Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-02

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LAUREL PARK LAUREL, MD SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1924. Laurel Park 1 Mile. Twenty-third and last day. Maryland State Fair Association. Autumn Meting of 23 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing Commission, George Brown, Jr. Stewards of meeting, Baker Waters, Henry J. Morris and George Brown, Jr. Judges, H. I. Couklin, J. B. Can-pCell and J. P. Turner. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, J. B. Campbell. Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time, 12:45 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. CCJj A K" FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 31, 1914 1:05 2 118. Purso ,300. 2-year-OeJKTbtP olds. Allowances.- Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Y Str Fin- Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85213SLOW AND EASYwsb 107 4 6 2k 23 23 1J B Kenndy E B McLean 305-100 85386 DAMON RUNYON w 110 7 1 H 11 14 24 P Walls J E Madden 850-100 8.5182 SANFORD wb 115 1 7 7 7 Ek sn E Barnes R O Esan 195-100 85248 JOHN F. KLEAVERw 110 5 6 Gl 4h 61 4h R Pierce J H Shreve 795-100 85386 HARLAN w 111 3 4 5h Gl 7 54 C Lang J E Griffith 850-1C0 85248 SNOWDROP w 107 6 2 3 31 44 Gl J Maiben W J Salmon 1490-100 85248 LADDIE BUCK wn 110 2 3 41 54 31 7 H Stutts Woodlawn Stable 1020-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:07. Track fast. mutuels paid Slow and Easy, .10 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Damon Runyon, SS.40 place, .80 show; Sanford, .0 shew. Equivalent booking odds Slow and Easy, C03 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Damon Runyon, 320 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Sanford, 40 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Colin Shynesa, by His Majesty trained by J. F. Schorr; bred by Mr. Edward B. McLean. Went to post at 1:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SLOW AND EASY followed DAMON RUNYON in closest pursuit to the last sixteenth and outstayed the latter in a game finish. DAMON RUNLON shewed the most speed to near the end, but tired when challenged. SANFORD was pinched back at the start, but finished fast and got up in the final stride for thiid place. JOHN F. KLEAVER finished well. HARLAN tired. Scratched 852S1 Sweeping Away, 110; 84S41 Chink, 113; 852S4 Betty Maloney, 112; S3315 Trapdale. 105; 84130 Tod Rcnesor, 110. Overweight Harlan, 1 pound. 8KAA6and SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 3 112. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds ftjTCT2:xJ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8531 7 WILD GOOSE wb 3 104 3 8 4 31 21 14 R Pierce S Louis 2790-100 851253PETER PIPER wb 10 103 7 5 l3 l3 l3 2h H Stutt3 F Swenke t795-100 85351 SEA SAND w 5 124 10 G 7 5fc 73 3h G Babin E Trueman 230-100 84810VEXATION w 3 100 14 3 G 81 93 41 G Hudgins R Oppenheim t 8.5218 JACQUES wb G 1C9 110 1C 9l Gl 5h R Fisher W S Murray 3633-100 83924 PLAY ON wb 3 97 G 4 3 43 43 64 J McTguc C L Whiting 5930-100 85317 CLEM THEISEN w G 114 4 7 2"k 2nk 31 7and C Lang M Goodpaster 693-100 82771 JOELLA J. w 4 117 5 9 91 7" 5h 8 E Seguin Victoria Stablo 85214 VIOLA BURTON wn 3 103 13 3 114114104 94 B Brning H G Bedwell 1293-100 853513 MARY ROSE w 4 110 15 1 51 6h ll3 101 L Schaefer R E Potts 20S3-100 83482ST. MICHAEL wb 6 103 8 11 13 105 Sh Hi M Caruso M W Welsh t 85351 3LESTER DOCTORwb 3 11G 11 14 123 13 13 12i I Parke Mra A Swenke 383-100 85352 3TJANDI w 3 112 9 12 81 124121 13 B Kenndy H R Freck t 61344 SSIDEREAL wb 5 110 12 13 14 14 14 14 G Fields Mrs C Kinsley 795-100 84796 STEEL TRAP wb 3 117 2 Ran away 21 miles. J Maiben J E Collins t tMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid Wild Goose, 7.80 straight, 4.30 place, .80 show; Peter Piper, field, .40 place, .70 show; Sea Sand, .30 shew. Equivalent booking cdds-Wild- Goose, 2790 to 100 straight, 1115 to 100 place, 390 to 100 show; Peter Piper, field, 220 to 100 place. 