untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-06


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HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITY Subscription, 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. Mr. Ames advised this office over the long distance that TODAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" should win easily. The last "Harvey Transaction" advised, after showing nothing in THREE PREVIOUS STARTS WON EASILY. THERE ARE DAYS AND DAYS. This service recognizes no competition. IMITATORS ARE NOT COMPETITORS. Our advertisements state "Facts, Not Illusions." TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592. 2593 and 5749 MACK SMART Better Known as "Smarty" at All the Tracks. 0.00 A WEEK. TWO HORSES DAILY. SIX GOOD PARLAYS. "Smartys" Parlay Yesterday Paid Over 20-1: HUON PINE 0.40- Won THUNDERBOLT 0.20-52 Won Tuesday "Smarty" Just Hissed: PETTIBOCKER ... 5.80- Won BENCH MANAGER .70- 2D MONDAY "SMARTYS" PARLAY PAH 20-1: WATCHFUL 2.30- Won SUNNY MAN .10- Won Three winning parlays out of six sent out last week and all paid better than 12-1. Why, it only takes one winning day to make you a winner on the week. START TODAY AND BE A WINNER This service has stood tho acid test for months, so there is no reason to he skeptical. All horses aio sent out by iiamo and not in code. REMEMBER, ONLY 0.00 FOR SIX GOOD PARLAYS Weekly Subscriptions only will ho accepted.. Call at office or wire money by telegraph. Horses released at 9:30 a. m. daily. 106 Park Row, Room 211 NEW YORK CITY Tom Moore "THE PARLAY KING" TWO HORSES DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY .00 DAILY PARLAYS MAKE MONEY FAST Yesterdays 0 Track Wire: Parader .70- Won Yesterdays Star Money Horse: Aga Khan .60- Won Due to 40 per cent scratches in this race the odds were greatly reduced: Tuesdays Star Money Horse: Lathrop 8.50- Won Tuesdays Money Horse: Pettibocker 5.80- Won Tuesdays Occasional: Phil McCann ...7.60- Won Mondays 0 Track Wire: Starbeck 4.60- Won Mondays Star Money Horse: Watchful 2.30- Won Mondays Money Horse: Sky Scraper II. . 1.80- Won Saturdays Star Money Horse: Dandybrush ...1.50- Won Saturdays Money Horse: Wild Goose .. . .7.80- Won Gentlemen, these are tho kind you get on my Two Horse Daily. Two big money horses for .00 daily or 0.00 weekly 6 racing days. Subscriptions may start any time. Dont read my ad day after day; just join me and be a big winner. Fridays Star Money Horse: JOnXXY JEWELL 8.10-52 Won Fridays Money Horse: PLUS ULTRA 0.50- Won BETTER SUBSCRIBE, AS THE DAY YOU MISS IS THE DAY YOU LOSE TOM MOORE 10S Park Row. Room 605 NEW YORK CITY CLEANING UP Huon Pine . .0.40- Won was yesterdays Long Shot. Sunspero .. . . ..10- Won was yesterdays .00 SPECIAL. Get .00 SPECIAL and 50 cent SHEET For sale at all newsstands. Both mailed direct .00 FOR SIX DAYS NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411, 22 W. Qnincy St. Chicago, HI. SUNRISE SERVICE 156 Fulton Street, Suite 536 New York City TERMS .00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Release: LUCKY DRIFT 5.1042 Won Did she win? Well, you are the judge. Personally I didnt know whether is a horse or a billy goat and dont know yet Moreover, I dont care. I follow the money strictly. Boys, I follow the money. Im going to follow some today. Are you? Tuesdays Release: Arbitration 1.80- Won The above horses were filed with this paper and also released to all my clients who have reaped a fortune on this information. This week should he our best, as we have word on several live horses this week. Here is your opportunity. Rush your subscription. Mondays Release: Insulate 7.50- Won Saturdays Release: Princess Adele . .6.70- Won Fridays Release: Johnny Jewell ..8.10- Won Thursdays Release: Lexington Maid .1.50- Won TODAY This is the ono that I have been waiting for and I want all my followers to go the limit today. Comes from a most reliable source. So I advise you to get this one and follow the wise money. City clients call. Out-of-town clients wire fee with correct street address. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM! The most consistent system ever discovered. On a 0.00 play, for week ending Nov. 1, it WON 81 at Churchill Downs, and lost 9 at Laurel. Seldom has a losing day; very rarely has a losing week, and never a losing month. It will cost you very little time and energy to write us for full details. We will gladly send you a copy of our Free Syllabus. TIIE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 601 CATHEDRAL BALTIMORE, MD. GOT THE WORLD BEAT Get NEW BOOK out now, 35c at all newsstands. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: October-Pear-74-39-59-57 STANDARD TURF GUIDE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110601/drf1924110601_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110601_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800