Epinard And Sir Gallahad: Crack French Horses to Meet in Match Race at St. Cloud on May 17 or 19., Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04


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EPINARD AND SIR GALLAHAD I ! Crack French Horses to Meet in Match Race at St. Cloud on May 17 or 19. PARIS, France. May 1 — Twenty thousand francs and a gold cup will be at stake in the match race at six and a half furlongs between Fpinard and S.r Calahad, which has been ar- i ranged for May 17 or 19 at St. Cloud. | This match has been in prospect ever since J. fferson l avis Cohns four-year-old won the j Lincolnshire Handicap in England. It is quite likely that the match will be the iirst , start of the y» ar for the son of Badajoz and Epine Blanche. Pierre Wertheimer, owaer of Kpinard. is i much pleased at the completion of arrange- I nients for the match, lie is confident of the in suit and is going ale ad with plans for m ruling Fpinard to the Lnited States next month. Whether or not Fpinard will meet his engagements in Rutland before leaving for the United states is not definitely known but it is thought that he will be sent across the channel for one or two races before starting the long ocean MM age Sir Gallahad is a four-year-old son of Teddy and Plucky Liege. In Fngland he is known as Sir Gallahad III., because there have been two other horses of that name in i I i that country.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050401/drf1924050401_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1924050401_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800