3rd Race [3rd Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-29

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Opfl RAPp 3""* M*«*- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May 27, lUJ-i PEPPER TEA. b. m, i 108 By Peter Quince— Green Pepper, by Rnskin. Trainer. J. Hays. Owner. J. Hays. Breeder. A. E. Hundley and Son. 79S20 M lights 51flKK fast 1-3 113 1 1 1» P J McCoy 10 Kerry Girl. Miss Etta, Bust Bob • 78578 Colmbus 51 f l:08%fast 3-2 108 14 W Smith 9 Stamp, Avispa, Pawnbroker J 7 8534 Colmbus Eft f l:12%slow 1 111 1* H Farland 9 Roma. Jago, Glenn • 77879 Havana H f 106%fast 3 i»i 3 1 1* t*ft .1 Dawson I Km! Man. Sun Rrae Scissors - 77203 Havana 51 f 1 :10 slow 3 101 5 3 4* 4 J Dawson 7 Findny. S Adams. Adventuress 76993 Havana 6j f 1 :10*islow 21 lo3 2 2 1"V 2" J Dawson I Stacy Adams. R.Rolt. M Liberty ] 7«.73 Havana » f POOfast 21 107 6 1 1 H ] Dawson 8 J Underwood. O Kelly. EndMa.n . 76330 Havana 61 f l:0;!£fast 2 6 112 2 1 1» 1| J Majestic 8 SpringVale, Bl.Babr Almirante 76196 Havana 51 f 1 07 fast 21 109 4 1 ll 21 J Majestic 8 Miw P.eulah. EM Man. Cupton J 76067 Havana 51 f l:06%fast 21 103 3 11 1" J Majestic 8 End Man. Ira Wilson. Glenlivet i OLD SINNER, b. g. 7 109 By Von Trcmp— La Sinaloa. by Emperor of Norfolk. - Trainer. B. Creech. Owner, B. Creech. Br«o4er. E. Cebrian. 79360 M.Hghts 3-4 l:16**slop 2 113 3 1 1 ll W Martin 6 Ettahe. Ar. Alexander. M.Mars j 79*79 If Hghts 51 f l:064fast 2 101 8 Lost rider. H Paden 9 Humble, Clem Theisen, Rig%vig J 78887 Cjlmbus 3-4 1:15 fast 27-10 113 ft H Paden 9 SpringVale. 1iiclcAlie. Arguta 78792 Colmbus 3-4 l:2PAgood 9-5 110 ?■* H Hay 8 Mat. Idol. GYcD gherty, Zululd 78658 ..lmbus Eft f l:0S%good 8 117 5* E Petzoldt 8 PgeStarr. WYhester. Kl.Jewll . 78596 Colmbus 5-8 l:02?sfast 7-5 113 1* C Gross 12 Rabylonian, Jack Pot. Zainer j CLEM THEISEN. br. g, 6 111 By McGee— Mary Michaels, by Liasak. Trainer. M. Goodi aster. Owner, M. Goodpaster. Breeder. J. H. Brown. 79361 M.Hghts 3-4 l:17**slop 21 113 10 1 1* 1* W Taylor 10 Delliimar. Ashhurton Dfounder • 79279 M lights E| f l:06Hfast 11 109 9 3 31 1*1 R Costello 9 Humble, Rigwig. Rliinegohl •. 78845 Colmbus Eft t 1:10 fast 9-5 109 1 W Martin IS Kilos. Dixie Dick. Sir Adsum 78655 Col n.bus ij f 1 OOgood IS 5 112 »» O Atwell 12 Arrowhead. Rojul. Recoup 77994 Havana 3-4 l:13%fast 10 112 7 11* 1-k C Bruder 11 Colossus, Punctual. Peter J. 77876 Havana 51 f l:07%fast li 106 4 3 2" 21 J Kessner 11 OKelly, Foul Weather. Kendall i RAPID STRIDE, ch. g, 7 103 By Rapid Water— Lady Ornaraa. by Ornament. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner, A. S. Eastman. