Aga Khan Victorious: Son of Omar Khayyam Accounts for Pimlico Autumn Handicap, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-06


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AGA MAN VICTORIOUS Son of Omar Khayyam Accounts for Pimlico Autumn Handicap. Only Three Horses in the Field, Senator Norris Finishing Second and Big Blaze Third. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 5. Aga Khan, a three-year-old colt by Omar Khayyam Lady Garnet, and the property-of the Belair Stud, Avas returned Avinner of the eighth renewal of the Pimlico Autumn Handicap at a mile and one-quarter, the feature of this afternoons Pimlico card. Guy Bedwells Senator Norris AAas second, beaten three and a half lengths, while Big Blaze, Avinner of the 5,000 Washington Handicap, the only other starter, Avas third, one length behind the Cudgel colt Aga Khan ran the. mile and a quarter in 2 :05, three-fifths of a second under the record foe the fixture, made by Oceanic in 1922. For the ilrst three-quarters Senator Norris shoAved the Avay with Big Blaze rated just off the pace, and Aga Khan bringing up tho rear. There Avas little or no change in their positions until reaching the far bend, Avheu both Big Blaze and Aga Khan closed in on Senator Norris. At the three-quarters post Aga Khan came around Big Blaze and Senator Norris. Straightened out for the run through the stretch, the Belair colt A-as a length in front of the Bedwell color bearer, Avhile the latter Avas a like distance in front of Big Blaze. Johnny Maiben, Avho had the leg up on Aga Khan, gradually Avidened the gap between his mount and Senator Norris until reaching the finish Aga Khan Avas three and a half lengths to the good. Senator Norris held Big Blaze safe for second place by a length. Big Blaze A-as tired at the end. The race Avas Avorth ,810 to the Belair Stud. REPARATION IX FRONT. In the Glenmore Purse, sixth on the program, Reparation began fast, raced Miss Ce-rina into defeat and easily held Ten Minutes safe at the end of the mile and oerenty yards. Maiben, astride Reparation, piloted his second succesie Avinner. Two and a half lengths separated Reparation from Teh Minutes at the end. Miss Cerina Avas beaten by a length and a half for second place and outlasted Blind Play by a neck for third place. The public centered on the Avrong one in tho first race, a claiming dash at five and a half furlongs for juvenile fillies, when Fred Glassens Lady Classen led home by three lengths Bother, Clonaslee, the favorite, and ten others. Bother attempted to keep pace Avith the Avinner and did for the first three-eighths, but once the turn into the stretch Avas reached the Classen filly drew aAvay to score in easy fashion. The struggle for the minor portions of the purse Avas more spirited Avith Bother outlasting Clonaslee. STEEPLE CIIASE TO BARLEYYCORN. J. E. Wideners Barleycorn beat St. LaAV-rence by six lengths in the Baltimore Steeplechase, a maiden race at two miles. The Avinning son of Light Brigade FiAe Acres Avas bought recently from Logan Denny, by his present owner, for 0,000. Mitrailleuse Avas the only other one of six starters to finish. He Avas beaten off. Flying Scotchman fell at the third fence, rendering H. McDonnelL unconscious for a few moments. San Dimas lost his rider at the same obstacle on the next turn of the field. Gray-lette ran out at the tenth and, being brought back into the course, Avas finishing Avhen ho ran out again at the thirteenth. The first two at the finish had the race betAveen themselves at all tfmes. St LaAvrence jumped better than the son of Light Brigade and made the pace Avithin a half mile of the finish. Then Pierce, Avho had rated Barleycorn Avell, sent him around the outside of the pacemaker and Avore him down. The longest-priced winner of the meeting Avent over in the fourth, Avhen J. L. Prices King ONeill II., beat the favorite, The Roll Call, by a short head. Rigel, second choice in the speculation, Avas third by a length and a half. The Roll Call went to the front when rounding the clubhouse turn and was still maintaining sway on the far bend Avith Rigel the one closest in attendance. At the turn into the stretch" McTague, astride King ONeill II., found racing room on the inside, slipped through and in a driving finish earned the decision in the last few strides. King ONeill II. s mutuel price Avas 5.80. It Avas the first Avinner ridden in Maryland by McTague, Avho is under contract to J. C. Fletcer, but here under call to S. M. Henderson. Beginning fastest of all and opening up a three lengths lead going doAvn the back-stretch, Thomas Monahans Thunderbolt never left the result in doubt in the running of the third race, another maiden dash, at three-quarters, for all ages. Sun Altos Avas Continued on twelfth page. AGA KHAN VICTORIOUS Continued from first page. second and Mungo, the public choice, was third. Sun Altos was always in closest pursuit of the winner, but could never gain on him. Mungo met with no mishaps, but was out-distanced by the leaders, though he was overtaking Sun Altos at the finish. Tribute named to go in the second race tomorrow is an eight-year-old gelding by Kil-logram Royal Jig. He belongs to L. M. Stackhouse, and is trained by E. Williams. Kentucky Cardinal galloped three-quarters in 1 :17 after the Jumping race today. He is the Futurity candidate belonging to Dcsh Breckinridge.

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Local Identifier: drf1924110601_1_3
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