Hawthorne, Daily Racing Form, 1924-08-24

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Entries and Past Performances HAWTHORNE MONDAY, AUGUST 25 7 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST. " I 82113 Commander Mc- Tho figures under tho heading "Rcc." in Meckin, 14 CD 105 1:14 5 120 X 710 the entries below show the test time of 82631 Voogcria, 10 ..Ti 104 1:14 5 115x705 each horse at the distanco since January 1, 82178 Praiseworthy, 3 : 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases Ti 93 1:14 3 108. .700 where record was made on other than a fast 82022 Mabel Everest, C or good track, abbreviations show track con- hv 93 1-14 3 108 .700 ditions. Third Race 3-4 Kile. Fatricia Collinge Purse. 7G160 IS FIRST INDEX OP 1924. Purse ,000. 3-ycnr-olds and upward. Allowances. 8173C IS FIRST JTU3IBER OF AUGUST. TracU 19 rccor. July i924-l:ll-a-l21. Racinpr starts at 2:30 p. m. 82291 Glide, 10 La 117 1:12 3 101X750 l Superior mm! runner X Good mud runner. 82505 Go Foin, 11. .. .Om 101 1:11 3 100X745 , Fi.ir mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 82477 The Araucanian. Hlowance. b Blinkers. 12 Ti 109 1:11 5 113X745 i m, f,tn , . j, . 82291 Ham Dollar, 8 La 113 1:12 3 110X745 , abbreviations trfwv fallowing are used to designate 82632 Alleden, 3 ...Om 115 1:12 5 117 X740 i tracks at which time records shown In entries 82345 New Gold, 2 ..La 107 1:12 3 100.. 740 i were made: 82505 Joel,u 7 9 Wo 10- 4 10Sx740 Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park JP 80182 Parader, 4 ...CD 100 1:13 C 113X735 Aurora Au Kenilworth ne 82476 Lady Fox, 13 Hw 110 1:13 3 105.. 735 i Belmont Fark BP Kempton Park KP 82234 Blotter. 1 . . .Hw 10C 1:12A 3 113X735 Blua Bonnets BB King: Edward Ki 77C31 Eddie Jr., 5 ..nw 104 1:12 4 113.. 730 Bcwte Bo Latonia La 74151 Cherrycote M, O 3 101. .725 Churchill Towns CD Laurel lu 82538 War Zone, 7 ..JP 107 1:12 8 113725 Columbus Co Lexington Xx 82418 Boy O Boy, 14 FG 112 1:14 3 106.. 725 Conni.ught Park CP Mapta Heights MH Cnnneuit Lako CL Marlboro Mb Fourth Race 1 Mile. 5nd9 ?rk DP MoMo Me Tarnish Handicap. Jlevomhirs Da Mount Boyal MB . - , , Dcrval Do Omaha ..Om TuTSC 1G0- rnn 3-ycar-olds and upward. Duffeiin ....Du Pimlico ..Fm Track record: July 17, 1923 1:37 3103. Empin. Em Raceland Rd 82552 Tangerine, G ..Sa 101 1:37 5 115X750 EaiI ;nat,a FO Ren Ka 82552 Bclphrizonia, 4 Aq 110 1:38 4 110X745 Fort iJie FE Saratoga .Sa 820613 Prince Tii Tii. 2 Hamilton Hm Tanforan Ta CD 9G 138- 4 10CX740 Havri do Grace HQ Thorncliffe Th 82C321 Quince Garden 1 Hawtiorna Hw TiJnana Tl ..Ti 108 1:39 5 100 X735 Havasa Ht Toledo To 82477s Moss Fox II., 7 Do 110 1:39 5 102. .735 Huntngten Hu Windsor Wl 82075s Plucky, 3 De 100 1:39 5 1C0X730 Jamtica Ja. Woodbine Wo 82476 Kock Heather, 5 Ti 110 1:40 3 95X730 T7-- First 4. r, Race c o , 5-8 Mile. Turse ?1,000. 2-ypar-olils. Maidens. Fillies. Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Allowances. Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: July 10, 1923392113. Track record: July 19, 1924 1:44 3 100. . 82351 COYNE, 7 ...Hw 109 1:46 C 111725 low ""wandPosIPor. ml Wt. Bee. A.Wt.nan 77850s Taylor nay. 9 La 100 1:46 4 111X715 82174s Promising Laura, 82674 bRoyal Duck, 3 n,1" Uw 115 1:01 ..La 113 1:40 7 109X715 ...m ?S BanRcnl ? 3 , . 115.. 720 81856 Bench Manager. 5 82474 Acceleration, 5 Hw 115 1:01 115. .715 Hw m 1-4RV- 1 10871-? 1W rco-4 "I: l ur-- 82678 vi-:v:AZZiiSs IK Hill I i. Hw 115 1:02 110.. 710 82601s Dorius, 4 ... .nw 107 1:45 5 116X710 Tel- M"ten, TV" , , J15"7"5 821151 Delsan, 0 ....Hw 1001 :47 3 10SX7J0 lll Kckin 8 .. Hw 110 1:03 115. .70", flftfttt. Plus Ultra, 2 . .Lx 115 1 :4C 6 llfix705 iZ-VL ,l G. 110.. 700 81896 Lierre, 8 -....Hw 108 1:48 4 102.. 705 82629 Phyllis Gentry, 9 La 105 l:04s 110. .700 Sixth Race 1 1-8 Miles. 82349 Gliding Fox, 11.. 110.. 700 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Outcast, 7 115 Track record: July 4, 19231:51 3107. , n . ., 82294s bFair Orient. 100m 103 1:53 11 113X725 Sfcond Kac6 3-4 Mile. 82597 Eelman, 14 ...11 102 1:55 5 113.. 720 r.,,- i nno 5n mX l3"JTear!ls u-"w;a" Claiming. 82293 Paul Micou, 13 Lot 105 1:55 5 10SX715 Track record: July 19. 1924 1:11 3 121. 82634s Hoy. 5 CD 105 1:55 4 116X710 82350 Theo, 10 Mn 99 1:12 5 110X725 81539 bRaidcr, 4 Lx 112 1:51 10 116X715 82551 bKirali, 4 Im 103 1:13 7 110X720 82354 bElias O., 7 La 10S 1:53 5 113.. 710 82631s Bessie Laigbton, 82674 Citizen. G Hm 112 1:53 0 109. .710 5 BP 104 1:13 4 110X715 82555 Belle Amie, 9 MH 97 1:51 4 106X710 82475 Crescent, 12 Mil 101 1:12 3 103X715 82555 Virginius, 1 ..Ti 103 1:54 4 111X710 82175 Missouri Boy, 7 82555 Flying Prince, 2 nw 115 1:13 6 115. .715 Mil 100 1:52 5 110X710 82551 Spods. 8 Hv 103 1:13 5 120 X 715 82678s Kit, 8 Hw 95 l:57s 3 97X705 82113 Ann M., 2 .. .Hw 106 1:13 3 103.. 715 82674 Wong Bok, 11 Hw 103 1:57s 3 103. .705 82353 Ralco. 1 Aq 107 1:12 7 120X71K 82674 Doughoregan, 3 81538 Conway M, 9 Hw 101 1:55 4 109 X700 nw 110 1:14 3 113.. 710 82280 Extra Edition, 12 82350 bMuskallonge, 13 Ja 113 1:12 0 120x710 JP 95 1:55 3 102. .700 HAWTHORNE JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1, 1924, to August ID, 1024, inclusive. At or At or Over Over Jockey. T.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Diibriul. E 27 100 11 S 2 0 narrington, It 09 110 8G 8 8 9 Barnett, N 22 110 74 16 10 15 Horn, F 09 104 330 31 38 42 Garner, M 20 109 220 43 37 38 Moore, V 09 100 11 1 0 0 Hainsworth, C 20 98 5 1 1 1 Morris, L 09 112 96 9 8 5 Kennedy, G .20 100 10 2 1 0 Wayt, T 09 115 11 1 0 1 McDermott, L. 20 105 444 91 72 77 Collins, A OS 110 260 22 35 34 Pickens, A 20 103 207 42 35 29 Gerrity, J 08 94 214 18 20 33 Anderson, W. 19 101 53 10 4 5 Boganowski, W 07 103 260 17 35 22 Wood, J 17 101 478 V 02 61 Gormley, J 07 109 100 fO 19 2. Lilley, W 10 113 114 IS 13 10 Piecarill... J 07 10 30 2 5 Z Montgomery, L 16 100 1S5 29 22 10 Saucier, t 07 100 27 2 0 1 1 Ellis. G 15 103 591 90 94 74 Lunsford, II. .06 111 3G 2 2 3 Gross, C 15 105 18S 20 29 24 McIIugh, It 00 100 S8 5 7 0 Jool, W 15 108 74 11 5 10 Murphy, F .03 109 35 2 3 1 : Singletou, J 14 107 35 5 4 4 Kederis, J. 05 100 91 5 11 8 Stutts, II 13 l"i I 378 50 50 49 Peternel, A 05 103 21 1 0 tl Chalmers, J 12 100 315 39 14 43 Koerner, T. 04 110 23 1 1 0 1 Maton, J 12 103 283 35 38 42 Sclieffel. B 04 111 23 1 0 3 Fisher, K 12 100 43 5 7 4 Sutton, G 03 104 07 2 7 5 Griffin, S 12 95 107 13 13 13 Barker, T. 100 9 0 1 0 Bodiigues, A 12 117 130 15 20 15 Burke, H. J ..Ill 32 0 2 4 Smith, J 12 103 313 3G 37 40 Corcoran, E. 107 8 0 1 1 Francesco, A 11 102 221 24 31 2S Dreycr, J 102 4 0 1 1 1 Fionk, W 11 104 347 37 41 50 Harrison, M 108 3 0 0 0 I Jones, D 11 97 416 45 50 50 Leyland, J 102 37 0 3 4 Kiniry, F 11 103 107 12 10 11 Merimce, V 102 23 C 3 1 1 Pendergnss, A 11 190 53 7 8 Miller, C. .. 103 2 0 0 0 Yclton. R 11 99 123 13 7 13 Owens, E 103 13 0 1 1 Bell. J 10 112 20 2 6 2 Sequin. E 114 12 0 0 0 Doyle, It 09 10S 128 12 13 14 Tromblcy, A 110 11 0 0 1 Erickson, K 09 105 127 11 13 17 White, It 100 0 0 0 0 let RAPP 0-8 BIilc 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. I oL nHOC July 10, 1J2 50 2 113. Index Course DIst Time Tck Odds Wt St ?i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish PROMISING LAURA, ch. f, 2 M 115 By The Manager Postpone, by Wrack. Trainer, E. L. Fitzgerald. Owner. E. L. Fitzgerald. Breeders, H. H. and J. H. Gaines. 82474 Hthornc 5-8 1:01 f.-vst 13-5 115 2 1 l2 37 A Pickens 5 Uessanna, Winrack, Accelerafn 1 81621 Kthorne 5-8 1:00 fast 13 115 1 3 3 3 A Pickens 13 W.OWynn, MyDreani, M.Oraond 81535 Htliorne C-S l:00fast 103 C 7 8s 815 A Pickens 9 Kiviera, CeorgiaRose. MarkMtcr 81032 Hthorne 5-S liOslow 20 110 5 C 6 6 A Pickens G Tinauiou. BitoHy. WuieOWn DANGERILLO. br. f, 2 M 115 By Danger Rock Peccadillo, by Hastings. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeders. M. and B. B. Jones. 82673 Seo todays chart. 80730 Latonia 5J f l:05fast 5 115 3 5 5s 31 II Stutts 12 IVntySlave, Buttress, Waterflag 80520 Latonia 51 f l:07good 6 107 7 4 4h 25 II Stutta 7 Little Gipsy, Ivory, Aviette 80355 Latonia 51 f 1:08 mud 50 107 3 8 8 7 II Stutts S Lit.Visitor. Kittylat. KurallTte ACCELERATION, ch. f, 2 M 115 By Ogden Phantom, by Star Shoot. ! Trainer, G. Walker. Owner, International Stable. Breeder. E. E. Marshall. 1 824 74 Hthorne 5-8 1:01 fast 4i 115 5 3 4 41 W L,illey 5 Hessanna, Winrack, Prom.Laura : 82349 Hthorna CI f l:07fast 10 112 9 6 61 4s L. Morris 12 GoldenLynn, TryAgain, BooBoo : 82112 Hthorne 5-8 1:04 hvy 7 113 6 6 41 3 W Lilley 8 OhSusanna, nessanna. Headache 81851 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 4 112 8 5 5 5,s W Ansonll Pacier. Boo Boo, Bad Luck 81G21 Hthorne 5-8 1:00 fast 6 115 9 8 51 6" W Lilley 13 W.OWynn, MyDrcam, Pr.Laura i 81348 Hthorno 0-S 1:04 hvy 7 115 C 5 4 48 F Kiniry 8 GoWnl-yiui, First Lt, MargieK. 