Daily Racing Form Charts: Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04

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PIMLICO Copyright, 1924. hy Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. PIMLICO, MD., SATURDAY. MAY 3. 1924.— One Mile. Third day. Maryland Jo-key Club. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Raring Commission, George Rrown, Jr. Judge at I*nrge, Carlos M. DcGarmendia. Stewards. Ocoige Rrown, Jr., Raker Waters and Frank J. Rryan. Placing Judges, .7. R. Campbell, Francis G. Riggs and U. P. Conkling. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, Frank .1. Rryan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 2:30 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, H blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. fTQrTET PT FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. Run as Second Race. May 1, 1922— 47%— 2— 114. Purse 4 O 4 OO ,300. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third. 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odis Strt 78592 PRIMROSE w 110 6 3 2*. P* U B Mrinelli W J Salmon 40-100 FROSTY DAWN w 110 4 2 ll 2« 21 B Ambrse K fl Hitt 5526-100 RED HAWK w 110 5 C 51 31 i"* C Ponco Glen Riddle Farm Stb l..Sfc-lOO FIRMAMENT w 110 8 8 4" 41 41 P Walls J S Cosden 1175-100 PRETTY BUSINESS w 110 10 5 6 5» 5J J McTagt W T Seipp tl35o-100 WISER w 110 1 1 3» 7» 6* E Barnes S Ross t BEAUTY CONTEST w 111 3 4 7 6* 7| N Huff E B McLean 3725-10 78553 DOROTHY GILPIN w 110 7 9 8 k 8» 8» F Stevens G E Stryer 7635-100 FIERY FLIGHT will 2 10 10 9i 9* G Walls E F Whitney 2l:!5-100 MARGARET ST. L. w 110 9 7 9 10 10 J Wallaco E Glasson 3105-100 fCoupled as W. E. Seipp and S. Ioss entry. Time. 33%, 48%. Track fast. mutnels paid Primrose, .S0 straight, .60 place. .40 show; Frosty Dawn, 7.80 place, .00 show: Red Hawk, 30 show. Equivalent booking odds Primrose. 40 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Frosty Dawn, 790 to 100 place, 330 to 100 show; Bed Hawk. 115 to 100 show. Winner — R. f, by 1 Itunus — June Rose, by Myraui trained by T. J. Healy; bred by Mr. W. R. Miller. Went to post at 3:06. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PRIMROSE raced close up from the start and. taking the lead in the stretch, held FROSTY DAWN safe all thiough the last eighth. The latter, a quick beginner, set a fast pace to the stretch, but tired when the winner oliallongod. RED HAWK ran well and, finishing on the inside, outgamed FIRMAMENT and PRETTY RISINESS in the final drive. Scratched — Chrysalis. 110: Mrs. Finley, 110; Thistlewood, 110. Overweight — Fiery Light . 1 p- und. nQ T7 K £* ~SEC0ND~RACE-2 Miles7~RuVaT~First~Race.—Eig-hteenth~RunninGREEN SPRING 4 O • OU VALLEY STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 4-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,150; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Inex Horses A WtiP St 4 8 12 U Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 75358 DAN IV. w 6 158 10 3 3J 23 23 1« 1» N Kenndy J S Cosden tl75-100 78631 QUIOKSAND w I 130 7 10 2* V* V 2» 2» J Pierce Middlo Neck Farm Stb tUa-100 73316IBULLSEYB ws 7 151 8 1 6» 6 41 3* 3« C Mergler J S Cosden t 75008 PIRATE GOLD ws 5 137 2 6 o1 7s 5» 4 k 4i W Bethel Greentree Stable 52130-100 78604 SH. A GLANNA. w 6 139 3 4 4J 31 3« 5* 5* W OConr Middle Neck Farm Stb t KN. OF GR.NANEws 8 143 6 9 9s 5* 65 0" 6la B Haynea Greentree Stable 3 75191 BOSS JOHN w 6 138 5 8 8* 4 7" 7" T C Akers Glen Riddla Farm Stb 1070-100 75035 COURTEOUS w 9 140 9 2 10 9 8 3 8 S Veitch W J Salmc n 2720-100 75101 DUETTISTE w 12 151 1 7 7»k S« Lost rider.D Byera J E Widener t00-10Q 78702ETHERL BLUE w 4 132 4 5 l1 Fell. C Jones J E Widener tf tCoupledas J. S. Cosden entry; JMiddle Neck Farm Stable entry; JGreentree Stable entry; tfJ. E. Widener entry. Time, 3:55%. Track fast. mutuels paid— J. S. Cosden entry, .50 straight, .00 place, .40 show; Middle Neck Farm Stable entry. .30 place. .40 show. Equivalent hooking odds J. S. Cosden entry, 175 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Middle Neck Farm Stable entry. 