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. ; 79240 M light 7-8 1 :28Vifast 3-2 113 5 8 7i 77 G WiamslO Dulton, LittleF lorence Proceeds ; 79153 M Hghts 3-4 1:19 mud 71 109 1 2 2 2« W Smith 9 Perhaps. Rusy Rob Dillon • 78134 Hunfton 51 f 1 07 fast and1 104 5*1 J Pevic 0 Zorro. Full oFun. ciiariieSumy , 78390 Hunfton ::-4 1 iH-fast 6 5 115 lh J Pevic | Haran. Rallynew. Ar. Alexander S 78297 Hunfton 1-4 l:U%faat 6 104 8 J Pevic 8 Old Sinner. GordonShaw Jolly . 78272 Hunfton 3 4 1 :14 ifast 29 10 115 14 J Pevic 6 f liarlesllry, RobBuker. iratian - 78059 Havana 3-4 l.lliigood 8 108 2 12 91 9 s F Kiniry 13 Sun lirae. Auntie Milliu, Scisbor.- - ANTICIPATE, b. h. 7 106 By Plaudit— Antipathy, by Ornament. ■; Trainer, E. C. Lucas. Owner, E. C. Lucas. Breeders. Morris and Alexander. •; 79319 M lights 51 f 1 :05%fast 21 113 7 7 7l 6* J Grusenll Sister Josella, Hughie. Col. Pat 7 79153 M lights 3-4 1.19 mud 5 112 4 7 61 5 J Grusen 9 Perhaps. Rapid Stride, Ru-vRob 79108 Map Hts 3 4 1:16 slow 81 115 3 7 74 7!S J Grusen S Arrowlnad. Col. Tenn, Colossus 78478 llunfton 51 f PlOVimud 1 113 1* J GrneisenlL* I«is.-esVliite. Gonini. Ft 1Tt i 78372 Hunfton 51 f 1 :08*sfast 91 113 CJ1 J Crun s-n 10 Angela. RaiKlalsRl Ijiss Wliite 77889 Jeff-raon 3 1 l:16*imud . 120 5 5 6 C W Lilley 10 Piedmont, Poor Sport. Simplicity T FULL O FUN. b. g. 4 111 By Jack Atkin— St. Theresa, by Marathon. Trainer. R. J. Howell. Ownf. R. J. Howell. Breeder. C. T. Worthingttn. 7 79402 M lights 3-4 1:13 good 51 117 .! 4 31 31 G Wiams T ■— laltf. GayBnyll . KyeRriglit 7 79191 M lights 3-4 l:M1ftatoW 13-10 112 6 4 2i 2 I McAffe 0 iordou Shaw. Ettahe Stamp 7 79112 M i; Hts Eft f P07%slow 37-10 103 2 3 2* Eft J M Coy .8 Jolly. louanna. Rattle Shot 7 78927 Colmbus 2-ll:15%fast 8 113 1* T Ronham 0 Jago. MauJeliarvey. Ch Sponsor 7 78820 Colmbus 3-4 l:17*4slow 74 112 t*ft aj rartaad S Jago. Rahfull. Jolin Joseph 7 78684 Colmbus 61 f 1 25*sIop 10 105 1* H Karrnd 6 Stamp. Delliimar Times lp 7 7 78561 Colmbus 3-4 1:16%fast 13-5 110 8« C OMahyll Delhin.ar, Mateeldol Osaleen 7 78434 Hunfton 5i f 1:07 fast 71 10S 2* W Martin U Zorro, Char.Summy, Stoue Age 7 I ! , : t . ; . I j MAUDE HARVEY, ch. f, 4 104 By AWescot— Belle Scott, by Contettor. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner, J. B. McGinn. Breeder. G. J. Long. 78927 Colmbus 3-4 MSftfast 41 102 31 H Hay 6 Full o Fun. Jago. CbiefSponsor 7884 7 Colmbus 3-4 115%fast 61 100 4*1 H Hay 8 Sun Rrae. Stamp. Spring Vale 78410 Hunfton Eft t 1 :06%fast 6 91 1* H Hay 7 Theo. Matinee Idol. The lister 78339 Hunfton 51 f l:07%fast 10 100 V H Hay 12 Geo. Starr. Gwithim. RillRIkwl 77670 