80920 Hthorne 5-S l:0Ghvy 7 115 4 4 4 41 P Kiniry 9 Bit olloney, MargieK., Kiviera j WINR0CK, ch. f, 2 M 115 By Danger Rock Winnie G., by Handsel. 1 Traiser, H. Oots. Owner, H. Oots. Breeder, J. F. Winn. 1 82474 Hthorne 5-8 1:01 fast S-5 113 4 4 3s 2! S Griffin 5 Hesnnn, Prom.Laura, Accelern 1 82112 Hthorne 5-8 1:01 hvy 7 113 8 7 5h 51 S Griffin 8 OhSusanna, Hessna, Accelertn i 81494 Hthorne 51 f 1:08 fast 6 109 11 S 71 61 L. McDottll Stay On, Abstract. Sorlinc HALKI, ch. f, 2 M 110 By Tho Manager Tiffany Blend, by Cesarion. Trainer, H. Cava-augh. Owner. Mrs. W. J. Potter. Breeder, H. H. and J. H. Gaines. 1 82112 Hthorno 5-S 1:04 hvy 30 115 1 8 8 S" W Bogski 8 OhSusanna, nessna, Accelertn 81851 Hthorne CI f l:07fast 20 112 10 9 C 7s 1 F Horn 11 Paeier, Boo Boo, Bad Luek 81G21 Hthorne 5-S 1:00 fast 30 115 2 9 9s 9 T KoernerlS W.OWynn, MyDrcam. Pr.Laura 81166 Hthorno 51 f l:07fast 50 102 11 10 10 10" V Moore 11 BolivarBond, NeatGIrl, Sorllne c 80920 Hthorno 5-8 l:00hvy 30 115 9 9 9 9! V Moore 9 Bit olloney. MargieK.. Riviera 1 77779 Jefferson 1-2 4Sfast 50 10G 13 13 14 14" F Sharpo 14,MaryIear. LittleJiiumy. Channel t GREAT WATERS, ch. f. 2 M 115 By Great Britain Aquamarine, by Verdun. I Trainer, S. T. Baxter. Owner. Tobacco Stable. Breeder. E. F. Simms. , 8259G Hthorne 51 f l:0Sslow 12 102 7 7 7 7S1 J Gormley 7 My Dream, Hobton, Will Wells 799G9 Wheels 1-2 53 mud 18-5 103 4 W Taylor 7 M. Martin, Reprieve, McCaddeu 79781 Wheeling 1-2 63good 7 105 4J J Petrecca 6 BkSand, Capt.Daane. McCaddeu , 9622 M.llghts 1-2 49 hvy 28 103 5 4 2 4 J Petrecca 8 Rosita, John D., Malacha 79400 M.HBhts 1-2 47good 24 100 3 2 4 51 J Eaton 9 Subtle. May Baxter. Dulcy Lou ROCKING, blk. f, 2 M 115 By Star Master Rocking Chair, by Ogden. Trainer, 1. Jones. Owner. Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder, J. E. Madden. T 81253 Hthorne 51 f l:CCfast 13 1C3J 6 8 C 7s J Kederis 8 RkldPrincs, Tilka, Annihilate 81031 Hthorne 5-8 l:01slow 8 110 4 3 3s 3" J Kederis 7 RockldPncess. Riviera, Hessna e 7958G Churchill 41 f 53fast 29 lot 4 4 4s 4 W McCbe 6 Sweep Park, BearShot. M.Jennie , 79302 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 29 103 5 4 4s 4i W Fronk 5 DressGoods, StarGiri. Ivory - HELEN G., br. f, 2 M 110 By Towton Field Dixie Gem, by Admonition. 7 Trainer. C. S. Wilson. Owner Woodland Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Cross and Hanor. 7 82310 Columbs 51 f l:09fast 48 104 Pulled up C Frost 7 Reprieve, Sunborn, Cantorcs 7 82139 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 35 104 Pulled up F Lux 11 Julia Lee, Wahkecna, Sir Ralph 7 78817 Colmbus 1-2 52slow 19 112 10" C GrnwdlO PardnerJewcll, Millie C. Uuey ; l , i , i 1 : 1 1 I 1 1 ! 1 : : i j 1 1 1 i 1 c 1 t I , , T e , - 7 7 7 7 ; PHYLLIS GENTRY, ch. f, 2 M 110 By The Managrer Daisy Piatt, by Marta Santa. Trainer. R. Bolton. Owner. M. J. Cooke. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 82029 Hthorno 51 f l:034hvy 43 11011 6 9 9" N Barrett 9 GoldenLynn, LittleJmy, T.Agr S2018 Hthorne 51 f l:10tivy 15 1051 1 6 8 8" W Anson 8 LittleJimmy. SamMengel, Clique 81851 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast C 112 5 G 8 9" G Ellis 11 Pacier, Boo Boo. Bad Luck 81743 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 good 20 lOt 2 1 21 41 W Anson 9 Blcck Dinah, Kosman, Clique U0979 Hthorno 5-S l:0Sandhvy 10 109 1 4 5 5" N Barrett 6 White Alley, Bad Luck. Glory 79789 Latonia 5-8 1:02 slow 23f 105 11 11 11 11" B Harvey 12 PersiauMaid. Realize, Beu.Stone 1 9258 Churchill 41 f 55sood 24C IOC 12 7 9 8i II Long 12 Hi:bltandPudd, B.Luck, C.Schni 79174 Churchill 41 f 55slpp 49 1011 8 8 7 7" II Long 10 SethsTrse, StarGI. Fr. Victla GLIDING FOX. blk. f, 2 M 110 By Moss Fox Gliding Belle, by Bellos Commoner, Trainer. L. Jones. Owner, Harned Bros. and Jones. Bresdcr. C. B. Head. 82349 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 15 107 7 4 5 5 W Fronk 12 GoldenLynn, TryAgain, BooBo OUTCAST, ch. f , 2 115 By Thunderer Waif, by Greenback. Trailer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Wkitney. Ereeder, H. P. Whitney. First Start. 2nd RACE 3l?ix1 3-3"Sitl and tlI,wapd Claiming. July lO, lOlM THEO, b. m. 5 110 By Theo. Cook Eddin Eiddis. by Hennls. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. Bauraeartner. Breeder. W. Garth. 82350 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 12 10S 4 4 S S W Bogskill BodyGuard. Clonzhjn SoIdierIL 81556 M.Hghts 3-1 l:12fast 33 S3 10 3 2k 2t J Berg 10 John Q. Kelly, My Valet Cuuid it?ii w?!Bhts 3-i 1:lislP 61 107 4 7 G Vi A Kroger 10 R..mdRyc, RompingHome, Fabei 81110 M.H gilts 3-4 l:ll4fast 21 95 5 6 8 8 L Montry 8 Sun Brae. Bncado. Sea Sand .9785 Wheelg 3-4 1:20 good 39-10 111 51 L, Montry 0 Jolly, CrystalFord. Fair Rowena 79G13 Akron 51 f 1:14 hvy 0 J07 21 L. Monfy 0 Zorro, Our Star. Crystal Ford 78827 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 2 102 5 5 21 1 L, Montry 9 The Runt, Pnre Dee, FlorenceW 78770 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 5 105 1 2 31 4i L Monfryll Lierre, AtieMillin. SisterJoselh KIRAH, .i. in. 7 110 By Astronomer Mary ereenwood. by Falsetto. Trainer. T. E. Crist. Owner. T. E. Crist. Breeder. K. P. Shipp. 82551 Hthorne 3-4 lHSfchvy 12 105 6 7 6 L. Momery 9 KerryGirl, May Buddy Lavinia 7948C Tlincliffe 1 1-1G l:49fast 4 106 3 2 8 S- J Wallace 8 Rekab, Buddugie Handfull 79399 Thnclfe 1 1-1G l:51hvy 19 109 1 3 3 G E Ambrse 7 Cote dOr. Marble Buddie Kcar 78877 Pimlico 3-4 l:15slop 12 103 4 4 4 G B MrinellilO Capt.Costigan, Gnvnor Arendal 78429 II.deGco 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 17 104 3 7 8 S P Walls 10 Dandybrush, Aladdin Roseate 78367 Bowio 7-S l:2Sfast 12 102 2 3 5J 51 B Breu ng 10 A. J. Buja, Fehrah Salmon 72H!Z Dwie 6i 1 1:22 f?3t 20 103 G 7 55 3J B Breingl3 Warning. Poor Sport, A.J Buja .8243 Bowio lm70y l:51slow 20 103 6 4 3i 51 F Lee 8 Capt.Costigan, Mizar. HighGear BESSIE XEIGHTOK. ch. jf. 4 110 By Wormieighton-Bessle Moore, by Hasttaei. Trainer. H. Roseacher. Owner. H. Roseacher. Breeder L A Lyne 82G31 Hthorno 3-1 l:17hvy 12 105 G 1 2 21 J Gormley 9 Lavinia Corto Voo-oria 2X18 Hthorne 3-4 l:lShvy 23 110 9 G 6 GJ D Jones 10 Climax. Haro?d K?So -s Alibi 81745 Hthorno lmTOy l:45good 7 106 2 5 6 7,a J Gormley 9 Freccter Proceeds CheerLdo 81581 Hthorne 1 1-1G lfast 15 101 4 3 4 Gl J Gormley 8 T. Foreigner Ftohe F Orifn 81257 HUrno lmTOy l:4Gfast 7 101 7 6 5b 71 J Gormley 9 Powe A Alexander TheReaw 81124 Hthorno lmTOy l:4!fast 20 100 9 5 8 10" J GormleylO Huonec. rud I T dhonncur 80809 Hthorne 3-4 Ulfast 50 99 5 9 9 9D Jones 9 Fifty-Fifty TenSixtyTZswk 81S Aqueduct 1 1:49 fast 15 192 17 15 12 13" J Shanks 18 HighComr. JnS pSort 40? ?olm?nt C VJraSl 102 13 13 18"1S2 K Pierce 19 "y. Passiwrt. JJkallouge 791.G Ja:naica 3-4 l:134rast 23 103 14 14 9 81 E Beach 14 IdleThoughts. RosaYeta Daydue 32? f,a"Jca , 3-l:MKandt 50 102 3 5 5 5 E Beach 14 Itelcross, Ege, nTnllo lln" 4455? S-S1-.-113 li:1B.Vl.ua 31 m 2 5 6 G D Merglcr 7 Gen.Cadorna. EddicJr.. RcelFoot 77270 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 111 11 11 11 U" C Ponce 11 Simplicity. MidntFollies. JouJtTu CRESCENT, ch. f 3 103 By North Star LUMasks and Faces, by Disguise fTrainer. W. Sims. Owner. Pueblo Stallel. Breeder Idle Hour cifnrir Furm 82475 Hthorno 3-4 IrMJfcfast 10 103 1 2 41 U. J PicriIlol2 l!S May Buddf Glent 81490 Hthorne 51 t l:07fast G 103 3 Lost rider. J Picrillo 10 Ioppye, Eventide I oiiiseWanr 81349 Hthorne 3-4 1:17 hvy 12 101 1 5 C 6" J Picrillo 7 Finday ACa Vera MPortiiM Ir20rn ,1:,-fa ? 102 4 1 2i V J PicrilloH Humbfe. ATtleMTliin ImpLs bl ltln ..0rne M r-JL",ud lD 102 8 6 6J 7S J PiccirlolO Shining Gold. Climax-. Liege 8080C H-thorne 3-4 lMSfcraat 60 102 1 4 10 10" J PicrillolO BarnDollar. Beaut.Add c Elusive fr3 .l-Z?J?St 101 4 6 4i 3S AV Taylor C ItattleShot P.Ilowcnr Ke "Girl 2"-Hgllts 51 f l:07felop 71f 10S 8 5 5 441 B Costello 8 FastBov. M.Mattic, Pawnbroker 43 ghts 3-4 l:13good 22 105 2 3 3 31 R Costello 8 Odd Setn. Humble. Star Red 79238 M1H ghts 3-4 l:14andrast 51 103 3 6 7 9 H Hay 11 Babbling. Pret.Mally. Exchange MISSOURI BOY. ch. g. 6 115 By Harrigan Shrewd, by The Sharper. Trainer. H. C. McConnell. Owner. H. C. McConnell. Breeder. E. M. McCulloch ?2I75 Hthorne 1 3-1G 2:03 good 41 107 2 3 21 4 A Franco 7 Gail Ford, Slanderer. Ramkin 81283 M.HBhts 1 1-8 l:50fast 19-10 1C9 1 1 2l 2 R Zcchini 7 Praise. Walk Up P edra "??s we 1:15 fast 1M 2 1 2 2 It Zcchini 8 Iuanna. Tamper Overstep -lilt 80859 Dav shire lm0y 1:45 fast 8 105 2 3 3 4 O Clark 12 Previeux, AsaJewell Dnstnroof 5252? 