untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-02


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cihe BUGLE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS EVERYWHERE SPECIAL AND 50 CENT LETTER THE BUGLE LISTENERS ARE GETTING PAID FOR LISTENING Again Our Special Won Broomster, .90-, Won We begged you, in our Saturdays advertisement, to listen to THE BUGLE CALLING YOU. To those that listened the above is their reward. This makes it SEVEN STRAIGHT WINNERS on the Special. Who can give you anything better? SOME OF THE SPECIALS LAST TWO WEEKS: Parader ....... , ..70- Won Reputation 0.70- Won Lily M 1.10- Won Broomster ..70- Won Joy Smoke .20- Won Easter Bells .90- Won Wild Life .70- Won Midwestern 8.70- Won What is the matter with your ears? Hear the Bugle call. Mr. Land, our chief editor, again stakes his position with the public on MONDAYS SPECIAL Mr. Land, by long distance telephone said: "Mondays hores is given to me by an old personal friend of mine who trains this one." Mondays Special Should Pay 0- Remember Mondays Special must win or following Special Free. On Mondays 50 Cent Letter TWO HORSE PARLAY that should again pay off. By all means get it sure. For Sale Sunday for Monday Rush right now to your newsdealer and get The Bugles Special and 50 Cent Letter. The best .50 worth you ever got in your life. -CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION! THE BUGLE IS FOB SALE SUNDAY EN" YOTJB, CITY AT Our Offices, 20 West Jackson Blvd. Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ARCADE NEWSSTOEE 74 West Madison St. Monday for sale at all loop newsstands "BlDETROITERS, ATTENTION! FOR SALE ONLY AT TRIANGLE NEWSSTAND Comer Griswold and Lafayette BlTds. FAMILY THEATRE NEWSSTAND . . . Front of Family Theater, Cadillac Sq. OTHER LEADING AGENTS: CLEVELAND O. C. SCHROEDER 212 East Superior Ave. AKRON, O. SCHWARTZ OUT-OF-TOWN NEWSSTAND Main St., United BIdg. ST. LOUIS, MO. WM. LASER 711 Market SI-KANSAS CITY, MO. RISECKERS CIGAR STORE ...Ninth and Walnut Sts. OMAHA, NEB. MEYER COREN 1411 Farnum St. PRINCIPAL DEALERS IN OTHER LEADING CITIES D?-By mail, special delivery, both Special and 50 Cent Letter, one week, 0. In plain sealed envelope. Received first morning mail. Send 0 to Bugle Publishing Co. 20 West Jackson Blvd. Great Northern BIdg. Chicago, III. "BURKE" THE BOY WHO KNOWS ONE HORSE DAILY TERMS 1 WEEK G DAYS .?20.00 I am back again, boys! Once again I am operating at my old stamping grounds PIMLICO and I take this opportunity to inform everyone old and new friends alike that I am in a rosition to secure information of UNUSUAL VALUE; in fact I EXPECT A "WinmER EVERY DAY daring the entire meeting of 12 days. YOU ALL KNOW "BUEKE" My information has caused a sensation year after year. Many a horse player came to me with just a few dollars and, after a few weeks trial, became convinced that I knew the ropes. The result of this confidence was responsible for making many a player financially independent to this day. A BIG OPENING DAY LONG SHOT Monday I -will handle my first "Private Special" at Timlico. It certainly should be a big one. I want .to convince the newcomers of what is possible when you know how to dig up information. I made a good record at Laurel, but will not go into detail about "same, as horses were given only to a private, clientele. BE WITH ME MONDAY Send 0 via W. U. or POSTAL to my New York office. Get your name on my books. All information will be sent direct from the TKACK. I AM PERSONALLY ON THE GROUNDS and each and every special must meet my requirements before same will be released. No favorites will be handled. ACT AT ONCE. Follow A MAN who has a nation-wide reputation. Remit to New York office, wire or call. E. J. BURKE B09, 33 DUANE STREET NEW YORK CITY i OPPORTUNITY ; My terms are the winnings of . You pay me after you win. Maryland races. Mutuel betting. On Wednesday, November 5, a real live horse will be cut loose and we expect good odds. If you are an; honest man and will pay after you win, you can wire or write me your correct street address and I will wire the final O. K. on this prospective good thing, Wednesday morning, from the race track. Address BILL THURBERS Care Postal Telegraph Co. Baltimore, Md.i Read My Advertisement On Page 15 Clifford S. Balle New York Office : 200 Broadway, Suite 214 New York City, N. Y. Chicago Office : 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 606 Chicago, HI. Friday the Fifth Enterprise Johnny Jewell 8J- Won Arrangements at Chicago are now complete. This office is now open. The address appears above. The small player