untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-02


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THE GENIUS OF THE TURF Two horses a day. Never more. Terms: ?10, for one days service. SPECIAL OFFER Just to convince you. Wire 5 and I will give you one weeks service. This offer is open for a few days. This is the greatest organization for distributing: the genuine winning: information; controlling offices all over the country. DETROIT OFFICE: Whitney Office Building-, 1138 Griswald St., Suite 706, Detroit, Mich. CHICAGO OFFICE: Garrick Building-, G4 West Randolph St., Suite 817, Chicago, I1L NEW YORK OFFICE: 12G Maiden Lane, Suite 302, New York City. YESTERDAYS TWO RELEASES: American Flag, .20- Won Princess Adele, 6.20- Won FRIDAYS TWO RELEASES: JOHNNY JEWELL 8.10- WON ROCK BOTTOM .40- WON THURSDAYS TWO RELEASES: MERRIMAC 16.70- WON POTSHOT 5-1 WON WEDNESDAYS TWO RELEASES: DUCKLING 8.10- WON SAINT PANCRAS 4.50- WON TUESDAYS TWO RELEASES: ROSE CLOUD 8.20- WON PRANCING PRINCE .2.70- WON MONDAYS TWO RELEASES: DREAM OF THE VALLEY 4.90- WON LOLLIPOP 4.40- WON SATURDAYS TWO RELEASES: WRACKLANE 15-1 WON SAINT SAVIN 6.80- WON FRIDAYS TWO RELEASES: OAKWOOD 7.50- WON WATCHFUL 2.70- WON SPECIAL NOTICE! SPECIAL NOTICE! Arrangements have heen mado to servo everybody on Monday. Additional clients will ho added to the list. All clients who will subscribe not later than 5 p. m. Monday will positively receive ssrvico for that week, as I have arranged for large office forces to handle the largo crowds who aro ccminj daily to the various offices. No new clients will receive service whose subscriptions come in after Monday, 5 p. m., for this week, but will be added to the following week. Every wire and all callers will he taken caro of surely Monday up to this specified hour. MONDAY 40-1 OR BETTER MONDAY Connections aro positive that their two horses should win easily. Clients aro advised to be kind; onough to withhold all their wagers until fifteen minutes before post time. A trial is all that is necessary to be convinced, to know whether this service is worth at least ,000 per week. This organization serves its clients on its merits and releases information that stands iron clad. Each and every horse is well meant, carries the backing of the connections, and the investment should prove to be like tho rock of Gibraltar. All new clients are advised to be sure to give full name and complete address when wiring their subscriptions, as this eliminates unnecessary delay. People doing business with this organization will no doubt vouch that this is the greatest winning service they have ever obtained. You can have your choice, either subscribe for tho service or watch the paper, to be convinced. Rush your subscription at once. Remit 5.00 by wire to avoid delay to any above offices. WALLINGFORD The Man Who Went From Rags to Riches on Information I AM DOING AS MUCH FOR THOUSANDS OF OTHERS NOW BANK NOTE SPECIALS 0.00 DAILY, 5.00 WEEKLY Boys Again, What a Day Saturday I Gave Out 2 Bank Note Specials; Both Won: Wild Goose, 7.80-2, Won JOHN Q. KELLY .40- Won Fridays Bank Note Winner: JOHNNY JEWELL 8.10- Won Thursdays Bank Note Winner: LEXINGTON MAID . .1.50- Won Wednesdays Bank Note Winner: SWORD 10-1 Won A BONA FIDE CONFESSION: I DIDNT HAVE A DIME. And I didnt have a job. But I was always a good mixer and therefore popular. I met one of my old friends who was in a position to get inside information. And, thanks to him, I am a retired man. Therefore, I am asking this small 5.00 weekly fee to cover these costs and advertisements. You can believe me, I have made thousands of friends. If you havent come around yet, YOU WILL EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW? Did you ever consider how much good hard-earned money you spend in a year for so-called information, to say nothing of what you lose during that time? Get wise to yourself and stop this extravagance. Make up your mind, like thousands of others, to follow a man who has mado plenty. Why trail those who have nothing? This is just a heart-to-heart talk on conditions. I dont promise you 50-1 shots daily, BUT I DO PROMISE YOU COMFORTABLE WINNERS. Let me build you up financially in a week. START TO WIN AT ONCE. NEXT WEEKS PARLAY, 50-1 WIN Mail or wire 5.00 and positively your address and your promise not to speak about my horses in public. DICK WALLINGFORD 5 Cortlandt St, Suite I4A New York City Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Advertise in Daily Racing Form 7 s RALPH RETEY 1 15 lGlst St., JAMAICA, II. Y. KENTUCKY AND MARYLAND PARLAYS One Parlay a Day TERMS ONE PARLAY, 0; SIX PARLAYS, ?25 Boys, Take a Peep at the Prices My Parlays Pay No wondor they call ms tho parlay wonder. It only takes a few like these to grot my clients sitting- pretty all winter. Believe me, now is tho time to get them. LOOK! LOOK!! YESTERDAY MY ONE PARLAY WAS: WILD GOOSE 7.80- Won DANDYBRUSH 1.50- Won Filsd in advance, in compliance with this papers strict rules. MY ONE PARLAY FRIDAY XT AS: IiEATHEIUVOOD S9.90-S2 "VVon LASS O ailJfE S5.10-S2 Won MY ONE PARLAY THURSDAY WAS: EDINBURGH 5109.10-52 Won DOROTHY ADAMS . .30- Yon