To Guest Of Honor: Goes the Distinction of Winning the Camden Handicap.; Fair Acre Farms Color Bearer Decisively Defeats Hopeless, Wida and Other Good Opponents., Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04


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TO GUEST OF HONOR • ■ ■ Goes the Distinction of Winning the Camden Handicap. — ♦ Fair Acre Farms Color Bearer Decisively Defeats Hopeless, Wida and Other Good Opponents. ♦ LEXINGTON. Ky., Miay 3. — Racing in his best form and performing impressively. Guest of lienor, carrying the Fair Acre Farm colors, annexed the Camden Handicap at a mile and an eighth in the fast time of 1 :al and landed the,070 and a handsome trophy, the latter donated by former Senator .1. N. Camden. Making a strong hut unavailing challenge near the end came Hal Priw Headleys Hopeless, favorite, and following him a good distance off was AVida. Belzoni. Barracuda and Best Pal •were far in the wake of the placed trio. The Camden Handicap was the outstanding feature of the days card and attracted one of the largest crowds that has viewed racing this season at the Kentucky Association track. The clear weather and the fast track were contributing factors in bringing out the big attendance. The race was reduced by the absence of the Greentree Stables trio of representatives and the withdrawal of Graeme at the lust minute on account of illness. Wida. showing good speed, was in command for the first three quarters, closely pursued by Hopeless and Belzoni. Pool kept Cuest of Honor under restraint until near-ing the stretch turn, where he joined with Hopeless in disposing of Wida and in the battl- that followed during the stretch. Guest of Honor proved the faster and drew out in the last seventy yards. SMALL FIELDS. Small fields were again the rule in mo?t irstanoes. the exception proving the second i race, in which two-year-olds engaged and I it brought to the post a dozen, the limit , . number permitted to start in these races. | I The winner here turned up in Little Visitor, a disappointment of a previous start, but j j showing improvement today and winning , after a hard drive from Rockland Princess. I The latter might have been the best but she , had an outer post position and was forced , to go wide. She closed a good Rap in the j I s retch and finished gamely. Tinamou also ran well to finish in third place. The second two-year-old number was taken by Alary Dear. She led for the entire race. The colors of J. B. Besposs were carried to victory for the first time this s-asin fn a] : Kentucky trak when his Minus triumphed | in the first race over Pretty Politician. The victory was a close MM and Pevic resorted to | j a bit of sharpness when he persisted in | shaking his whip before Pretty Politician, though he did not strike her. DOUBLE FOR II. OOTS. IT. Oofs carried off a double during the afternoon wlen his Begonia and Welcome won in successive order in the third and fourth races. Begonia came with a rush in the stretch to w ar down Amity Claim and odd Beth. Welcome was ridden by S. Grif- ! fin. a beginner, and after taking his mcur.t completely out of it in the first quarter! ame around thereafter and won as he pleased from Glyn, with Polynesia in third plaoe. The latter was regarded in the nature of a gM.d thing, showed fine speed for a half mile, but tired thereafter. The closing dash fell to Neddam, which followed John Hoshor clo-ely until straightened in the stretch, where he drew cut to win with much la roserc. John HONMV just lasted to outstay Es-arpolette, with the fa-orite, Kinburn. following. The ctetinarians acting for th" insurance companies to inspect Battle Creek advised; his immediate destruction. John A. Payne, ■ r.-prescnting the insurance eumpanio-3, was immedi itely notiii.-d and word from him is expected tonight which will terminate Battle l Y cks CM "• «t. Horsemen here were jubilant when word came that the first big prize of the Spring MBM had fall- n to a KentiicUian by Chaco-lets victory. »wn r Headley has enjoyed OMMlaV table success up to date. A severe storm broke immediately after the conclusion of the List race and tlcxlcd the track. Many of the visitors were completely drenched on their way from the course.

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