2mL,a 11K1M fast 3 10S l1 R Doyle C Caunzel, cfn .g, E a Wood 00S Omaha 1 1-16 1:49 fast 41 108 3 P Hum 7 W.TakeAU, WalJIall MarchLad Sma ,a lm70y Mtelo 1S-5 113 3 P Hum 7 Pembroke, WMnutllall T Desert 79733 Oaiaha 1 l:40fast 1110 !1P Hum 11 W.Hvcn, W.M gomery, Mdrono SPODS. b. s, 5 120 By Bulse Oasis, by Commanao. Trainer, J. L. Paul. Owner, W. Feuchter. Breeder J W Parrish fxl Hthorne 3-4 l:18ivy 6 115 9 8 9 9" N Barrett 9 KerryGirl May Buddv Lavinli TH, thome 3 1:18hvy 7 115 3 9 9 91 G Ellis 10 Climax ilaroW K andjths Alibi 82023 Hthorne 51 f l:llandhvy 12 113 1 5 41 4i W Lilley 8 Power. St Angelinn Piedmont 8747 Hthorne 51 f l:07good 12 116 3 6 51 5 A Collins 9 LitTsmokei pterBr:n Newmket lt0 .rn6 . 51 f 1:,8fa8t 20 11G 5 4 21 3 W Lilley 9 Allie Ochs. Sun Mart. JlXa HVan li lor.ne - jaWast 20 108 7 8 7 7. J GormleylO Bctsinda, D.orPeace, EvaAckley Ttonia 3-4 1:12 fast 4U 109 9 8 9 9" F Tlidykel2 DtFlcr. W.KnowsMe FlerShoo taar I? " 1 VZZl1 B 1 10 9" 8" H r W.KnowsMe. mS., Snn 80035 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 82 105 3 7 6 5 J Wood 8 Mcintosh. Sandalwood, Lgboat ANN M., ch. f. 3 103 By Boots and Saddle Little Nell, by Cederstrome. Owner. J. J. Greeley. Breeder T M Wnrnk. .n0rne 4i 10S, G 4 4h 4iR Telton 10 Climax," HaVoTd K.fseths Alibi 81581 Hthorne -,13J:!Vy 1 1-16 l:46fast 4 96 2 2 2 51 D Jones 8 T.Foreigner Fantoche F Orient 2?te i6?1" Mt 8 3 3 31 4D Jones lOSakah! Jimson Efasb 1r? 5ii?Vj: f I V 5,0 W Be 8E.Acklcy, Muskallonge. Cuvnor 5"iJ:I!5a85 7 4 3121W Bogski 13 Auntie Millin, Impossible. Colfin 808G0 Hthorno m 3-4 l:13fast 7 103 7 3 3 2 F Weiner 7 Bro.John. Aerhena T dllonneiir 79754 Latonia 1 1-16 l:54Hhvy 29-10 103 5 4 4 4 B Kenndy G Bona Vera Florence W Z 1 Churchill 11-10 1:47 fast 41 102 I 2 5 5" B Kenndy G Btherlyl!ove, AnnleLyle Bugler Hill Ure,J i 1 11S 1:52 llvy 33-M 10G 3 1 24 I Parke 6 Bugler. Lady Jane. Bye Bye -lvl ?w2ufaSt, 4 ?2? I ,2!2ilke 9 Prot.Politician. Mnspringf liege .9131 Chuh Churchill 1 l:42andmud 17 101 2 2 3 3 n Long 9 Privilege. The Reaper Colfin 74953 Huntington al f 1:07 fast 3 109 1 R McDott 7 Ann M.. Balefull. Quash RALCO blk. h, 7 120 By Rock View Black Mantilla, by Sata. Trainer, S. . Tracy. Owner, S. S. Tracy. Breeder T Piaii. o:J IY 1 V? J:JLfast. i 136 9 10 10 8S G EIlis 30 oceeds, Bills Luck. Jordan J?.J 10rne 11, Y-00d 12 120 11 10 91 9Si A Collinsia A.Alexder. Ebony Bel e. Kolanl 82019 II thorne 3-4 l:18hvy 7 120 4 5 4 4 A Collins 7 Van.Boy. MayBuddy Musknlra fnn?2 Htho.r"V 3-4"3.asft 30 ,IM 9 5 Bh 7" A Collins 11 Guv.ior TcAmertonf Sdr -Irr, ama,.ca lm0y ,1:ff8t 6 102 9 9 9 9 E Beach 11 Mom. Superbum. Bendita Jamalca 3"4 l:13jands!op 10 117 5 7 71 8" R Carter 9 MondayMning. Aladdin Bcrosa -oSA 3. Un.Hunts 1 l:39fast 41 113 1 1 2s 2 R Carter 9 Normal. Sin, Mont Male Ba lot SW! 6i I 1:SOod 36 110 1 6 9 9 E AmbroselO Sea Sand. Arendal. Poppye 78228 Bowio 7-8 l:29mud 14 110 4 6 81 73 J McTagtlS Fifty-Fifty Warn- C J C-mllrt 78101 Bowio Gif 1:23 mud Sfl03 2 5 7" S" F Lee 13 B ffBang Tim sD,; A-cfa 77347 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:49ifegood 12 106 4 10 11 11" G Breningll Nor...:? 1? MajorTty. Royftarlie CONWAY, ch. g 3 M 113 By Ralph-Bonnie Kate, by loyalist. Trainer, R. Williams. Owner, H. D. Bell. Breeder G J Loner w.hZ U t1:,1 waStl V ll 11 1VlW Po1 11 Betsinda, Humble. AuntieMillia 81081 H thome 3-4 1:12 fast 50 107 2 8 8 8 II Stutts 8 JtDavid Snksie Bdlev Sannln 7677G F.Grnds 3-4 l:15n,ud 30 116 4 5 C 6" J Burke 9 W.theWiVd FireBov Excha 75273 Latonia 3-4 l:13fnst 43fll2 9 9 12 ll8 J H Burlcel2 Muldrgh ItSmoke LaPdeBnto 7515G Latonia 3-4 l:13?fast 73f 113 9 10 12 12" J H Burkel2 Lady Fox. CoX. BineSike MUSKALLONGE. ch. g S 120 By Meelick-Gay and Festive, by Knight of th, o-lrnrain,e,r A SW? ,Wnfr Mrs A Swcnbe- Thistle. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. , i.M-f"1 5 3 Ci 5iW Fronlc 11 BodyGuard, Clougl.jn Soldicrll. , 82019 II thorne 3-4 l:1874hvy 3-5 -.1 120 3 1 l"i 3 V Fronk 7 VanishingBoy MayBuddy Ralco 81582 Hthorno CI f l:21fast 8-5 130 11 11 11 ll L, McDottll Enrico Carpenter sS MiasV?s 111 tiV-UuV 1 1 2 2 24 L McDott 8 Eva Ackley, Cuvnor, Climax 70 TTMWn IdxJo nt 7 2 i? 3TA ColIin3 11 Pollymara, Ten Sixty. Doubtful 80809 H thome 3-4 l-rftfast 4 111 7 4 6l 5 J Bell 9 Fifty-Fifty TenSixtv BmnwMr Sm-IbXS 6M?:fa"S l2 I V 24 L AteelSlffisa! MoSIu 79953 Belmont 1 l:33andgood 6 111 1 3 2"k 7 L. McAtee 8 Negociafr. Fifty-Fifty. Belcross COMMANDER cMEEKIN ch.g, 5 120 By Peter Quince-Fallal, by Ben Brush. Tra-.ner. L. F. Marshall. Owner. Marshall Bros.. Breeder, J. N. Camden 2.!J,0rne -w 7 120 2 7 71 7S 11 J BurkclO Climax, Harold K.. Seths Alibi .M10rne aJ , V!Vy 6 115 1 3 7 7 H J Burke 7 M.Misehicf, TrBrown MyBuddy no nol? i:ffiVlr H I 2 3i 37i H J Burke 7 "nket. T.Amern, Ontario H,th 3i!:nWVy a C 110 6 3 2i 23 II Stutts 7 Piedmont. FthfulGirl. JackFrost io-o S ,urc " ii fast K, 113 1 8 8 Slt 11 stutts 9 Su""y Dicrow. Longboat. Rob ioJ?i UrCLl 3, , V?Vy 106 3 3 4 4 G Ellis G The Runt. Sandalwood. Ruby "rC,h Va ,1:,WV? 42 107 4 3 41 E3 H Stutts 9 binding Through. Sequel. Hullo 4roV? ,hUrC 1 Vat 66 110 9 13 131 15" W Kelsay 15 JakicIIay. RoyalPalm Longboat 7?ooo ?hUrCl,liH 31,1:Lhvy, 6 112 4 3 4 4" W Kelsay 8 The Runt. Sequel. Napoo :on a 5"4J:??mud 8 10C 3 3 41 5,0 E Martin 7 Glyn. J.B.Brown. McGecs Pin Ca808 r-icS Latonia 3-4 l:l3fcfast 121 105 7 8 8 8 E Martin 8 Spats. Waywad.Lady. Isosceles VOOGERIA, br. m, 5 115 By Voorhees Egeria. by Top Gallant. o.J. ,.n?r A F Dayton- Owner. A. F. Dayton. Breeder, A. B. Spreckels. 5; 031 ":Ithorno . S"4 l:17hvy 18-5 110 5 5 5 4B J Smith 9 Lavinia, Bessie Leignton Corto HUana 1 W6 1:47-fast 30 103 6 G 6 6" J Smith C VanPatrick, Virginius, By Watts 42oi TJuana 1 i;8 l:MV5fast 14 103 2 4 6 5 J Smith 5 Dorius, BlarneyStonc. Mar. Boy JmJOy Y-151 100 104 7 9 9 9 J Smith 9 Valor. Van Patrick. Quecreek -T-SIo T.HUana lmy, l:iyZoa lit 101 3 6 8 8" J Smith 8 Great Luck. Valor, Sagamook -rnr "ana , ,3; V llaal 12i 104 7i J Smith 7 JnckBaner. SpdEagle. LordAllen -rr I,Ju?-na J J"" :1Laa 90 104 6" J Smith 8 Wynncwood. T.Buttons. LEffare ,5548 Tanforan 1 1-1G l:45fast - 107 41 J Smith 4 Sagamook, Reap, The Hottentot PRAISEWORTHY, b. g, 3 103 By Jack Atkin Meritoriously, by Miller. Trainer. M. J. Hays. Owner, Emeryville Stable. Breeders. "White and Rises. 82478 irthorne lm70y l:44fast 20 103 8 7 GJ C" A Prgrass 8 Liege, Kit, Impossible i 81207 irthorne lm0y l:45andfast 30 101 G G G G A Pcndgs C Coyne, Flower Shop, Over Fire J 80054 irtliorno 3-4 1:17 mud 30 107 9 9 9 9" A PendsslO Shining Gold, Climax, Liege 1 0330 Omaha 3-4 1:15 hvy 33 107 6S0 A Pendgs 7 Golden Cup, Grandest. Menage 1 80005 Omaha Ei f 1:08 fast 14 107 77i O Clark It Quaver, Collision, Kilkare 1 78350 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 11 100 7 7 7 51 J Maibcn 7 Zillali. Josephine Newell, Settee 77863 Tijuana lmTQy 1:45 fast 32 93 7 6 7 7JP Hum 7 ShsMcmory, Cyprcino, Taxation MABEL EVEREST, br. f, 3 108 By Everest Mabel Clarkson. by Allowmaiso. j Trainer. J. Evcrman. Owner, W. H. Crawford. Breeder. R. Vaxwig. j 82022 Hthorne 5J f l:llhvy 12 S9 3 7 7 7 It Telton 7 Medina, Corto, Ebony Belle , 80054 Ilthorno 3-4 1:17 .mud 12 108 5 7 10 10 K Martin 10 Shining Gold. Climax, Liege j 77970 Havana 3-4 l:14slow 94 1 1 11 lk II Callahnl2 Dustman. Capt.Kinnarney, Needy j 77896 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 8 93 5 1 1 1" J Dawson 11 BoneroBlue, Bodanzky, Berretta f 77853 Havana 51 f l:07fast 15 102 11 10 7 8 F Woodkl2 Okeechobee, Gray Girl, Suzuki , 70781 Latonla 5-8 l:03andmud 22 112 7 5 7 71 D Connlly 7 Ima Mint. Xixia. Glide Onrl DA PC 3 Mile. Patricia Collinsre Parse. 3-year-olds and upward. OlU nMut Allowances. July 10, lt24 1:11 2-3 3 121. GLIBE, ch. f, 3 101 By Manager Waite Gossip, by The- Scribe. CTrainor. L. Jones. Owner. Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 82291 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 110 4 4 4" 4 "W Fronk 5 Barn Dollar. Go Foin. Keegan I 79724 Latonia 11-16 1:48 mud S 103 1 5 3 31 W Fronk G Moonraker, Audacious. Chilliowee 70G34 Churchill 1 1-8 l:514fast 10 116 8 8 3 It1 M Garner 8 Nellie Morse, Befuddle, Lavcen 79343 Churchill 1 1-4 2:03fast 16 101 7 9 G Gl" W Fronk 1L Modest, Chacolct. Dazzler 1 79172 Churchill 1 l:41slop 7 103 1 2 ll V W Fronk 4 Hpeless, Mnrker. H.E.Cleman 1 79089 Churchill 1 l:3Gfast 9 103 8 6 Gi 6T W Fronk H Actuary, Moonraker, Ten-Lcc 1 78975 Churchill 1 l:37.good 16 114 8 6 4 41 W Fronk 8 BlackGd. WildAstcr. K.Gorinll. I 78899 Churchill 3-4 l:14fcniud 31 104 4 4 3l lk W Fronk 5 Pindarlccl, EasterBells, GrtJaz I tDisquallfied. 