Fair Gounds Track Sold: E. R. Bradley Acquires Holdings of R. S. Eddy and Associates, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-18


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FAIR GROUNDS TRACK SOLD E. R. Bradley Acquires Holdings of R. S. Eddy and Associates. Pooling of Stock gives Messrs. Bradley and Schleidcr Controlling Interest of New Orleans Course. LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 17. E. R. Bradley, owner of the famed Idle Hour Stock Farm, and prominent as an owner and breeder of. some noted racers, became financially interested in the New Orleans Fair Grounds, when, acting for him, Col. John P. Sullivan, well-known attorney, took over 773 shares of stock formerly held by Robert S. Eddy, Jr., and his associates. Negotiations for the transfer has been on for some time and was consummated Thursday, after Mr. Sullivans return to the Crescent City following a brief visit with Mr. Bradley at Latonia. The acquiring of the Eddy holdings puts a stop to the court litigation instituted by Mr. Eddy and associates to establish the validity of the sale of 1,500 shares of Fair Grounds stock by the Business Mens Racing Association directors at a special meeting, which wrested control in the Fair Grounds from Eddy and his associates and placed it in the hands of Mr. Schleider. The newly acquired block of stock will be added to that of Mr. Schleider and pooled on a fifty-fifty basis, giving Messrs Schleider and Bradley 2,273 shares of 2,500 outstanding, at a par value of 5100 a share. The Fair Grounds property is approximately valued at .000. Mr. Bradley will take an active interest in matters pertaining to the Fair Grounds, though he expressed himself as desirous of not disturbing already arranged plans or contracts. He is known, however, to have a leaning towards ideas that will make the Fair Grounds monumental in racing and his entry into the field of track ownership was not with any view of gain, but a sporting proposition. "I have all the money I can use," said Mr. Bradley, "and I went into the Fair Grounds venture at the request of Messrs. Schleider and Sullivan as a sporting venture and try 1 Continued on" sixteenth page. ! FAIR GROUNDS TRACK SOLD Continued from first page. to make racing at the Fair Grounds the equal of the best in tho country." Mr. Bradley is ambitious for the Fair Grounds and has already recommended the enclosure of the grandstand in glass and in-sallfnion of a heating system to insure the comfort of the Fair Grounds patrons on inclement days. The arrangement will be along the lines of Oaklawn Park, Hot Springs, Ark., grandstand, which can be opened or closed in five minutes. Mr. Bradley is also noted for his liberal ideas in ptrse offerings. "Give good purses and you will attract the best horses," has always been his theory. Conforming to his belief, he recommended to Mr. Sullivan that at least one stake of 5,000 value be announced. This fixture will be for three-year-olds and upward probably a handicap at a mile and a sixteenth distance. This race will be decided the last Saturday of the meeting. It will give three-year-olds a bg earning power for he Louisiana Derby of 7,500 follows in three weeks at the Jefferson Park track. Another recommendation made by Mr. Bradley is that a commodious community hall be built at the Fair Grounds for boys. The success of the community hall at Latonia, also founded by Mr. Bradley, is prompting him to seek their establishment at all tracks. It is unlikely that there will be an changes made in the official roster announced for the Fair Grounds for the coming meeting, except in the case of some minor officials. Mr. Bradley also made it known that he favors the seven races daily plan, as it gives more opportunity to the great number of horse-; that annually gather in the Crescent Cty oach winter. It is exi-ected that Mr. Bradleys association in the management of the Fair Grounds will attract there this winter a representative aggregation of owners.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101801/drf1924101801_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1924101801_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800