115 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Ex Veto — Deihadarra, by thatillon trained by W. Girth; bred in France by Count J. de Rrettes-Tliurin. Went to post at 2:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DAN IV. was waited with until in the last turn of the field, then w.ire tOUICKSANI down when called on and drew away into a long lead in the last quarter. tjIICKSAM raced into a long lead, but was made entirely too much use of and tired. RILLSEYE jumped well, but could not keep pace with the two leaders. ETHEREAL RLlE showed a high flight of speed and jumped well to the eighth jump where she made a bad landing and fell. DtEITISTE lost his rider at the eleventh jump. Scratched 732s9Sea Tale, 14S; 7S702 Houyhnhnm, 141; Xophime. 156. fmQmptrfm THIKD RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 10, 1921— 53%— 2 — 118. Gunpowder Purse. 4 O 4 9 4 Purse 81.S00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, J2C0: third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt EXTREME w 111 2 1 l4 1* 1* 1* E Barnes S Ross 615-100 PIQUE w 111 3 8 41 41 31 21 F Horn J Butler to-10i CONTRACT w 111 4 2 2» 2»* 2*1 3"k B Mrinelli W J Salmon J210-1OO BRIGHT STEEL w 111 9 5 6» 51 41 4» J Wallace J Butler t SENALADO w 111 8 9 8 7* 7» 5» E Gorman R T Wilson t 78701 CRUMPLE w 111 5 3 5»V 6» 51 6» E Ambrse K fl Hitt l.TW-hx BLENNKRHASSET wb 111 S 4 30 3 6» 7 G Babin M Hirsch 1210-100 TRAVBRS w 108 7 7 7» 8« 8* 8« P Walls R Parr 1 Ml TALL GRASS w 111 16 9999G Walls E F Whitney 515-100 fCoupled as J. Rutler entry; JW. J. Salmon and R. T. Wilsc n entry. Time, 23. 47%. 54%. Track fast. mutuels paid Extreme. 4.30 straight. .00 place, .60 show; J. Rutler entry, 20 place. 90 show; W. J. Salmon and R. T. Wilson entry. .70 show. Equivalent looking odds Extreme. 615 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. SO to 100 show: J. Rutler entry. 260 to 10O place. 95 to 100 show; W. J. Salmon and It. T. Wilson entry, H to 10O show. Winner -Uh. c, by Ultimatum — Lydia A., by Sir Wilfred itrainccl by W. Smart; bred l.y Mr. S. Ross. Went to post at 3:39. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: ■MCSal and third driving. EXTREME showed a high flight of speed from the Mart ami raeed into a long lead in the tiist quarter, but was tiring in the stretch drive. PIQOB improved his position steadily and finished fast and gaining. CONTRACT ran well, but tired in the last sixteenth. RLENNERHASSETT ran well la the stretch. BRIGHT STEEL ran a game race. TALL GRASS was green at the barrier and propped at the start. Sciatched — 7S592 Rernice Harrar. 113. rTQrCT Q FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. Nov. 6, 1922 — 1:11—5 — 128. Chesapeake Handicap. Pui-« 4 O 4 OO ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner yl.009: second. ?300; Ih.rd, 1200. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt iMlSDBFUTT wb 3 102 2 1 l1 1» li 1* J Wuiluce W J Howard Be-Mf 78707JLION DOR WB 8 122 7 3 2" 2» 21 li P Walls J K L Baca l.il-100 75226 MiEAU NASH w 3 102 5 5 51 3» 3» 3» F listings W J Salmon 7C.-1 0 75039 SCOTCH BROOM w 4 110 13 7» 61 81 4l fl Barnes S Ros ■ 2TSI-IIH 74644 BEES wb ■ lo: 0 10 10 10 9 5J T Brothrs W L S Martin LTlo-lH 78676 .MERCURY w 6 ll". 8 8 8« 7" 5" 6 F Sharpe. J MrMill.