Honor Impressively: E. R. Bradleys Latest Acquisition Wins at First Asking, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-18


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HONOR IMPRESSIVELY E. R. Bradleys Latest Acquisition Wins at First Asking. Eight On Time Takes Measure of Columbia in One of Best Finishes of Meet. LATONIA, Ky., Oct 17. E. R. Bradleys newest acquisition Honor, won out part of ihis purchase price when he showed the way i home to three others that he met in the mile race, which together with the three-quarters dash, featured the Friday afternoon sport at Latonia. Honor was an outstanding fa- jvorite, one of the shortest priced ones at the meeting and he justified the extensive support he had for he won with consumate ease, .his rider, L. Fator, looking over his shoulder at the sharp tilt that United Verde, Gorget and Rock Heather were engaged in. United Verde outlasted the other two during the hard drive for second place with Rock Heather just missing to get a part of the purse. Gorget had been the early leader but it was on sufference for Honor was under sharp restraint .and passed into command whenever Fator called on him to do so. Honor was saddled for the race by S. C. Hildreth who under the terms of the sale kept him under his care until after the running of the race. He is now in Bradleys establishment and ran for his interest. Honor is intended for a winter campaign and will be shipped to New Orleans to start in some of the feature offerings that will b3 listed for decision there during the winter. COLTJIiIBIA MEETS DEFEAT In one of the best finishes witnessed at the track, Columbia, an outstanding favorite, went down to defeat by Right On Time, to which she was conceding a big weight allowance. The race was a fast run one from the start with Columbia and Right On Time leading the others during the first half mile and staging a rousing duel in the stretch, each alternating in the lead with Right On Time an inch in advance as they passed the finish. Columbia was slightly in close quarters during the last- eighth but Right On Time did not seem to cause her any interference. The duel of the pair elicited considerable enthusiasm. Surf Rider, coming with a big rush in the last eighth, outstayed Starbeck for third place. Starbeck was considered the one most likely to take Columbias measure and his showing was a disappointing one. Eminent, which scored handily in a preceding start, was again a winner. This time he took the measure of better ones than he has heretofore conquered. The speedy Valley Light went out as if to make a runaway race of it and led by a big margin until just before reaching the stretch. Eminent came resolutely at this stage but was forced to go wide. He downed Valley Light in the next eighth and drew out to win with ease. Valley Light was taken all over the track and finished with an inner position and just far enough in advance of Georgie to secure second place. Georgie closed an immense gap during the last quarter after having been far out of it. SMALL FIELDS THE RULE Small fields were the rule in all of todays races excepting the opening dash in which a dozen made the contest The racing was interesting with a majority of the winners coming in for extensive attention by most of the big crowd. Ada Blackjack, which recently was transferred to W. E. Applegates stable, graduated from the maiden ranks when she led for the entire way in the third to win handily from Rocking. The latter came with a rush from far back to beat out Sari in the last stride for second place. Sari was expected to give the winner a strong argument but the earlier period found Mistress Pat the runner-up and she only gave way in the last twenty yards. Easter Bells which has been showing fine speed in all his starts, but tiring near the end found a band of opponents that he could lead for the entire way and he did so, but was aided materially by the good riding ho had and the weak handling that Belle of Elizabcthtown and Spats received. Both would have been strong factors in the determining strides but for the weakness of their riders. Hoagland, on Belle of Elizabcthtown, allowed his mount to swerve out sharply and Griffin was of little help to Spats. The latter also showed symptoms of lameness on his return to the stand. The opening race brought a band of two-year-olds to the post to race three-quarters and resulted in a lucky victory for Foreign Relations on which McDermott rode well and Continued on sixteenth page. HONOR IMPRESSIVELY Continued from first page. . saved much ground while most of the contenders went wide. Hessana also coming ; from far back after saving ground got up in the last strides to beat Vallette for second I place. Bow Bowers was possibly best in the s race but he was badly handicapped by the incompetent ride he got from Mergler. The closing race enabled W. E. Applegatc to complete a double when his Provident, an t outstanding favorite, won handily from Phil McCann with Colonel Wagner in third place. Provident was far back at one stage but he ! : began moving up fast after going half a i mile and he drew out in the stretch when i Phil McCann began going wide. Colonel I Wagner returned to his former stable when i K. Vogcler, represented by Delsan claimed him at a cost of ?2,400.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101801/drf1924101801_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1924101801_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800