Pimlico Futurity Friday: Several Prominent Candidates Show Fast Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-06


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PUBLICO FUTURITY FRIDAY! Several Prominent Candidates Show Fast Gallops. Sun Flag and Spot Cash "Work for Saturdays features Gossip of Horsemen and Horses. PMLiTCO. Md., Nor. 5. Several of the leading two-year-olds were out for extended exercise this morning: Some of them are preparing for the 0,000 added Pimlico Futurity which is to be run Friday. Among the best moves from a time point of view "were those of J. E. Griffiths Single Foot, the Jeffords" By Hisself, and H. P. Whitneys Candy Kid. Each covered a mile, the Futurity distance, in 1 :42. Single Foot registered fractions as follows: 24; 3G ; 59; 1:02; l:15?s; 1:2?. By Hisself showed early speed. He went the quarter in 21 and finished out in 3G, 49, 1:02, 1:15, 1:29. American Flag, with which Gwyn Tompkins won the JIanor on Saturday last, for the Glen Rid-dle Farm, ran the mile in 1:43, with fractions as follows: 24; 49; 1:02; 1:16; 1:29; 1:43. Baltic Field and Dangerous, the G. A. Cochran pair, went a mile in 1:44. the first three-quarters in 1:16and- Young Martin, recently sold by J. E. Madden to L. "Water-bury, showed trainer Max Hirsch a mile in 1:44- He started slowly, but finished out with even speed. Most prominent of the older horses training for stake engagements this morning were Sun mag and Spot Cash. Both are eligible to the mile of the Pimlico "Weight-for-Age race No. 2., which will be decided Saturday. The Cochran three-yeax-old outworked the Bostwick four-year-old and may be a hard horse to catch Saturday if he runs as he did in the Maryland Handicap at LaureL He showed a quarter in 24, went to the half in iS, completed five-eighths in 1:00, turned three-quarters in 1:14, seven-eighths in 1:27. passed the mile in 1:40, and eased up the mile and an eighth in 1:55. Spot Cash worked as follows: 24, 49, 1:02, 1:15, 1:42. 1:5C. Hallucination was on the track this morning for an easy mile in 1:47. Those who saw the big chestnut running in Canada are not willing to admit that his showing in the "Washington Handicap was a true reflection of his ability. Sunny Man was sent a half mile in 52 this morning. P. Dougherty and "W. C. Trovar entered claims of ,000 for Master Hand which carried the colors of P. H. Sims in the last race Tuesday. Dougherty putdrew Trover and Master Hand is destined for Cuba. James Rowan is an arrival from New York with one jumper. Jim Evans is among the recent New York contributions to the paddock group. A. S. "Woodliffe will ship the several stables in his charge to New Orleans at the end of the Pimlico meeting. T. Fennessey is nursing a dislocated shoulder and wrenched muscles of the back. His injuries resulted from a fall at Belmont Park on Friday. Paul Madeira arrived from Youngstown,! where he rode with success. He brought word that jockeys Punshon and Casserolla, who were injured in the same fall there, are on the road to recovery. Punshon is injured more seriously than Casserolla. Both suffered skull fractures. In addition one ot Punshons arms was broken in two places. Twelve cars of horses, practically the entire collection that raced at Youngstown, are reported on the way to Cuba.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110601/drf1924110601_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110601_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800