Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-16

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps AURORA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays " races are : Aurora, III., September .15, 1924. 1 Mark Denunzio, Viennese, Long Green. 2 TRUE AMERICAN, Pollymara, Miss Mischief. 3 Whalebone, Archie Alexander, Sir Lawn- fal. 4 Idle Seth, Desert Gold, "Winnie OWynn. 5 Poppye, Eddie Jr., Eventide. 6 Little Ann, Feigned Zeal, Bench Manager. W. Roderick. Neir York Handicap. 1 Mark Denunzio, Spods, "Viennese, Ralco. 2 POLLYMARA, Ann -M., Miss Mischief, Liege. 3 Whalebone, Mount Pleasant, Virge, Scamper. 4 Idle Seth, Tahgara, Brilliant, Modesta. 5 Poppye, Isaman, Sequel, Sophia Marie. 6 Lugs, Feigned Zeal, Stone Age", Furor. Chicago Handicap. 1 Viennese, Mark Denunzio, Long Green, Spods. 2 Pollymara, Ann M., Miss Mischief, Clever Seth. 3 Whalebpne, Power, Archie Alexander, Scamper. 4 BRILLIANT, Winnie OWynn, Tangara, Idle Seth. 5 Remnant, Poppye, Isaman, Sequel. C Feigned Zeal, Bench Manager, Stone Age, Little -Ann. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Mark Denunzio, Viennese, Ralco, Spods. 2 Pollymara, Mss Mischief, True American, Ann M. 3 Whalebone, Mount Pleasant, Power, Archie Alexander. 4 IDLE SETH, Tangara, Red Squirrel, Mo desta. 5 Remnant, Brown Rock, Poppye, Eddie Jr. 6 Feigned Zeal, Bench Manager, Furor, Lugs. . . . . Observers Handicap. 1 Mark Denunzio, Viennese, Little Ed, Spods. 2 Miss Mischief, Ann M., Pollymara, Clever Seth. 3 Climax, Mount Pleasant, Archie Alexan der, Whalebone. 4 IDLE SETH, Red Squirrel, Tangara,, Bril liant. 5 Remnant,. Poppye, Eddie Jr., Brown Rock. G Feigned Zeal, Furor, Stone Age, Lugs. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Mark! Denunzio, Viennese, Spods, iLong Green. . , 2 Pollymara, True American, Miss Mischief, Ann M. 3 Whalebone, Climax, Archie Alexander, Mount Pleasant. 4 IDLE SETH, Brilliant, Tangara, Red Squirrel. 5 Remnant, Poppye, Brown Rock, Isaman. 6 Feigned Zeal, Little Ann, Lugs, Bench Manager. LATONIA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Latonia, Ky., September 15, 1924. 1 Escapader, Volt, Watchful. 2 The Badger, Romany Rye, The Smasher. 3 Westwood, Brotherly Love. Fantoche. 4 In Memoriam, Ten-Lec, Bob Cahill. 5 GRAEME, Laveen, Surf Rider. 6 Oh Susanna, Bridesmaid, Beauty Slave. 7 Miss Meise, H. E. Coleman, Sayno. J. L. Dempsey. N"ew Yorlc Handicap. 1 Spanish Rose, Rondelle, Muldraugh, Frank Gailor. 2 The Badger,. The Smasher, Rocky, War fare. 3 Opulent, Westwood, War Prize, Fantoche. 4 Flowers of Love, Pegasus, Crayon, In Memoriam. 5 GRAEME, Laveen, Hopeless, King Gorln II. C Rothermel, Deeming, Announcement, Bridesmaid. 7 Miss Meise, Pequot, H. E. Coleman, Blue Nose. Chicago Handicap. 1 Spanish Rose, Rondelle, Ray Jr., Volt 2 Captain Martin, The Smasner, Brinkley, The Badger. 3 Plus Ultra, Opulent, Westwood, Brotherly Love. 4 In Memoriam, Rocket, Crayon, Certain. 5 LAVEEN, Graeme, King Gorin II., Hope less. 6 Oh Susanna, Rothermel, Bignonia, Dan- gerillo. 