untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-16


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1416 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. Wm. K. HODGE 0.00 FOR SIX DAYS OR 0.00 A DAY STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY EVERY DAY A WINNING DAY AT ANY TRACK I OPERATE AT I guarantee you a winning week on a straight flat play at the end of six days or the next six days free. Yes, hoys, I started another big winning week for all of my followers yesterday with my Trig- Latonia ono horse: Bargain Day .40- Won Last weok was a big winning week on a straight play. Week before was a big winning week on a flat play. Week before was a big winning week on a straight play. All weeks aro aliko to HODGE and his followers; that is, all weeks are big winning weeks on a straight flat play. Start winning. Wire your subscription today. Got tho best that it is possible to obtain. Bo sure to include your street address. V 1 FOUR YEARS AGO I ran tho following advertisement: "There are two kinds of information, good and bad. The good is bard to secure and tho ThiJ costs you ten times as mucn as the good, due to your loss from same. Yet to locate and secure real inside winning information, you probably try dozens of mediums before securing one that reaUy makes you a. winner. Although you know that certain people are constantly and continually putting over big winners, and winning tremendous sums, they rarely advertise for clients and it is .difficult to gain admittance to the inner circle of their confidence. Yet there are ways to secure this winning information and in a manner that costs you absolutely nothing and that is to make the "bookie" jay for it. When you secure information that wins and that js the kind I am prepared to send you, there is no expense whatever, as you pay only from your profits. Not one cent in advance. I must make good every claim I make and send you winners if I am to profit." The abovo advertisement, which ran four years ago, was the last time I appeared before the nublio soliciting new accounts. Yet I have been operating ever since and have kept the same clients during all of this time. I must have been delivering the winners. I couldnt have kept you on m7 list four years unless I had given you better information than you ever secured before, could I? I am now going to give you the chance these men had. Thursday, September 18 at Latonia and again on SATURDAY, tho 20th, two opportunities will present themselves to parties who can afford to take advantage of this information and who will give me their word of honor not to divulge the names of these horses to anyone and to use the information only as I direct for our mutual benefit. I am in need of only 100 Teal clients who will appreciate -what I will furnish them and I feel sure that you will find this information as different and as incomparable to the kind you havo been receiving as a winner is to a loser. If you join my clientele, dont pay any attention whatever to whero these two horses finished their last out, nor what jockeys are riding them. The details will be well taken care of, as they, as well as myself, will lose a hundred times more than you if a mistake is made. My terms aro more of a trial or test on these two horses than an indication of the worth of this information. I want to prove to you that I can furnish you just what I claim and advertise and at such a low figure that you cannot afford to miss the opportunity that is offered so seldom. I am willing to send you these names THURSDAY and SATURDAY if you will promise to bet 0.00 for me on each of these two horses and telegraph me the results of the ten dollar bet the day after ach wins. THOSE who do not send remittance for THURSDAYS horse will not receive SATURDAYS play. After these two liave won, you can then telegraph ma stating what you "will bet for mn on future winners I usually have about two a week. I couldnt possibly furnish this information at even two or three times the terms offered you except as a "get acquainted" trial. If you make reasonable wagers on these two horses THURSDAY and SATURDAY, you will be so far ahead of tho game you can easily afford to meet my terms on all future plays. Telegraph at once, giving me your promise to bet ten dollars for me on each horse THURSDAY and SATURDAY and I will do the rest. ROBERT E. FARRELL ROOM 11, BLYMER BUILDING, CINCINNATI, OHIO WARNING: Unless you include your correct street address in your telegram to