Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-18

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps LATONIA The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Latonia, Ky., October 17, 1924. 1 Lily M., Yorick, Belzoni. 2 Arabian, Sagamook, Plus Ultra. 3 Brunswick, Miss Cerina, Braedalbane. 4 ZEV, Princess Doreen, Postillion. 5 Mad Play, Chilhowee, Belair Stud Stable entry. G Pas Seul, Annihilator, False Face. 7 Nogales, Muldraugh, Elias O. J. L. Dempsey. New Xorlc Handicap. 1 Lily M. Belzoni, Torick, Harry B. 2 Plus "Ultra, Arabian, Sagamook, Es- capader. 3 Brunswick Miss Cerina, Bracdalbane, Pindar Peel. 4 Princess Doreen, Zev, Postillion. 5 MAD PLAY, Aga Khan, Chilhowee, Pris cilla Ruley. 6 Pas Seul, Eisasr, Annihilator, Balboa. 7 Elias O., Muld-augh, Sister Flo, Nogales. Clticngo Handicap. 1 Lily M., Finday, Belzoni, Wapiti. 2 Arabian, Slicker, Escapader, Sagamook. 3 Brunswick, Bracdalbane, Pindar Peel, Miss Cerina. 4 PRINCESS DOREEN, Zev, Postillion. 5 Mad Play, Chilhowee, Aga Khan, Priscilla Ruley. 6 Pas Seul, Annihilator, Balboa, Elsass. 7 Elias O., Mufdraugh, Frank "Gailor, Sister Flo. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Lily M., Yorick, "Wapiti, Haleakala. 2 Plus Ultra, Sagamook, Arabian, Escapader. 3 Brunswick, Braedalbane, Miss Cerina, Pindar Peel. 4 ZEV, Princess Doreen, Postillion. 5 Mad Play, Chilhowee, Aga Khan, Flames. 6 Pas Seul, Annihilator, Tilka, Hobson. 7 Elias O., Muldraugh, Sister Flo, Nogales. Observers Handicap. 1 Yorick, Lily M., Oo La La, Haleakala. 2 Sagamook, Arabian, Slicker, Plus Ultra. 3 Brunswick, Braedalbane, Pindar Peel, Lady Fox. 4 ZEV, Princess Doreen, Postillion. 5 Chilhowee, Mad Play, Aga Khan, Priscilla Ruley. 6 Pas Seul, False Face, Annihilator, Carac-tus. 7 Elias O., Nogales, Fantoche, Muldraugh. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Lily M., Yorick, Belzoni, Haleakala. : 2 Arabian, Plus Ultra, Sagamook, Escapader. 3 Brunswick, Braedalbane, Miss Cerina, Pindar Peel.- 4 Zev, Princess Doreen, Postillion. 5 Jrad Play, -Chilhowee, Aga Khan, Priscilla Ruley. 6 PAS SEUL, Annihilator, Elsass, False Face. 7 Elias O., JIuldraugh, Nogales, Sister Flo. EMPIRE CITY The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Yonkers, K. Y., October 17, 1924. 1 Cup OTea, Mixture, Carthage. 2 Reprisal, Quarantine, Sandy Hatch. 3 Nose Dive, Nancy Langhorne, Missionary. 4 Lucky Play, Donaghee, Rinkey. 5 SLEEPY HEAD, Elvina, Diogenes. 6 Peter Paul, Arno, Jibe. C. J. Connors. Nevr York Handicap. 1 Sea Tide, Master Billy, Transformer, Hoot Jlon. 2 Dimmesdale, Quarantine, Reprisal, St Allan. 3 Nancy Langhorne, Jlissionary, Nose Dive, Wampee. ; 4 LUCKY PLAY, Fey Sun, Donaghee, Rinkey. 5 Sleepy Head, Elvina, Jlodo, Diogenes. G Arno, Peter Paul, Transformer, Orageuse. Chicago Handicap. 1 Jlaster Billy,- Dugout; Sea Tide, Jlixture. 2 Reprisal, Lady Boss, St Allan, Pat Casey. 3 Nose Divev Jlissionary, The Poet. Wampee. 4 DONAGHEE, Lucky "Play, Rinkey, Fey- . sun. 5 Sleepy " Head, Modo, Elvina, Crack OLawn. C Arno, Peter Pau, Jibe, John Marrone II. Observers Handicap. lCordon Rouge, Master Billy, Sea Tide, Cup OTea. 2 Sandy Hatch, Lady Boss, Reprisal, Wil- drake. 