7 H E. Coleman, Miss Meise, Pequot, Sayno. y Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Miss Rosedale, Rondelle, Gussie P., Muldraugh. 1 The Badger, The Smasher, Captain Martin, Romany Rye. 3 Westwood, Fantoche, Opulent, Phenol. 4 In Memoriam, Pegasus, Certain, Rocket. 5 GRAEME, Surf Rider, King Gorin II., Hopeless. 6 Oh Suzanna, Dangerillo, Announcement, Bridesmaid. 7 Blue Ncse, Best Pal, Miss Meise, Sayno. Observers Handicap. 1 Mamie oJane, Volt, Parody, Muldraugh. 2 The Smasher, Captain Martin, The Bad ger, Warfare. 3 Plus Ultra, Opulent, Westwood, Brotherly Love. 4 Bo McMillan, Crayon, In Memoriam, Peg asus. 5 GRAEME, Laveen, Hopeless, Surf Rider. S Beulah Stone, Announcement, Dangerillo, Oh Susanna. 7 Miss Meise, Sayno, Wida. Pequot. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Spanish Rose, Escapader, Miss Rosedale, Mamie oJane. 2 The Badger, Captain Martin, The Smasher, Romany Rye. 3 Westwood, Plus Ultra, Opulent, Fantoche. 4 In Memorian, Flowers of Love, Bo McMillan, Crayon. 5 GRAEME, Laveen, Hopeless, King Gorin II. . . 6 Oh Susanna, Rothermel, Beaulah Stone. Dangerillo. 7 Miss Meise, H. E. Coleman, Blue Nose, Sayno. AQUEDUCT The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: 3fcw York, N. Y., September 15, 1924 1 Reprisal, Jyntee, Superlative. 2 Peccant, Crest Hill, Adamant. 3 SARZANA, Cloudland. Retire. 4 Wilderness, Spot Cash, Cherry Pie. 5 Feysun, Fraternity II., Blue Hill. 6 Maibird, Pleasant Memories, Lupine. C. J. Connors. TTeiv York Handicap. 1 Jyntee, Reprisal, St Allan, Anticipation. 2 Crest Hill, Peccant, Conniebert, Adamant. 3 Flagship, Senalado, Sarzana, Finland. 4 SPOT CASH, Reparation, Cherry Pie, Little Chief. 5 Feysun, Olynthus, Pathan, Blue Hill. 6 Lupine, Maibird, Lightship, Witchbroom. Cliicagro Handicap. 1 Antonia, Sun Silent, Pat Casey, Lady Boss. 2 Crest Hill, Adamant, Conniebert, Peccant 3 FLAGSHIP, Cloudland, Sarzana, Senal ado. 4 Catalan, Spot Cash, Whetstone, Cherry Pie. 5 Buck Pond, Feysun, Olynthus, Blue Hill. 6 Lightship, Lupine, Maibird, Witchbroom. Observers Handicap. 1 Poor Sport, Lovable, Anticipation, Sea- stakc. 2 Crest Hill, Peccant Adamant, Conniebert 3 SARZANA, Flagship, Retire, Finland. 4 Little Chief, Reparation, Spot Cash, Cher ry Pie. 5 Blue Hawk, Pathan, Blue Hill, Feysun. 6 Lupine, Witchbroom, Lightship, Maibird. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Reprisal, Jyntee, Antonia, Poor Sport. 2 CREST HILL, Peccant, Adamant, Connie bert. 3 Sarzana, Flagship, Cloudland, Senalado. 4 Wilderness, Spot Cash, Catalan, Little Chief. 5 Feysun, Buck Pond, Blue Hawk, Blue Hill. 6 Lightship, Lupine, Maibird, Witchbroom. MAPLE HEIGHTS The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Cleveland, Ohio, September 15, 1924. 1 BLUE GOOSE,, Benita, Mahdy. 2 Bill Blackwell, Follow Me, Knot Grass. 3 Berretta, Red. War Map. 4 Cock o the Roost, Feodor, Gordon Shaw. 5 Phil Mayers, Cave Woman, Sure Fire. C Rough and Ready, Colossus, John Hoshor. 7 May Girl, Briarcliff, Battle Bent F. H. Sproule. N"eTV Yorlc Handicap. 1 Blue Goose, Esther Grindell, Flag Lieutenant, Mandy. 2 Bill Blackwell, Follow Me,-Athanna, Qua nah. 3 War Map, Red, Jimmie, Berretta. 