untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-16


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HARVEY AMES SABLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 521 STREET ITEW YORK, CITY Mr. Ames, over the long-distance from Latonia, dictated the following, with instructions to insert same verbatum: The last "Harvey Transaction" advised, which was on Saturday, at popular rates to give the small as well as the large operator a chance to test the best procurable, could not materialize, as no horse can win practically left at the post. The horse in question, and, of course, the only horse advised had not faced the barrier in almost a year and could not have lost with an even break. My personal investment Saturday was 5,000 to win, and it required an additional ,500 for incidental expenses to further what was considered one of the seasons best opportunities. My personal losses mean nothing, but since in this particular case I was anxious, regardless of expense, to permit the small investor to test the value of "Harvey Transactions," I have decided to go still further, and all those who rubscribed to Saturdays "Harvey Transaction" will receive a prepaid telegram from me the next time this horse is considered good enough for me to double my investment. The telegram will simply contain one word, and that one word will be "YES." The reason this service stands alone, recognizes no competition, and enjoys the following it does, is best demonstrated by a letter received Saturday morning from a member of the largest drygoods concern in Chicago, if not in the world, who just returned from abroad, where the progress of each "Harvey Transaction" was cabled him daily. He closes his letter as follows: "To compare your service with any other is like comparing the accommodations of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel with those of a rooming house on a side street. It is not alone the value of your service anil what it makes for us, bui what it saves through haphazard gamble. I have convinced myself that every "Harvey Transaction" is a live betting proposition." "Harvey Transactions" are not intended for those who depend upon the outcome of the same for their rent or their breakfast, and who believe nothing we advise can lose. We make no such claims,, but do contend that every "Harvey Transaction" is derived through the best sources obtainable. Expense is a secondary consideration if profitable results are seemingly assured. No further telegrams giving names of "Harvey Transactions" will be sent to anyone in the future, not even in code, with the exception of the telegram mentioned above containing the one word "YES," to be sent to those who subscribed last Saturday. This precaution isj taken to prevent the undesirables from obtaining service. We refuse to accept 5 to 1 against horses we have a right to expect 12 to 1 on. Only those who are willing to call us over our various telephones three-quarters of an hour before the race will be considered as subscribers. Upon receipt of subscriptions we will advise the subscriber the hour he is to call this office. These rules will be strictly adhered to. Tomorrow Wednesday will be a forerunner of what may be expected from additional new connections and will demonstrate their importance. Only 50 subscribers will be considered, and only those who have facilities for placing their funds from thirty to forty minutes before post time. Those who are able to meet these conditions will make an investment considered by me without parallel this season, and the element of loss seems apparently eliminated. TERMS: TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS 50.00, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE by TELEGRAPH OR IN PERRSON. Subscribers will be notified when to call this office tomorrow. We regret that connections demand the elimination of subscriptions in Kentucky tomorrow. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 James J. Harvey "THE TURF WIZARD" 1416 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY TWO HOUSES A DAY .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY TWO HORSES A DAY NOTICE!! NEW CONNECTIONS NOTICE!! I have closed a contract with gilt edgro connections, who havo assured me of winners only. THIS INFORMATION MUST BE KEPT IN STRICT SECRECY TO GAIN CONFIDENCE. OF MY NEW CONNECTIONS. A word to the "wise" is sufficient. Here is your chance to secure information that will stand the test. YESTERDAYS RELEASE: THESSALY 0.25- WON PURE DEE .10- WON WINNERS-WINNERS Todays "DOUBLE" carries the hacking of the shrewdest turf operators in the country and seldom do they miss. Get in on todays information and prove to yourself what reliable connections can produce. SATURDAYS RELEASE: Bona Vera 3.Q0- Won Toscanelli 8.20- Won FRIDAYS RELEASE: Worthmore 8-1 Won St. Quentin 0.70- Won THURSDAYS RELEASE: Little Chief 6-1 Won Amber Fly 3.30- Won WEDNESDAYS RELEASE: Crest Hill 13-5 Won Carry On .75- Won TUESDAYS XtEJASE Candy Kid 18-5 Won Goldlands 2.55- Won MONDAYS RELEASE: Goldbeater 8-1 Won Parthema 1.75-. Won IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST. BEWARE OF IMITATORS. : MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE TO JAMES J. HARVEY. DONT HESITATE, and you can rest assured that my clients will receive the best information that is obtainable. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE 0.00 for one weeks service, which entitles you to six 6 days, two horses a day; also give your correct name and address- to avoid delay. Weekly subscriptions only. JAMES J. HARVEY FRANK GREEN 1547 BROADWAY .BOOM 504 Corner 46th Street NEW TOKK CITY GAIETY THEATER BLDG. LEST YOU FORGET, FRANK GREEN IS STILL DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE SAME NAME AND IS STjLL ON TOP YESTERDAYS DAILY HORSE: Subtle .......... 1.30- Won YESTERDAYS 0.00 SPECIAL: Beautiful Addie Won . . . . . 2.70- SATURDAYS DAILY HORSE: Mother Goose . . . ... 6-1 Won SATURDAYS 0.00 SPECIAL: Toscanelli........ 8.20- Won The old-timers are still on my books. My clients would not for- bake me for a hundred others. There was a time in my heyday when the name of Frank Green was a password with turf followers. The question, "Whats Green got today?" was as common a remark as; "Have you a match?" Ask the old-timers. They know three things accounted for the popularity I enjoyed- honesty, secrecy and a square deal to all. I could not possibly achieve success any other way. My colleagues have; requested meto enlarge my clientele hence this;ad-vertisement. Positively a limited number of subscriptions will be taken. After that my books will close and no more subscriptions will be taken". A client seldom leaves me after he has given my information a weeks trial. Only on four occasions in the past eleven years have I given new clients a chance to be enrolled in my books. Here is your opportunity. -Rush your subscription. There will be no discrimination. First come, first served. . SPECIAL NOTICE. A hundred dollar special goes today. Terms " for this special: 00, payable strictly in advance. To the big player who can afford to gamble it is well worth it. TERMS 0.00 WEEKLY. A 0.00 SPECIAL THREE TIMES A WEEK. Alf Diestel THE OLD-TIMER Suits 532, 158 Fulton St. New Tori, N. T. .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY -ONE A DAY ONLY i I know something and the best proof is I gave 7 straight winners. Mondays One and Only Horse: BEAUTIFUL ADDLE ?12.70-?2 WON LAST "WEEKS 100 PEE. CENT RECORD: Saturdays Winner: BONA VERA . . .3.80-?2 WON Fridays Winner: ST. QUENTIN -. .?10.70- WON Thursdays Winnor: a-m-rtvr FLY 3.30- WON Wednesdays Winner: GEORIA MAY .7.25- WON Tuesdays .Winner: EXIT 2.15- WON Mondays Winner: GOLDLANDS 2.55- WON I call this record to your attention, desiring to got new clients. Hundreds upon hundreds have received all these good winners and some that started last Monday with only a small bankroll have won many thousands of dollars. Just think, starting with only 0 or 0 and now sitting pretty with a small fortune. I I GIVE LATONIA INFORMATION ONLY And one horse a day only. All you need to do is just place as much as you please on todays long shot and BE BEADY TO COLLECT TODAY, AS I EXPECT 0 FOB. TODAY HOW TO GET THIS WINNING INFORMATION: Go to your nearest W. U. or Postal office and wire in immediately a 0 money .order. Then you got a message before 12 noon with the name of my horse. You dont get a code, but the name of the horse and an explanation how to play. Telegrams will follow for 6 days. Just send in 0 now with your address and I will do the rest. A. DIESTEL Suite 532, 158 Fulton St. New York City Pay From Your Prof its THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For -particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, fla. subscribe for Daily Racing Form! Pete Hartley CANADIAN INFORMATION STRICTLY ONE A DAY EVERY RECORD SMASHED Six Days A Winner Every Day .00 DALLY 0.00 WEEKLY BEST BY TEST LOOK! LOOK! Yesterday s Investment: Gad .....5-1 Won Oh, boy, the biggest price winner of the day. The only horse wired to my old friends. Saturdays Investment: Variation ..... .12-1 Won Fridays Investment: St. Quentin . . . .0.70- Won Thursdays Investment: What Is It .50- Won Wednesdays Investment: Jocose 7.95- Won Tuesdays Investment: Sea Fairy , . . . .3.65- Won Mondays Investment: Sweep By 4.80- Won PROFIT TODAY Dont wait; one day is like another to me. I am right hero on the grounds. What more can you ask for? 20-1! 20-1! TODAYS WINNER SHOULD PAY Aqueduct is my home ground. I live right opposite the track and am out at daylight. Nothing slips by me. Wire 0 at once. You cant spend it in any better direction." It should bring you back a 20-1 shot "today and plenty of winners all week. SIX LONG SHOTS FOR 0 Wire Western Union or Postal. One horse a day at Aqueduct only. Advertise in Daily Racing Form .DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING C0j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924091601/drf1924091601_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1924091601_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800