Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps LEXINGTON The horses which seem best In Mondays races are : Lexington, Ky., May S, 1924. 1— Theo, Sister Josella, Auntie Millln. 2 — Pas Seul, Reputation, Son of Tromp. 3 — -Praise. Cautious, Repeater. 4 — Volt. Infinite. Phil McCann. 5— Elizabeth K.. Cream Puff. Miss Jennie. 8-MAH JONG, Happy Top, Daxzler. 7— Walnut Hall. Attorney, Kirklevington. J. L. Dempsey-r New York Handicap. 1— Sister Josella, Hullo, Mexican Tea, Easter P»onnet. 2— Son of Tromp, Elm, Pas Seul, Broken Class. 3— British Liner. Repeater, Lucidus, Stone Age. 4— Infinite. Payman, Corinth. Volt. 5 — Cream Puff, Elizabeth K., Wanderlust, Rothermel. i— King ONeill II., Mah Jong, Brilliant Cast, Dazzler. 7— WALNUT HALL, Kirklevington, Timbrel. Flying Prince. Chicago Handicap. 1— Theo, Auntie Millin, Mexican Tea, Attractive. 2— Son of Tromp, Elm, Reputation, Broken Class. 3— Sands of Pleasure, British Liner, Lucidus, Cautious. 4 — Corinth. Batter Up, Infinite. Ancestress. 5— CREAM rDIT, Elizabeth K., Rothermel, Wanderlust. 6- King ONeill II.. Mah Jong. Kitty Troxell, Brilliant Cast. 7— Attorney, Flying Prince, Timbrel, Countess. Observers Handicap. 1 — Hullo, Mexican Tea. Theo, Easter Bonnet. 2— Son of Tromp, Elm, Broken Class, Reputation. 3 — British Liner, Stone Age, Lucidus, Sands of Pleasure. I 4 — Ancestress. Volt, Corinth, Batter Up. 5— Cream Puff, Elizabeth K., Rothermel, Miss Jennie. 6— MAH JONG. King ONeill II., Kitty Troxell. Dazzler. 7 — Walnut Hall. Attorney, Kirklevington, Timbrel. Consensu* of Handicaps. 1 — Theo, Sister Josella, Hullo, Mexican Tea. 2 — Son of Tromp, Pas Seul, Elm, Broken Class. 3 — British Liner, Praise, Sands of Pleasure, Repeater. 4 — Volt, Infinite. Corinth. Ancestress. 5— Cream Puff, Elizabeth K., Rothermel, Miss Jennie. C-Mah Jong, King ONeill II., Dazzler, Kitty TroxelL 7— WALNUT HALL, Attorney, Kirklevington, Flying Prince. PIMLICO The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Pimlico, Md, May 3, 1924. 1— Runshot. Sam Smith. Ebb Tide. 2 — The Trout. Byng. Perkicmen. 3— Sure to Win. Lena Wood, Night Shade. 4— Attilia, Blue Streak, Flying Fur. 5 — Barbara Freitchie, Gymkhana, Bernice Harrar. 6— BIG BLAZE, Worthmore, Blue Moon. 7 — Spic and Span, Heir-at-Law, Ceylon Prince. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 — Sunshot. Sam Smith, Ebb Tide, Briony. 2 — The Trout, Wisest Fool. Perkiomen. Byng. 3 — Night Shade, Crimp, Moon Magic, Sure to Win. 4 — Attilia, Soggarth Aroon, Blue Streak, Pennon. 5 — Gymkhana, Barbara Frietchie, Moon Magic, Bernice Harrar. 6 — Worthmore, Maclean. Sunspero. Tree Top. T— SPIC AND SPAN, Rejection, Dr. OMara, Heir-at-Law. Cblcaso Hanril. **D. 1 — Sunshot, Sam Smith. Briony, Ebb Tide, 2 — Fort Bliss. Nonus. Perkiomen, Byng. 3 — Sure to Win, Night Shade, Crimp. Moon Magic. I 4 — Attilia. Blue Streak. Pennon. Frying Fur. 0— GYMKHANA, Barbara Frietchie, Moon Magic, Bernice Harrar. 6 — Maclean, Tree Top, Big Blaze, Sunspero. 7 — Rejection, Spic and Span, Brilliant Jester, Heir-at-Law. Observers Handicap. 1 — Sam Smith. Briony, Sunshot, Conceal. ! 2 — Regalia. Nonus. Vicaire. Byng. ! 3— Night Shade, Sure to Win, Moon Magic, Crimp. I 4— Attilia, Blue Streak, Flying Fur, Soggarth Aroon. I 5 — GYMKHANA. Barbara Frietchie, Moon Magic, Bernice Harrar. i • — Maclean, Sunspero, Big Blaze. Tree Top. | 7— Spic and Span, Rejection, Brilliant Jester, Heir-at-Law. Consensus of Handicaps. j 1 — Sunshot, Sam Smith. Briony, Ebb Tide. 2— The Trout, Fort Bliss. Regalia, Byng. 3— Sure to Win, Night Shade, Crimp, Moon Magic. 4— ATTILIA, Blue Streak. Frying Fur, Soggarth Aroon. 