-n 07 1 -l.H 78707*MrKENN.V w B I 104 4 6 :;nk 4i 4 7" J Dawson O W Carnpb ■!! MBVM 78674 CAIT. COSTIN w t 1 14 10 7 6"; SJ 6 81 W Milner Q W Foreman t 74776 ♦REPRISAL w ll 106 6 9 9 01 10 91 C Tavlor W M Jeffords 21"-! 3 7867* ADMIRER w 4 101 ?. t 4h 5 Tokp R Ro;ulli Mrs T J Donahue MW-1U0 ■fCoupled as G. W. Campbell and G. W. Foreman entry. Time. 22%. 47. 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paid- Deputy. .40 straight, .70 place. .00 show; Lion dOr. .10 place, 4: show; Beau Nash, 40 show. Equivalent booking odd - Deputy. 320 to 100 straight. S5 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Lion dOr. 55 to UK place, 20 to 1H show: I.eau Nash, 70 to 100 -h. w. Winner P.. g. by Ambassador IV. — Rlue ISallot, by Rallot trained by M. Dniarest; bred ly Mr. Arthur R. Han.ock. Went to |msf at 4:14. At post 1 minute. Start goo I and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DEPITV took the lead at once and. making the pare fast, raced under restraint until in the homestretch, then drew away into a long lead. LION DOR raced in nearest pursuit and finished gamely, but could never get to the leader. REAU NASH was a forward . oiiteiieler for the entire ra. ••■ ADMIRER showed early spaed and was cased up when he tired. MtKENNA was eased up in the homestretch. SCOTCH BBOOM and P.EES ran well. S.iat.hed 7V.71 O Henry. 104. Overweight Bees, 3 pounds. ■■rQrTCrO FlrTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. No/. 5, 1920—158% — 5 — ICO. i First Running DIXIE 4 O 4 O Jj HANDICAP. 5,000 Added. 3-year-olds ard upward. Net value to wuui2r 4 840; second. ,000: third. ,000: fourth. ,000. Index Horsea AWlTSt % Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78584 MHACOLET w 6 116 2 2 13 U 8 4 l»k M Garner II P Headley 47r»-1» c 78706 MARTINGALE w » 120 1 1 11 1 11 1»k 2" C KVumr J S Cosden +.4..-100 73018 REVNUE AGENT w I 100 6 10 31 2»k -±* ;H 3j v Hstings A Cochran 2155-100 ConuuueU on fourteenth page. PIMLICO Continued from third par*- 757«5K. SOL.S ■!£ wb 4 115 9 7 4" 4» 21 2« 4« O Babln J B Smith 14S0-100 7*474 SIOT CASH w 4 118 5 6 8 8»k 4»k 5* B« A Johnsn A C Bostwick 1120-100 75555 MK MITT w 3 106 10 13 10« 10 » 7* 7» 61 J Merlmee H O Fisher 2180-100 78605»CHERRY PIE w 4 112 7 6 2» 3» 6» 9* 7» F Collettl Greentroe Stable J645-10H 7X678 i II. DBRNKS8 wn 4 120 3 3 6i 61 101 8« S» B Mrinelli B T Wilson 350-1O0 75745»II.AC,STFF wb 4 115 4 4 7»* 7» 6l 6l 9l I Parke H P Whitney X 78677 N AITICAI, w 3 98 8 9 91 9| 9«» 10* 10l J Wallace J S !"■■!— t 75305 RIAL.TO wb 4 115 12 11 11" 11 11 11 11 J Corcorn Greentree Stable t 784 74 MM. I NT STONE w 4 111 11 8 5"k 5» Bulled up F Sharpe J McMillen 550-100 tCoupled as J. S. Cosden eutrv: tGrcentree stable and H. P. Whitney entry. Time. 23. 48. 1:13**. 1:39. 1:59 5. Track fast. mutuels paid Chacolet. 1 .".0 straight, .40 place. .30 show; J. S. Cosden entry, 50 place. 30 show: Revenue Agent. 0.70 anew. Equivalent booking odd« — Chacolet. 475 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. 165 to 100 slow; J. S. Cos.lcn entry. 22.", to 1«K place. Mi to 100 show: Revenue Agent. 435 to 100 show. Winn.-r It. m. by St. Amant— Martial Note, by Carbine trained by J. H. Stotler; bred in England by I/ord Roscbery. Went la |M» t at 4:52. At post 3 minutes. Start pod and slow. Won driving: second and third the same, t HACOLKT ran a great race, met with much interference in the first quarter and was forced to lie eased up until she was last of :ill on the backsttetch, 1 ut gradually impmvod her position by working , lier way up on the outside nnd. finishing with a rush, wore the tiring leaders down to win in the final Mn.les. MARTINGALE et ■ fast pa e and carried his weight well, hut was driving to the limit at the end to outstay REVENUE AGENT. The latter was a f. rwanl contender for the entire race and made a PM iinh KING SOLOMONS BBAL made a desperate effort at the eighth post, but tired at the end. FLINT STUNK was pulled up while founding the far turn. Scratched 7*704 Roland. 