Hawthorne Improvements: Many Innovations Under Way at Old Cicero Course.; Buildings, Stables, Fences, and Grounds Being Given Thorough Overhauling--Space for Auto Parking., Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-04


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I ! i | j , i I HAWTHORNE IMPROVEMENTS: ♦ Many Innovations Under Way at Old Cicero Course. ♦ Buildings, Stables, Fences and Grounds Being Given Thorough Overhauling — Space for Auto Parking. » Several innovations will be installed ■ at Hawthorne that will materially help the con- I gestion and handling of the immense crowds on holidays and days when special events are scheduled. One going to Hawthorne will hardly recognize the transformation, even the infield has had a house cleaning. The crushed stone, cinders and other deposits left by I the United States government when they j moved from the ramp has been taken up by | superintendent "Billy" Myer and removed to the barn section and used for new lounda-I tions in the barns. Of the C50 stalls, all have been elug out a I foot, six inches of cinders installed and a [covering of day to proper level. The iounda-I tions of all the barns have been thoroughly inspected and approved by the builders, un-; der supervision of superintendent Myers, and all defective parts replaced. In order to be I perfectly safe, resident manager Charley ! Rssig had the building inspectors spend several days going oer all the buildings and what improvements they suggested will le carried out to the letter by the superintendent. The Cyclone Fence Company is installing a five foot ornamental fence in front of the grand stand, judges stand and paddock, the unsightly picket fence has been removed, and I the fence will be continued west in front of the section where the club house will be erected. The entrances both for the club section and the public will be protected by a fence of heavy galvanized wire eight feet high with a spear i oint top five strand barb wire, the gates will be well regulated and sufficient entrances to accommodate 50,000 if necessary. The 4Sth Avenue prates will be opened and accommodations ready for 10.000 automobiles. there will be no congestion as the cars can drive right in under a perfect checking system, their owners will be protected by insurance covering them fully. This system will necessitate a cyclone fence running from 4Mb Avenue west to the main entrance with various gates to be used for entrances and exit as required. The management have been careful to work out all matters for the accommodation of the public. Superintendent Myers has arranged to build a combination gallery in the paddock for the accommodation of the trainers, and horsemen generally. The gallery will face north and south, and will accommodate a thousand who can take- advantage of si eing the hot MM warm up, s.e them in the paddock being sad-, died and the parade to the post. Continued on sixteenth pase.J HAWTHORNE IMPROVEMENTS Continued from first page. The general arrangements have been changed to the days of old Hawthorne, the | stalls will be placed in the center of the pad-I dock and the horses will walk in a circle as I of old, the wire fences will be beautified with i shrubery and wild grape vines. Judge Murphy has not fully decided, but he I la seriously considering the removal of the bleachers at the east end of the paddock on account of their interference With the stretch sight. The feed barns and unsightly buildings along the east approach will be removed and the entire apnea will be used for parking 1 purposes. The grandstand will have many changes, a new line of boxes running the entire length of the grandstand, a new press stand directly east of the judges stand with i a separate entrance from the ground to ac-. commodate not more than twenty-five working reporters w.th a top all of glass, and protected from the tlements. Superintendent Myers started on the track i grading and leveling Friday and will have the track in perfect condition for the auto- j mobib s to ptactice on the coming week and | their competitions on Sunday. May 11. The Illinois Central is to budd several new I Ys so as to handle the big crowds and the approaehea will all be antorged so there cannot be any congestions at the entrances. ■vary point is being worked out by Man- lager Kssig after being sanctioned by Judge , Murphy, and when the gates are opened the I Chlcngo Buatoeoa Mens Bneaag Association i wi.i .show ou a real raco track.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050401/drf1924050401_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1924050401_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800