untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04


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f . ■ — nii DflVQ inniM Jack sheehan II M I A III ROOM 12 LEWIS BLOCK BUFFALO. N. Y. Winners given at Havre de Grace during 10 racing This system is still picking the long shots. Here d*yt up to and including Monday, April Mth: VL ,i £w: f,"A RA£rGaf • Mary Rose .40- WON r-Dn?56 ESCARPOLETTE. .116 50-U; « FLAX. .. »; 9.10 R m t m «lfl t? WDU HOCK bottom IU.DU- Z WUN 7 60-12- HABP OF THE NORTH. 1.60*2; ROYAL DUCK. 2.20-; PAT HAMPSON. 3.60- Royal Duck $ 1 220- WON : ROMP. 3.83-: DANDYBBUSH, 7.70-; Fairliaht S9I0-S2WON LORD GRANITE. ».80-: DAN BOLLING. ETTftJ mL tl« QG «7 WON neir-At-LaW IB.9U- 1 WUH 1.70-: GRASS MAID, 5.60-, and a Urge number a others. Golden Rule . 1 0- WON Lord Wrack .43- WON SYbTfcM CVCTru N No. 2. 0 Waywassamo .90- WON This wonderful system only had 10 losers out of Freezy Srteezy .20- WON M bet* at the last moetinga at Woodbine Aqueduct A„d numftronE others which Ipace does not per- and Jamaica combined; bast bet only hid 2 lisera. Jlt to mention. Last meetinrs at Lexington and Louisville combined pJay A J20 fut on eTery horse riTen at Hjtvre only had 3 losers; best bet only had 1 loser in 20 de Grace up to ud iBCiBdinr Monday. April 28th, days. In one week at the different tracks same shows a m of 0Ter 00 after daducting i system only had 11 losers out of 86 bets; best bet iotgM only had 1 loser. Get these systems and pick your A fut pUy on ewy Dorse giwn — Bowie own winners. Can be played at or away from the showed a profit of approvingly ,000 after de-track. Price in full for both only 0.00. Then. ducting a„ los808 after you get them and if they have not doze RESULTS COUNT and the above WINNERS just as I advertise, I will gladly return yonr money. prove it 0ne or two hmm daily NEVER MORE. _ Time is money. Dont hesitate. Wire subscription J. H. CROSMAN today and use W. U. or Postal. box 26 palmyra, iND. TERMS — Six Days service — 0 Square Deal ,000 * SPECIAL Two Kentucky Wonder Horses pporially ■*■ «-***«- fitted for these events. One goes at Ixn.iS- C|. . MJ. MV v ville in Clark Handicap Saturday May 10. kJLClI CO lYllJllUCly • LJlCLy %J Slioukl be 5 to 1. One goes in the Pimlico I A HORSE PraafOMM Monday. May 12. Should be 6 to 1. I .. . , . - ! will be pent to earn brackets on Mondav, Mav m%. ~r.„A,r „♦ investments at _ . TZ S verml other good ready ... ... , f„ .__._. . . 5th. Interested parties paid ,000 «™ for mfor- r I,uuisville. Kentucky Perby prospect has My mation antl parti .u!ars about this ,,crse. It been carefully fitted to whip WISE COUN- is my intention t« obtain players both big BBIiIsffB. ST. JAMES, SAItAZKN and other and small who eventually will be enrolled as racks. Should be lo to 1. TERMS— Win- clients to a sehct service which will give out liiiiSid of a 0 straight play, to be wired me j occasional adice on horses. aft r each horse wins. Send me to pre- | This horse, originally cut out for a stake pay first telegrams and your correct name j horse, has only new found his true form. If ajid address JOU want to wn a big bet on MONDAY send me .00 at once for incidental expenses. Rich Willis CHAS JelNS0N Seventh Avenue Hotel Louisville, Ky. 15-17 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Wammmmmmmm «r $ 149391493914939 1493914939 % m Little Visitor .00- WON j£* PREDETERMINED 2? WAS YESTERDAYS REST ~ Timr nnArrTf Results of Lonj Shot not known. •• I UKr I KUMl J ** No bunk: just the real good, from experts. MIRACLE