Latest Training Operations, Daily Racing Form, 1924-09-16

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Latest Training Operations 241 AURORA, 111., Sept 15. Sundays training gallops here included the following: AURORA. Weather clear ; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 239- Itcd Less 37 Marie Yirsinin.39 237-B. LeiKliton...30Mi 225-1aul Micou 35 240- EIias 0 30 240-Princc Tii Tii. 35 18G-.Tohnny Jewel.. 40 228-Ten Can 40 237-Ima Fox..... ..41 238-Tobasco Sauce 40 239- Lueky 3G 237-Virso 3! 234- La Belle 38 228-Verbena 39 Half Mile. Ackernockcr ..50 227-Consort 51 23G-Billy Brush. . .55 235-Lcslic 50 237-Bolivar Bond.. 51 237-Tiday 53 Five-Eighths Mile, doom Ctrl... 1:07 23S-rarncll Lad 1:02 207-Marine Corps. 1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 232-Black Gracklcl:17 237-Northrup ....1:17 240- Doc MeMahonl:lfi 210-Bed Squirrel. 1:10 220-Furor 1:18 239-Special 1:10 235- LittIe Smoke. 1:21 239-S.McMasters 1:10 23G-Licse 1:17 240-Ts theTimc 1:18 237-MissMischicf 1:15 230-Townsend ....1:21 239-Merrimac ...1:15 239-Virginius ...1:18 Prince Tii Tii ran well. Bessie Leighton galloped fast Leslie ran well. Parnell Lad galloped fast. Doc McMahon and Red Squirrel worked on even terms. Black Crackle and Liege galloped on even terms. Special ran will. Merimae worked well. Miss Mischief in a good gallop. LATONIA, Ky., Sept 15. Sundays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Milo. 33S-Boy from nome3G 239-Sammys Pride 37 225-Checr leader 30 237-Sakah 35 Helen Carter ..30 239-Uncle Hugh -.35 192-Hidden Money 30 Wish Ton Wish37 237-Xew Gold 35 Half Milo. 237- Abstract 48 3S-Lady Finnell ..48 235-Atomin .49 161-OId Slip 49 238- Bankrupt 49 lG5-PJeaEurc 52 239- Brunswick ....47 239-Purity .49 Chief UnCas . .4S 238-Irudy 50 192-Kscapader .....49 208-KondelIe 48 238- Forgn ltelafns49 238-Step by Step 49 239- Llewellyn 49 139-The Arcaniau 47 Five-Eighths Milo. 174-Ajracs Call ..1:03 239-Eight Sixty .1:01 238-Annnccment 1:02 191-Jupiter 1:02 103-Briar Hill ..1:01 Lucky Drift 1:02 240- Chareoal 1:02 240-Little Visitorl:04 238-Calembour ..1:03 Old Smuggler 1:04 Court Lady .1:02 238-Ihoebc Snow 1:01 192-Cliff B 1:03 23S-Tinamon 1:03 180-Deeming 1:02 95-Whizon 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 238-Annihilator ..1:18 John nager .1:15 230-Bourbon Boy 1:15 237-Kg Gorin 11.1:15 240-Bean King ..1:15 230-Lily M 1:17 240-Brinkley 1:15 239-Little Jimmiel:10 240-Bucko 1:15 22S-Miss Rosedalel:14 238- Blue Nose ..1:10 239-My Dream ..1:19 105-Buttress 1:10 210-ltomp 1:17 235vCinnamon ...1:17 23S-Kapid Day ..1:19 239- Certain 1:10 210-Kocking 1:17 Capt. Noonanl:10 239-Single nand 1:15 235-ChiIds Play 1:14 217-Sam Mengel .1:15 129-Florence W. 1:17 23S-Taylor Hay . .1:17 239- FFrs of Lovel:12 239-The Smasher 1:15 240- Honor Man ..1:19 235-Uproar 1:10 One Mile. 240-Chilbowcc ...1:38 ICS-Magic Wand 1:41 240-Delsan 1:40 240-Pluribus 1:48 237-Eminent 1:43 239-Zaek Terrell 1:40 210-Le Gaulois ..1:40 Chilhowee did a wonderful trial not being fully extended. The Auraucanian showed good speed. Childs Play worked well. Brunswick had his speed. Magic Wand ran a g"ood mile. NEW YORK, N. Y., Sept 15. Todays training gallops over the New York trades included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 23G-Evil Mama ..37 240-Grace Troxler..3S 235-Fearnaught ...30 229-Skirmish 39 Half Milo. 237-Barney Google. 