4 Ting-a-ling, Feodor, Albert L., John Jo seph. 5 Cave Woman, Seths Dream, Phil Mayen Sure Fire. 6 Glory of the Seas II., Rough and Readj Little Romper, Monsoon. 7 MAY GntL, Overstep, Waiespa, Battl Bent Chicago Handicap. 1 Flag Lieutenant, Benita, Mandy, Blu Goose. 2 Quanah, Knot Grass, Athanna, Bill Black well. 3 Black Deer, Reluctant, Berretta, War Mar 4 Feodor, Cobham, Coek o the Roost, Gor don Shaw. 5 Sure Fire, Lady Argos, Trafalgar, Phi Mayers. 6 ROUGH AND READY, Colossus, Lieuten ant Perkins, John Hoshor. 7 Briarcliff, May Girl, Overstep, Battl Bent Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Blue Goose, Esther Grindell, Flag Lieu tenant, Moonbrook. 2 Bill Blackwell, Blue Dale, Follow Me, Ei Garrison. 3 Red, Reluctant Berretta, Pony Express. 4 Albert L., Gordon Shaw, Ting-a-ling, Cocl o the Roost 5 Phil Mayers, Seths Dream, Sure Fire Trafalgar. C Rough and Ready, Colossus, Glory of thi Seas II., Monsoon. 7 MAY GIRL, Waiespa, Overstep, Briar cliff. Observers Handicap. 1 Esther Grindell, Blue Goose, Cokes, Flaj Lieutenant 2 Bill Blackwell, Follow Me, Quanah, Ath anna. 3 Red, Whispering, War Map, Berretta. 4 Ting-a-ling, Feodor, Gordon Shaw, Join Joseph. 5 Phil Mayers, Seths Dream, Cave Woman. Sure Fire. 6 Rough and Ready, Monsoon, Little Rom per, Glory of. the Seas II. 7 OVERSTEP, May Girl. Waiespa, Illus trator. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Blue Goose, Flag Lieutenant, Esthei Grindell, Mandy. 2 BILL BLACKWELL, Quanah, Follow Me, Athanna. 3 Red, Berretta, War Map, Black Deer. 4 Ting-a-Ling, Cock o the Roost, Feodor, Albert L. - 5 Phil Mayers, Cave Woman, Sure Fire, Seths Dream. " v 6 Rough and Ready, Glory of the Seas II., Colossus, Monsoon. . 7 May Girl, Briarcliff, Overstep, Battle Bent. BLUE BONNETS The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Montreal, Que., September 15, 1924. 1 Head Cover, Samosata, Peter Paul. 2 The Trout, Fane Lady, Flying Frog. 3 Flowerful, War Tank, Wych Elm. 4 Sweep By, Wheatstick, Poltova. 5 SISTER JOSELLA, Atlantida, Jacques. C Louanna, Dr. Charles Wells, Peter Piper. 7 Wedding Prince, Tarascon, Cordelier. T. K. Lynch. THORNCLIFFE PARK The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : . . Toronto, Ont., September 15, 1924. 1 Pictin, Miss Bezetto, Blackfoot 2 Salvo, Beljoy, Azrael. 3 Pretext, Whirlwind, Lough Storm. 4 Wood Lady, Hermidale, Orhbrage. 5 Servitor, The Gaff, Dodona. 6 Polly Leighton, Black Shasta, Bethlehem Steel. 7 YOSHIMI, Blossom House. El Jesmar. E. Galvin. OMAHA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: , Omaha, Neb., September 15, 1924. 1 Full Moon, Nancy Winet, Grandest. 2 SWEEPTONA, Edmon, - Bills Hope. 3 Lent, Foul Weather, Pat Carter. 4 St. Angelina, Missouri Boy, Miss Paige. 5 Stamp, Margaret Elnora, My Friend Pat 6 Matinee Idol, Cromwell, Lady Lillian. 7 Encrinite, Pinecrest, Manokin. G. W. Schilling.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924091601/drf1924091601_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1924091601_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800