5 — Gymkhana, Barbara Frietchie, Moon Magic, Bernice Harrar. 6— Maclean. Big Blaze. Worthmore, Sunspero. 7 — Spic and Span, Rejection. Brilliant Jester, Heir-at-Law. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Jamaica, W. Y., May 5, 1W4. 1 — Buck Pond, Pathan, Stony Point, 2— NORMAL, Dan Boiling. Bonfire, 3 — Sherman, Caligula, Donges. 4 — Maud Muller, Julie, Pedagogue. 5— Aladdin, Royal Charlie, Water Girl. 6 — Honor, Bonnie Omar, Sun Altos. C. J. Connors. New York Handicap. 1— Caligula, Lally, Wynnewood. Monday Morning. 2 — Normal, Dan Boiling, Apology, Escoba d-Oro. 3— DRY MOON, Caligula, Sherman, St. Allan. 4— Julie, Pedagogue. Stampdale, Sea Tide. 5— Aladdin, Water Girl, Royal Charlie, Mom, 6 — Honor, Sun Altos, Bonnie Omar, Samaritan. Chicago Handicap. 1— Deadlock, Caligula, Lally, Monday Morning. 2 -Normal, Dan Boiling, Escoba dOro, Bonfire. 3— SHERMAN, Rival. Donges, Caligula. 4— Pedagogue, Julie. Maud Muller, Sea Tide. 5— Royal Charlie, Water Girl, Aladdin, Sister Sue. 6 — Sun Altos, Honor, Samaritan, Suncar. Observers Handicap. 1 — Pathan. Deadlock, Buck Pond, Monday Morning. 2 — Normal, Dan Boiling, Apology, Escoba dOro. 3— SHERMAN. Rival. Caligula, Lally. 4 — Pedagogue, Sea Tide, Maud Muller. Julie. 5— Aladdin, Water Girl, Royal Charlie, Sea-stake. 6 — Sun Altos. Honor, Suncar, Samaritan. Consensus of Handicap*. 1 — Buck Pond, Caligula, Deadlock, Pathan. 2— NORMAL, Dan Boiling, Escoba dOro, Apology. ■ 3 — Sherman, Dry Moon. Caligula. Rival. 4 — Pedagogue. Maud Muller. Julie. Sea Tide. 5— Aladdin, Royal Charlie, Water Girl, Sister Sue. 6 — Honor, Sun Altos, Samaritan, Bonnie Omar. COLUMBUS The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : olnmbns, Ohio, May S, 1924. 1— DULCY LOU, Lady Haldeman. Sunborn. 2— Jack Pot Ethel H.. Kendall. 3 — Spring Vale, Arrowhead, Old Sinner. 4 — Dunoon, Times Up, Great Northern. 5 — Lorenna Marcellia, Beg Pardon, Chief Sponsor. 6 — Drummond, Smart Alex. Edna D. 7 — Tingling, Montillo, Torsida. F. H. Sproule. Nevr York Handicap. 1 — Lady Haldeman, Dulcy Lou, Sunborn, Rosita. 2 — Runmic. Jack Pot. Cacambo, Diocletian. 3 — Arrowhead, Camouflage II., Matinee Idol, Momentum. 4— Great Northern, Dunoon, Times Up, Leona Dare. 5— NOON GLIDE, Chief Sponsor, Lorena Marcellia, Delhimar. 6 — Drummond, Mr. Beck, Walter Turnbow, Edna D. 7 — Tingling, Overstep, Pirate McGee, Montillo. Cblcnsro Handicap. 1 — Dulcy Lou, Lady Haldeman, Rosita, Sunborn. 2 — Cacambo, Incognance. Kinsman. Jack Pot. 3 — Old Sinner, Arrowhead, Matinee idol, Momentum. 4 — Leona Dare, Pearl Boots, Virginia B., Times Up. 5— LORENA MARCELLIA, Noon Clide. Delhimar, Chief Sponsor. C— Edna D., Walter Turnbow, Athlete, Lu-beck. 7 — Tingling, Torsida, Overstep, Montillo. Observers Handicap. 1 — Lady Haldeman, Dulcy Lou, Sunborn, Rosita. 2— Cacambo, Jack Pot. Runmic. Ethel H. 3 — Arrowhead, Momentum, Matinee Idol. Old Sinner. 4 — Great Northern, Dunoon, Ieona Dare, Pearl Boots. 5— LORENA MARCELLIA, Chief Sponsor, Delhimar, Noon Clide. C — Edna D., Drummond, Mr. Beck, Mollie Barnes. 7 — Tingling, Torsida, Overstep, Montillo. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 — Lady Haldeman, Dulcy Lou, Sunborn, Rosita. 2— Cacambo, Jack Pot. Runmic. Ethel H. 3 — Arrowhead, Spring Vale, Old Sinner, Matinee Idol. 4 — Great Northern, Dunoon, Leona Dare, Times Up. 5 — Lorena Marcellia, Noon Glide, Chief Sponsor, Delhimar. 6 — Drummond, Edna D., Walter Turnbow, Mr. Beck. 7— TINGLING, Torsida, Overstep. Montillo.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050401/drf1924050401_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1924050401_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800