Same Sparkling Zev: Champion of Last Year Makes Amends for Defeat in Paumonok.; Easily Accounts for Kings County Handicap--Rancocas Scores Triple Success., Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04


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i I , . | I j j , I , , j I : | | j | SAME SPARKLING ZEV ♦ Champion of Last Year Makes Amends for Defeat in Paumonok. ♦ Easily Accounts for Kings County Handicap — Rancocas Scores Triple Success. - ♦ — » NEW YORK. N. Y, May 3— Zev. the handsome brown son of The Finn and Miss Kearney, made amends for his defeat in the Paumonok, the opening day of the meeting, by easily accounting for the Kings County Handicap, which featured the first Saturday afternoon card at Jamaica. His stable companion Mad Play was the one to carry the Rancocas Stable colors to second place, while the Lilane Stable was third with Sun-sini. C. H. Thierrots Prince James was fourth, while Henry Altermans Homestretch, the remaining starter, was a badly beaten fifth. The Kings County was at a mile and a sixteenth and there was little delay at the barrier before starter Cassidy had the field on its way. Sunsini was the quickest to start. but he was closely pressed by Zev. Mad riay was the last one to leave. Going to the first turn, Sande sent Zev to the front and before a sixteenth of a mile had been run he was joined by Mad Play. The pair raced in this position throughout, while Callahan had Sunsini down next to the inner rail. Prince James was easily leading Homestretch, which was a distant follower. When straightened out on the back stretch, Sande still kept Zev in front, although he had a snug confident hold on his mount. Several times Sande glanced back over his shoulder looking for Mad Flay, but the three-year-old was always in close striking distance. Rounding the far turn there was a general closing up and it was here that Fair-brother, astride Prince James, made his move. Prince James responded with good courage. but his challenge was of no avail for the brown colt kept his lead, with ridiculous ease. Entering the stretch, Callahan, failing to find an opening on the inner rail, came to the outside and his mount closed resolutely under hard riding. However. Zev, despite his impost, drew away through the final eighth. Mad Play, however, was ridden out to stall off the fast closing four-year-old. Mad Plays performance was a thoroughly good one. and on todays showing, he will make his presence felt in his future engagements. The race carried an added value of ?:J,500 and was worth Jj.TOO to the winner. The victory completed a double for the popular Rancocas establishment, which had previously earned a purse with Sheridan. It was a crowd of more than generous proportions which journeyed to Jamaica for the afternoons racing. A touch of autumn weather, forced the patrons to wear outer wraps. Overhead conditions were of a cloudy and threatening sort, which were brightened up now anil then by a ray of sunshine. Wilbur C. Whitehead, racing for P. IT. Sims, and ridden by J. Burke was returned Continued on Mxtoenth page sameIparkling zev rontiniiod from f:rst pajse.l the winner of the op—tog race of the afternoon. Which engaged six two-year-olds under claiming conditions, GL C. Winfreya Bill Winfrey rnoei to second place, while B. Blocks Tod Biu—f was third. The winner displayed high speed from the start and set a fast pant tor the others to follow. Clear View raced in etanant pursuit, while Shanghai •was in third position. Hill Winfrey and Tod Jtonenar met with early interference which they both WON forced to overcome. Entering the atrotch, dear View slipped through next to the inner rail, when Wilbur C Whitehead made a wide turn. In the meantime Ei.l Winfrey and Tod Renesor had passed Bhanghai. and the former was racing on the outside. A sixteenth fan— home, the Wilson Olarter quit and the winner, under severe riding maintained his length advantage to the finish. It was in the final stride, that Bill Ojrtofiey took second place. The Raneaeaa Stable accounted for another race when Sheridan was an easy win-Tier of the Hopeful purse, which was a five and a half furlongs dash, ridden by L, Fator. the colt took the lead at once and kept it ah the way. to win eased up by a safe mar-Kin. Harry Payne Whitneys Margin raced to , ■aeani place, while the Oak nidge Stable. -was third with IVnza. There was but little time lost at the barrier. L. Fator took his I mount away to a Hying start and the son I of Sweep Iridescence never left the result in i doubt. Margin raced in closest pursuit, but after making a vain attempt on the stretch turn fraud the pnce too fast and dropped . back thoroughly beaten. Faenza finished resolutely on the outside and barely managed to OUtetojr*The World for the short end I of the puree. The totter was unfortunate in l the running and aaet with early totereferonce and this ruined any chance he might have - had. A. bulkjr band of maiden three-year-olds and over under claiming conditions composed 1 the field, that was carded in the third race - at throi punters. The winner turned up in l C Prancka Comedy, in an easy fashion over r c. D. nedteya Protocol, while J. s. rosdens : Wnrrenton was third. There was but scant [ I getay at the barrier and the field left in good alignment. Protocol set the early pace. 1 u: t was closely preened by Comedy. The totter • raced into the toad and at the end had speed ! In roaorve. Protocol managed to have a wide 8 margin over WarrentOQ at th - end. Lord J Bnean the public choice met with early interference and was practically eliminated. A Bold of fourteen platers paraded for the running of the fifth race, a three-quarters dash, and the winner turned up in Mrs, F. Kyers Raoohu dOro. in an easy fashion from V. K. Krafta Jyutee, while Mrs. a. Swenkes Despai was third. Jhe winner was a forward factor from the start and after racing the leaders into defeat in the final eighth. drew away easily. The final race of the afternoon witnessed the completion of a triple for the Raucoeas Stable when Sarzana. ridden by Karl Sande. got ap in tii - esoaiug atrhtoa to beat her Stable mate Superi-tte. while Harry Payne WhKaeya Elf was third. The latter, as the race wis run. was probably best. She wheeled when the barrier was sprung and was practically left. She closed a big gap to finish third. A. J. Olivier, who was associated with the racing projacl In Mexico city a few years ago. was a visitor at Jamaica today. According to Mr. Ohvi-r plans are in contemplation for resumption of the sport at that p mt. Trainer A. ;. F.lakely r-ports that the two-year old Ton;. Griffith, Which unloaded from Tijuana aJeh, 1 as shown no signs of recovery. The colt is suffering from Laryngitis. Ro-many is another in the same barn that is stricken with fever. Trainer Max Hirsch. in speaking of Sara-pena rnoa • a Friday, was highly pleased with the manner in which jockey Kununer rode the son of High Time Ruah Box. lie said, "The hors* broke on top. but was quickly outrun. Kuaaanor did the rijjht thing by taking Mm back. ]f he had not he would have met with Interference, and the result would have been that ha would be knocked hoick to !a* t place. Kunim-r rode a good A -e on htm and beyond that I have nothing D. te lu iay."

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