m *lA t, -i *«/* ttt i , , , . Terms: 0 Daily — 0 Weekly Cleveland— o. c. schroeden. 212 e. Superior. T cpmAI ttowc „ T ■ J ability necessarj to farther our Interests ST. LOUIS— Wm. Larers. 711 Market St. arttlAL TtRMS : as the two penllemen representing us In T,rt TfT, LOUISVILLE— Eiler and Goodman s. 227 Fourth Ave.. 50 CENTS DALLY— WEEKLY mrr, 1J 11 JIOW ! and all other leading newsstands. Selections mailed overnight and will reach any Earls and London. KANSAS CITY— Rick«eckers Cigar Store, corner place in the middle west in time for play. Tor Ninth and Walnut Sts. special delivery send ten cents extra for each Telegraph onl insure Je»fer.ipn mone money o.u r r to to insure rmick quick - - - . . . DAYTON— Euphrafs. 129 South Jefferson St. day of subacription. Will be wired if so desired. Only those possessing the highest ref- actjon TOLEDO— St. Clair Newtstand. front of old P. O. ItLSH YOUR STCSCIUrTIONS • renrcs as to ability and character, and _ THIS SHEET CAN BE BOUGHT AT NIGHT FOR , THE NEXT DAYS RACES. ...-_...,... - can be bonded by the American Surety XUF CTIATIXTT/* f 1? 1 TVPIfc By -numerous requests from hundreds of our fol- fompanj need apply, piling full details. I M I* ♦X ll 1 1/ I INII V A I II* lr lowers, we have tecided to ftirt a laft-minute NfiTlflF .,,... ,. , 1 HJLy tjl VIVl llAVl 1*IjIUMUm rurvice at the small price of .03 for one wire or _ , ,"- « *- all of which will be treated in confidence. j . _ r rfc TZi ! J20.03 for 8 wires, wired to you at 1 p. m. every r * »l have somethinfr Ko.«l at Kentucky c/DlKnca3 UreaieSt OpOrlrCUXr day. When you get the Bugle last minute wire yon next week. Terms: Winnings uf a 0 The above positions cover a period of SCENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS SLfS. *£« t **.•%*££ 5 Z SJ2f 5"* Kfe,iabe " *" "" three months — June, July and August— fgyrwA*! for Mondays Laat-Minute Special. We have ad-J . - la||| I the height of the racing season abroad, fs" V 2i CENTS AT ALL !ance information on Mo"y s »• »••• | »« J. U. WILLIAMS lARflO -»».i. t, wlre ,n and right street ad- ! ... /A y0ur money your , sv Car, °are We-tern wectern Unien Union East c... r, St. Louis, — .- III. and a salary of ,i00 a month, lining ex- fssAxV »w_~i, dress. This serce goes every day. You can get peases Included, will be paid, aad, of WandP] S g wires for gjj ===== 9 ■ course, first class transportation wUl be tUf¥?2r Todays Free Codes: LEXINGTON RACES IOF MrPARTY JUL IVIOUMHI I -, . , . furnished. UlflK r "" SCHRFTNFR tand WArV " Memphis- SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK V 01. d. d. Olj n II L 1 IN L H tvfcjiflffL/ Fancy -Lease -Petard- AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER Those who qualify must be In readlnesi VOT .... . „ 30 Years Experience aa Trminer -Clocker to leate New York no later than May 80. «tand] MONDAY-Another propos.t.on .t. as prom.s- TOu CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU * Lexington: Utica-Flora- ■ as ,ast Thursday s, which WON. T.lerr.nh £*JEJ** TH ?ATS * Parch-Level-Level Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in Address the New York office, by mail 7~" . WIRE «■"and NAME """c letter. I wire one or two hors-e- dailv at 11 a. m. C1""1*"" t0T PHOENIX HOTEL I EMNtiTON KV only, or this week mall addressed to me, Automatic Long Shot Selector: . * Harvey Ames, Hotel Klackstone. Chicago, Lexington: C jj-0 M— R W- in*., «ui receive mj penonaj attenuon. both rRLx codes won frlday. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM i Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050401/drf1924050401_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1924050401_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800