3 Nose Dive, Missionary, The Poet, Nancy Langehorn. 4 Lucky Play, Donaghee, Rinkey, Feysun. Z SLEEPY HEAD, Diogenes, Modo, Crack O Dawn. 6 Arno, Transformer, Peter Paul, Delhi Boy. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Master Billy, Cup o Tea, Sea Tide, Cordon Rouga. 2 Reprisal, Quarantine, Dimmesdale, Sandy . , Hatch. 3 Nose Dive, Nancy Langhorne, Jlissionary, The Poet 4 Lucky Play, Donaghee, Feysun, Rinkey. 5 SLEEPY HEAD, Elvina, Diogenes, Jlodo. 67-Arno, Peter Paul, Transformer, Jibe. BROOKLYN PAEK The horses which seem bast in Saturdays races are: Cleveland, Ohio, October 17, 1924. 1 Advance, Belle Flower, Roma. 2 Sir Lawnfal, Bill Block, Doctor Tubbs. 3 Brian Kent Jaunebar, Raffles. 4 Knot Grass, Joe Tag, Rubien. 5 The Plainsman, Grace Mayers, Fair Row ena. G Cave Woman, End Man, Last One. 7 DARNLEY, Barriskane, Pirate JIcGee. 8 Eye Bright, Grandest, Katherine Rankin. F. H. Sproule. New "York Handicap. 1 Belle Flower, Dont Bother Me, Fleer, Roma. 2 Doctor Tubbs, Bill Block, Dudle Bug, St. Angelina. 3 Jaunebar , Brian Kent, Banker Brown, Spods. 4 Knot Grass, Rock Court, Joe Tag, Ber- retsa. 5 Seths Ak-Sar-Ben, Grace Jlayers, The Plainsman, Fair Rowena. 6 Last Cue, Phil Mayers, JIarie Dattner, Naughty Nisba. 7 Darnley, Barriskane, Pirate JIcGee, Daddy Wolf. 8 COPYRIGHT, Katherine Rankin, Asa Jewell, .Grandest Chicago Handicap. 1 Advance, Roma, Belle Flower, Long Green. 2 Sir Lawnfal, Ella C, Sandy H, Dudle Bug. 3 Brian Kent, Spods, Jaunebar, Banker Brown. 4 Joe Tag, Knot Grass, Rubien, Rock Court 5 r-Jewell V. D., Seths Ak-Sar-Ben, Fair Rowena, Grace Jlayers. 6 NAUGHTY NISBA, Ege, End JIan, Last One. 7 Barriskane, Daddy Wolf, Pirate JIcGee, JIallowmot. 8 Grandest, Copyright, Eye Bright, Kather ine Rankin. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Belle Flower, Dont Bother Me, Advance, Fleer. 2 Bill Block, Ella C, Sir Lawnfal, Sandy H. 3 Jaunebar, Raffles, Brian Kent Spods. 4 Joe Tag, Rock Court, Knot Grass, Rubien. 5 Fair Rowena, Seths Ak-Sar-Ben, Hermi- dale. Grace Mayers. 6 PHIL MAYERS, JIarie Dattner, Last One, Cavo Woman. 7 Darnley, Barriskane, Dandy Wolf, Pirate JIcGee. S Katherine Rankin, Asa Jewell, Copyright, Eye Bright Observers Handicap. 1 Long Green, Belle Flower, Black Deer, Fleer. 2 SIR LAWNFAL, St. Angelina, Dudle Bug, Sandy H. - 3 Spods, Brian Kent, Raffles, Jaunebar. 1 4 Joe Tag, Knot Grass, Rubien, Rock Court - 1 5 Jewell V. D., Fair Rowena, Grace Jlayers, Seths Ak-Sar-Ben. 6 Naughty Nisba, Last One, Phil Jlayers, Ege. 7 Darnley, Pirate McGee, Barriskane, Puzzle. 8 Eye Bright, Katherine Rankin, Copy- 1 right Grandest Consensus of Handlcaua. 1 Belle Flower, Advance, Dont Bother Me, ! Fleer. 2 Sir Lawnfal, Doctor Tubbs, Bill Block, Ella C. I 3 Brian Kent, Jaunebar, Spods, Raffles. . 4 Knot Grass, Joe Tag, Rock Court, Rubien. 1 Jewell V. D., Fair Rowena, Seths Ak-Sar-Ben, Grace Mayers. 6 Naughty Nisba, Phil Mayers, Last .One, Ege. 7 DARNLEY, Barriskane, Pirate McGee, Daddy Wolf. 8 Eye Bright, Copyright, Katherine Ran kin, Grandest LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Saturdays f races are : Laurel, JId., October 17, 1924. 1 Sky Scraper II., Houdini, Damask. 