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C4U Dipr .5-4 Mile. South Park Parse. .1-yeap-oldn and upward. Fillie* T Olll nAUt and Mares. Allowances. May 4, 1J-*1 1:11 i !-«• 7 7 ALICE BLUE GOWN, gr. f, 4 110 By Luke McLuke— Carene, by Grey Leg. y. Trainer, G. H. Keene. Owner, J. 0. and G. H. Keene. Breeders. J. 0. and G. H. Keene. 79260 Churchill 3-4 l:12,igood I 107 5 5 Z1 3" L McDott • Buster. Dustahout. leopardess 78725 1-exgton o-4 l:U5V5good 8-5 115 6 6 31 3*1 J McCoy I Iveen, T.n-I-ec. Possible 75494 Chun-hill 1 l:37%fast 6 106 2 2 3» l!U McCoy 9 Make Up. llerenion. Belzom 75454 Churchill 11:39 fast 21-10 102 1 2 ll H J McCoy 6 Wild Life. Oui Om. Dustahout • 75276 1-atonia 3-4 l:ll%fast 8-5 106 2 3 ■ 3 J McCoy 4 Crayon. Oui Oui. Sweetheart • 75030 I-atonia 3-4 l:13Hmud 61 106 1 3 3« 2« J McCoy I Swtheart. MarvinMay. Jim. Daw 74772 I.atonia 3-4 1:ll%fast 18-5 100 3 4 21 U J McCoy S Ten-Tec. Blo .Time. Cho t ho 74G90 I.atonia 3-4 1:11 fast 11 99 11 10 8 6«l J McCoy 12 Dr.Hknian, Ten Lee. Sw tlieart 74412 I-atonia 3-4 1:12 fast 4 104 2 1 2» 21 J McCoy 6 Pegasus. TendeiSeth. Ind.lrai. DUST FLOWER, ch. f. 4 107 By Peter Quince — Stick Pin, by McGee. 7 Trainer. 3. C. Milam. Owner. J. C. Milam. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 7 78725 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%good 33 108 2 3 5! 5»1 J Pevic 6 I-nveen. T. n I-ee. AliceRlueG wn 7 73728 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 12 97 4 4 4» VI I Parke 0 R.onTime. Mar.May. Prec.Lula 7 73682 Lgton 3-4 l:12%fa«it 20 107 9 9 1010,;M lamer 13 Dr.Ilicknian. Translate. LilyM. E 72762 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%good 20 112 5 7 7 7" M earner 7 Avis:i k. Fair Phrintom. MM 72669 Saratoga 3-4 1 :ll%fa5t 15 109 3 6 7» 61 C Lang 8 Goshawk. Wellfinder. padlock , 72506 Saratoga 3-4 1 :ll%fast 20 118 3 4 41 6" M Ganer ■ MissStar. SallysAlley, Possible , 70083 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 37-10 113 4 7 6» 6 M Garner 13 Actuary. BoysBel.Me, Flagstaff 7 LEOPARDESS, b. f. 3 105 By Dominant — Fresnay. by Meddler. J Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. • 79260 Churchill 3-4 imigood 41 101 3 1 41 4» I Parke 0 Buster. Dustahout. Ali.-eBlueC.n • 78590 H deXlce 5Jf l:0i%fast 3-10 110 1 2 2» 2«1 L McAtee I BlueMoon, Ncyl/thorne. Just 75810 Bowie 1 l:45%mud 33-10 108 6 4 71 6« L McAtee 10 Tree Top. Rinkey. Donachee ] 75630 Bowie 3 4 l:13%fast 1-2 109 2 1 ll ll L McAtee 9 Exploit. Mar.Martin. RomanGirl 74055 H. leC.ce 54 f 1 :05=sfast 3-4 105 5 1 li 1» L McAtee 8 McAuliffe. K.s Ransom. S.Uidy 7 71577 Aqueduct 5-S LOOVjmud 2 112 8 2 21 2! J Corcoran 8 Fluvnna. Hmorette, V. Moments 7 71060 Aqueduct 5 8 58Hfast 4-5 112 6 6 6! el F Colletti 12 Initiate, Pond Lily. Fluvanna 7 7 BOBS MARY, b. f. 3 98 By Helmet— Fortitude, by Magellan. - drainer. H. J. Thompson. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 7 79301 Churchill 7Sl:25M fast 71 101 4 1 5 » 6S1 C W Coll13 BourhonBoy, iihlon. LordMartin . 75555 Churchill 1 l:37%fast 47 119 6 9 9 :i-! Q W "rolllO W.Cwtlr, MadPlay. hilhowee » 75475 Churchill 1 l:38%fast 9 102 1 2 3» 3* G W "roll C Bl.Gold. K .GorinlL. P.Maloney , 75340 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 good 9-5 111 6 5 61 5« J W "rollll Batsman. A.B.AIidem. Bon. Omar 73221 Saratoga ::-4 1 :12Hgood 10 112 14 13 13113" L. I.yke 15 Diogenes, Bracadale. Sunspero * 73073 Saratoga 51 f l:05%fast 16-5 112 4 2 2 1 C Ponce 14 Ilourmore. Boh Cahill, Graeme . VERA VENNIE, b. f. 3 98 By Colonel Vennie — Trick Wing, by Downpatrick. 7 Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner. J. Livingston. Breeder, J. B. Respess. 7 77802 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14Vifast 15 102 12 7 7k 6J D Mergler 14 Pathan. StakeMe, genCharming : 7 77609 F 111 llUfclJ 6 99 2 1 21 3*1 D Mergler 9 Fred* ricktown. Anne, Ducky 7 77387 KCrnrts :; 4 l:13fast 15 101 7 8 8» 7s L Ing 9 MahJong. BrilliantCast. Iuvictas 1 7 76148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 13-5 107 4 1 2l 2 H FarlandlO Thorndale, Bee, Payman 7 76027 Jeffeison 5-8 1:02 good 12 108 6 3 ll l H Farlandl2 KhyDelle. P th.ina. QnCharm-; ! 7 75864 Jefferson 5i f l:10%hvy 8 102 5 1 1* I* H FarlandlO Bamra. SrthsKlower. B. Wright £ 72989 Saratoga a£ f 1 :06%fast 20 110 4 5 41 Fell. J Corcornl.l SunLady, Postillion. PhoebeSnot 71396 l.aton;a 51fl:115thvy 18-5 100 4 2 H 1» T BrotherslO Frontiersman. Devil Girt. Glid* 70988 Latonia 6 8 1:00 fast 14 112 6 5 5 50 J D Mneyll Alchemy, MayLoyd, Ly Mariai . PEARL MESTA, b. f, 3 101 By Wrack — Little Flower, by Star Ruby. ] Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeders. Hancock and Gwathraey. 75535 Chun-hill 7-8 1:26%fast 156 108 3 6 6* 10»1 E Martin 14 DareSay. MahJong. Break. Bell I j 75249 latonia 3 4 l:13%slow 28 103 6 4 I" 5« J McCoy 7 Pat. Creek, C ;iln.ore. htlhowee . ; 75066 I.atonia 2 4 l:15%hvy 9 310 3 4 4» i- K Scobie ." BlaekCold. Battle Creek, Energy , 74937 Latonia 51 f 1 :06%f ast 28 108 4 2 2l I* ■ Scobie MlUalllMI, LadyFoi, B.Agnes 1 ; 74512 I-itonia 3-4 1:12 fast 6 105 7 4 61 8" J Wallace !» Beau Butler. Bob Tail. Clarence 74204 Latonia 51 f 1 :07%tast 14-5 115 4 1 ll 11 E Scobie 12 LyLgridge, Medina, Waukulla , 7S674 Belmont Ll t l:05%fast 16-5 114 1 2 2l 3s E Scobie 11 Lady Belle. Rinkey, Pris.Ruley r