can how take part in the "Balle Enterprises." Wednesday the Fourth Enterprise Kumonin, 8-1 Won Monday the Third Enterprise Lucky Play, 5-1 Won Saturday the Second Enterprise Wracklane, 15-1 Won Thursday the First Enterprise Rigel, 8-1 Won The sixth "Balle Enterprise" takes place Monday, November 3. Terms for this enterprise, twenty-five dollars 5.00, payable strictly in advance. The above terms were agreed upon after receiving thousands of letters, asking why we withheld our information from . the small player. This office does not intend to discriminate. . A larger clientele is now possible with the help of our Chicago office. Clients subscribing for the sixth "Enterprise" are exceptionally lucky, as this enterprise will have the benefit of Mr. Parkers personal supervision. Mr.- Parker will personally interview clients calling at the New York office. NOTICE! For the benefit of those who wish to make certain of receiving the sixth "Balle Enterprise," our offices will be open Sunday, from 10 to 3. Your subscription of twenty-five dollars must be in by 1 p. m., Monday, November 3. This office will be built upon a policy of honesty, secrecy and a square deal to all. Above all, there will be no misrepresentations. Only facts will be published. This policy will be adhered to at all times. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. Tom Powers 3C11 TLOUItNOY ST. CHICAGO, ILL. Special Attention To My Friends and Clients Saturday was getaway day for the Powers family. I advised in my previous announcement Friday that I had a real good thing. 5302W0N My next horse will be released Monday at a very good price. Terms unchanged: 0 for one and only one horse. Wire subscription at once to avoid disappointment. Tom Powers 3611 Flournoy St., Chicago, III. Clocker J. Gilroy Krieger Hotel Second and Jefferson Sts. LOUISVILLE, KT. MY GRAND SPECIAL which I advertised for Wednesday, October 19th, won in a common gallop by six lengths. Now those who have not i emitted for this winner will receive NO word from me in the future, unless they remit at encc. MY NEXT GRAND SPECIAL goes Wednesday, November 5th. This horse is going for tho monoy. My connections are reliable. That is why I am succesful. Also have GRAND SPECIAL going Thursday, November 6th. My Terms: For Wednesdays Special, 0.00 in advance; for Thursdays Special, 0.00 in advance. Both . horses will be wired for 5.00 in advance. No other proposition considered unless you are on my list as a reliablo player. Now is the time to get in with a live wire. Send money Western Union or Postal Telegraph with correct name and address at once. The Incomparable Of eleven days service, only three days lost. These lost days will be picked up "gradually as system gets in full swing. No play has gone beyond the second system play. All hill climbers won. System, complete, .00. Service on this system if desired. Fees moderate. In November issue of The System Player is THE COENUCOPIA A system that is going to ring the bell at the mutuels. The COEONET, a successful English system. All the Incomparable horses for October. No player can afford to be without this number. .00 by mail .CO by mail .00 by mail. THE SYSTEM PLAYER 499 Ridgewocd Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. PIMLICO Opening Day Monday, Nov. 3 I positively know of a 0,000 investment to be placed on this horse. Agree to wire -me winnings of a 0 straight play and recoive this winner. Others to follow. Dont write; wire, giving correct address. J.WALLACE Suit9 405, 500 5th Ave. New York City Wonderful Winning System A cool, conservative method, wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week. Won big money on a straight flat play. Stood tho acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for seven years. My system gives many good-priced winners. Johnny Jewell 8.10- Hopeless 2.30- Carlton 4.50- Upsal 10-1 Grandest 5.60- Eagerness 8-1 Castilla 5.00-52 Untried 6.10- Enos ?16.40- Waterflag 2.20- Small payment down; balance as you win. Facts regarding systems that will open your eyes, FREE. Write: "WATSON CORNELL 341 West 45th. St. Room 201 New York City Broomster, .90-, Won was yesterdays .00 SPECIAL. This makes 3 I WINNERS out of last 4. Dont fail to get Mondays .00 SPECIAL and 50 CENT SHEET today. For salo at all newsstands. NATIONAL O. X. RACING LETTER 411, 22 West Quincy Street Chicago, HI. ADVERTISE IN RACING F0RWI

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110201/drf1924110201_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110201_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800