Daily Racing from Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-02

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps CHUECHILL DOWNS The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Louisville, Ky., November 1, 1024. 1 Annie Lyle, Spanish Rose, Mill Boy. 2 Down Town, Theo Red, Singlehand. 3 Rapid Day, Easter Bells, Sympathy. 4 Snow Maiden, Johnny Jewell, Florence W. 5 GRAEME, Hopeless, Bedford. G Dorothy Adams, Midnight Rose, Captiva. 7 Untried, Arabian, Defiant. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1 Mill Boy, Annie Lyle, Climax, Spanish Rose. 2 Singlehand, Great Rock, The Smasher, Theo Red. 3 Easter Bells, Cobweb, Sympathy. Quesada. 4 Isaman, Johnny Jewell, Snow Maiden, Watchful. 5 PEGASUS, Graeme, Just David, Hopeless. G Midnight Rose, Dorothy Adams, Subtle, Boo Boo. 7 Plus Ultra, Arabian, Untried, Oo La La. Chicago Handicap. 1 Annie Lyle, Spanish Rose, Our Option, Ivy. 2 Theo Red, Singlehand, Down Town, Great Rock. 3 Cobweb, Last One, Sympathy, Rapid Day. 4 Johnny Jewell, Snow Maiden, Isaman, "Watchful. 5 HOPELESS, Graeme, Pegasus, Just David. 6 Dorothy Adams, Warfare, Sam Mengel, Huey. 7 Plus Ultra, Oo La La, Arabian, Untried. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Mill Boy, Stake Me, Climax, Daughter Dear. 2 Theo Red, Great Rock, Down Town, Singlehand. 3 Cobweb, Easter Bells, Last One, Rapid Day. 4 Johnny Jewell, Watchful, Snow Maiden, Volt 5 Bedford, Hopeless, Dustabout, Graeme. 6 Dorothy Adams, Midnight Rose, Boo Boo, Subtle. 7 ARABIAN, Plus Ultra, Brunell, Sporty McGee. Observers Handicap. 1 Mill Boy, Annie Lyle, Climax, Runchief. 2 Theo Red, Singlehand, Great Rock, Down Town. 3 Easter Bells, Cobweb, Last One, Rapid Day. 4 Isaman, Johnny Jewell, Snow Maiden, Shindy. 5 HOPELESS, Pegasus, Bedford, Graeme. 6 Subtle, Huey, Dorothy Adams, Midnight Rose. 7 Defiant, Plus Ultra, Arabian, Untried. Concensus of Handicaps. 1 Mill Boy, Annie Lyle, Spanish Rose, Cli max. 2 THEO RED, Down Town, Singlehand, Great Rock. 3 Easter Bells, Cobweb, Rapid Day, Sym pathy. 4 Isaman, Johnny Jewell, Snow Maiden, Watchful. 5 Hopeless, Graeme, Pegasus, Bedford. G Dorothy Adams, Midnight Rose, Subtle, Boo Boo. 7 Plus Ultra, Untried, Arabian, Defiant. PIMLICO The horses which seem best in Mondays races are. Plmlioo, Md., Xovcnjbcr 1, 1924. 1 Wuhu, Oil Burner, Old Broadway. 2 Duettiste, Dunks Green, Saint Savin. 3 Oakwood, Diramcsdale, Caligula... . . ,.. 4 RUSTIC, Initiate, Joy Smoke. 5 Candy Kid, Sunny Man, Retire. G Priscilla Ruley, Sunsini, Cherry Pie. 7 Gray Gables, Just, Old Faithful. T. K. Lynch. New Yurie Handicap. 1 Sea. Tide, Wavccrest, Alex Woodliffe, Toppanite. 2 Duettiste, Tassel, Dunks Green, Autumn Bells. 3 Mainmast, Dimmesdale, Oakwood, Cali gula. 4 RUSTIC, Joy Smoke, Prince Hamlet, King ONeill II. C Superlette, Candy Kid, Primrose, Sunny Man. G Sunsini, Frigate, Cherry Pie, Priscilla Ruley. 7 Old Faithful, Gray Gables, Pathan, Potentilla. Chicago Hnndlcup. 1 Wuhu, Westover, Alex Woodliffe, Am- polac. 2 Duettiste, Dunks Green, Damask, Tassel. 3 Mainmast, Wellfinder, Caligula, Dimmes dale. 4 RUSTIC, Initiate, Prince Hamlet, Joy Smoke. 5 Candy Kid, Sunny Man, Superlette, Silver Fox. G Priscilla Ruley, Cherry Pie, Frigate, Reparation. 7 Potentilla, Grey Gables, Pathan, North Wales. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Wuhu, Toppanite, Old Broadway, Oil Burner. 2 Duettiste, Damask, Boatman, Saint Pan- eras. 3 Oakwood, Mainmast, Caligula, Mercury. 4 DR. OMARA, Prince Hamlet, Joy Smoke, Rustic. 5 Sunny Man, Superlette, Candy Kid, Prim rose. G Priscilla Ruley, Sunsini, Wilkes-Barre, Bonaparte. 7 Gray Gables, Pathan, Just, Pontentilla. Observer Handicap. 1 Wuhu, Toppanite, Wavecrcst, Sea Tide. 2 Duettiste, Dunks Green, Lollipop, Cour teous. 3 Mainmast, Oakwood, Caligula, Dimmes dale. 4 RUSTIC, Joy Smoke, Prince Hamlet, Initiate. 5 Candy Kid, Sunny Man, Primrose, Su perlette. 6 Priscilla Ruley, Cherry Pie, Sunsini, Bona parte. - 7 Potentilla, Gray Gables, Old Faithful, Minto II. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Wuhu, Wavecrest, Toppanite, Alex Wood liffe. 2 DUETTISTE, Dunks Green, Damask, Tas sel. 3 Mainmast,. Oakwood, Dimmesdale, "Cali gula. 4 Rustic, Dr. OMara, Joy Smoke, Prince Hamlet 5 Candy Kid, Superlette, Sunny Man, Prim rose G Priscilla Ruley, Sunsini, Cherry Pie, Frigate. - ., 7 Gray Gables, Potentilla,; " Old Faithful, Pathan. "" COLUMBUS The horses which seem best jn Mondays races are : Columbus, Ohio, November 1, 1924. 1 My Biddy, Red Squirrel, Star Girl. 2 Kinsman, Follow Me, Knot Grass 3 Double Shot, Hazel, Dale, Haidee. 4 Melvina, Balefull, Asa Jewell. 5 BEMORECAREFUL, Sam Reh, Briar- cliff. - 6 Mary Maxim, Blanche Mac, Pretext 7 Perhaps, Arragosa, Quaver. F. H. Sproule. New York Handicap. 1 My Biddy, Bills Hope, E.hcl F., Ruby Marsh. 2 Kinsman, Holly Boy, Corto, Jack Pot 3 Double Shot, Red, Hazel Dale, Sagamore. 4 Sweet Note, Balefull, Brown Letty, Asa Jewell. 5 BEMORECAREFUL, Lough Storm, Her cules, Armistice. G Blanche Mac, Blossoms, Tantalus, Pretext 7 Metal, Tight, Medina, Perhaps. Chicago Handicap. 1 June Day, My Biddy, Ethel F., Flitter- belle. 2 Kinsman. Little Avon, Corto, Knot Grass. 3 Sagamore, Mad Nell, OKelly, Red. 4 Balefull, Asa Jewell, Florence B. Walker, Sweet Note. 5 SAM REH, Hercules, Armistice, Rhine stone. C Christie Holters, Smart Guy, Mary Maxim, Pretext 7 Apology, Perhaps, Quaver, Asaph. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 My Biddy, Flitterbclle, Ethel F., Pep- perette. 2 Follow Me, Corto, Kinsman,-Jack Pot 3 Hazel Dale, Double Shot Georgia May, Red. 4 Sweet Note, Balefull, Brown Letty, Mel vina, 5 BEMORECAREFUL, Sam Reh, Rhine stone, Hercules. 6 Smart Guy, Pretext, Flaxy Mae, Little Andy. 7 Perhaps, Tight, Metal, Apology. Observers Handicap. 1 My Biddy, Flitterbelle, Ethel F., Shasta Express. 2 Cloporte, Kinsman, Atonement, Follow Me. 3 Double Shot, Red, Sagamore, Hazel Dale. 4 Balefull, Melvina, Sweet Note, Asa JewelL 5 BEMORECAREFUL, Sam Reh, Armistice, Hercules. G Pretext Mary Maxim, Blossoms, Christie Holters. 7 Perhaps, Metal, Apology, Medina, Consensus of Handicaps. 1 My Biddy, June Day, Flitterbelle, Red Squirrel. 2 Kinsman, Follow Me, Cloporte, Holly Boy. 3 Double Shot, Sagamore, Hazel Dale, Red. 4 Sweet Note, Balefull, Melvina, Asa Jewell. 5 BEMORECAREFUL, Sam Reh, Hercules, Armistice. G Mary Maxim, Blanche Mac, Christie Holters, Smart Guy. 7 Perhaps, Metal, Apology, Tight

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110201/drf1924110201_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110201_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800