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fast 30 101 4 5 4" 4» II Hay 9 Stargo, DanRolling, RoundRobin 77314 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14 Sfast 30 102 5 4 41 6» H Hay 12 Rrookdale. oral Reef. SpyKl.a 77100 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 50 102 « 4 «l 74 H Hay 8 Paul Micao. Guvnor. arnarvoo 77057 F.Crnds 3-4 1:11 fast 59 105 7 10 11 11*1 H Hay 11 Coral Reef, Guvnor, Daydue ARROWHEAD, b. g. 7 106 By Uncle— Xarco. by G. W. Johnson. Owner, J. W. Harwood. Breeders. Headley and Miller. 79443 M.Hghts 2-4 l:ll%fast IS 106 6 8 8 5« H Hay ■ MdyRose. T.dHneur. I.Mieou 79108 Map.Hts 3 4 1:16 slow 33-10 107 4 4 21 U D McAffe S Col. Tenn, Colossus. John Josepn 78792 Colmbus 3-4 l:21Migood 6-5 115 Pulled up. W Taylor 8 Mat Idol. OldSiiir. G. el gherty 78738 Colmbu-i 3-t IdHftatalf 31-10 106 1» W Tayloy » Jago. laactaa. Camoiiflagi- H. 78655 Colmbus 51 f 1 :09%good 6 5 11". I1 W Taylor 12 Rojul. Recoup. I.ieutenantP kins 78562 Colmbus 54 f 1:09 fast 6 113 5» W Taylor 13 Ceorge Starr. Attoo. Zoona 78521 Columbus 51 f l:10*igood 11 5 109 2* W Taylor 12 Zoona, Dangerous Rock, Attoo DALTON, ch. g, 5 111 By Lough Foyle— Woodlan* Nymph, by Allan-a-Dale. Trainer. J. A. Bowera. Owner. J. R. Clark. Breeder, f. A. Buchanan. 79406 M lights lmTOy l:43good 16 112 4 1 :« 4«1 A Roach 7 Louanna. Eunice Railey. Murray 79322 M Hghts 3-4 lllfast 13 111 8 3 6 3» R Costello 9 RachelD.. GayRnyll , Tliellster 79240 M.Hsht 7-8 1 :2S"ifast 17-5 113 9 5 3" 1 A Roacn 10 Lit. Florence. Proceeds, Tulane 79153 M.Hghts 2-4 1:19 mud 43 112 7 6 5* 4T A Roach 9 Perhaps. Rapid Siride. Ku«yI!ob 78867 Colmbus 5J f 1 OSTgfast 5 113 6"! A Roach ■ Humorist. Ethel II.. Mad Neil 78764 Colmbus Eft f l:12hvy 17 112 4* A Roach S Crest wood Hoy Pearl Roots. Zoona 78549 Colmbus Eft f 1:11 fast 4f 113 12 •• W O-gan 12 Cck o theRoo t, Fleer, BusyBob HOPEFUL, b. g. 8 103 By McGee— Pink Rose, by Fonso. Trainer. C. H. Morrison. Owner. C. H. Morrison. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 79193 M.Hghts 5i f 1 :08fe.slow 41 101 7 7 7* 6*1 W Taylor 8 Rig Sapp. Lieut. Perkins. Jago 75333 Hunton 11:40 fast 7 108 3 H Click M Fim astle. Dant/.ic. Overstep 75207 Huntgton 3 4 1:16 mud 11 !09 8,:C Bruder 8 Zorro. Mat. Idol. Joyc elloffinan 74990 Huntington 51 f 1 :08 fast 13-10 109 2h W Smith 8 F VtPulIet. Ed«iarrison. P.ally w 74836 Hunton 1 1:40 fast 9 102 4»| H Glick 7 JohnMorrill. foluiu.Tenn. Scraps

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052901/drf1924052901_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1924052901_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800