90; 7S07S*Guld Rug. OS. Overweights Revenue Agent. 4 pounds; Mr. Mutt. 4. QTlCA SIXTH RACE— l~Mile. May 2, 1823— 1: 37 35— 4— 110. DruidHUl Purse. Purse ,500. • Oi vPvf 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, $£00. Index Horses AWtPPSt V* J, % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 75412 NKI.I.1K MORSK W US 3 11 V lJ 1* 1« J Merimee H C Fisher Mr-Mi ntllTANKBI PRlNCKSSw 110 4 3 4 4l 4» 4« 2» P Walla J ■ Cosden 665-100 75380 RELENTLESS w 103 5 2 2 i 2J 2J 2« 3J F Lee J E Davis 2160-100 78651 INAMV l.HOUNE w 105 2 4 3J 3| 3 3J 4» J Wallace Longridgo Stable 2SO-100 75442 tJl.NMACNE w 105 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 F Hstings W S Kilmer 690-100 Time. 23, 48. 1:13%, 1:39%. Track fast. mutuels paid- Nellie Hem. IK straight. .20 place, .70 show; Yankee Princesa, .20 place, 50 shew: Relentless. .50 slow. Equivalent booking odds Nellie Mi rse, 100 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Yankee Princess. IliO to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Relentless. 175 to 100 show. Winner It. f. by Luke McLuke— La Vcngauza, by Abercorn trained by A. B. Gordon; bred by Messrs. Krone and. Cleveland. Went to p. st at 5:Lti. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving NKLLIE MORSK began quickly and. setting a fast pace to the stretch, won in a canter. YANKKE PRINCESS raced well and utgaiued . RELENTLESS in the final drive. The latter was speedy, but much used in following the winner close up and tired. NANCY LANGUORNE saved ground on all the turns. 787ft1 SEVENTH RACE— 1 l-8~MiIe7 May 17, 1911—1:51—3—112? Purse .EOo! 4-year-4 O I Ol olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, £200. Index Horsea AWtPP St |f % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7S557,TR..IANLTS wn 5 111 6 3 4« 4» 4* 31 P J Chlmers C C Smithson Mr Ml 78079- FREEZY SNZY w 5 9 5 1 1 5» 5J 5» 4J P* L Lang J Arthur 6P.O-100 78542 HKI.L CATK w 4 112 3 2 7* 7» 61 51 31 F Stevens A C Bostwick 3-5-100 78652 ORAT QABL1 w 7 109 T 5 31 .1* 2l 21 4i ■ Scobie Kenton Stable 360-100 78«75,KKiM.] .ITE w 4 101 5 7 2» in 1J D 5» ■ Smwd ■ Oumrael 831-100 78647THK CAFF w 4 99 8 6 1 2J 31" 6« 6» J Dawson J J Farrell .Tr 5965-100 78703»SK,v MONARCH wb 6 106 4 8 6» 6 7« 7» 7 R Romlll Mrs T J Donahue 1983-100 78060 VERONICA w 4 100 2 4 8 8 8 8 8 F listings A P Doyle 6380-100 Time, 24%. 49, 1:14%. 1:41%. 1:56. Track fast. mutuels paid— Trajanus, .20 straight, .S0 place. .70 show; Freezy Sneezy. .30 place 10 ■hiw: Hell Gate. .20 show. Bpnvalcnt looking odds Trnjanus. 260 to 100 straight. TO to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Freezy Bneezy. 165 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show: Hell Gate. 60 lo 100 show. Winner Rr. g, by Rock View— Relgravia. by Ren Rrush trained by G. C. Rrenton; bred by Mr. Edward K. Sinims. Went to po t at 6:02. At ro=t 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Wrn driving: second and third the aamr. TRAJAN PS wore GRAY CARIES down in the stretch and won in the last stride. FREEST SNEEZY came from far back and finished fast. HELL GATE closed a big gap and finished with a rush. CRAY GABLES tired in the final sixteenth. RECUAR1TE quit after leading from the backstretch to the last eighth. Scratched 7**0S0*Lord Wrack. 105; 7S621 Old Faithful. 103; 78675 Ashland. IOC; 75714 Fornovo, 101. Overweight -Yen nica, 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050401/drf1924050401_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1924050401_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800