1 GO FOIN, b. g, 3 106 By Atheling II. Thrifty, by Ogden. . Trairer, B. A. Jones. Owner, Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Nevada Stock Farm. 82505 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 11-10 113 2 1 11 l1 C Gross 1 BillOFlynn, Cuampn. EvaAley . 82291 Htliorne 3-4 l:13fast 10 11S 12 2 21 C Groo3 5 Barn Dollar, Keegan, Glide 80443 Omaha 51 f l:07hvy 21-10 105 2" C Gross 4 Allcden, My Daddy, Kli:is O. 80271 Omaha 5-S l:01alov 2-5 110 1" C Gross 4 reterBrown, Tcoters, HelenCook . 79771 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 2 108 4 E Pctzoldt 6 Abdane. S.Thglits, T.Acanium : 79731 Omaha 3-4 l:llfast 4-5 104 31 C Gross G Lady Gorliam, Korbly, MyDaddy 78874 Pimlico 1 l:43slop 3-10 115 3 1 I1 2s F Hstings 5 Flying Fur, Julia M., Bees j 78808 Pimlico 3-4 l:llfast 23-10 110 G 2 2 ! F Lee 8 Rustic, Blue Moon. Long Point 78379 Bowie 51 f l:07fast 2-5 115 3 1 1 1 F Loo 8 MucliAdo, LconardG., LadyCboco , 7822G Bowie GJ f l:22slow 1 11G 3 1 1 1 F Lee 13 Altissinio. Just, BethleliemSteel j 71345 Latonia 51 f l:09Hmud 7-5 115 1 2 2 2J E Denny 8 Valley Light. Gee. Free Hand THE ARAUCANIAN. br. h. 5 113 By Bodge Hcop Skirt, by Sunstar. Trainer. G. Arvin. Owner. R. 1. Baker. Breeder. A. K. Macomber. 82477 Hthorne 51 f 1:07 fast 10 106 4 4 5s 5 P. Doyle G Dr.Hickman. M.FoxIL. T.Runt 82418 Hthorna 3-4 l:13slow 6 1C9 8 6s 6IB HngtonlO Sanola, The Runt, Marionette 79771 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 4-5 117 31 F Weiner G Abadanc, Sec.Tlioughts. GoFoin 7850G Tijuana 1 1-1G 1:43 fast 2 113 1 1 ll 2 E Fator G Lit.CIiief. ChenTiee. Pr.TiiTii 78305 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 slow 3-5 107 3 1 1J 11 E Fator G P. Wale, C.dcLion. MyKcverie 78087 Tijuana 3-4 l:ll?fast 33-10 109 1 1 1 l1 E Barnes G Suniiyland, L. Chief, PaulaShay 78035 Tijuana 3-4 l:12hvy 9-10 IIS 1 2 2s 1 E Barnes 5 Goldfield, Chiva, Paula Stay 778G5 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 last 11-10 113 1 1 1 l1 J Wood G D.Corbclt, W.Hcathcr. Doubtful 77G91 Tijuana 3-4 l:12fast 8-5 115 1 1 lh 2 A Johnson G C.deLion. T.Falconer. Cap. Glover BARN DOLLAR, ch. c, 3 110 By Omar Khayyam Mousse Des Bois, by Ajax. Trainer, B. John. Owner, J. W. Marchbank. Breeder. Belair Stud. 82291 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 5 ICG 5 3 lh ll C Hworth 5 Go Foin, Keegan, Glide 81707 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 7 113 2 4 35 33 F Weiner 0 JgcPryor, Betsinda. Whalebne 81G23 Ilthorno 1 l:37fast 15 103 7 7 7 7" F Weiner 7 Cannon Shot. Postillion, Blotter 80905 Ilthorno 1 1:43 mud 9-5 116 5 6 6 G F Weiner G Black Crackle, Jimson, Kit 8080G Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 8 116 4 7 ll Is F Weiner 10 Beaut.Addie. Elusive, Remnant 80027 Tanforan 3-4 l:13fast 109 l2 C Corbett G Mokihana, Hilarity, Lord Allen 79981 Tanforan 7-S l:25andfast 104 21 F Weiner 7 Mokihana, Contusion, naleakala 79836 Tanforan 7-8 l:27fast 107 Is E Fator 9 Contusion. Lizette, ShsMeinory 79525 Tanforan FC l:llandfast 109 2 A Collins 8 Trusty. Seths Memory, Mt.Rose 79214 Tanforan 3-4 l:14andfast 106 4 G Abel 7 Hilarity. Trusty, Ponjola ALLEDEN, b. g. 5 117 By Goldic Dakota Girl, by Electioneer. Trainer, IT. Shapoff. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. L. J. Harmcn. 82632 Hthorne 3-4 l:15hvy 9-5 110 2 11 ll N Barrett 3 Quince Garden. Kva Acklcy 82506 Hthorno 3-4 l:15mud 16-5 122 6 2 ll l4 C Gross 8 BrothcrJohn. EVgl.nde, ltdRol-n 82352 Hthorne 3-4 l:llfast 10 107 6 6 31 31 A Pickens 7 QuinceCdn, Dr.Hickmn. Sakah 81010 Hthorne lm70y l:43andslovr 7 10G 3 3 6 6" R Doyle 7 Virginins, Billy Star, Wong Bok 80956 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 41 110 4 4 31 37 ft Doyle 6 Marionette, J.S.Rdon. R.Mtain 80863 Hthorne 3-4 l:12andfast 8 112 5 4 5 51 F Weiner 5 BetterLuck. Postillion. M.FoxII. 80443 Omaha 51 f l:07hvy 9-10 115 1" O Clark 4 Go Foin. My Daddy. Elias O. 80373 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 27-10 115 2nt R Doyle 7 LadyGorham. MyDaddy, Dbtful 80270 Omaha "51 f l:07slow 9-5 116 1 O Clark 7 Rajah, Korbly, Speedball NEW GOLD, b. g, 3 106 By Oliver Goldsmith Noowa. by Meddler. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 82345 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 109 4 3 41 45 H Stutts G Batsman, Cockney, Quarantine 80649 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 5 117 5 5 3 32 H Stutts 0 Corinth, Gorget. Blotter 80250 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 15 107 9 3 11 1J H Stutts 12 Volt, MissMischief, Beaut.Addie 80141 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 31f 104 12 12 ll1 853 B Kenndyl2 Brunswick, EiisBclls, IntuitioD 70726 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49mud 42 103 5 6 G C" II Taylor G Triumph, Make Up, Untried 70470 Churchill 1 l:39hvy 64 100 G 5 5 4" G Ellis G Dustaltout, Welcome, Privilege 79304 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47andfast 39 103 7 8 7 7" B Kenndy 8 RkyMtn, BkftBell, S.Vcente JOELLA J., b. f. 4 108 By Seth Pickaninny, by Cesaricn. Trainer, E. Seguin. Owner, Victoria Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 82505 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 40 115 3 G G1 613 E Seguin 7 GoFoin. BillOFlynn. Chr.mplain 82173 Hthorne 3-4 1:14 good 30 115 7 8 8 S18 E Seguin 8 Marionette. Lady Fox, L.Granite 78066 Tijuana 5-S l:0tandfast r6 114 7 7 7 710 E. Sequin 7 Rondelle, Music Box, Flax 77928 Tijuana 51 f l:07,4fast S4 113 9 7 8 8 E Sequin 10 DoctorCorbott, Ron lelle. Stroller 778G5 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 53 101 3 5 5s 61 S Hicks 6 T.Araucn, D.Corbt, W.Ileather 77182 Tijuana 41 f 53fast 72 117 7 7 7 7S1 E Sequin 1 Hilarity. Yalta, Motor Cop 767G8 Tijuana 41 f 53"ifast 89 11G S11 E Sequin 8 LadyGorham, Mot.Cop, LdAllen 75804 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 16 118 6S1 E Sequin 6 Coeur deLion, Pud, Dainty Lady 75208 Hunfgton 51 f l:09femud 21 115 l"" E Sequin G Cacambo, BuckPond, Black Deer PARADER, ch. g. 6 113 By Whisk Broom II. Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. L. CahE. Owner. T. J. Pendergast. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 80182 Latonia lrnTOy 1:13 fast 5 117 4 7 GS 5 H LunsfdlO W.Star, MissMeise, P.Politician 80082 Latonia lm70y l:43"sgood 22 112 6 4 5 5 II Lunsfd S Best Pal, Make Up, Welcome 79847 Latonia lm7Cy 1:42 fast 12-5 110 7 6 7" 7l" L McDott 9 MakeUp, Llewellyn. FrincTiiTii 79384 Churchill 1 i-16 l:43?sLast 3 106 6 3 31 3 H Stutts 7 Startle, Rlnkey, Best Pal 79087 Churchill 7-S l:23fast 18-5 117 6 6 51 11 H Lunsfd S Pr.TiiTii, Sympathy, R-Mntaiu 79040 Churchill 7-8 l:25gocd 33 112 3 5 4 551 H Lunsfd 11 St.Ttie, Dazzler. Brilliant Cast 72954 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 30 120 9 9 9l 810 D ConnllylO LastStraw. Bigheart, ByGuard 70016 Churchill 1 1-16 l:45fast 11 107 5 5 6 71 D Connlly 7 Startle. BlckServant. L.Madeap 69G63 Lexgton 1 1-4 2:04Vifast 33-10 10S1 1 4 2" 2 D Connlly 4 Best Pnl, LadyMadcap, Cliacolet LADY FOX, blk. f, 3 105 By Moss Fox Bachelors Blend, by Tredennis. Trairer, W. C. Weant. Owner. W. C. Weant. Breeder. W. C. Weant. 82476 Hthorno 3-4 l:13andfast 7-10 110 1 1 Is Is R Doyle 7 Muldraugh, Climax, Fretwell 82173 Hthorno 3-4 1:14 good G 10S 1 1 V 2nt W Bogski S Marnette, L.Granlte, R.Heather 81081 Hthorne 3-4 1:12 fast 12 100 5 2 71 1" A Roduez 8 JtDavid, Snksie Bdley, Sanola 80903 Hthorne .51 f l:06mud 41 92 6 3 3 37 S Griffin 7 Sanola, Dr.Hkman, KgsRsom 80750 Hthorno 51 f 1:06 fast 15 101 7 1 l1 5 W Bogski 7 Sanola, Doc Horn. Just David 75435 Churchill 7-S 1:25 fast 40 101 3 10 12 12" J Wallace 12 Glide, Lord Martin. Chilhowee 75376 Churchill 3-4 1:14 hvy 16-5 102 2 1 and 8 J Heupel 8 Defiant. RollgWave. P.McCann 75156 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 1 112 1 1 1" ll I Parke 12 Corinth. Businesslike. Mill Boy BLOTTER, b. c, 3 113 By North Star ILL Acutissima. by Forfarshire. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner. Southland Stable. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 82234 Hthorne 3-4 l:13andgood 13.5 113 3 1 11 H L McDott 9 MossFoxIL, L.Doctor, K.Ransom 81939 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 mud 3-10 112 3 1 "l 1 L McDott 5 Rockllther. NoLady, GdMorng 81623 Hthorno 1 l:37fast 7 101 4 2 3s 3 R Fisher 7 Can.Shot, Postillion, TheRolICall 81209 Htliorne 3-4 l:12andfast 16-5 91 6 3 3" 31 S Griffin 6 Sanola, Moss Fox II., Pdar Peel 81080 Hthorno 3-4 l:12fast 6 106 4 2 21 2 L ISlcDott 9 MissCcrina, Starbk, MossFoxIL 80649 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vfast 21 105 3 3 4 4"J L McDott G Corinth, Gorget, New Gold 80422 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 43 961 7 7 G Go Jl Fisher 8 Baffling, Better Luck, Sun Flag 79130 Churchill 7-8 1:27 mud 19 105 1 1 2" 31 L McDott 6 Dazzler. John Finn. Auntie May 77974 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:57mud 15 117 9 9 8l 6" W Crump 11 BlackGold, BrilliantCast, Rlnkey 77672 F.Ginds 1 l:40fast 5 106 2 2 1 3s L McDottlO Fredericktown. Tliorndale. Polvo EDDIE JR., ch. gr. 4 113 By Short Grass Miss Present, by The Tartar. Trainer. W. Cavwood. Owner, W. Caywood. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 77631 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49good 8 108 2 3 11 Is J Chalmrs 8 St. Michael, Water Girl, Mom 77580 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 mud 5 107 3 3 3 21 J Chalmrs 7 Gen.Cadorna, Reel Foot, Lierre .77450 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:50andmud 20 107 3 2 2l 2l J Chalmrs 9 FcigncdZl, OurBirthday, Lubeck 77347 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49VSgood 15 110 5 5 61 7" J H Burkell Normal, Majority. Koyal Charlie 77234 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fart 15 1051 4 5 4 5- H Zandpr 13 S.Frdman, Col.Winn, T.Official 7273G Aurora 3-4 l:16slow 13-5 107 4 3 2- P E Petzoldt 9 JoeCampbell, Casey, SanStefano CHERRYCOTE, br. f, 3 M 101 By Broomstick Hazel Burke, by Sempronius. Trainer, J. J. Holtman. Owner, J. B. Gorham. Breeder, J. B. Gorham. 74851 Latonia 51 f 1:68 good 8 115 6 5 41 4fl J D Mneyl2 BreakftBcll, AVaukuUa, M.Loyd 74557 Latonia 51 f 1:08 fast 17f 115 2 1 2" 43 E Martin 12 LyMain. An.Lyle. N.Lghorne 74280 Latonia Gl f 1:07 fast 22 115 2 7 81 10" E Martin 12 PssDorecn. BfastBell, P.Louise WAR ZONE, b. g. 8 113 By Dorando Boco, by Matchmaker. Trainer, A. Dickey. Owners, Dickey and Jones. Bred in England by A. Grossman. 82598 Hthorne 3-4 l:14sIow 12 111 5 G G Cl A Collins 6 Lcst.Doctor, L.Marcella, ByGrd 70933 Tanforan F C l:09fast 103 G"l J Smith 7 LordAllen. Sn.ISradlpy, .Bmstone 79836 Tanforan 7-8 l:27fast U7 5 J Smith 9 Barn Dollar, Contusion, Lizette 79523 Tanforan 5-8 1:01 fast 105 51 J Smith G CoeurdeLion, Bill McCloy, Sedge 77208 Tijuana lm70y 1:45 fast 10 103 4 2 31 45i J Smith 4 SpreadEagle, BillyStar, PrinceK. 77165 Tijuana 3-4 l:12fast 41 112 7 6 G 61 J Smitn 9 S.Eagle, W.Ileather, M.Reverie 77075 Tijuana lm70y l:45good 14f 108 5 7 71 7 A Johnson 8 Great Luck, Valor, Sagamook 762G3 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 hvy 6 110 31 J Smith 7 BeFrank, JgePryor, GreatLuck 76165 Tijuana 1 1:40 fast 43 103 7"! J Smith 8 Billy Star, All Over, W.neather 75829 Tanforan 1 1-1G l:45fast 105 2k J Smith 5 Sunnyland. Lady Inez, Mokihana 75738 Tanforan FC l:09fast 109 5 J Smith 5 LittleChief, JackBauer, Dolores 75621 Tanforan 51 f l:06fast 111 E J Smith 8 .T.Bauer, QuinecGarden, Dolores 75508 Tanforan 3-4 1:14 fast 106 1 J Smith 8 Ten Butons, Dolores, Dr. Corbett BOY O BOY, ch. c, 3 100 By North Star III. Busy Joe, by Sain. Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Potter. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 82418 Hthorne 3-4 l:13slow 20 10110 10 10 10" W BogskilO Sanola, The Runt. Marionette 77193 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 good 1 112 3 2 21 21 I Parke G L.Doctor, B.andBley, Bril.Cast 7C017 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 41 100 2 1 ll 1 G W CarMlO Blotter, Patlian. Dreamer 76559 F.Grnds 51 f l:06fast 13-5 106 4 3 3" 21 E Blind 10 I.Thghts. K.OXeillll., L.Dtor 7G4G1 F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 31 106 1 2 H 2n G W Croll 8 Rinkey, Ex. Edition, Frankman 74637 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 4-5 115 5 6 6s 53 J D Mney 8 Baffling, Frank Gailor, Deronda 74366 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 7 113 1 9 7" 71 C Ponce 12 Clarence, Stage Coach, Cloister iiii- rj h pp 1 Mile. Tarnish Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. July 17, 4Irl HAUL U23 1:37 1-5 3 103. TANGERINE, b. p. 5 115 By Olambala Orange Lilly, by William the Third. Trainer. W. Sims. Owner. Punblo Stable. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 82552 Hthorno lm70y l:48hvy 13-5 116 2 3 3 3 K Ericksn 4 Bciphrizonia, Can.Shot, Dobson 82061 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:G2hvy 4 115 2 3 2J 11 W Bogski 4 JewellV.D., PrinceTiiTii, Plucky 81707 Hthorno 1 1-16 lA0hvy 11-5 121 5 4 4" 1" J Chalers 5 Doubtful, Sequel, Haleak.ila 81534 Hthorno 1 3-16 1:59 fast 4 116 2 4 1 ll J Gerrity 6 The Archer, Over Fire, Kit 81386 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:52hvy 3 116 5 2 21 2 W Lilley 5 Dobson. Untried. Hoy 81352 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:51hvy 13-5 106 1 4 3 2 L McDott 7 Quesada. Doubtful, Pollymara 80984 Hthorno 1 1-16 1:55 hvy 8 106 4 3 3l 3 J Gerrity 6 The Runt, Over Fire, Bona Vers 79593 Belmont 1 1-16 l:47andslow 18-5 110 6 5 7 7" L McAteo 8 Blue Hawk, Insulate. Superbum 79139 Jamaica 1 1-8 1:52 fast 18-5 110 5 7 9 9 L McAtee 10 Stone Jug, Aladdin, EdwardGray 79044 Jamaica lm70y l:43fast 6-5 108 5 3 21 2n G Lavine 5 Despair, Olynthus, Apology 78692 Jamaica lm70y l:46andraud 3-2 112 2 5 3 2 G Lavino 8 Top Sergeant, Anne, All ia All i J 1 1 1 j j , j j f , I 1 1 1 I I 1 . . . : j , j BELPHRIZ ONTA, b. f, 4 110 By Vulcain Bolphoebe, by Orsini. Trairer, A. Swcnko. Owner, A. Swenko. . Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 82552 Hthorno lm70y l:48hvy 11-5 108 4 1 1 l1 II Stutts 4 CannonShot, Tangerine, Dobsoa 81799 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:45Vifast 6 108 6 4 G1 G8 W Fronk 8 EIClayton Laveen, JewellV.D. 81624 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:45fast 41 1C8 3 3 3 21 J Chlmers 5 Ethel Clayton, Lavcon, All Over 811G8 irthorne lm70y l:43ifast 21 101 4 3 4 4" G Elli3 4 L.Astor, Miss Ccrina. ConiicSong 80807 Hthorno 1 l:33Hifa3t 18-5 103 2 6 3 21 L Morris 8 ComicSong, RockyMn, Can.Shot PRINCE Til Til. b. e. 4 106 By Spanish Prince II. Queen Tii. by Meddler. Trainer, E. L. Synder. Owner, Mrs. B. B. Williams. Breeder. II. P. Whitney. 82061 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:52hvy 3-2 108 4 2 35 3i W Fronk 4 Tangerine, Jewell V. D.. Plucky 81941 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:50 mud 16-5 107 4 1 ll ll L McDott 4 JewellV.D., Fretwell. Victoire 81G70 Hthorno 1 1:42 mud 4 104 2 2 2 2 J Chalers 5 JewellV.D., KingTut. BillvStar 81498 Hthorne 3-4 l:12?fast 12 100 4 4 4 3 R Yelton 5 Brswk. J.S.Reardn, Marionetto 80925 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 11-5 106 4 1 1 1 O Ellis 5 Over Fire, Virginius, Dobson 80754 Hthorne lm70y l:41fast 13-5 106 8 5 3s 2and G Ellis 8 Darius. Lily M., Marcclla Boy 80182 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 19-5 109 6 8 8 T G Ellis 10 W.Star. MissMeise. P.IoIitrcian 79847 Latonia lm7Qy 1:12 fast E 98 3 3 3 3" G Ellis 9 Make Up, Llewellyn. Belzoni 79633 Churchill 7-8 l:23fast 16 100 5 6 Gl 7" G Ellis 7 AliccB.Gown. Actuary, RyMtn 79087 Churchill 7-8 l:23fast 34 108 7 7 6 21 G EII13 8 Parader. Sympathy. R. Mountain 78506 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:45 fast 20 96 4 4 41 4 G Ellis 6 Lit.CIiief. T.Araucann. Ch.Trc 78069 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:46andfaat 62 103 5 6 8 8 G Ellis 8 iUcSeing. LadyAstor, ChryTrea 78035 Tijuana 3-4 l:12hvy 31 113 4 4 5 5T1 T Wilson C TlieAraucanian. Goldfield. Chiva QUINCE GARDEN, ch. g. 5 100 By Peter Quince Miss Gardner, by Masetto. Trainer, G. Arvin. Owner, R. L. Baker. Breeders, Speith, Phillips Sc Jack-i con. 82632 Hthorno 3-4 l:13andhvy 7-10 108 1 2 21 21 E Pool 3 Alledcn, Eva Ackley 82418 Hthorne 3-4 l:13s!ow 6 105 3 4 5l 51 R Doyle 10 Sanola, The Runt, Marionette 82352 Hthorne 3-4 l:llfast 7-C 108 2 2 21 11 N Barrett 7 Dr. Hickman, Alledcn, Sakah 82060 Hthorne 3-4 1:17 hvy 41 103 2 2 21 2 W Bogski 4 TheRunt, Sanola, SksicBradlcy. 81854 Hthorno 3-4 1:13 fast 41 109 3 3 4 441 G Mem 5 Sanola, Brunswick. The Runt 81G71 Hthorno 61 f l:21mud 11-5 110 1 2 2 2 L McDott 3 The Runt, John S. Reardon 81336 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 16-5 108 4 2 2 3l F Weiner 5 Sanola, MossFoxIL. JewellV.D. 77601 Tijuana 1 l:39fast 6 106 4 1 l1 1 G Mcin 9 Sunnyland, Vanlatrick. BeFrank 77512 Tijuana 11:39 fast 8 108 3 1 1 21 G Mein 4 SIcivcconard. Lilt, Mokihana 77440 Tijuana 51 f l:05fast 26 113 10 8 Sl 9 D Connllyl2 Better Luck. Dominique. Lilt 77272 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 8 113 1 Pulled up.Et Barnes 5 Lilt, Bill OFlynn, Better Luck 77097 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 11-10 113 2 2 2i lh G Mein 9 BetterLuck. B.ofElizan. Slcoud J7002 Tijuana 3-4 l:llfast 4 103 21 C Ralls 0 Osprey, Lilt. Belle of Eliztown 7G717 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 7 109 31 D Fator 5 Osprey, Abadanc. Lilt MOSS FOX II., blk. g, 5 102 By Moss F Bachelors Blend, by Tredennis. Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner. W. C. Weant. Breeder. V. C. Weant. 82477 Hthorne 51 f 1:07 fast 7 105 5 6 2" 2 W Bogski G Dr.Hickmn, TheRunt. MissCina 82418 imhorne 3-4 l:13slow 5 102 2 7 8l 8,s R Yelton 10 Sanola, The Runt. Marionette 82234 Ilthorno 3-4 l:1354good 41 115 1 3 21 2 W Bogski 9 Blotter, LesterDoctor, K.Ransora 8153G Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 8 1011 3 6 3 2 W Bogski 5 Sanola. QccGarden, JewellV.D. 81209 Hthorno 3-4 l:12fast 23 95 3 4 6 21 S Holicko G Sanola. Blotter. Pindar Peel 81080 Hthorno 3-4 l:12Vfast 15 110 6 5 5" 4 S Holecko 9 Miss Cerina. Blotter. Starbeck 81035 Hthorno 3-4 l:14slow 8 97 2 5 5 5" A Roduez 5 PdarPcel, Eth.Cyton. J.S.Rdon 80863 Hthorno 3-4 l:12andfast 10 93 2 5 4 31 A Roduez 3 Bct.Luck, Postillion. PoIlyWalo 80753 Hthorne 3-4 l:12Jfast 50 95 1 5 51 5s J Kcderis G JudgePryor, Bet.Luck, L.Granite 80373 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 71 104 5J O Clark 7 Lady Gorham, Alleden. MyDaddy 7G1G5 Tijuana 1 1:40 fast 10 101 Fell. P Hum 8 Billy Star. All Over, W.Ileather 70014 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 14 102 2k E Legere 7 T.Dtator, B.Bgage, B.ofEltoa PLUCKY, ch. m, 5 1C0 By Broomstick Courage, by Hamburs. Trainer. A. F. Dayton. Owner, A. F. Dayton. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 82675 See todays chart. 82505 Hthorne 3-4 l:15mud 40 115 7 7 7 7 C Miller 7 GoFoin, BiltOFljr.n. Chnmplahl 82001 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:52hvy 30 100 1 4 4 410 C Miller 4 Tangerine. JewellV.D.. Ir.TifTii 81465 Hthorne 3-4 l:13andfast 40 115 4 8 8 8" R McHugh S Bruuswk, E.Ackley, L.Marcella 81080 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 40 105 8 8 8 7" J Smith 9 Miss C-crina, Blotter, Starbeck 78397 Tijuana 3-4 l:12fast 23 107 5 0 5 5 J Johnson G Yalta, Mokihana, Melachrino 78211 Tijuana lm70y 1:46 hvy 14 105 3 4 4 4" J Smith 4 PauIaSy. EverBd. Coeur de Ln 78088 Tijuana lm70y 1:42 fast 108 104 4 E 5 5" J Smith 5 Dominique, BlancSeing, Ev.Bold 77905 Tijuana 1 l:40fast 20 107 3 S 5 3S1 J Smith 5 Muttikins, Victoire, Cat.Marrone 77800 Tijuana 3-4 l:1254faat 69 108 6 7 7 73 J Smith 8 J.S.Rcardon. C.deLion, PyWale 76436 Tijuana 1 l:447smud 56 104 91 J Smith 10 Tangerine, MyReverie, PMaSuay 75721 Tanforan 1 l:39andfast U3 5 J Smith 5 Coffield. Be Frank, Mar. Boy ROCK HEATHER, ch. c, 3 95 By Friar Rock Bold Girl, by Ogden." Trainer, B. John. Owner, J. W. Marchbank. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. 82476 Hthorno 3-4 l:13Hfast 16-5 115 7 5 5 5 C Hworth 7 Lady Fox, Muldraugh, Climax 82173 Hthorne 3-4 1:11 good 7 113 6 5 4 41 G Ellis 8 Marionette. LadyFox, L.Granito 81939 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 mud 5 112 4 1 2 2s F Weiner 5 Blotter, No Lady, GoodMorning 81351 Hthorne 1 1:42 hvy 25 102 4 4 4 4 G Ellis 4 TheRunt, FindarPeel, M.Cerlna 81080 Hthorne 3-4 l:12andfast 30 109 7 7 7 8 A Collins 9 Miss Cerina, Blotter, Starbeck 80903 Hthorno 51 f l:06mud 20 102 3 6 P 6" D Jones 7 Sanola, Dr.Hickman, Lady Fox 80032 Tanforan 1 1-16 l:52K;fast 100 6 C Corbett 10 Spr.Eagle, Snnyland, Freebooter 79931 Tanforan 5-8 l:01 112 2a P Martinz 8 Freebooter, Nayarit, Brandeis 79000 Tanforan 7-8 l:Sfast 107 21 A Collins 4 ClierokecLee. Cbustor, Fbooter 78933 Tanforan FC l:12fefast 108 4i A Collins 11 Brimstone, ChcrkeeLce, Tonjola 76500 Tijuana 51 f l.-09mud 10 112 3 A Claver 8 MyDaddy. P. de Oro. Al Hotfoot 5th RACE 1 101 j1! 0 Eye.?r"1Ls an1- upward. Claiming. July 19 COYNE, br. g, B 111 By Dick Finnell Alice Baird. by WooUthorpe. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner, Harned Bros., Breeder, R. H. Anderson. 82351 Hthorne 3-4 l:13andfast 6 117 3 3 3 21 W Fronk 13 Max Brick, Finday, Frcecutter 82235 Hthorno lm70y l:44good 12-5 HI 1 1 3 3 W Fronk 5 Sagamook, Liege, Kit 81625 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 31 115 3 2 21 2s G Ellis 12 Betsinda, Kindred, Newmarkat 81499 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47andfast 41 112 3 1 V 4s W Fronk 9 Westwd, M.Claire, Roundllobin 8142G Hthorne 1 1-8 1:54 fast 4 101 1 1 7 7" J Kederls 7 FlrShop, Wcstwood. BillyWatta 81207 Hthorne lra70y l:45fast 8-5 116 2 -1 1 l1 G Ellis 0 Flower Shop, OverFire, Cyprema 81084 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:47fast 8-5 106 1 2 4 6 D Jones 9 Hainan. Hoy, naleakala 80862 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 11-5- 109 2 2 2i 2 W Fronk 9 BenchManager. Haman, EliasO. 80751 Hthorne 3-4 l:14?fast 16-5 120 8 6 7l 4i J Kederis 11 Arrowhd, T.othMg, Simplicity TAYLOR HAY, ch. c, 4 111 By Faux-Col Emma Star, by Solar Star. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner. P. Laffoon. Breeder. C. W. Hay. 77850 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:50 fast 11-5 113 2 1 11 31 L McDottl4 Wcstwood, L.Auimie. WaterGirl 77784 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 4 110 11 9 8s 71 L McDottl2 Dumbfnder. Repeater. Wat.Girl 77741 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:47fast 10 107 6 5 51 5 L McDott 7 Doughnut, Dumbfnder, Rustem 7G558 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fast 15 112 9 7 7 5 R McDott 9 Walnut Hall, Tex, Neddam 764G5 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:43 fast 20 107 10 10 11 11 F Smith 11 F.Sncczy. Highspeed. MissMeis 75453 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53fast 8 112 5 5 31 2"t L McDottlO Iequot, Romping Mary, Lierre ROYAL DUCK, br. g, 7 109 By Royal Realm Duckshot. by Gallinuli. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 82G74 See todays chart. 82G01 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:49andslow 25 104 7 7 6 4T J Leyland 8 nuonec, Dorius. Attilia 82354 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:48 fast 31 HI 6 5 41 7J W Fronk 9 Elias O.. Glentilt. Slanderer 81083 Hthorno lm70y 1:46 fast 13-5 114 2 6 7 6si H Stutts 7 Paul Micon, Cliaplct, Yorick 81008 Hthorne 1 l:43slow 12 114 6 7 71 73 J Gerrity S Dernier Sail, Jimson. Paul Mieou 80526 Aqueduct 1 1-16 1:48 slop 7 112 8 9 9 9 L McAtee 9 Fridayl3th. Woodlake. Snperbra 80464 Aqueduct 1 1:40 fast 10 112 12 12 12 7" R McNeo 12 Aladdin, War Mask, Bear Grass 79859 Belmont 1 1-8 1:53 good 13-5 113 10 3 31 31 L McAtee 16 Ncgociatcur. MdBelle. Supbum 79738 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 15 103 8 7 4k 5i J Kapel 12 Aladdin, Lily M.. Insulate 78573 H.deGce 1 3-16 2:00good 5 115 2 2 3 1 L McAtee 7 Guelph. Freezy Sncezy. Hickory BENCH MANAGER, ch. g. 3 108 By The Manager Recline, by Ogden. Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, Mrs. W. J. Potter. Breeder, J. L. Tarlton. 8185G Hthorne 1 1-16 1:47 fast 18-5 95 2 1 1 ll L Momery 7 AVestwood, Yorick, Miss Claire 81386 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:52andhvy 31 101 14 4 5" D Jones 5 Dobson, Tangerine, Untried 808G2 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 3 98 6 1 Is P J Wood 9 Coyne, Haman, Elias O. 77456 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Suvy 5 100 5 5 5 53 I Parke 8 Anne, Quivero, Seths Flower 77368 F.Grnds lm"0y l:46fa3t 4 100 6 5 5 41 I Parke 12 Telescope, WougBok, AmityClm 76679 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud 8 1111 4 1 ll 1 E Pool 11 Antiquity, Bugler, St. Gerard 7G4G1 F.Grnds 51 f 1:07 fast 12 107 8 8 8 8 E Martin 8 Rinkey, Boy O Boy, Ex.Edition 76406 Jefferson 51 f l:07andgood 20 110 8 6 5 5" E Scoble 8 Gee, Carlton, Lieut. Farrell 75473 Churchill 7-8 l:275sfast 21 10S114 12 14 13 E Martin 15 Bchlder. Nrseland. B.andShoca LIEGE, b. g, 8 103 By Light Brigade Alsace, by Wrack. Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros.. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 82678 Seo todays chart. 