SYSTEM I. oallonall.v «» Mailed direct the ni«rht before , .. , . «... known as for player— hard for easy SI 11.111 V IT 111 KWSNT4NIS SI ** ir layer." Has stoo.l tho ACID TEST for rr X r, j .00 TOT 6 Q3YS "* many yun. We roul.l not spend many * J thousands of dollar-, per annum ailvfr- HPwTVSHIMHBHs9|i I ** tisinic water i rou»li syrap — and con- *** W1 tfi¥f JSB J i s 4 7 Ta n [ Isil 4 1 i 4 1 Q •* """ " l u*ines«. old on installment tA Ij.f tllfikFMl v/ A will1 Ipikla BlH pa ments paid from your profit*. Abso- ■KJMaaagM|jVL4aLsKsWBy| v lotfly FREE. lOOpase racing manual. / """" •• review, sworn tratimonala. etc. Investi- 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago Kat« today and make your Boo lor olxy. •* . Public Relations Manager w SC0TPS FLAT BET SYSTEM f$ ■«-*="* fa Selects the plays from the entries without any •UlsV % 14939tt $ ? $ S S $ t Jj30 handicappins;. Flayed successfully at or away from th» track. All plays made before scratches. - - -- - Guaranteed to be as repr,s;ntcd or money re- funded. Sold to responsible individuals on easy — -- -— . _• - *••« terms. Write at once for FREE IHFORMATION. Pay A* IXMll Y OUF "l"OlltS 0. SCOTT TEE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing 1*12 Van Buren Street NORTH TOPEKA, KAS. and° n,:e* wiu *• m»iled y°u for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale ~ of play. For particulars mail this ad., with sssssslssssssssSsssVsssssssssssSssSssssVsssssssBsswBsssssssssVswS ycur address 8-1 SPECIAL NeXt OUt 22S Thirtieth St. Mumi Beach. Fla. BEE-BUS-MAT-CUP-PAY _««sis«is«sss— sssssssss«s«ssssisss™awB»ssss».«s«s«sss«sss»Mf HASMARSFLOODRAIN • : — Quick — Send .00 for Code No. 4 for MSrWrSSaSSSJc ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM 120 AllenWve. Galesburg, III. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO j ssstsssssssssssssssssssssssssssfsssssssssssssssissssstssssssssssssssssa., assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss • 141 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. j HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" WON Attention is drawn to the fact that this horse finished far out o1 the money in last three starts, but this office knew days ago that yesterday was the day. The name of horse cannot be advertised, as pel contract made in advance with those in authority. A 50 investment on each "Harvey Transaction" between April 14th and yesterday May 3d, inclusive, shows a clear profit of almost 0,000 after losses and cost of the information have been deducted. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation, simply awaiting favorable starting conditions. Subscription 00 must be telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription and to be assured of proper listing. Two phenomenal investments have been promised this office during the coming week — horses prepared under cover — which are expected to deliver the goods at good odds the first start. This office recognizes no competition. It has imitators, but no competitors. Borrowed copy, directly taken from our advertisements, is often responsible for the question, are we connected in any way with any one in this line of business. The answer is emphatically NO! The reason we do the largest business of its kind in the United States, and very soon in Europe as well, is the result of proven ability plus unlimited financial resources. TELEPHONES: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. Kentucky Pimlico mm**mm BIO SPECIALS THIS WEEK I will have