MY ONE PARLAY WEDNESDAY WAS SAINT PANCRAS 4.50- Won WATERFLAG S12-20-Q2 Won Previous ten days, 0 straight on my parlays won over ,2,CC0. MONDAY TOMORROW MONDAY I expect two horses that should each pay around 15-1. Rush your subscription and Mondays parlay will be sent by return wire. No delay. I am now ready to handlo all subscriptions. Your horses will be sent you tho minute I receive your subscription. You only havo ono more month in which to take advantage of these juicy parlays, so rush your subscription at once. My old clients are requested to renew their subscriptions a day before thsy expire, to prevent delay in starting them on following weeks service. Wire 5 at once. V J WEEKLY BOOK, 35 cents. Mailed, 10 weeks, . DAILY SPECIALS, at all newsstands. NEW WEEKLY BOOK OUT Todays Freo Codes: LOUISVILLE: Chicago-Honor -Launch -Fancy-Intent Again We Won! YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: Americas Flag, .20- Won YESTERDAYS LOUISVILLE SPECIAL: King Gorin II., .50- Won Given strong on the DALLY MASTER CLOCKER. Wo told you the LIMIT. Hot Dog! Today Another o00 Special-Free with the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER. Primed and ALL SET, you certainly CANNOT ovorlook this ono. The SMARTEST THING of the DAY and the FINAL O. K. says GO EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG. For this one, rush light now to your newsdealer and ASK for the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER DETROIT FOR SALE Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstands Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS Wm. Laser. 711 Market St. OMAHA, NEB. Myer Coren, 1411 Farnum St. INDIANAPOLIS Moeslein, 112 Hlinois St. HAMILTON Halperin, 338 1-2 High St. ST. LOUIS Foster. 410 Wash St. CLEVELAND, O. O. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior. KANSAS CITY Reckseckcr, 9th and Walnut Sts. MILWAUKEE Kirby Hotel. 432 Water St. AKRON Swartz Newsstand. CH1CAGOANS FOR SALE Arcade Newsstand 74 W. Madison St. Post Office News 31 W. Monroe St. Drug Store Randolph and Clark Sts. High Ball State and Quincy Sts. Dans, G5 W. Randolph St., and 47th St. "L" Sta. Newsstands Madison and Clark Sts. Mikes Newsstand S. W. Cor. Stato and Van Buren, and all other newsstands. Tom Moore "THE PARLAY KING" TWO HORSES DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY 5.00 DALLY PARLAYS MAKE MONEY FAST Yesterdays Star Money Horse: Dandybrush ...1.50- Won Yesterdays Money Horse: Wild Goose ....7.80-32 Won Gentlemen, these aro the kind you get on my Two Horso Daily. Two big money horses for ?5.00 daily or 0.00 weekly G racing days. Subscriptions may start any time. Dont read my ad day after day; just join me and be a big winner. Fridays Star Money Horse: Johnny Jewell ..8.10- Won Fridays Money Horse: Plus Ultra 0.50- Won FOR MONDAY TWO MONEY HORSES Get these two big money horses and plunge; start earning money. BETTER SUBSCRIBE, AS THE DAY YOU MISS IS THE DAY YOU LOSE BIG 0 TRACK WIRE GOES MONDAY 15-1 OR BETTER. Rush your subscription NOW. Tho terms aro 10.00 and no propositions accepted. TOM MOORE 10G Park Eow, Room 605 NEW YORK CITY Chas. Robinson SUITE 615, EAItLE BUILDIXO 1G75 BKOAD1VAY JfEW YORK TEIEPHOXE-CIRCLE 9041 Without Exception the safest ami most profitable means of investment known to tnrfdom Is offered by this office to discriminating players. Our Last Two SAFEGUARDED INVESTMENTS Won And enriched a multitude of clients. SAEE and PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS NOT SPECULATION Eacli advised investment should pay big dividends. Now in preparation. The next Investment will occur at Pimllee, Bate withheld for private reasons. TERMS "Winnings of a twenty-five dollar 5.00 straight bet, to be remitted to this office on the day following race. SPECIAL NOTICE New clients must for-ward 5, in advance, as a deposit. This la to be deducted from first remittance. All messages transmitted In code. Gars Weekly 35 CENTS, MAILED 10 WEEKS, .00. New Issue Out Todays Freo Codes: LOUISVILLE Georgia-River-Boy-Dark. PIMLICO Georgia-River-Man-Dark. Look! Look! LAST SATURDAYS OCT. 25 HORSE: Untried, 6.10- Won Wo told every one in onr AD to go SPECIAL 10 at LOUISVILLE and it -was UNTRIED. Now, Monday Special 4 at PIMLICO, page 4 of BOOK 29 comes extremely strong and, again, should -win just as easily as UNTRIED did for us last Saturday. RUSH right now to your newsdealer and GET the NEW ISSUE. Today 0 Free Special at Louisville. Hero is tho RIPEST THING that wo have seen for many a day. For this Special GO RIGHT NOW to your newsdealer and ASK for GARS DAILY SO CENTS, MAILED 2 WEEKS, .00 Address, 438 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI. Detroit For Sale at TRIANGLE NEWS CO., Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. FAMILY THEATRE NEWSSTANDS. Cadillac Sq. CHICAGO SUNDAY FOR SALE AT: POST OFFICE NEWS, 74 Madison St. MONDAY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS AND ALL OTHER CITIES

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110201/drf1924110201_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110201_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800