82G01 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:43Vslow 8 103 G 1 4 5! A Franco 8 Huonec. Dorius, Attilia 82478 Hthorne lm70y l:444fast 4 112 3 2 1 B H Stutt3 8 Kit, Impossible, Glanmore 82235 Hthorno lm70y l:44good 25 103 2 2 21 2 A Franco 5 Sagamook, Coyne, Kit 82021 Hthorno 3-4 1:17 hvy 20 1921 5 4 6 41 A Franco 7 Kindred, Clever Seth, Merrimatf 81895 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 7 104 3 2 6J 5 E Ccoran 7 Kit, Oer Fire, Impossible 81742 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 good 8 116 6 5 2i 1 A Franco 9 Pinch o Snuff. Ivy, Double T. 81669 Hthorne 3-4 l:16mud 10 109 5 2 31 31 A Franco 3 ClcverSeth, Climax, EbonyBells 81421 Hthorne 3-4 l-.iegoQd 7 106 4 3 21 2 G Ellis 8 Sophia Marie. Climax. Ivy 81119 Hthorne 3-4 l:144fast 10 115 5 6 3 4T1 W Fronk 9 Max Brk, Climax, Sophia Marie 80954 Hthorne 3-4 1:17 mud 8 102 2 5 4 3 G Ellis 10 Shining Gold, Climax, Holly Boy DORIUS, b. h. 5 116 By Sain Latifa, by Hamburr. Trainer. M. Shapoff. Owner, H. Shapoff. Breeder. G. J. Lonr. 82601 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:43andslow 9-G 108 5 2 3 2 H Stutts 8 Huonec, Attilia. Royal Dnck 82479 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:46 fast 41 112 5 3 11 2a W Bogski 7 Hoy. Kauila, Margaret Ware 82293 Hthorne lm70y l:43fast 8 112 9 5 5 6J W Bogski 9 Guelph, Victoire, RkyMountain 82117 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:53hvy 8 113 4 3 2 2" W Bogski 6 Doubtful, SogrthAroon. Guelph 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 106 10 7 7 7i J PicrillolO TheRICall, PIMicou, RyMtin 81707 Hthorno 1 1-16 10hvy 8 114 3 5 5 5" J Picrillo 5 Tangerine, Doubtful, Sequel 81539 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 10 113 9 5 4 4si W Bogsk 10 Flower Shop, Kauila, Plus Ultra 81352 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:51hvy 6 106 7 7 7 6" J Picrillo 7 Quesada, Tangerine, Doubtful 80754 Hthorne lm70y l:41fast 6 111 7 3 2 P F Weiner 8 PrinceTiiTii, LilyM., MarUaBoy 79550 M.Hghts 7-8 l:26slop 6 113 5 5 31 31 II Paden 7 C. Costigan. OddSctli, Dorius DELSAN, br. g, 3 M 103 By Delhi Sandringbam Belle, by Sandringbam. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, K. A. Vogeler. Breeder, T. Piatt. 82115 Hthorne lm70y-l:51 hvy G 101 4 5 3J 31 A Franco 7 Hoy, Yorick, Billy Watts 81853 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46andfast 6 1001 3 4 45 4 R Hnton 8 T.dIIonr, JkFrost, SyDucrow 81706 Hthorne lm70y 1:49 hvy S 109 2 3 21 2s R Hgton 5 Bona Vera, BlkGrackle, MaxBrk 79582 Churchill 1 l:3Ssf.ist 23 107 8 8 9 8" R Harton 9 Ouonc. SportyMcGec. S.Vicc-nte 79469 Churchill 1 1:42 hvy 21 103 7 5 5 5" R Harton 7 Moorrield. P.Politician, An.Lyle 78826 Lsxgton ln-70y l:4Jandfast 2 107 8 G 7and 6J R HartonlO Klaxon, Alinka, Quinine 78670 Lexgton 3-4 l:18tmud 20 110 7 7 6 4 R Harton 8 Cupid, Attractive. March On PLUS ULTRA, br. g, 6 116 By Von Tromp Dally, by Gigantoum. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 82634 Hthorne lm70y l:48hvy 8 33 3 3 4l 41 L Momery 5 Mary Ellen O.. Betsinda, noy 81896 Hthorno 11-8 1:51 fast 10 116 4 7 8 83 F Horn 9 Sakah. RockyMountain, Quesada 81800 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 7 111 1 4 6 10i L McDottlO TheRICall, PIMicou, RyMtin 81585 Hthorne lm70y l:44Vfefast 8 116 2 5 4 31 J Wood 8 Fifty-Fifty, TnSixty, RkBtm. 81539 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 109 3 1 1 31 F Weiner 10 Flower Shop, Kauila. Dorius 81170 Hthorne 3-4 l:13andfast 20 115 2 9 8 93 J Wood 11 Pollymra, TcnSIxty Muskallnga 81010 Hthorno lm70y l:49sIow G 107 2 4 7 7" L McDott 7 Virginius, Billy Star, Wong Bok 80023 Hthorne 3-4 l:15hvy 12 108 5 6 6 5" H Stutts 11 Flgh.Cook, H.Jewel, Broth.Joha LIERRE. b. f. 4 102 By Faucheur Liq.uetto, by St. Bris. Trainer, M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowcnstein. Bred in France by W. K. Vander- bilt. 81896 Hthorno 11-8 1:51 fast 13-5 10i 3 3 63 GJ3 R . Yelton 9 Sakah. RockyMountain, Quesada 81801 Hthorne 1 1-8 1:53 fast 8 93 1 1 1J 1 R Yelton 8 T.Archer, FlygPrince, Sagamk 81425 Hthorne 11-8 1:51 fast 8 96 3 2 1 31 R Yelton 7 Belle Ami, The Archer. Hardmn 81255 Hthorne 3-4 1:13 fast 15 107 9 8 E 2 R Yelton 10 AVhalcbonc,- Diomed. Finday 81124 Hthorne lm70y l:4ifast 10 103 10 3 5s 4 F Weiner 10 nuonec. Pud, T. dMIonneur 80862 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:46fast 8 108 7 9 81 7 E Martin 9 Bench Manager, Coyne. Haniaa 80515 Latonia lm"0y l:44good 23f 105 9 7 8 8" R Yelton 12 Miss Maizie. Jupiter, Harry B. 79259 Churchill 11:10 good 3.101 8 5 8 8" R Yelton 8 Brother John. Repeater, Bye Byo 79010 Churchill 1.1:10 good 7 99 3 4 31 33 R Yelton 8 Wcstwood, Runquol, Jack Fros 1 and ,,lMTard Claiming. July 4, 1923 6th RACE 1"8i3ViCi" a"Tcai3-18 FAIR ORIENT, cli. e. 11 113 By Fair Play Orient, Ty Henry of Navarre. Trainer, O. Arvin. Owner, E. L. Baker. Breeder. K. L. Belmont. 82294 Hthorne l l-S l:54fast 11-5 115 8 S 3 2 N Barrett 8 FlygPrince. Ildman, BillyWts 8179G Ilthorne 13-16 2:00 fast 3 116 8 5 44 1 L. McDott 8 GailFord, Ramkin, LocstLeavcs 81703 Ilthorne 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 41 111 7 7 7" 7" W Anson 8 OTer Fire, "Whiff. Sun Mart 81581 IFtliornc 1 1-16 l:46fast 4 111 8 7 C1 31 F Weiner 8 TkeForeigncr, Fantoehe. Cliaplet S0204 Omaha 1 1-1G l:48fast 41 1U 3 E Fator 0 LadyLillian, VirginhiR, TcnCan 79772 Omaha 1 1-8 l:53fast 3-2 103 ll J Heupel 4 L. Lillian, Nob.Lad, W.TakcAll 79663 Omaha 1 1-16 l:48fast 16-5 102 11 J Heupel 0 Nebraska Lad. Chiva, Decod 78504 Tijuana lm"0y l:44fast C 107 7 7 51 3 E Fator 7 DernicrSou, Littlcnopc, Brazo i 78357 Tijuana lm"0y l:44fast 5 113 7 7 61 Ci E Fator 7 Kauila, Dernier Sou. Snow Cap EELMAN, ch. g, 5 113 By Fireman Eel, by Kenilworth. Trainer. M. C. Keefe. Owner, Mrs. M. C. Keefe. Breeder. E. M. Markham. 82597 Ilthorne 1 1-8 l:5Sslow 31 112 2 3 ll 1 E Pool 9 MarthaMoorc, Slanderer, Jordan 1 82354 Ilthorne 1 1-16 IMS fast 6 106 5 2 3 4J A Pterncll 9 Elias O., Glcntilt, Slanderer 81987 Ilthorne 1 1-16 1:55 hvy 8 110 Left F Merimee 7 JackFrost, Dghorcgan, GrtLady 81852 Htliorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 111 8 6 G 41 F Merimee 8 MaryEllenO., Citizen, Devil Girl 81582 Ilthorne CI f l:21fast 20 125 9 9 3,: 9i T Peternelll Enrico, Carpenter, Sq.MMastrs 1 80635 Yogstn 3-4 l:20slow tl 106 Vi ,A Peternel C StcllaMaris, Glenn, C.otlicRoost 80477 Yogstn 61 f 1:28 slop 7 10S 51 A Peternel 7 n.IVckwell, StellaMris, B.Trash i 80028 Tanforan 1 1-1C l:4Gfast 117 C F Weiner 7 Lizcttc. Melachrino. EvaAcklcy PAUL MICOU. b. g, 5 108 By Theo. Cook Kiss Micou, by Aureus. Trainer, S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter. Breeder. J. D. Stars. 82293 Htliorne lmOy l:43fast 8 107 4 3 4s 41 J Gormley 9 Guelpb, Victoire, RkyMountain 82021 Hthorno 3-4 1:17 h-y 41 10S 2 7 7 G G Ellis 7 Kindred. Clever Seth, Merrimac .81800 Ilthorne 1 1-1G l:46fast 20 106 6 5 4 2 J Eaton 10 TheltlCall, ItyMountn, Vict re 81083 Ilthorne lmTOy 1:46 fast 31 100 1 2 15 ll J PiccirIo 7 Chaplct, Yorick, Allic Ochs 81008 Ilthorne 1 l:45slov 12 111 3 2 21 3S1 J PiccirIo 8 Dernier Sou, Jimson, Kit 80923 Htliorne 3-4 l:13hvy 12 112 6 5 S1 8" J riccirloll Figh.Cook, n.Jewcl, Broth.Jolin 79443 M.Ughts 3-4 l:llfast 33-10 115 5 5 3 3s W Taylor 8 LadyRose, Tab.dHncur, MyVt 79111 Map.Hta 7-S l:2Sslow 81 111 8 3 2" 3s J Eaton 10 K. on Time. Jeucll V. D., JouJou HOY. b. g. 4 116 By Wrack Any day, by Loeohatchoe. Trainer, M. Shapoff. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 82G34 Ilthorne lm70v l:48hvy 1G-5 111 4 4 3 3 H Stutts 5 MaryEllenO., Betsda, rinsTHfa 82555 Hthorno 1 l-S l:59hvy 11-5 114 1 4 21 2s H" Stutts C B.Amie, FlygPrince, Virginins 824 79 Ilthorne 1 1-1G 1:4G fast 10 112 3 5 4" 1" H Stutts 7 Dorius. Knuiln, Margaret Ware 82419 Htliorne 1 l-S l:5Gslow 7 11G 3 5 C 3 N Barrett G MaryEllenO., WongBok, B.Amie 82115 Htliorne lmTOy 1:51 hvy S 116 6 3 in ll N Barrett 7 Yorick, Dclsan, Billy Watts 82003 Htliorne 1 1-16 l:52hvy 12 113 5 6 6s 5" N Barrett G Sog.Aroon, Doubtful, BelleAmic 8185G Ilthorne 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 12 108 4 7 6 52 G Ellis 7 BchManagcr. Westwod, Yorick RAIDER, b. g, 10 116 By Criffel Miphansi, by Raeburn. Trainer. H. Oots. Owner. H. Oots. Bred in England by F. Hardy. 