Akron Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-29


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AKRON ENTRIES ! 7 *! — — The figures tinder tlio heading "Rec." in J the entries below show the best time of esch horse at the distance since January 1. 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other ihan a fast pi or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. - ■; O 76460 IS FIItST INDEX OF 1»24. P 78688 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Raring starts at 2:30 p. m. Oii ago time, 2:30. ®Sii|ici ior inn. I runner. XOond mud runner, sjtrsir mini runner. M Maidens. •Apjirentlce alluvvuncp. lilllinkera. Tlio following abbreviations are used to *t designate tracks at which time records » shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. TP Aurora An Kenilworth Ko ; Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Kl Bowio Bo Latonia !• Churchill Downs CD Laurel lu l* Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Comieaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Dn Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Ro Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Foit Erie FE TanfoTan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre do Grace HG Tijuana Tl * Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Eace — 5 1-2 Furlongs. i Purse 00. 3-jcar-olds and upward. Claiming. J s*ktjr*a M. Horse. Wt. rtP0. A. Wt. H:ii 79503; Antilles MH 101 l:07"-f. C 104x72." 79154- Primus Sa 115 1 :08:h; 4 10W..720 79502 Milda Ti 110 1:08 8 1t4x7ir 79458- Avalanche Ja]13 1:07s 4 111x715 79502- Basjgftsfl Jl* 111 1:00 5 111.. 710 79337 Miss Kankin . .Hv 108 1:08- C IWxTlO , 75260 Elga To 105 1:08 8 10S»x710 l 79407 Dickie W » 111X710 79049 Kapidan Mil 114 l:08b 7 111x70."; 79464 1* Drole Sa 114 1:08 3 W. .705 79374 Arapahoe Oft 107 l:13»is 6 111X700 79454 »Ura Bonnet M. Hv 112 1:08. 4 101. .700 79503 Sacajawra ...MH 110 1 :08*r. « 107X700 75288 I.Comt Up Ti 110 1:08*5 8 10!»X700 79251 bP.ab to 111 1:08 5 109.700 79456 Mat-hiavelli . .Mil 115 1:07% 6 111X700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tursc 00. o-vcur-olds and upward. Claiming. 79410- BILL BLACK - WELL Toll3 1:06«s 7 111X725 4024 l.Sir K.-o MH 11X1:07 !• 104.715 79333 My Friend PatHv 110 1:08 ■ 101X710 79253 Arouclila II. ..La 108 l:07«i 8 101X710 79278 l-ases White .MH 103 1 :0S 3 100x705 794583 Zapatos Mil 108 1:08 4 104x705 79501 Effie Randall Hu 105 1:09 8 106:!-700 78386 Clory of the Seas II Hv 99 1:061s 4 102. .700 Third Kaco — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. 79373 Florence B. Walker Ja 104 1:00% 3 99X725 1 79297 MiMiss Kruter U 101X720 79604 •lllack Monkey BP 102 1:07 4 10«x71.r 79413= •Momentum Hv 108 1:07V, I 111x715 78844 Cet Km Hv 107 1:07% 6 111x715 78921 Asa Jewell ...Hv 107 1:07% I 101X715 793383 Princess Jane .Do 106 1:07% 3 99. .715 79408 W. P. Montgom ery 7 111.. 710 7941P *Herron Hv 110 1:11% 7109.710 79335- Red Hv 1 11 Jl :07 ,and 8 111x710 79454 Stella Maris ..Km 112 1:07% 4 104x710 79501 Mtoff Hv 109 1:07% • 111. .710 79501 Aunt Deda .. .Hv 100 1:09 6 100X705 79488 Lasting Ix ve .Mil 10! l:10%s I 99x700 79294 Ciceronian Hv M 1:08% 5 111x700 76441 bBurgoyue MH106 1:OU%s 7 111X700 Fourth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Pant 0J. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79293 blra Wilson .. .Bo 105 1:23% 7 109x723 79457; KlizalKlh Jewell.. 4 107x720 79376 Hysteria 5 107X715 79206 Bdna D Bo 1C3 l:25%m 6 107x715 79*59r Krlinger 4 104X715 79467 •iVrtain Poiut 11 104. 710 79203= Voltage M 7 10:. .710 79i02 Recoup 4 107x705 79052-*bLpvis B. 104x700 79458 *Mr. X Mb 113 1:26% 6 10ix7O0 Fifth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79375 Mlnttontrope 9 109. .725 79456 Kiwilet 7 107x723 79409 1. Awning ■ 109x71i 79506 LSatana BP 117 1:21% 7 109x715 79457 B..l linker I W9TN i 79294: bDantzio Bo 10S 1:22% ». 103x710 . 794133 Silver Springs ... ■ 103 v 710 79456 Califa I 109x70.". 79459 bPaula V 9 107X700 , 79460 Gypsy Light 6 107x700 I Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Turse 1924.sh00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 79336 •Hcr.nl.s Hv 107 1 :4fi% 7 108x725 79410 Nig Hv 99 1:48 5 105X720 1 793.9!»l.Vaukcag KG 100 l:45:s 10 102x715 79379- «Jo-ic M 4 96x715 79458 Jake Keld MH 115 1:46% 7 103. 705 79295 Gi|»y Joe . ..MU10C 1:47% 5 105x700 I Seventh Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Howe Hotel Purse. Purse 00. 4 -year -olds and upward. Claiming. 79334 Wilton Finnna.Hv 105 1:07% ■ 106x725 , 78818= *c;ienlivet Hv 111 1:07 4 10*?. .720 I 79293s *Camufluge II.. Co 112 1:09% 7 103x71". , 78887- Spring Vale . .Hv 1011:06% 7 111x715 78658 bGcorge Starr .Hu 115 1:07% 9 113*71.-. i 78926 Pony Express. .Cl 110 1:06% 4 113.715 78414 *bKred Kinney .FG 112 1:07% 5 103. .710 • 77749 bl orcst gueen .Hv 108 1:07 5 111X710 74184* Mulm A. Scott Jr. Ml 7 10:5. .700 76712 Kviijn White ... 5 1 1 1 x 7tKi 78869 First Pullet ..Hv 107 1:08 8 10 jX 703 » — .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052901/drf1924052901_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1924052901_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800