50 240-Lighter 51 237- Banter 52 239-Sun Silent ...49 Thrce-Quarters Milo, 238- Lady Boss ..1:19 240-PiIgrim l:2r 105-Miss Greble .1:20 234-Socrates 1:17 239- Margin 1:14 230-Thundering ..1:15 238- Miss Star ...1:15 235-Theodosia ...1:10 230-Oran ..1:16 One Mile. 239- Episodo 1:42 239-Sword 1:57 239- Pr. of Umbrial:41 BELMOJfT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 232-Lithuania 34 218-Star Lore 30 238- Sanfcrd 30 Half Mile. 230-Comixa 48 233-Ncw Moon 50 230-Eaglet 48 229-Star Saint ..50 230-Friday 13th ..50 233-Tick Tock 48 Five-Eighths Milo. 237- Champignol .1:02 239-Md At Annsl:08 Lelia 1:01 Phinnia 1:01 240- Mirador 1:03 234-RigeI 1:08 Three-Quarters Milt 23S-Cyclops 1:17 239-Ked Hawk ..1:19 239- Irish Kiss ..1:20 238-Whetstone ..1:17 239-Quarantine ..1:10 23S-Watts 1:15 239 -Reprisal 1:17 One Mlo. 239-Bevy 1:45 240-Stanwix 1:43 238- Mad Play ..1:44 240-Zev 1:42 AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Half Mile. 239- Athclstan 51 233-Alchemy 48 223-Sea Tide 49 23S-Wattle 48 238- Sea Stake 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 239- Swinging 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 238- Jyntec 1:15 One Mile. 239- Belcross 1:51 238-Vineyard 1:48 242 AURORA, ill., Sept. 15. Mondays training gallops here included the following: AURORA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Anna II 39 233-Littlo Ann ...3S 4S-Feigned Zeal .39 210-Winnio 0Wynn3G 228-Idle Seth 38 Half Mile. 236- Ann M. ......52 234-Flibbcrtygibbct 55 238- Rygbne Days .53 239-Ivy 49 C5-Fleer 55 240-Diyersity 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 235-Aun. Millin .1:03 241-.Tohn. Jewel .1:05 241-P.olivar Uond.l:02 . Trorna ......1:01 233- Fred Kinney. 1:03 239-Tangara 1:02 234- Intako .. 1:01 . . Three -Quartsrs Mile. 237- Arabian 1:20 240-Dr. nickmanl:10 22-A. M. Derty.l:19 358-Sportiboy 1:18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 193-Rusticator 7.1:34 Ono Mile. 23G-Courtshin ....1:47 23G-Stakc Me ...1:59 219- Lugs 1:57 239-Tangcrine ...1:47 Winnie OWynn showed good speed. Ivy ran well. Bolivar Bond worked well. Tangara ran well. Auntie Millin ran well. Dr. Hickman worked fast. LATONIA, Ky., Sept. 15. Mondays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 240-A1 Herbert ...35 237-Postil!ion 30 239- Beaiity Slave .38 239-1lus Ultra ...30 239-Capt. Martin.. 3? 240-Itoyal Princess 35 238- E. Itegan 33 137-Sv.eetum 37 23V -in Memoiiam 38 241-Says Pride... 37 235- Laveen 30 04-Thues U; ...30 My Mary 30 Taleque 30 189-Mamie OJane.35 237-Whirling Duu 30 Half Mile. 21S-Almadel 49 Kindred 4S 237- Lctter Luck ..49 239-Kitty Pat 50 239- Blotter 48 23H-N:i.iglity Nisba.50 239- wCreaui Puff ...49 240-Progress 49 240- Energy 50 235-lteel Foot ...51 23t5-b lower Sbop .49 239-Ttds Plum ...50 239-Gussie P 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 239- Adorable 1:03 239-Mr. Biltmore 1:02 170-Bugler 1:03 lOG-Poinsettia 1:04 240- Bes.t Pal 1:01 240-P. Flower ...1:05 240-B. Thatcher .1:02 238-Iteputation ..1:05 239- Coquina 1:00 238-ltosamond ...1:03 443-Dover 1:05 239-lloyal Spring 1:02 240- H.E.Colenian 1:0G 220-ltural lloute 1:03 Kiug.Nadi ..1:00 240-Kedwood 1:03 239- Last One ...1:04 239-Sp;nish Rose 1:05 203-L. O. Cotner 1:01 lS9-Vennie Day .1:05 240- Lathrop .....1:00 " Three-Quarters Mile. 239-A1. Blue Gonl:14 210-Gco. E. Allenl:10 230-A. Blackjack 1:10 210-Glyn 1:14 210-Batter Up ...1:10 404-Hullo 1:17 195-Bruubilde ...1:14 217-J. S. ltcardonl:17 23G-Barn Dollar .1-17 23S-Muskcg L:HV- lOS-Dick Nell ...1:10 -238-Mr. Pep 1:15 238- Dr. Tanner ..1:10 239-S. McGee 1:15 230-Fair Vision 1:10::. 