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, ■ 1 ! ; I , • • • • I ■ • ! ! ■ • • ; 1 . j Aih DAPC 7-S Ml,e- 4-year-ol«lM and upward. Claiming:. May 21. 1021 H-lll ilrlbL 1:2 1-5 4 HO. NAUGHTY NISBA. ch. m, 5 95 By The Manager— Daisy Piatt, hy Marta Santa. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner, D. Breckinridge. Breeder. S. C. Lyne 79380 Churchill 7-8 1 :27V.. a st 6-3 102 2 1 1» I*| 1 Parke I Bcb. Shea, J.Q.Kelly, Longboat 79298 -huivhill 8-4 LLMfcfttst 9-5 108 10 6 61 4* M Garner 15 Jakiclla . RoyalPalm lxmgboat 78976 Chur.hill 3-4 1:15 MM 9-5 111 9 6 6J 6" M Garner 10 Sandalwd Ixmghoat R F Clark 78748 Lexttoa 3-4 l:n%tmat 27-10 101 1 2 3» 3= D Mergler 9 Minus, Pr.Politician Cmmi F 62910 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 7 103 3 3 3* 3« W Poo! 5M.Winsor. J.Bowdre M Falh.n 62830 Latonia 3-4 1 :!"sfast 23-5 102 7 3 11 11 J Owens 8 Ararat. High Cost Lina Clark 62720 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 22 5 106 1 6 6 5«1 W Poo! 5 Jean.Bowdre. MarWmsor Mom 62661 LatMHt 3-4 l:12?sfast 17-10 103 3 1 1» 2» A Wilson 7 Gangway, Dor.Buckncr. Bonus AUNTIE MAY. ch. m 6 99 By Uncle— May Hempstead, hy Patron. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, A. W. Young. Breeder. Headley and Miller 79262 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 13 5 114 3 3 4» 3-J I Parke 11 GIvn. Floating On Llewellyn 79130 Churchill 7-8 1:27 mud 7 113 3 4 4* 4*1 E Pool • Dar.zler. John Finn Blotter 79038 Churchill 1 lOT.good 16-5 109 2 1 | 1 E Pool 6 Mist. Mary. JnIIoshor MrCrel 75491 Churchill 3 -4 1 nVsfast 8-5 111 4 3 3J 3 E Pool 6 GIvn. J.*U. Kellv Blanche Mac 75433 hurchill 8-4 l:ll%faat 24 10713 8 8 8" B Pool 8East.B.lls. Grtjaz MossFoxlI 74975 Latonia 3-1 l:;3 4fafct 14 109 7 6 4 4« E Pool 8 E. Bells, Bill OFlynn Harry Jj" 73948 Varum 3 4 LUhvy 13-5 10S 2 4 4» 4" W Kelsay 8 Certain, Donges. Glyu BRUNSWICK, h. g, 6 103 By Frizzle— Country Fraud, by Deceiver. Trainer. C. H. Trotter. Owner. E. Trotter. Breeder. L. A. Lyne 78971 Churchill 3-4 113%good 51 111 1 1 11 11 J Wallace 8 Sequel. Widgeon Ben Bolt 72797 Kenilwh 3-4 1 :ll%faat 7 99 6 1 ll 1» J Wallace 11 Mercury, Speedy Girl Wake D ■ 72627 FortErle 61 f l:10%mud 7 107 8 5 6 SJ J Wallace 7 Tidings. Peter Piper Far East 72097 Kenilwh 3 4 l:12-Lfaat 7-5 100 4 1 BJ 21 J Wallace 12 Wake Up, Ogante Claymore 72030 Kenilwh 3-4 l:12-fast — 99 5 4 61 6» J Wallace 10 E.Rkenbachcr. S I -mon H Man 71173 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 15 110 9 7 6" 6« J Wallace 11 Dr.llickuian. Lugs, MarineCorps MODNA. br. m. • 98 By Sain— BeUo Scott, by Contestor. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner. H. D. Bell. Breeder. G. J. Long 79257 Church, 11 1 1:40 good 9-5 103 4 4 1| 1« G Ellis 12 Westwood. Widgeon Sway 79133 hurchill 3-4 1:14 mud 3-2 100 2 3 11 1« G Ellis T W.KwsMe. RapidDv BtherJn 790C1 Churchill 3-4 1:12%faat 8 103 9 6 61 3*1 G Ellis 12 Cobweb. Sequel Longboat 76532 Churchill 3-4 1 13Vifa»t 31 106 4 4 4 4» B Harvey 8 Rustem. Macbeth Gordon Shaw 75451 Churchill 3-4 1:14 faat 7-5 107 4 3 ll 1* ■ Blind 9 Ben Bolt. The I Hill I Or ovi 7506: latonia 3 4 1:11 hvy 11 102 7 6 4 4* F HstlngslO Rubv. Sew. Comhs, Colored Boy 74659 Latonia 3-4 1 : i:iast 21 96 5 S 3 H I Parke 12 By Golly. Lord Allen C Henry 74257 Latonia S-4 1:13fast 12 109 10 3 31 31 W Lancet 12 Blartha Fallon, Fmdav Antoniii 66011 latonia J-4 1 Hf 95 7 I 4» 2* C Ralls 12 Lag* Quanah. Banker Brown PEQUOT. ch. c. 4 m By Hilarious— Halesla. by Martinet Trainer. R. T. Watts. Owner. R. T. Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. 79175 Cl.ur l.,ll I 1-16 l:48%at*p 1:1 113 1 2 HUG Ellis 6 yuesadi. lUcheMa. Kklevgton 79038 Churchill 1 l:3Jl%good 13 6 110 1 6 6 6" B Griffin • AnntieMav. MistM.-rv J Hosier 78944 Churchill 1 1:42 hvy 3 108 7 6 3 H S Griffin 8 Allie Ochs. Ruby. Escarpolette .7936 Jc-fferson 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 8 115 4 1 1* 1« F Thdykell Our Star. Servitor Kent L 77630 F .Grnds lm70y l:43%faat 20 101 3 6 C 6»1 B Brening 6 Edd Gray. Sympathy, fj ~ *I8 J7j40 F.Urnda 1 1-2 2;3Jfcfa»t la 83 3 1 tl 2J W Thdyke I Brunell. Old Faithful. Iriah Pat TRIUMPH, ch. c, 4 112 By Theo. Cook— March, by Samson. Ki Trainer. M. GoldblatL Owner M. GoldbUtt. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 7921* TT J tim 11:43 hvy 23-10 113 4 3 3* 3« I Parke 4 BlucNose. Ang.Maid. Newmkt .8 79039 Churchill 3-4 l:12*good 15 115 9 9 8" 8" W Lilley I BkfastBcll. It.Mntain. S pithy 77475 KGrnds 3-4 l:14%slow 11-10 116 6 5 6 5«1 I Parke 5 Calcutta. Jas.K.O Hara. Dncky .« NNI KGrnds 1 1-16 l:47VkBood 20 104 I 8 7 7 C Allen 8 BarVuda. UoKeatelL, L,. Madcap H1 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42%slow 9-5 108 5 1 ll 1»* I Parke 7 Sedgefield. Barracuda. Solisa 76527 lCrnds lm70y 1 :46%slow 1 107 4 1 ll 1 I Parke I SettingSun. FlyrngDevd. Trnm:i 7g 76462 r.Grnda 3-4 l:13fcfast 11-5 101 3 3 3 2» I Parke 5 Sec. Thoughts. Jo:inFinn, OulOul J. 75220 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 41 105 5 3 2» 1« E Blind I Certain. Glyn. Sympathy 74895 ltonia ll:38%fast 7 102 3 4 3 2» I Parks 6 ..Madcap. J Bowdre. Barracuda 74732 I-atonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 11-5 98 1 4 3 3» I Parke 5 LyClian-.p. Barracuda. Bet. Luck 74560 I-atonia 1 1 16 ! : 5%fast 7 103 4 2 21 2i A Wilson « Post Haste. Belzom. Wlda 74459 latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 11 103 8 6 61 il B Harvey 8 Gstof Honor. I. Madcap. Iielzonl A. BODY GUARD, b. c, 4 108 By Golden Maxim — Melisande, by Disguise. -s Trainer. H. J. Thompson. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. M- » 75258 Pinliro 3 4 1.12 fast 61 105 4 4 5 :," C W Troll 0 J.lirass, Wellfind.r. Dim esdal« 7428S 1-i.tonia I 4 1:ll%fast 20 110 2 2 2* 3i C Ponce 7 Whkaway. K.Pli torn B dalhanc 73981 MwdMt I II llTUm 41 125 2 3 3 4«1 L I.yke -t Osprey. Tolly Ann. Reparation • 4» 3»1 C Ponce 6 Osprey. Moonraker. I ittston CI 73457 H.lmont 3-4 1 :10Si,fast 4 114 1 3 72954 Saratoga 3-4 111%fast 12 109 3 5 5« 3 C Ponce 10 LastKtraw. Bigheart Ind.Trail 72559 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%fast 10 111 2 4 ol 4» A Wilson 14 Possible. Battersea. Sun Queat Fi TEN SIXTY, ch. f. 4 93 By Trap Rock— Princess Cos. by Caughnawaga. Trainer. S. Chenault. Owner. H. P. Gardner. Breeder. H. P. Gardner. / 75513 Chun hill 1 1 16 1 :47%fast 31 100 1 1 4 ll D Jones 5 Isosceles. Klias .. Miss Meise 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :46«4goo.l 14 99 1 1 2* 45 D Jones S GrcatLu* k. Ml— Malay. Mis. Mary 75188 latonia 1 1-1G 1 :49andir.ud 41 100 2 3 3« 3" D Jones C Cntr.ed. Tony Beau, QMCtBW 74774 I.atonia I 1 16 1 46%fast 12-10 95 3 4 4* 4*1 D Jones • WlioK.Me. Q.WHWI 74692 1-atonia lm70y l:43%fast 3 94 2 4 2 21 D Jones 11 No.mat. Widgeon. Uoscles •; LLEWELLYN, b. h. 5 108 By Luke McLuke — Agnes Virginia, by Sir Dixon. 71 Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeders. J 0. and G. H. Keene. 71 79262 Churchill 3-4 113 good 36 114 11 11 6» 4«1 D Mergler 11 *.lyn. Flting On. Auntie May 7: 78612 Lexgton 1 1 45Uhvy 21-10 110 5 1 3» 3» D Mergler % fclwipilrlff. Planet. Rig Crass T, 78584 Ixgton lmTOy l:47«imud 10 101 5 3 4» 5» D Mergler C Chacolet. BIueNose. Barracuda 7 78382 I.owio lm70yl:47 fast 26 104 4 4 5*° 5«i D Mergler I TonyBeau. TopKeigt. Sliamr k 78334 Howie 11-16 1:49 fast 35 103 7 6 6* 5° D Mergler 7 Thorndale. Rama. Reparation * 78311 Bowie lm70y 1 :48%fast SJ 101 5 4 3 :.i D Mergler 5 GoldcaBillows. Shamrock. Eager 78266 Bowie lmTOy l:47%good 28 102 6 5 5» !»• D Mergler I Rama. Setting Sun. Oppcrman J 77975 Jefferson 11-16 1:52 mud 9 6 110 3 3 2» 2* F Murphy 7S.Aroou, Win.TakeAll. O.Henry « 77935 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:S0%hvv 4 103 3 1 3" 3"* D Mergler »! Bnslabout. Rama. Barracuda « 77847 Jefferson 1 1 16 l:4S%fast 3 106 1 4 31 11 D Merger 5 Tub.dHouVur. Isosceles. LiIyM. " LUGS h g 5 106 By Bulse — Princess Thorpe, by Woolsthorpe. 7 Trained. R. Bolton. Owner. M. J. Cooke. Breeder. J. W Parish. 7: 79386 Chun-hill 11:39 fast I 115 5 4 3- Ill, l.yke 7 WarPrize. Privilege, Bal. Brush ,. 79133 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 51 115 5 4 41 5" N Barrett 7 Modna, W KnwsMe. Rapid Day ,, 79063 Churchill 1 l:39*fast 8 118 5 1 1* U M Barrett 8 Ool-ala, BMW -hloader. Uoldgold 77871 .I-fferson 3-4 l:14%fast 10 114 12 6 4 2» I Parke 13 Vacuum. Longboat. I Ifty-l ifty 77742 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:48 fast 12 106 6 5 51 6» B P.reninglO Esearpoletle. Tody. Richelieu 77712 P.Gr-adi 1 1-16 l:47%fast 8 1121 7 4 6» 7»1 J Owens 8 JouJoti. Highspeed. ThreeSquare • 77649 KC.rnds 3-4 l:13%fast 4 109 3 4 41 3«1 I Pr.rke 9 QunChmg. Wirebone. I.Th glu * 77344 FUrnds 3 4 l:14%good 8 117 4 3 31 3i L McDottlO Ruby. GoldenBillows. PoorSport ■