me, I will be unable to send you a return wire on THURSDAY. I R. RETEY ONE HORSE OCCXSIONALS 0 EACH THREE FOR 5 Result of todays occasional unknown at time of sending this ad, but will be published tomorrow, win or lose. No occasionals Friday or Saturday. I only send when I feel sure. Wednesday, September 17 My next occasional goes and I expect another long-priced winner. My occasionals give one horse only. MY LAST SIX OCCASIONALS WERE: Sept. 11: Peanuts 5-1 Won Sept. 10: Phyllis Gentry . .10-1 Won Sept. 9: Tikeh 10-1 Won Sept. 4: Grace Troxler . . .20-1 Won Sapt. 3: Priscilla Ruley . . .5-1 Won Sept. 2: Gad 4-1 Won All filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. My one best bet a day service has been discontinued, as I am using all my efforts to locato occasional winners at big prices. My occasional for Wednesday, tomorrow, has been prepared and pointed for this race and should add another long-priced winner to my list. Rush your subscription. I will not hold you up waiting for code, but will send horse as promised. GET RICH WITH RETEY R. RETEY 15 161ST ST. JAMAICA, N. Y. FRANK FAY 0 A WEEK 6 DAYS. OPPORTUNITY ONE LIVE HORSE DAILY 7 STRAIGHT WINNERS Beautiful Addie .2.70- Won Yes, boys, this makes my 7th winner in the past 7 days. Where can you beat this for the price? Do you realize this is only SI. 50 a day and I doubt if you can get better for 10 times this price. WINNERS GIVEN LAST WEEK: Fridays Winner: St. Quentin . . . .0.70- Won Thursdays Winner: What Is It .50- Won Wednesdays Winner: Georgia May . . .7.25- Won Tuesdays Winner: Exit 2.1 5- Won Mondays Winner: Goldlands 2.55- Won 5 Extra Special Goes Today at Latonia This will be ono of those old-time melon cuttings that only occur once in a while and are always kept as a closely guarded secret, but by a large outlay of cash I have been able to get in on this and am willing to let my clients tako part in one of the best things of the year. The price for this is 5, strictly in advance. When you make remittance please use Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients call at office. 429 6th Ave., Room 602 New York City Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFDOM" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly Once again yesterdays Super Supreme Special: Beautiful Addie 2.70- Won Saturdays Supreme Special: Stage Coach .80- Won Next Super Supreme Special goes Thursday, September 18. This horse should win and pay a. good price. This horse has been given special preparation for this race. You can go the limit "to win only" and rest easy. Wire . 5.00 at once for this Super Special, as quota will be limited. No propositions accepted. This Super must win. If Super fails to win, you reecive my next one free. Once again Supreme followers were rewarded with a winning double header. Yesterdays Flash: Poltova .65- Won Leatherwood . . ..40- Won Saturdays Flash: Dr. OMara .65- Won Step Along 3rd Fridays Winning Double Header: Worthmore 8-1 Won Revolt ..25- Won Thursdays Winning Double Header: What Is It .50- Won Amber Fly . . . .3.30- Won "SUPREME FLASH" MAKES NO NOISE, BUT PRODUCES WINNERS. Only -weekly subscriptions will be accepted. Rush. 0 at once BY WIRE for one weeks service 6 days. Dont remit by mail. Wire your correct name and address to avoid delay. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 168 West 23rd Street, Suite 15, New York City UNIVERSAL TURF NEWS Suite 615, 39th and Broadway Bldg. NEW YORK CITY 0 Weekly or Daily For our daily track wire. Start with us today. Play winning information daily. Yesterdays track wire: Bful Addie 2.70- Won Our advice again today is to plunge all straight and rest easy. Last week was another big winning week for all Universal Turf News followers. Saturdays track wire: Menifee .60- Won Fridays track wire: Pathan 20-1 Won Thursdays Track Wire: Barney Google . . .6-1 Won Wednesdays Track Wire: Little Chief 8-1 Won Tuesdays Track Wire: Sea Fairy .3.65- Won Mondays Track Wire: Blue Warbler 8-1 Won Track wires week before last: Wanderlust ..10- Won Nivlag ...0.35- Won Stonewall ..00- Won M. Dattner 0.90- Won STr Josella 6.50-82 Won Taylor Hay 6-1 2nd If you are not a big winner, you are not a Universal Turf News subscriber. Wire 0.00 at once for six days ono week and include your correct street address. V i ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924091601/drf1924091601_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1924091601_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800