230-Twilight Ilr 1:15 239- Flre On 1:1 235-Tesuque 1:18 165-G. Beginner .1:13 210-War Idol ...1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 238- Bclzoni 1:29 103-John Jr 1:32 One Mile. 239- Btherly Lovcl:49 240-Repeater 1:47 239-Extra ditionl:43 237-Sayno 1:49 239- Firetoma 1:43 238-Sagamook ...1:42 140-Gcorgie 1:45 230-Slicker 1:44 240- Kit 1:42 Alice Blue Gowns good move was done quite handily. Lathrop showed speed from the barrier. Glyn did a good move. NEW YORK, N. Y., Sept. 15. Mondays training gallops over the New York tracks included the following: BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 240-Beau Xash ...30 222-Roller 30 224-Cockuey 30 238-Star Bright 37 240-ChrysalIis ....30 238-Storm Cloud... 37 100-Ens!aved 3G 238-Stormalong ...3G Gold Locks ...30 104-Time Lock 30 230-Xicholas 35 Half Mile. 214-Barberry Bush. 49 240-Pedagogue 48 238-Cardiff 48 239-Kanock 48 238-Comic Artist... 49 240-Random 51 230- Emissary 50 238-Senaldo 51 240-Enchantinent ..49 225-Sun Audience. .48 233- Fluvanna 51 239-Silk Tassel 54 240-Honey Pot 49 238-Titan 48 240-Hidalgo 51 Five-Eighths Kilo. 234- Brice 1:02 238-Repu:se 1:02 210-IIalf Pint ...1:02 240-Sumpter 1:08 234-K.SolnsSeal 1:07 210-Straddle 1:08 McCrimmon .1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 240- Big Blaze... 1:10 240-Lucky Play.. 1:10 238-Blue and Kedl:18 233-Osprey 1:10 210-Carlton 1:19 238-Rival 1:13 241- Comixa 1:15 238-Itocky Ford.. 1:13 222-Danby lclu 238-Sarazen 1:17 238- Faddist 1:19 240-Tester 1:15 220- Gunboat 1:10 239 -Wilderness ..1:19 240-King Jimmie.l:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 239- A.BenAhdcm 1:28 238-Finn Lag 1:29 One Mile. 234-Diagram 1:48 240-PrinceUamlet 1:48 238- Mad Hatter.. 1:42 170-Star Lore ...1:45 Milo and an Eighth. 231- Ladkin 2:08" AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 234- Lupine 3G 201-Vilna 30 Half Mile. 239- Arbitration 53 243-Little Chief ...51 235- Beatrico 52 .240-Prince James ..52 228-Honfleur 49 232-Pond Lily 53 Fivo-Eighths Mile. 207-Antiquarian .1:04 222-Ensign 1:01 Carthage 58 233-Slate 1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 239- McAuliffo ...1:14 23S-Roelc Pocket 1:10 221- Night March 1:15 224-Zebrugge 1:15 Seven-Eighths Mile. 240- Dry Moon ..1:27 239-East Indian. 1:33 240-Dry Moon ..1:27 200-Levoy 1:33 lS9-Debadou 1:33 Ono Mile. 239-Flames 1:41 JAMAICA. Weatlier clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 210-Bear Grass ..38 240-Bimple 3S 237-Costigan ......41 238-Young Al 35 Half Miln. 210-Bill Dwjcr ...48 2:i3-Lizzie M 5.1 235-Bowman 52 237-Monastery ....52 210-Canyon 52 239-Olynthus 55 599-Gold Beater ...51 211-Suu Silent 49 131-In the Bag ...50 Fi7e-Fighths Mile. 23S-Akbar 1:03 23S-Pctcr King ..1:05 22S-Good Will ...1:01 205-Uoiville 1:01 212-Jolin Marronel:01 230-Sunimertime 1:03 210-Noah 1:01 C7-Tom Cassidy 1:04 210-Out and Gonel:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 233-A. Mrone 11.1:20 240-nandsome ...1:20 237- Bgs Bhananl:20 238-Master Mind 1:19 240-Dave Goldie 1:20 239-Stony Point 1:10 240-Delhi Boy ...1:21 240-Soldier True 1:21 211-Evil Mamma 1:10 240-The World ..1:21 240-Falling Star 1:19 240-T. Delare 11.1:13 One Mile. . 239-Ben Wood ..1:48 210-Wynnewood .1:51 239- Lockerbie ...1:45 Noah went handily. The Delaware II. worked cleverly. MONTREAL, Que., Sept 15. Monday training gallops here included the following : BLUE BOXNETS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 240- Carleton 40 223-Marie Dattner 3S 240-Flowerful 3S 159-Itachel Potter 3S?! 219,HHlman 39 201-Vrana 3S" 240-Isidorius 40 238 -War Man ....39 Half Mile. 224- Attney Muir 55 224-Oland 51 223-.Tudge Fuller ...r3 370-Tarascon 52 225- J. F. 0Hara..51 Three-Quarters Mile. 238- Black Wand .1:19 23G-May Loyj ..1:20 230-Lampus 1:22 240-Manila 1:18 Manila ran well. Oland was not extended. Flowerful ran well.

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Local Identifier: drf1924091601_17_1
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