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KEMPTON PARK ENTRIES The figures u-.der the heading "Rec." in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921. no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76460 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1921. 78688 IS IB FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing -tarts at 2.30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30.1 , ® SuiK-rior inud runner. X ioo«l uiii.l runner. :]: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice I allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upwaid. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 1, 1916- 1:01% — 6-110. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. 79510= bWalt.r Mack 9 111X725 79508 Fannie White iMl MK 111 1:06% 5 111x720 » 79509 Foy 5 113x715 79464 MellK.urne Co 108 1:05% I IH..TM i 79461 Joe Gatti Ml MH 109 1 01 3 10U..705 J 79613 Gold Coast M BB 105 1 :04% 3 103. .700 Second Race — 3-4 Mils. Purse $.150. 4yearolds and upwi-d. Claiming. iTrack If 4 Sept. 1. talaV— 1:154. ••- 107. 794C3 En-t-UM ...Ja 110 1:13 % 11 112x725 0 ! 7 *! J pi - ■; O P *t » ; l* * i , l 79464 Old Rose HG 105 1:15% 8 112x720 y 79461 Mollie Barnes.. Bo 105 1:13 6 110x715 t, 79465 El Coronel . . .nv 110 1:14% 8 112X710 79052 Sea Board FO 110 1:16 6 112X710 79611 Annette Teller. .Hv 107 1:14% 7 110X705 72807 Carl Roberts.. Hv 110 1:13% 11 112x700 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse $.".50. 4 venr-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 1, 1910— 1:01% 6 110. 79244 RIPOSTA MR 108 1:01% 10 111x725 79290 Gupton Om 107 l:04%m 4 113 .715 79463 Jota J P 115 1:03 4 111. 715 .79466. us Scheer ...Co 108 1:03% 0 li::x710 79287 Mike MR 115 1:04% 10 111x705 79510 Gilder Lx 115 1:03 8 113. .70u Fonrth Race — 3-4 Mile. rnrse 50. 3 year olds. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 1, 1916— 1:13%— 3— 107 79614 April Hv 93 1:14% 110x725 78734 Myrtle Bilson HG 89 1:14% 110X72. 79367 Goldmark FC105 1:15%s 112.715 79508 Skvwarus M KG 105 1:17 108.710 79608 Vehement M ..I.u 110 1:14% 108.705 79514 Georgia May Hv 97 1:16 108x700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Purse 50. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 30, 1916 1 :42%— 7— 112. 793691 Mart OUara ..La 110 1:43% 4 112X725 79462= Hinkle HG 109 1:42% 5 115.720 794C6V Ruddles Hv 110 1:41% 6 112X715 79371= bltegal Lodge . .BP 113 1:40% 9 112x710 79464 bSempcr Stalwart MR 110 1:50%6 11 112X705 79464 bJack Beeves . .Mo 115 1:59% 11112X705 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 1, HM— 1:13% — 3 — 107. 794341 l.Stock Pin KG 101 1:13% 5 112x725 79331= Ella C Hv 106 1:13% 4 110. .720 79510 Domain Hv 107 1:14% 10 112x715 79463 Clcopi.tra Boy DP 100 1:15% 8 112.710 79466 Bicrnian Hv 108 1:15% 10 112*710 79463= bLouis Adair ...Lx 107 1:15% 6 112.. 705 793723 Jack Shrine ...Hv 106 1:15% 6 107.. 700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-oids and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 30, 1910— 1:42%— 7—112. 793713 bArmistice Sa 112 139 8 111X725 79165= Neapolitan De MS 1:41% 5 111x720 79464 Draperv Hv 107 1:42 7 111X715 79338 Dardanclla ...MH 99 1:39% 4 109.710 79462 Shingle Shack .11 v lOl 1:42 0 111X710 79466 Fannie Nail . . .Ti 110 1 :41% 8 100x705 79371 Harvey Smarr .Re 110 1:44% 8 111x700 * 1