2 GUN BOAT, All Gone, Laddie Buck. 3 Single Foot Candy Kid, Hurry Inn. 4 Silk Tassel, Comixa, Osprey. 5 Epinard, Wise Counsellor, Initiate. 6 The Foreigner, Ed Pendleton, Dream of i the "Valley. 7 Lieutenant IX, Calcutta, Yankee Prnicess. , T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 Sky Scraper IX, Damask, Courteous, Hou- dini. ! 2 Gun Boat, Laddie Buck, Sennacherib, All Gone. J 3 Single Foot, Hurry Inn, Retire, Trip , Lightly. 4 Will Land, Comixa, Primrose, Hildur. 5 EPINARD, Wise Counsellor, My Play, Rustic. - I G Woodlake, The Foreigner, Vice-Chairman, Dream of the Valley. 7 Yankee Princess, Prince Hamlet, Calcutta, , Kings Ransom. Chicago Handicap. 1 Courteous, Damask, Sky Scraper IL, Tas- sel. I 2 Gun Boat, Laddie Buck, All Gone, Calem- 1 bour. 3 Single Foot, Candy Kid, Hurry In, Trip Lightly. 1 4 Osprey, Hildur, Will Land, Comixa. 5 EPINARD, Wise Counsellor, Big Blaze, Rustic. 6 Q ueoreek , Woodlake, Vice-Chairman, j Faith. j 7 Prince Hamlet, Lieutenant IX, Yankee j Princess. Kings Ransom. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Tassel, Courteous, Houdini, Damask. 2 Calembour, Gun Boat, Storm Cloud, Sen nacherib. 3 SINGLE FOOT, Trip Lightly, Retire, Hurry Inn. 4 Comixa, Osprey, Will Land, Silk Tassel. 5 Epinard, Wise Counsellor, Jly Play, Rustic. 6 The Foreigner, Vice-Chairman, Dream of the Valley, Rock Bottom. 7 Yankee Princess, Kings Ransom, Prince-. Hamlet Observers Handicap. 1 Sky Scraper IX, Damask, Houdini, Top ; Notch. I 2 Laddie Buck, Gun Boat, Storm Cloud, Star Bright. 3 Single Foot, Candy Kid, Hurry Inn, Re- tire. 4 Will Land, Comixa, Silk Tassel, Prim rose. 5 EPINARD, Wise Counsellor, Sun Flag. Jly Play. - . ; G Dream of the Valley, The Foreigner, Ed , Pendleton, Rook Bottom. 7 Yankee Princess, Calcutta, Kings Ran- some, Thomaslne. . Continued on ninth page. . ! Daily Racing Form Handicaps Continued from secend page. Conseii.nu! of Handicaps. 1 Sky Scraper II., Damask, Courteous, Tas sel. 2 Gun Boat, Laddie Buck, Calembour, All Gone. 3 Single Foot, Candy Kid, Hurry Inn, Trip Lightly. 4 Will Land, Comixa, Osprey, Hildur. 5 EPINARD, Wise Counsellor, My Play, Rustic. G The Foreigner, Woodlake, Vice-Chairman, Dream of the Valley. 7 Yankee Princess, Prince Hamlet, Kings Ransom, Calcutta. YOUNGSTOWN. The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Youngstown, Ohio, October 17, 1924. 1 MASON TOWLE, Conceal, Oneida. 2 Traviata, The Creole, Red Weed. 3 Sancho Pansy, Murphy, L. Gentry. 4 Miles S., Ira Wilson, Satana. 5 Feodor, Cock o the Roost, Silk Sox. 6 Poland, Sun Brae, Pelion. 7 Jetsam, Pedestrian, Overstep. J. J. Murphy. LONG BRANCH The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Toronto, Ont., October 17, 1924. 1 Miryachit, Blennerhasset, Rosita. 2 FAITH W., Swing, Speyroyal. 3 Beljoy, Thorny Way, Puff Ball. 4 Ombrage, Sweepstakes, Exit. 5 Flag of Truce, War Man, June Fly. 6 James F. OHara, Golden Floss, Director. 7 Royden, Tantalus,, Sling. E. Galvin.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101801/drf1924101801_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1924101801_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800