untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-18


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ED BRADLEY Gotham Bank Bldg. 1819 Broadway New York Before going any further, let mc say that this service consists of ABSOLUTELY ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY. Fridays Horse: Judge Pryor .30- 2D Thursdays Horse: Dr. Tanner ..50- Won Wednesdays Horse: Gaffney ...3.70- Won Tuesdays Horse: Mdm Vne 6.80- Won Monday: Star Swpr 7.30- Won Saturdays Horse: John Hager 7.40- Won Friday: Baalbec ...4.00- Won Thursday: Fairy Mter 7.90- Won Wednesday: Royal Miss 4.40- Won Tuesday: Arabian ...8.90- Won Monday: Dr. Tanner., .1 0- 3rd Saturday: Ramkin ...7.40- Won Friday: Plus Ultra .0.20- Won Thursday: Fantoche . . ..00- 2nd Wednesday: Krishna ...4.30- Won Tuesday: Sari .10- 3rd Monday: Firetoma ..2.70- Won This should convince the most skeptical that I AM IN THE KNOW when it comes to real inside info. TERMS 5 dally; no propositions. Believe mc, It pays to pay tho price. Dont hesitate, as todays info should bo 10 to 1. "Wire subscription im-mediately. s1 VOLUME I. ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1924 NOW ON SALE ANNUAL HO FORM THE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY ON AMERICAN RACING Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc., etc. THIS BOOK CARRIES indexed form charts of all recognized racing in the United States, Can-ada, Cuba and Mexico, has supplanted all others for the use of racing officials and is universally used by jockey clubs throughout the world. Compact, accurate, perfectly printed, with absolutely correct index, on linen paper, lettered, and bound in flexible leather. Contains, besides charts of all recognized racing on American tracks, the American and Canadian time records, scales of weights of various governing bodies and records of jockey mounts in the United States, Canada and Mexico for the year. THE SPECIAL ATTENTION Of STUDENTS 0E FORM is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start. By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the following example : CALCUTTA, ch. c, 3, by Colin Jamma, by Delhi G. R. Allen x P67il8h -G7520J G7584 "G7818U H7901 JGS153m nGS191U TC820G FULL MOON, blk. m, 5, by Dick Finnell Caller Ou, by Oddfellow. ... J. McGinn x EG75111 cG754G sC7G39 E07G79 EG7805 G7833 sG7933h sG7957h EGSOCOu JGS0S7 GS151ra JG8199m b68242Jli BEST PAL, br. h, G, by Helmet Padula, by Laveno..... S. N. Holman x 67841k nG7C47 iG77713 nG7901 nG79Go 6820G . PGS288 HID IAN, b. h, G, by Meridian Veneta Strome, by Ben Strome J. Rice :J: S67451 675731" iG7G17 CG7G73 67S02 cfi7872m G7890m EG7933h sCSOOOm JCS020m C80o5h "G3198m GS222,m EGS241h N. K. BEAL, ch. h, 9, by Glorifier Puritan Girl, by Yankee H. T. Palmer JG7743 JG7915m t679Slm G7997m lGSMlk "J68129 GSlSGh 6S304 i68341 QTXECEEEK, b. g, 5, by Huon Jessie Woodson, by Scorpion Summit Stable S..X 3G8079 "CS255 JGS272 GS311 3G8354 PG837G1 ROISTERER ch. B. 6, by Ethelbert Roxanna, by Rock Sand C. E. Groves x J67G22 rG7G76 G772SJ TG7803 i"G7S93m PG7930sh O6S059U PGS0S8 JGS123 JGS303 G8318 1GS345 " OG8405 PGS463 EDWARD GRAY, blk. c, 3, by Von Tromp Bonsetta, by Masetto.... W. Daniel OG7GS4 G7SS1 G798G "GS204 PGS3235 PG8389 SXXN BRAE, ch. g, 5, by Sundridge Sweet Briar II., by St. FrusquinW. A. McKinney x jC746S 1G7590 "G7G35 JG7G9G J G7795 G7843 1G7994 MG817G J 168234 Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races; seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the condition of the track is shown by the designation following the index number as follows: "s" for slow, "sy" for sloppy, "in" for muddy and "h" for heavy. "When not otherwise designated fast or good track conditions prevail. S indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle races. sJcFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Imported. tDisqualifled. Index figures in italic type sCZOiOU indicate stake race. Before each race number in tbe index below an alphabetical sign is prefixed, which shows the distance at which tho race so numbered ha3 been run. The key to these distances is given below: 1-4 and 3-8 MUe A 1 Mile n 3 1-2 Furlongs B From 1 MUe and 2" Yards to 1 Mile and 1.2 Mile D 100 Yards 0 1 i15 mles p 4 1-2 Furlongs 5-8 Mile - .0 1 1-8 Miles q 5 1-2 Furlongs ...............?..............H 1 3.-16, 1 1-4 and 1 5-16 Miles R 3-4 Mile ....3 1 1-2 and 1 3-8 Miles .s G 1-2 Furlongs .... ..J .. 1. "............ K " 1 5-8 and 1 3-4 Miles T 7.8 Mile L 2 to 3 Miles .u 7 1-2 Furlongs M 3 to 4 Miles... v Annual Racing Form has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1924 edition is respectfully called to the desirability of placing orders early. PUBLISHED IN TWO VOUJMES Price, Per Volume, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. , 441 Plymouth Court - - - - - - Chicago, Illinois. 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York, K Y. 50 Richmond Street. East - - - - Toronto, Ont. 320 East Third Street - - - Cincinnati, Ohio

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101801/drf1924101801_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1924101801_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800