85 to 100 show; Sea Sand, 65 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Ed Crump-Mattinata, by Thrush trained by W. A. Burttschcll; bred by Mrs. K. E. Hitt. Went to rost at 2:16. At post 9 minutes. Start gocd and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WILD GOOSE, close up from the start, passed PETER PIPER in the stretch nad won going away. PETER PIPER set a gcod pace to the last eighth and tired. SEA SAND was outrun from the barrier, but gained steadily and finished fastest of all, getting up in the closing strides for third pi ice. VEXATION and JACQUES finished well CLEM THEISEN showed speed, but tired in the stretch. PLAY ON ran well. Scratched 85317 Mabel K., 100; 85317 Captain Costigan, 112; 83214 Elemental, 103. A A F7 THIRD RACE 1 Mile. Oct. 21, 1919 1:37 4 125. Sixth Running MANOR ?2:r3: 4 HANDICAP. . 0.0CO Added. 2-year-olds. Net value to winner ,225; second, ,000; third, ,000; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85182AMERCAN FLAG w 117 1 3 4 4 43 33 1 P Walls Glen Riddlo Farm Stb 1GO-100 848.1DSINGLE FOOT w 126 7 2 l3 14 l1 14 23 C Fbther J E Griffith 251-100 85318 CLOUDLAND wb 114 5 4 51 51 53 4 3 J Butwell J S Cosden 2495-100 S53183ALMADEL wb 110 2 7 23 2 2 23 4 E Scobie H P Headley 91C-100 853733CAMPFIRE TALESwn 1001 6 G 7 7 6s 6J 51 R Pierce R T Wilson - tG33-10O 848263BEATRICE w 114 4 5 33 3 34 54 6" G Fields Belair Stud Stablo 730-100 85353 TRIP LIGHTLY wb 10S 3 1 Gl 63 7 7 7 J Maiben W J Salmon t tCoupled as R. T. Wilsen and W J. Salmon entry. Time, 23, 47, 1:13, 1:40. Track fast. mutuels paid American Flag, .20 straight, .90 place, .70 show; Single Foot, .40 place .20 show; Cloudland, show. Equivalent hocking odds American Flag. 1C0 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Single Foot, 70 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; Cloudland, 225 to 1C0 show. Winner Ch. c, by Man o War Lady Comfey, by Roi Herodc trained by G. R. Tompkins- bred by Mr. Samuel D. Riddle. Went to post at 2:57. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. AMERICAN FLAG began slowly and met interference on the first turn, but raced forwardly and, finishing fast from the last turn, wore SINGLE FOOT down and outgamed him in the final drive. SINGLE FOOT made a fast pace all the way, but tired when challenged. CLOUDLAND ran a good race and finished well after making a slow beginning. ALMADEL tired from chasing the pacemaker in closest pursuit. CAMPFIRE TALES finished .well. BEATRICE tired. Scratched S53843rrince cf Power, 95; 85330 Senalado, 110; S3318 Arbitration, 101; 83129JRetire 112; S5072 Midinette, 105; S53S8 Chrysalis. 105. Overweight Campfirc Tales, 2y2 pounds. KAAand FOURTH RACE-3-4 Mile, Oct. 2, 19231:11 3 112. Cumberland Handicap. tJfrxritO Purso ,500. All Ages. Net value to winner ,900; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt y. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85319N. HAMPSHIRE wb 4 118 4 4 3 lh 11 14 p Walls J K L Ross 370-100 85319 OSPREY wb 4 118 3 6 5 4 33 24 E Barnes J P Mills 240-100 85388 COMIXA wb 4 103 2 2 23 2 2 33 R Wliams E B McLean t95-100 853193SIIFLE ALONG w 4 130 6 1 lh 33 4 43 E Scobie A C Bostwick 135-100 852173NOEL wsb 4 108 1 5 41 5 5s 53 B Kenndy E B McLean 85201 VARIATION w 3 93 53 66GGJ McTgue J W Pangle 3515-100 tCoupled as E. B. McLean entry. Time, 23, 46, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paid New Hampshire, .40 straight, .90 place, .30 show; Osprey, .90 place CO show; E. B. McLean entry, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds New Hampshire, 370 to 100 straight, 95 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show Osprey, 95 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; E B. McLean entry, 70 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Granite Anhagh, by Broomstick trained by II. McDaniel; bred by Messrs ... H H and J. H. Gaines. Went to post at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NEW HAMPSHIRE was outrun early, but gained steadily after gong the first quarter and racing into a safe lead in the stretch, won easing up. OSPREY was pinched back at the start and was the last in motion, but was running faster than the winner at the end. COMIXA ran a good race but tired after racing SHUFFLE ALONG into defeat. The latter set a fast pace, but tired after running a gcod half mile. The others -were badly outpaced. Scratched 831293Retire, 92. Continued on eighth page.. LAUREL PARK Continued from thlrl page. OETjO FIFTH EACE 1 1-4 Miles. Oct. 18, 1D17 2:02 3120. Eleventh Running WASH. OtPTtTfciJr INGTON HANDICAP. 5,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner G,200; second, ,000; third, ,500; fourth, 00. Index Ilorsos AWtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85074BIG BLAZE wb 3 10C 3 1 2 2 S 2J Ill Parke Glon Riddlo Farm Stb 1163-100 85251 AGA KHAN ws 3 106 5 3 81 8 G 51 2" J Maiben Eclair Stud Stable 745-100 U5251RUSTIC wsb 3 107 2 9 6l 5 4" 4 4 3 L McAtee A H Morris 1105-100 85251 SUN FLAG wb 3 106 4 4 Is ll H Ink 4h e Barnes O A Cochran 1780-100 85251 SARAZEN w 3 126 9 7 3 3 3 3 5s G Babin Fair Stablo 110-100 84594SPOT CASH w 4 118 110 9a 9J 7s 7 61 E Scobie A C Bostwick 1980-100 85244PCESS DOREEN w 3 110 6 8 41 4 5nfc 61 73 H Stutts Audlcy Farm Stable 2055-100 851493DONAGHEE w 3 105 7 6 71 7a S3 8 L Fator J W Bean C580-100 84277 MY OWN wb 4 112 10 5 5 6 9 9s 9 B Brning Salubria Stablo 2100-100 S4114HALLUCINATTN w 4 122 S 2 10 10 10 10 10 P Walls J K L Ross 910-100 Time, 23, 46, 1:115, 1:38, 2:04. Track fast. mutuels paid Big Blaze, 5.30 straight, .30 place, .70 show; Aga Khan, .70 place, .30 show: Rustic, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Big Blaze, 11G5 to 100 straight, 315 to 100 place, 185 to 100 show; Aga Khan. 2S5 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Rustic. 1S5 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Campfirc Queen cf the Hills, by Knight of the Thistle trained by G. R. Tompkins; bred by Mr. It. H. McC. Potter. Went to post at 4:C9. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BIG BLAZE began fast and was saved in closest pursuit of the pacemakers and, racing up to the leader wbon called on, came on the outside in the stretch and, in a hard drive, gamely took ihe lead and won going away. AGA KHAN" was away slowly and badly knocked about, but closed a big gap and finished fastest of all. RUSTIC was outpaced in the early running, but finished fast and gamely. SUN FLAG, impeded by BIG BLAZE at the start, set a great pace, but tired in the final drive. SARAZEN raced close up to the last eighth, then tired under his big weight. PRINCESS DOREEN ran well. HALLUCINATION was forced to race wide on all the turns. Overweights Donaghee, 2 pounds. 8ETj3 ETf SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Oct. 10, 1914 1:49 3 124. Wicomico Claiming t? jrtJv Handicap. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net valuo to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Judex Horses AWtPPSt x Yj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8518.5 GUELPH w C 114 2 C 51 3- 2i 11 Jl L Morris E K Bryson 315-100 85320 BELPHRIZONIA wb 4 1C5 3 1 2i 2i 31 2- 21 I Parko Mrs A Swenke 370-100 S5253 DRUMBEAT wb 3 103 4 5 6 6 5t 4ll 3" J Maiben G Willing Jr 223-100 85387 ERICA w 4 101 6 3 Snt 53 4and 51 41 R Fisher B E Chapman 770-100 8521 G QUOTATION wsb 3 97 5 4 ia ia U 3 51 J McTgue H G Bedwell 2293-100 S4918 LUNETTA w 7 114 1 2 41 4h 6 C G E Scobie A C Bostwick 545-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:41, 1:54. Track fast. mutuels paid Guelph, .90 straight, .40 place, .70 show; Belphrizonia, .30 place, .80 show: Drumbeat, .C0 show. Equivalent booking odds Guelph, 345 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Belphrizonia, 115 to 100 pliee, 40 to ICO show; Drumbeat, 30 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Sardanapale Padoue II., by Ajax trained by G. R. Bryson; bred in France by Mr. John Sanford. Went to post at 4:4G. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; secend and third driving. GUELPH was saved to the stretch, then came fast and, passing the leaders in the final quarter, took the lead and won going away. BELPHRIZONIA raced close up throughout, but tired near the end. DRUMBEAT was last for more than a half mile, but came fast through the stretch and just got up for third place. QUOTATION set a good pace, but quit in the last eighth. EBICA finished well. LUNETTA ran poorly. Overweight Belphrizonia, 2 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. Oct. 7, 1916 1:43 5 116. Purse ,500. 3-year-3ir9:t2JL 8KAEZi olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr. Odds Strt 85283 D. OF T. VALTw 7 114 12 3 JS1 5 3 31J jnt E Ambrse W R Midgely G55-1O0 S53543YOSHIMI w 5 109 14 12 101 91 Sl 53 2 P Walls R V Haymaker 585-100 8530.9 FROSTY BOY wb 3 9S 8 9 9s 8a 7l 2 31 J McTguo F Swenke 485-100 85075 QUECREEK wb G 109 11 4 5s 2nk 61 l1 4 E Barnes W J Wolfo 910-100 853853OUR STAR wb 3 93 3 1 l1 3s "ia 41 51! J Dolin J Robertson 2350-103 85?54 OLD TIMER wb 4 109 2 6 3a 41 4 Gl 6J J Maiben W W Loney t 85355 SEA MONARCH w C 109 7 13 121 10 9 71 73 R Wliams H T Pearsall 2023-100 85385 "GOLDFIELD wn 3 98 4 7 2"t lh 23 8s 81 D Fisher L T Whitehill 635-100 S5354OWASCO wb 4 lOt G 14 13"13 13 10 9l R Pierce M Trotter t 85355s SETHS FLOWERw 3 106 5 5 71 71 105 91 104 E Renzetti Mrs F Farrar 310-100 85352 ARLINGTON w 7 104 9 10 ll112s 12 11U111 J Shanks Brookmeado Stable 300-100 85219SALMON w 3 9S 13 11 14 14 14 14 121 O Brassa T Kaiser 3910-100 85383 PREVIEUX wb 3 101 10 8 41 111 H1135 133 H Callahn W J Alford t 85210 COTE DOR wb G 114 12 C 6a 51 12l 14 I Parke H G Bedwell f tiNtuel field. " Time, 24, 48, 1:15, 1:41, 1:48. Track fast. mutuels paid Dream of the Valley, 5.10 straight, .50 place, .00 show; Yoshimi, .90 place, .30 show; Frosty Boy, .C0 show. Equivalent booking edds Dream of the Valley, G55 to 100 straight, 375 to 100 place, 200 to 100 show; Yoshimi, S95 to 100 to place, 1G5 to 100 to show; Frosty Boy, 130 to 100 to show. Winner Blk. g. by Watervale Dream Girl, by Voter trained by W. R. Midgelcy; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 5:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third "the same. DREAM OF THE VALLEY raced close up from the start under good riding and, finishing fast, won in the last two strides. YOSHIMI was far back early, but finished fast and -would have won in a few more strides. FROSTY BOY tired after racing into second place in the stretch. QUECREEK finished well. OUR STAR set a gocd pace, but tired in the stretch. SALMON ran away a mile before the start. Scratched 853S9 Royal Queen, 95; 7S9S9 Composer, 101; 85283 Dickie Dix, 109; 853S3 Much Ado, 95.

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