untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-29


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HARVEY AMES EARLE NIlMIf BROADWAYAT 62D STREET NEW YORK CITY YESTERDAYS "Harvey Transaction" BONTAUD 4-1 WON - - - - In his previous race, May 15th, BONTAUD was practically left at the post and had no chance with the break, although the best horse in the race as our connections well knew. Yesterday BONTAUD was the only horse advised and, of course, a "Harvey Transaction" in spite of the fact that FINN LAG and MACLEAN, natural choices over him, were entered in the race. Additional connections made by Mr. Ames before his departure have certainly proven their value as the other two horses advised this week, both "Harvey Transactions," were MASTER HAND 8-1 WON BILLY WARREN - - - - 10-1 WON on Monday and Tuesday of this week, respectively, and yesterday, BONTAUD, 4-1, WON, as stated above. Subscription, 00, for each "Harvey Transaction," must be received in this office by noon, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited strictly to territory and list closes at twelve oclock. Subscriptions arriving later must remain until a vacancy for the territory exists. First come, first served. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation awaiting favorable starting conditions. Good things require no recommendation, they speak for themselves. Telephones: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 I W. S. OAKES 14and2 BROADWAY •:- EW YORK, A. Y. 0.00 WEEKLY— .00 DAILY Yesterday: FL|NT .80- WON Tuesday: VACUUM .50- WON Am back to irive you my one best each day — you cannot beat it. 10-1 TODAY I advise you to subscribe for OKE WEEK and get the preferred service. My ad will not appear every day. _m V0.00 WEEKLY— 0 E HORSE DAILY— Si.OO DAILY Mat Byers COMMISSIONER ROOK 611 1645 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays Commission Horse from Ottawa: Flint .80- Won and folly justified my confidence. Tuesdays Commission Horse: Lunetta .20- Won A few of our recent winners, all strictly horses: Rocky Mountain ..20- Won Pequot .00- Won Spot Cash 2.20- Wonj Bock Bottom... 0.40- Won Blue Streak.... 0.10- Won This office can supply information which only the discriminating player will appreciate. The experience, brains and finances which make these suc-■•esses possible is at the disposal of every player. DATXY— 0 WEEKLY Until further notice. Todays Commission Horse starting at Louisville aaa been prepared for the best effort of his racing career. He has been dropped into a spot where the result will never be in doubt. A very generous 3 nce is confidently expected. Save time and money, wire your weekly subscription at once. City clients calL NOT A RED CENT TJnleaa fully satisfied. Information yon MUST have 1 or sueoess at racing. Something NEW. Write at ■once. Confidential. FOREWAY METHOD, 8905 Xenobia St., Denver, Colo. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form. RALPH KEENE THE WINNING WONDER. 80 East 11th Street NEW YORK CITY ONE HORSE A DAY Watch me show the racing public how to produce winners at a price. Yesterdays Horse: Winding Through 2.60- Won This horse was sent to all my clients and they were all advised to go the limit, to win only. Tuesdays Horse: Princess Doreen ..40- Won Mondays Horse: Buster 0.90- Won Saturdays Horse: Offspring 0.20- Won Fridays Horse: Jakie Hay 1.70- Won The above winners should convince the most skeptical player that this is no guesswork, no handicapping or stabbing with a pin, but real, live information is what I release. The reason why I can produce winners: I operate with caution. I do all my business through private channels. AR horses are sent out from Kentucky personally by me through my New York office. MY TERMS: 0.00 for ONE WEEKS SERVICE. No other propositions will be accepted. Twelve Winners " *sw two seconds, one third, one loser — xl A-4sJV May 5 to 27. Chief docker wires from ■M Brrrl track daily. We dont sit in an office fQsantf an guess em. V VfPV *5 F0R sxx STARTERS NwL WORKOUTS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Only fastest and best, showing ready to win first asking. All newsstands. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. ftuincy St. CHICAGO, ILL. CINCINNATI — All newsstands, east and west nds. Fountain Esplanade. EASTE RN HANDICAPPER 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, ROOM 706 CHICAGO, ILL, 50 Cent Letter and Special, at all principal newsstands To Our Many Clients Next Saturday is getaway day at Churchill Downs. The Eastern Handicapper is offered a proposition by smart connections and the horse will be a price. The agreement is that I am not allowed to put this horse on either sheet. I have agreed to this proposition and I am going to let every client in on this proposition for the small amount of 0.00, wired to me by Friday, 3 p. m. This information is worth ten times this much. I am going to be on the grounds myself and all messages on this horse will be sent right away from the track or Louisville, whichever is the most convenient. EASTERN HANDICAPPER. 90" P. S— NO PROPOSITIONS ACCEPTED. Wire money to Eastern Handicapper, 10 North Clark Street, Chicago. W CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION! Come up to our office and see us personally about this matter. SHIELDS Known to Turfnirn for a Generation STRICTLY ONE HORSE DAILY $£0 WEEKLY DAILY Yesterdays .00 Track Wire: LOUIS RUBENSTE1 «,,.30- WON Tuesdays 0.00 Occasional: YACITM .