two more BIG SPECIALS coins; this ■ ■ «j g* w weak. The first BIG SPECIAL starts Thursday, I ■ H/94- B £y www m "■ Hay 8. and my second BIG SPECIAL starts Satur-1 till DUlCaU y, May 10. I release from two to three OUT OF THE ORDI-SLITE 213 1350 Broadway HARY plays each week and I have now sent to Eff YORK CITY my «uent« THREE SUCCESSIVE WINNERS: tfinnA d c n w Permanent Wve 0.1 0- WON -a— and1U.UU Fays tor Une Winner vice-chairman .1.20-32 won tin nil Pouc fnr W.nn«J Tiinners B0ther .80- WON .uu rays ior oix The abovo wianm were filed hourt in advance I with THE DAILY RACING FORM and other TURF PUBLICATIONS. The results of Saturdays BIG Saturdays FREE to all 0.00 clients SPECIAL waa not known at the time of sending thU ad in. .00 SPECIAL AT TIMLICO uy offer is within the reach of all and I advise a heavy play on my TWO BIG SPECIALS rein* LnALUlJul, «bl 1.DU" PZ, tUH Wire me the winning of a STRAIGHT BET ■ 7 T the day after the race. WIRE OR WRITE at one* AGAIN TODAY-MONDAY """"harry a.parker 1 Bonth Eutaw St. Baltimore, Md. At Lexington we know all about another big | ~ - - - horse that goes for the money. Be In on this STAND BY SO SI RE ARE ME THAT THIS ONE WILL JJJg ADMIRAL SYSTEM j WO THAT WE GUARANTEE IT the EMPLOYED MANS SHEET-ANCHOR j The same as we do all wires released. A FLAT BET TO WIN ._ . :. - -. A Method Whereby the Player Plays Horses ! Our record at Kentucky this year: t0 Win 0nly _ „ _ _ , __ __ TrSES N0 PKOGRESSION BETTING BallOI BriiSh . . .2.80- A A_ ,.,ai WON Not necessary to obtain odds or results I race by race. An absolutely new and original method of arrangement and selection. Vice-Chairman . 6.00-S2 WON KEVS? wSS Zlzrtt past on small capital. No loop holes. No Kitty TrOXell. . . . .90- WON hcrses. No chance for mistaken selections. Every system horse is a positive factor be-q _ M O Ofi CO R/nM ore Ta-ce time every day. Small first pay- nOmp 4 IO.OU"3 £ WUIl ment and balance from profits. For full details and tabulated actual past results Little Visitor. . . ..00- WON — ADM|RAL CQMpANY Kitty Troxell .70- WON ■"■ ESggZfS*" — - WONDERFUL WINKING SYSTEM — ■ A cool, oo-servative n.o.hod wherein success ■■issssssssssVsssssMsslsssssssssssVsssVslsssssssssssassssssssssssslsswl is assured. Can be played at or away from the _. . .. a /% _A ,,._ ««.#»«. track, with large or small capital. It gives a few Marionette . . S13.70- WON roloct plays each week. Won big money on a SSSStASm tMtr STJS Mexican Tea . 2.20-S2 WON gives many good -priced winners. Were Two Long Shots Given Last Week RECENT WINNERS: Th; M-V„, KIRKLF.VIMiTOX 823.10-«a WOT? 11 WINNERS OUT*fFYlsT 16 ON OUR SAM MENGEL 0.50- WON ONE HORSE DAILY WIRE HI.IE MOOX I.00- WON Yesterdays Results Unkno»Ti raUAlHl WAVE 5-1 WON If you are looking for an honest deal, sub- LEONAKI J 2.50-$:: WON scribe for this service. AY LWGHOUM: 6.40-$: WON .00 FOR 8IX DAYS Kl. II aBRI 2.30- WON MONDAYS CODE SPECIAL: t»K»AttO«UI 4 1-2-1 WON March-Grap«-74.«-6«-97 Small payment down, balance as you win. Facts sssfsssfws— ssassaasssyJ. *lsssssssssssssssssssssssssssl regarding Systems that w-ill open your e; cs, free. l*% 4fl 1 ||TTrT|| jBBsC" 1 1 II I] SMlTll!li Write. sfclFalal»7a*tl"A. ~ —~ r .J I II tf *» ! If | fj tsf WATSON CORNELL s«iiiiii slssssssss«sssss*s4ksssslkts1 241 W. 45th St., Room Ml NEW YORK CITY 403, 22 W. ftUINCY ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050401/drf1924050401_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924050401_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800