untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-02


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B Two Horse Daily Wire For Sale at Newsstands, . Wire at Noon From Office. 0 Weekly Special Attention, Chicago Players Col. "Winley has no connections with any other tnrf publication of any bind. Col. Winlcy has been Jn business, under the same name, for the past six years, in the east. Col. "Winlcys Two Horse "Wire has been on sale In Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh but has never appeared before In Chicago. "VVe have a copy of the Buffalo Jtacing Form in our office of May 22, 1923, showing one of our advertisements of last year. Come up to our office and see it. Tou are under no obligations. Come up and Ret acnuainted with our Chicago Office Manager. System Players, Handicappers and Average Turf Followers Here is Our Record Since Churchill Downs Opened Saturdays One Big Cleanup TWO HORSE WIRE: SPECIAL: John Q. Kelly, .40 Won DAN D YBRUSH, Broomster, .90 Won 1.50 Won How is That for Info? FRIDAY: FE.IDAT SSmv;:::::: 582 johnny jewell 8.io- won THURSDAY: DARE SAY .83-2 Won THURSDAY: MARY ELLEN O ?17.20-?2 "Won AUDACIOUS .7.90- Won WEDNESDAY: MISS ROSED ALE 14.60-2 Won WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY. uflTCDCI AP georgle sj4.4o-?2 won WATERFLAG 2.20- Won TUESDAY: HOPELESS 12.30-2 Won TUESDAY. h. e. colemaii ?6.60- won REPUTATION DITD1 ITAT1HM .0.70- Won MONDAY: MAX BRICK 2.2042 2nd vmrnkT. MONDAY. MA VIMAMCU lily m. ?n.io-?2 won MAXIMANEH .6.70- Won SATURDAY: . BROOMSTER .. .7042 Won SATURDAY: captain ttat. ?5.io-?2 won UNTRIED 6.10 Won FRIDAY: ENERGY .302 Won FRIDAY. Arabian .so- Won DirMn.HA BIGNONIA 0.30- Won THURSDAY: 1.8042 Won THURSDAY. SIR PETER blotter ... .7o ?2 Won oncT-r PRETTY nri POLITICIAN itiai.m 1.80- Won Mondays Daily Two Horse Wire Service! Service!! Service!!! WHICH IS SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS, LEADING CITIES ISZJygAllandggtiJandZ? vTioo" 7uff SSTSfiS agents in the cast will Touch for my fairness and ability to make yon a winner. On Sale Sunday Mondays Last Minute Specials . Col. Winley says: "After oDsenrlnp these Avill start you off on a winning Tvccfe. Col. AVinlcy has extra strong word on this smart SgFgSSE two go through their morning paces, I hare trick Evcry angle has heen taken care of to Insure this horse winning. b Dont miss It. JfgSandS Bl. come to the conclusion that they arc two Xuff sed. mfi03B5!.J3and of the surest hotting propositions that ever 1308. rTirwcirrpaaysaScedYwohaf rK Detroiters, We Have Two Agents in Your City TSt S??oSu p1u1tCup!Uld TU 5100 CTCry BAGLEY 5EWSSTAXD, Woodward and Monroe, in front of monument. ySafiaT "something new a great winning system NOTE The Bagley Newsstand is in front of no building. WfvJandiJi "HftMUf explained free on Mondays Col. WInleys NEWSSTAND, Michigan and Shelby iWand Z WWJandF 51 "vlrc Dont let stop you. Hush to Opposite New Cadillac Hotel. J-ij BSandxf ?rDr I,"Ir.s,leaIer and Set Co1 Winlcys Two DETROITERS You can buy Col. Winleys, every night, 6:30 p. m., for the next days races. Those jSm. WandsSliandtP iHSf Horse Wire. that cant buy their sheet in the morning can now get it at night for the next day, only at the above iyPi. Mr PlflVfT AttfintiOn CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION Col. Winleys for salo every night, at 6:30 p. m for the next jtfratjsKl vJ 0M5t. ?T M.jaj iiiivuuviu days races, at the Arcade Newsstore, 74 West Madison St., opposite Morrison Hotel, or at dur of fic, jgalBEBMWandg uSsSLj. fH Every statement made in this advertise- Suite 416, Crilly Building, 35 South Dearborn Street. ?Ry;gjfejBgaSr flfalggi mcnt will be lived up to. The day we receive CLEVELAND FOE SALE O. C. Schroeder, 212 East Superior. SSStjUSSandmfiJSSl your remittance for our Last Minute Service KANSAS CITY TOE SALE Ricksecker Cigar Store, 9th and Walnut. "-SByk. r--u you gtart getting our information. No wait- ST. LOUIS TOE SALE Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. Ing no codes. OMAHA, NEB., TOE SALE Meyers Newsstand, 1411 Farnum St. Our subscription rates are: Two Horse "Wire, 5, for one waek. Last Minute Special, 0, for one week. Only weekly subscriptions will be accepted on our Last Minute Service. "Wire money to our office. COL. WINLEY 35 S. Dearborn St. Suite 416, Crilly Bldg. Chicago, 111. One Horse I The Man Who a Day wfPNer-lft. Produced Most 0 Daily kSBtL Winners YESTERDAYS RESULT: BIG BLAZE 5.30- Won FRIDAYS RESULT: LEATHER WOOD .90- Won THURSDAYS RESULT: TUESDAYS RESULT: Watch Charm . . .6.40- Won Wild Goose .... .5.30- Won WEDNESDAYS RESULT: MONDAYS RESULT: Duckling 8.10- Won Sandrae 0.10- Won Hero is the opportunity to get in on information that has shown phenomenal results for years. PHENOM PHENOM PHENOM ?0?? They call ma The Phenom on every race track in America, for my phenomenal results. I have always produced. I am considered one of the best racing experts on the turf. If you knew what I see daily through my glasses, it would mean many dollars to you. Owing to my high standing on all principal race tracks it is impossible to give my identity to the racing public, as my reputation would be jeopardized. This is the first time I have ever offered my service to the public. My connections also include information from owners, trainers and jockeys, who have always been my best pals. Address all .communications to THE PHENOM 799 Broadway, Room 223, New York City I PLAYRITE SERVICE SEVENTH FLOOR 1454 BEOADWAY NEW YORK CITY jj Our telegrams give two horses daily, never more, with instructions for each investment, fl TEEMS: Six Days- service, 525. Twenty-four Days Service, 80. One Years Service, 750. B Yesterdays results unknown when this ad left New York. FRIDAYS MEMBERS SPECIAL: Johnny Jewell, 8.10- won FRIDAYS BEST BET: I The Archer, .00- won THURSDAYS MEMBERS SPECIAL: THURSDAYS BEST BET: Audacious 7.90- Won Lexington Maid.1.50- Won SOME RECENT WINNERS: Waterflag, 8.50- won I Wild Goose, 5.30-42 won l Duckling, 8.10- won I ALL OUR HORSES ARE FILED IN ADVANCE WITH THIS PAPEE. Today ancther big parlay should go over. Wire your subscription at once, as many good, oes at big prices will be trying this week. We win wire you hcrses on receipt of your snb- Our list is nearly full, so order at onco, as we will cot accept more subscribers than Iscription. we can handle, to insure all getting our information in time. Do not dolay and wo will not keep you waiting, but will wire Mondays big parlay as socn as we hear frcm you.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110201/drf1924110201_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110201_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800