81539 Ilthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 7 116 10 10 9 ll L McDottlO Flower Shop, Kauila, Pins Ultra 1 81082 Ilthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 17-10 108 4 4 3l 3 L McDott G Jewell V. D.. Billy Star, Eulalia 80459 Latonia 1 1-4 2:01fast 9-5 103 7 2 VI 1 L McDott 9 Smuts, Pequot, War Prize 80254 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05fast 3-2 111 6 2 l1 ll L McD ott 8 Dobson, P.Maloney, BrlyLore 80078 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46good 3 113 5 4 3s 3 L McDott G Sunspot. Firetouia. Untried 79G32 Churchill 1 l:39fast 51 107 2 S 41 2k L McDott 9 BrotherJohn, Lncidns. TlieArcher 79219 Churchill 1 l:43hvy 10 113 3 5 41 511 L McDott 5 Willow Tree, Stump Jr., Jupiter ELIAS 0 ch. g, 5 113 By Short Grass Mary Powell, by Star Shoot. Trair.cr. W. C. Weant. Owner. W. C. Weant. Breeder. Shcrt Grass Stud. 82354 Ilthorne 1 1-16 1:4S fast 4 111 2 2 21 1 R Doyle 9 Glentilt. Slanderer, Eelman 81853 Htliorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 41 111 7 5 51 L G Mein 8 T.dHonr, JkFrost, SyDucrow 814G2 Hthome 1 1-16 1:47 fast 4 10G 4 4 4 3 W Fronk 10 Sakah, Jimson, Ann M. 81312 Hthorno lmTOy l:44fast 8 104 1 8 61 3J W Bogskill FlowerSbop, Huonec, Jk Frost 81084 Htliorne 1 1-1G l:47fast 8 106 4 6 7 V A Roduez 9 Haman, IIoTi Halcakala 8103G Ilthorne lm70y 1:48 slow 3 111 4 4 4 3i A Roduez 7 Wcstwood, Dougboregnn, Ambka 808G2 Ilthorne 1 1-lfi l:4Gfast 8 108 1 6 4s 41 A Roduez 9 Bench Manager, Coyne, naman 80754 Ilthorne lm70y l:44fast 20 111 6 6 6 G W Bogski 8 Darius, Prince Tii Tii, Lily M. CITIZEN, ch. h, 6 109 By Voter Spumante, by Polymelus. Trainer, W. Scuitto. Owner, J. N. McFadden. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 82G74 See todays chart. 81853 Htliorne 1 1-1G l:46fast 8 111 2 4 31 2s J Smith 8 MaryEllenO., DcvilGirl, Eelman 81170 Ilthorne J-4 l:13fast 30 108 6 7 61 Tl J Smith 11 Tollyrnra, TenSixty Muskallnge V3847 Dufferin 1 1-16 l:54?jist 7 106 CJ W Taylor 8 CareFrce. Deonite, Beth Hodder 73744 Dufferin 11-16 1:55 fast 8 110 3 W Taylor G Wylie, Devonite, Fannie Bean 73701 Dufferin 7-8 l:327sfast 11 10G 6 W Taylor W.Flower, Melachrino, B.Hoddcr 53598 Dufferin 7-8 1:33 fast 11 111 5i N Foden SoldierlL, J.P.Jones, OldTiraer 73078 Cnaught lm70y 1:45sIow 15 10S 7 7 7 7" K Parfton 7 RoyalDuck, Stonewall, Joella J. 72899 Kenilwh lm70y l:41?ifast 12-5 109 5 21 31 J Wallace 8 Elias O., Plus Ultra, Hilknan O. BELLE A1IIE. b. f, 4 106 By Von Tromp Euth "W., by Kings Counsel. Trainer, W. Cay wood. Owner. A. Bold. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 82555 Hthome 1 l-S l:59hvy G 103 2 2 l1 .1 G Ellis G Hoy, Flying Prince, Virginius 82419 Ilthorne 1 l-S l:56slow 12 104 4 4 4 4 G Ellis G Mary Ellen O., WongBok, Hoy 82294 HthQrne 1 l-S l:51fast 6 109 5 4 8 8" D Jones 8 FlygPrince, FrOrient, Hdman 820G3 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:52hvy 12 103 3 3 31 3 G Ellis G Sog.Aroon, Doubtful, Victoire 81990 Hthome 1 1-16 l:51andhvy 12 104 6 4 6 4 G Ellis 7 OverFire. MyEllenO., MetWare 81801 Hthome 1 l-S 1:53 fast 12 102 5 8 I2 75 E Dubuil 8 Lierre, TlieArcher, FlyingPrince 81G72 Ilthorne 11-16 1:52 mud 4 103 6 5 4 4 S Holicko G MissCPre, MgtWare, T.dHnr 81425 Ilthorne 11-8 1:54 fast 15 99 4 3 31 in S Holicko 7 The Archer. Lierre, Hardman VIRGINIUS, b. e, 4 HI By Wrack Rahu, by Disffuls. Trainer. E. L. Snyder. Owner. Mrs. M. E. Williams. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 82555 Hthome 1 l-S l:59hvy 8-5 110 G 6 51 4i A Franco G Belle Amie, Hoy, Flying Prince 82420 Hthome 1 1-16 l:4slow 2 111 8 2 l 2 A Franco 8 Huonec, Yorick, Jack Frost 81990 Htliorne 1 1-1G l:54hvy 21 106 7 6 3i 6JA Franco 7 OverFire. MyEllenO., MetWare 8125G Hthome 1 1-1G l:4G?sfast 5 931 7 6 5 4i J Bell 7 Attilia, Billy Star, RkyMounfn 81010 Hthome lm70y l:49Vislow 2 101 7 7 21 ll O Clark 7 Billy Star, Wong Bok, Quesada 80925 Hthome 1 1-1G 1:53 hvy 4 111 5 3 21 31 J Bell 5 Prnce Tii Tii, Over Fire, Dobson 80374 Omaha 1 1-4 2:05fast 14-5 101 ll F Weiner 4 All Over, Louis A., Speedball 80204 Omaha 1 1-16 l:48andfast 7-10 112 2 F Chiavta G LadyLillian, FairOrient, TenCan 80100 Omaha 1 1:44 hvy 21 105 2" O Clark 5 My Daddy, Doubtful, Chiva FLYING PRINCE, cb. g, 0 116 By Zeus Sweet Pea, by Ivan the Terriblt. Trainer. J. Everman. Owner. Dortch Bros.l. Breeder. N. F. Dortch. 82555 Hthorno 1 1-8 l:59hvy 5 104 4 3 4l 3S1 R Yelton G Belle Amie, Hoy, Virginins 82294 Hthome 1 l-S l:54fast 16-5 108 1 3 41 ll R Yelton 8 FairOrient, ndman, BillyWatta 82117 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:52hvy 8 108 3 6 El Gl R Yelton G Doubtful, Dorius. Soggth Aroon 8189G Hthorno 1 l-S 1:51 fast 12 10G 0 8 71 7i G Ellis 9 Sakah, KockyMouutain, Quesada 81801 Hthome 1 1-8 1:53 fast 8 107 2 7 41 3 G Ellis 8 Lierre, The Archer, Sagamook 81G2G Ilthorne 1 1-8 l:52Hfast S 111 7 3 2 2 E Martin 10 Yorick, Poppyc, Sands of Plsure 81499 Htliorne 1 1-16 l:47Hifast 15 112 9 7- 6l G E Martin 9 Westwd, M.Claire, ItoundKobin 81426 Hthorno 1 1-8 1:54 fast 8 104 7 7 6l 5 E Martin 7 FlrShop, AVcstwood, BillyWatts 81258 Hthorno 1 1-1C l:4GfaFt 12 106 10 9 10 91 E Martin 10 Pud, Kauila, Haman 81033 Hthome 1 1-4 2:09andslow 3 107 6 3 11 ll E Martin C Huonec, Proceeds, Our Betsy 81009 Ilthorne 1 1-16 l:52slow 2 105 3 3 2J 21 E Martin 5 Yorick. Bonfire. Little Ann KIT, b. f. 3 97 By Escoba Umbel, by Uncle. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lows. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 82G78 See todays chart. 82478 Hthorne lm70y l:44fast 4 103 G 4 21 2h G Ellis 8 Liege, Impossible. Glanmore 82419 Hthome 1 l-S l:56slow . 5 95 2 3 Z 5 S Griffin G Mary Ellen O., WongBok, Hoy 82235 Hthome lm70y l:14good 13-5 103 4 4 4s 4 G Ellis 5 Sagamook, Liege, Coyne 81895 Htliorne lm70y l:45fast 18-5 106 5 5 2" In G Ellis 7 OverFire, Impossible, CleverSeth 81534 Hthorne 1 3-16 1:59 fast 16-G 102 5 6 4 41 G Ellis G Tangerine, The Archer, OverFire 81 25G Hthorne 1 1-16 l:4Gfast B 93 5 4 41 EJS Griffin 7 Attilia, Billy Star, RkyMounfn 81008 Hthorne 1 l:45slow 12 106 4 3 3l -4SJ J Wood 8 Dernier Sou, Jimson, Paul Micou 80905 Hthome 1 1:43 mud 41 10G 6 3 3 3" G Ellis 6 Black Grackle, Jimson, Attilia WONG BOK, b. g, 3 103 By Atheling U. Ida, by Peep oDay. Trainer. L. F. Marshall. Owner, J. J. Ahearn. Bleeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 82674 Seo todays chart. 82419 Htliorne 1 1-8 l:5Gslow 41 103 5 2 2 2 A Franco G MaryEllenO., Hoy, Belle Amie 82290 Hthorne lm70y l:45fast 17-10 109 6 S 5 31 G Ellis 9 ExtraEdition, DevilGirl, Jimson 8158G Hthorno lmTOy l:44V4fast G 111 8 4 4l 31 J Wood 8 E.Ackley, Impossible, Tollyma 814G3 Hthome 3-4 l:13Afast 7 111 6 6 4 4 J Wood 7 Bona Vera, Evcrglde. ExaEdn 8125G Hthome 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 6 103 6 5 6 61 G Ellis 7 Attilia, Billy Star, RkyMounfn 81010 Hthorne lm70y 1:49b1ow 7 101 5 6 4l 33 J Wood 7 Virginius, Billy Star, Quesada 80810 Hthome 1 1-16 l:47fast M 104 4 3 2J 2l G Ellis G TenCan, FlyingPrince, AllieOclis 773G8 F.Grnds lmTOy l:4Gfast E 97 4 4 21 21 D Jones 12 Telescope, AmityClm, B.Mager 77259 F.Grnds lm70y l:43fast 7 103 7 2 3 3 J Heupel 11 Telescope, Anne, Seths Flower DOUGHOREGAN, ch. g, 4 109 By Celt Logistilla", by Locohatchee. Trainer, G. Walker. Owner, International Stable. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. R2G74 Seo todays chart. 82555 Hthorno 1 l-S l:5Dhvy G 112 5 C 6 6" W Bogski G Belle Amie, noy, Flying Prince 8211G Hthome lmTOy l:31hvy 31 109 7 6 i 45 R Hgton 8 The Archer, Chaplet, Richelieu 81987 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:50 hvy 7 111 6 6 41 2" W Liiley 7 JackFrost, GrcatLady, Richelieu 81796 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:00 fast 8 116 4 8 El 5i W Pool 8 Fair Orient, Gail Ford, Ramkin 81703 Hthome 1 1-1G 1:52 hvy 6 111 6 6 65 4" F Weiner 8 Over Fire, Whiff, Sun Mart 81425 Hthome 1 1-8 1:51 fast 6 101 5 6 5" 0i J Wood 7 Belle Ami, The Archer, Lierre 81353 Hthorne 1 l-S l:57hvy 8 101 1 3 3 3J F Kiniry G Halcakala, Over Fire, Huonec 81312 Hthorno lmTOy l:4Jfast 20 104 10 9 8 87 F Kiniry 11 Flower Shop, Huonec, Elias O. 81083 Hthome lmTOy 1:46 fast 7 111 7 7 61 751 F Kiniry 7 Paul Micou, Chaplet, Yorick EXTRA EDITION, ch. g. 3 102 By The Manager Attentive, by AlIan-a-Dale. Trainer, J. Lowenstcin. Owner, Cincinnati Stable. Breeder. T. Piatt. 82290 Hthorne lmTOy l:45fast C 116 6 C 3 1 R Yelton 9 Devil Girl, Wong Bok, Jimson 81539 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 961 7 9 10 97 R Yelton 10 Flower Shop, Kauila, Plus Ultra 81463 Hthorne 3-4 l:13ftfast 25 116 2 3 3 36 R Yelton 7 Bona Vera, Everglade, WongBok 8125G Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 20 103 4 7 7 7" R Yelton 7 Attilia, Billy Star, RkyMounfn 80182 Latonia lmTOy 1:43 fast 63 106 7 9 10 10" B HarveylO W.Star, MissMeisc, P.Politician 79894 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 11 108 8 9 9 9" L McDott 9 Firetoma, MissMeisc, Mah Jong 79304 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 13 101 G 4 B S I Parke 8 RkyMtn. Bkf tBell, S.Vcente 79087 Churchill 7-S l:25fast 38 107 S 8 8 S J Wallace 8 Parader. Pnce TiiTii, Sympathy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924082401/drf1924082401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1924082401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800