Master Charlie in Glorious Victory: Scores Another Notable Success in Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-02


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MASTER CHARLIE IN . GLORIOUS VICTORY Scores Another Notable Success in Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes Defeats Pas Seal and Kentucky Cardinal in Repetition of Finish of Rich Hopeful Stakes Adds 6,010 to His Winnings LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 1. Racing history was repeated in the running of the Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, worth 6,010 net, when Master Charlie, carrying C. Kummer in the colors of William Daniel, won from J. N. Camdens Pas Seul, with Desha Breckinridges Kentucky Cardinal in third place. This was a repetition of the finish in the rich Hopeful Stakes, decided on the closing day of the Saratoga August meeting. Master Charlies victory this afternoon was clear cut and decisive. He led his opponents from the rise of the barrier and, while ridden out near the end, always held his closest pursuers safe. Pas Seul began tardily, causing him to be far out of it in the early stages and he was forced to lose some ground by going wide. He finished gallantly and overhauled Kentucky Cardinal in the last eighth, but was not good enough for the leader. Kentucky 5 Cardinal was restrained in the first half mile and when called on responded gamely, but he was no match today for the leading pair. The early stages found Master. Charlie in command under restraint, with Sunsard, Su-premus and Nicholas close followers. There was some misgiving about Master Charlie holding to his inner rail position, rumors being prevalent that he bears out in his racing, and for that reason there were many of his backers doubtful about his ability to make the two close turns leading out of the back-stretch. It was a relief to them when he continued close to the rail without shortening his stride and his supporters felt the-race was over when he straightened out for the sprint in the homestretch. He continued well and, though Pas Seul was going as gamely as he did near the end, Master Charlie still was well under restraint. ABSTRACTS GOOD RACE. Abstracts performance in the race was a good one. Garner rode him hard in contrast to his preceding start and he downed the others with ease after closing a big gap. The disappointments were Blue Ridge and Swope; both were far out of it for the entire way. Pas Seuls share of the stake amounted to ,500. Kentucky Cardinal received 00 and Abstract for finishing fourth received 35. The original nominator of the winner received 00, of the second horse 50 and the third horse 00. An immense attendance, by far the largest that has been at the track during the present meeting, was on hand to view the race. Ideal weather conditions prevailed and the track was in perfect condition. Master Charlie was a pronounced favorite and his victory was a popular one. Big fields started in the first three races but some good sport developed. In the opener,-at seven-eighths, thirteen answered the call with John Q. Kelly the victor. His victory was an easy one and he won well in hand with Uncle Bert under strong urging, beating home Wapiti. Macbeth was the expected one to furnish strong contention here but he was far back for most of the way. PRINCESS ADELE VICTRESS. Frederick Johnsons Princess Adele was victress over the thirteen other maiden fillies that contested the second race with her. She raced Improved with a change in riders from J. Kederis to W. W. Taylor. Fair Vision was the runner-up, with Lucky Drift in third place. Fair Visions early speed carried her clear of the others ana she led until well along in the last eighth, where Princess Adele, coming with a well timed rush, though urged hard, drew steadily by the leader and won well under restraint. Rocking, which was expected to figure extensively here, was al ways far out of it. An ordinary band took part in the third race over the mile route and it enabled Dandybrush to win well under restraint from Fretwell, with Gorget third. The winner raced in good style and was a prominent-factor from the start. He moved into the lead when Queer gave way and during the last eighth had the race at his mercy. Fret-well, swerving out in the stretch, continued going well and was an easy second, while Gorget got up in the last few strides to outstay Dusty Mary, the favorite, for the shorter portion of the purse. Broomsters showing this afternoon in the fourth race was more in line with his best form and his improvement was mainly duo to the energetic riding he had. In a preceding start Wallace rode him with poor judgment resulting in his signal failure. Marvin May was the one that was given preference over him today and -for a while it looked as if he would be the victor but Broomster, responding gamely to the hard urging of his rider, came steadily and suc- Continued on sixteenth page. MASTER CHARLIE, WINNER Continued from first page. ceeded in overhauling Marvin May in the last sixteenth to win by a good length. Marvin May was much used in an effort to dispose of The Runt but had little difficulty retaining second place. It was a tight fit for third place with The Runt lasting to beat home Nassau. The latter showed a fine race and is about due to land a purse. The supposed crack King Nadi had a close call from defeat in the sixth race, a three-quarter dash, which he won by a matter of inches from Step Along. Garner rode him in extremely confident style and he moved to Step Along, the leader, with a rush when straightened fully in the stretch, but near the end he began lagging and just managed to stay long enough to beat Step Along. Elector, showing a fine performance, finished in third place, having been close up for the en-ire way. . Another King got home in advance and this one, too, ridden by Garner, King Gorin II. beat Mary Ellen O. after a hard drive through the stretch. John Finn, after a rough trip, was up for third place. Mary Ellen O. led her field at a fast pace and for a while it looked as if King Gorin IL would not overhaul her. He finished gamely, however, in the last sixteenth. C. B. Shafer, owner of Planet, made a claim for King Gorin II. at a cost of ,200, but the claim was not held valid on account of improper registration of the Shafer horses with the secretary.

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Local Identifier: drf1924110201_1_2
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