*0- WON 00 FREE SPECIAL GOES TODAY This one is just crying to run and today is the day. Large commissions have been wired away and no mistakes will be made when the "wise dough" rides. If its a winner you want, then call at office or wire. Terms: 0.00 and a winner for your money: 240.00 for SEX WINNING 210.00 OCCA-SIONALS. MY LONG SHOT WINNERS: REPEATER 2.70- WOW BRIVSWKK 3.»«- WON NEI.ME MORSE .20- WON SPOT CASH 2.20- WON FLYING FUR S11.S0-S2 WON PARMACHENF.E BELLE ..$ 8.8«- WON ADMIRER $ J.80-S8 WON WARNING 1.00- WON RAPID DAY 1.30- WON KIRKLEVINGTON .80- WON EARLA BABY 4.30- WON AND MANY OTHERS 0- TODAY IN KENTUCKY AND IT GOES FOR MY .00 TRACK WIRE. This maiden is primed and ready and connections say that he will lead the field and show them the way to the pay-off station. NUF SAID. Get my big .00 Track Wire today or you will be a sorry player after the race is wen. Terms: .00 and a WINNER FOR YOUR MONEY. 00.00 FREE SPECIAL Goes Thursday. May 2»th. and it will he given free to all WEEKLY subscribers to my daily track wire. My past record should convinca you that I handle nothing but winners. Terms: 0.00 weekly six racing days. GEORGE SHIELDS 287 BEOADWAY, ROOM £00. NEW YORK CITY ADVANCE PUB. CO., DISTRIBUTORS MACK ROSE Formerly known as the worlds greatest plunger. My service consists of ONE HORSE A DAY. Terms— .00 Daily or 0.00 Weekly. $ AGAIN WE CLEANED UP $ Yesterdays last -minute sure winner: Winding Through 2.30- Won Another sure winner goes today Yesterdays One Horse: FOREST LORE.. . .30- WON Saturdays One Horse: GREAT LUCK . . 9.10- WON j Fridays One Horse: JAKIE HAY 1.70- WON Tuesdays One Horse: ROCKING HORSE 4.70- Won; Wednesdays One Horse: POLLYMARA . . . . 8.1 0- WON1 Tuesdays One Horse: LILT $ 6.40- WON Mondays One Horse: OPPERMAN 8.30- WON Saturdays One Horse: MALAPERT 9.55- WON Fridays One Horse: COBWEB 8.30- WON Thursdays One Horse: AUNTIE MAY . . .$ 8.50- WON1 Today— A LONG SHOT— Today Wire your money and get in on this special today. Now. if you appreciate winning information, send 0 for one weeks service and I will convince you that it will make you a WINNER, as I am doing for all my loyal followers. MACK ROSE 126 MAIDEN LANE, SUITE 233, NEW YORK CITY Fay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for ono weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad., with your name and address to 3. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. .sasasaaisaassaE-ssHBisississasasBsisastais Our weekly Parlay Page is worth while. Buy copy from your dealer or send for 4 weeks. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago | C THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WLN] IMMMI Tl JUbJUl SOLD ON NEWSSTANDS, and SPECIAL" "MR. LOSER," STOP LOSING!!! Are you still trying to "guess and dopa em out"? You cannot WIN trying to do this— HORSES DONT RUN THAT WAY. If you havent been "CLEANING UP." dont holler HARD LUCK. Day after day JACK FIELD has been putting you "WISE TO THE LIVE ONES." -TODAY ■BRIGHT FROM Make "DOUGHVILLE" up year mind TODAY S to STOP LOSING and try to get en the WINNING SIDE like other successful "JACK FIELD" followers. —"LONG SHOT" SPECIAL TODAY I have word on a horse that DID NOT WIN a race this year — but "TODAY" is the "DAY." —YOU CAN CLEAN UP A "FORTUNE" on this one TODAY, as we expect this to pay 0 for BET. We also advise you to PLUNGE HEAVY on "PARLAY" "TODAY" —0 FOR BET Go to your newsdealer, get JACK FIELD, both and ?5 "SPECIALS" and "PARLEY" them, both "WIN ONLY," and you will get 0 for every you BET today. NOTICE:— JACK FIELD sold everywhere. ALSO MAILED TO YOU 5 weekly for BOTH "SPECIALS." —CHICAGO PLAYERS "ATTENTION"! DONT FAIL TO EITHER CALL AT OUR OFFICE or "PHONE" US, 8 A. M. to 3 P. M., and get —"11th Hour" Special FREE!! Our "eleventh hour" FREE Special WON again yesterday, and also WON day before — last two straight days this WON. TODAYS should pay Big Price. DONT FAIL TO COME AND SEE US TODAY. FIELD PUB. CO. Room 32, 39 W. Adams St. CHICAGO, ILL. Phone: Harrison 0248. 9 -A The Kentucky Commissioner JOHN J. JOYCE 1340 Broadway NEW YORK CITY second floor 0 WEEKLY— .00 DAILY A Teal money horse goes today. Everything is all set for another clean-up today at Churchill Downs, Ky. Yesterdays Kentucky Commission: Moorfieid .50- Won I released this sams horse last week when he won and paid 6 90 . Tuesdays Kentucky Commission: Napoo 2.30- Won Mondays Big Commission: Naughty Nisba..40- Won COMMISSION HORSES GET THE MONEY Wire 0.00 for one week six days. START TODAY AND GET THE WINNERS vv ■ JJt $ 149391493914939 1493914939 $ J» isP PREDETERMINED jj2 TURF PROFITS • . The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally «» known as "easy for player — har«l for layer." Has stood the ACID TEST for ~ *0 many years. We could not spend many «/t thousands of dollars per annum a.ler-**. tising water as rough syru|»— unil con- ** 0 tinue in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- ** ** lutely FREE. lOO page racing manual, w •% review, sworn trstimonals. etc. Invest!- Sate today and make your Bookie obey. w Public Relation* Manager v» «m S- E- ARTHlR — f| Box iO B. i Tow son, Md. Sfr **?t $ 1 1 1 t $ % $ $ $ tb* SUBSCRIBE for DAILY RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052901/drf1924052901_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924052901_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800