untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-06


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f SUPREME FLASH "LITTLE NOISE" Wizard of Tnrfdom . "BIO RESULTS" Two Horses Daily. 0 Daily, or 5 "Weekly, for Complete Service vmot! youre, fyzp- ie. fried me votgovv tsTPorosews Ooit aac Aowl aoss-fVw vow WHlLg THE. SUGSCI6IV6 TO Ewn iiusTO? txtra op custom eRSWY7, o-T-7m lKe. you ? J I spAll. Ym Special Offer I 5.00 entitles you to one -weeks ifljPja kfai. service six days, consisting of two JirvSifio 1 s U I -Aandf horses daily. Also our Super Supreme tijflfpff ir i yandY C J Specials, that go when final 0. X. II sandy receTe from our connections, V I neec no commen Our record " jj HO fi I I yV fj 1 ill! lllllll "wi111"11? Super Specials is pcsi- ilS: a.lllH II Hill tively unsurpassed. Pii ptrilllll YESTERDAYS SUPER SPECIAL: REPARATION .90- Won . YESTERDAYS FLASH: SUNSPERO .10- Won ISAMAN Lost SUFREME SERVICE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE SAFEST TURF INVESTMENT AVAILABLE. OUR RESULTS CANNOT BE EQUALED, as our connections are the highest and best, obtainable. Ask any Supreme Subscriber. TUESDAYS FLASH: SATURDAYS FLASH: hmS0SS .50- WON" LEXINGTON MAID ..7.00- AVON ABIA 20-52 AYON KUSTIC 7.30- 2nd MONDAYS FLASH- FRIDAYS SUPER-SUPREME SPECIAL: RUSTIC .00-52 AVON GRAY ABLJBS ......2.80.02 WON DEFIANT 1AX S7 $..0-5- fin c AtO wnv FRIDAYS FLASH: SAM MENGEL 38.10- WON SATURDAYS FLASH: EEICA .10-12 AVON BELrilltlZONIA .70, .30-52 2nd THURSDAYS FLASH: FllOSTY BOY .60- 3rd HA Y AY Alt D 4-1 WON SIK PETER 1.80-52 WON rSIDAY FRIDAYS 8 FLASK- WEDNESDAYS FLASH: ENERGY s $ nn so u-nv in FHIGATE 9-2 WON lIFRXTFTi Voii DLItMER SOU .40- 2nd LADDIE BUCK .60- WON THURSDAYS FLASH- TUESDAYS SUPER - SUPREME SPECIAL: BOTH HORSES WON WON WON COCKNEY 8-1 WON rJtTKST7 ATS TTT A SIFT " WEDNESDAYS FLASH: WILL LAND .5o- WON GRAY GABLES .40- WON COURAGEOUS 4.50- AVON STIMULUS 3-10 WON MONDAYS FLASH: TUESDAYS WINNING TRIPLE FLASH: CALEMBOUR 8.40-32 WON SUPER SUPREME SPECIAL BILLY WARREN 4-1 WON II. E. COLEMAN S6 G0-G AVON " SATURDAYS SUPER - SUPREME SPECIAL: TUESDAYS" FLASH: "AURDAYS FLASH-1 JJJTV??? Iftlil ALL GOUE.DAY.S.FSLlt.7l WON SOLA MIA .30- WON CRACK O DAWN 10-1 WON MONDAYS FLASH: FRIDAYS FLASH: CARLTON 4.50-52 WON DRY MOON 7-2 WON STARBECK 2.20-52 WON LESTER DOCTOR ... 9.50-52 WON Our information comes direct from our connections at the principal tracks. Wire 0, for six days two horses daily, or 5 a week, for complete service, which includes all supr specials. Only weekly subscriptions will be accepted. Do not remit by mail. Wire correct nam: and address to avoid delay. Address all communications to SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. ICS AYE ST TAVENTY-THIRD STREET NEAT YORK CITY Jpl.Winley DAILY AVIRE AND LAST-MINUTE SPECIAL CHICAGO FOLLOWERS: Rush, at once, to our office, Suite 41G Crllly Bldg., 35 S. Dearborn St., or Arcade Newsslore, 74 AYest Madison and get my AYire for today. DETROIT PLATERS: Rush to either Dunns Newsstand, Michigan and Shelby Sts or Bagley Newsstand, AVoodward, corner Monroe in front of Monument, and get my 51 AVIre for today. CLEVELAND CLIENTS: Rush, immediately, to Oliver C. Schroeder Cigar Store, 212 East Superior St. and get my Daily Wire for today. ST. LOUIS BOYS: Rush, at once, to Wm. Laser, 711 Market St., and get todays AYire. OMAHA, NEB., GENTLE3IEN: Rush, now, to Meyer Corens and get my Daily AYire for today. KANSAS CITY LOYAL ARMT OP FOLLOWERS: Go, now, Ricksecker Cigar Store and get my Daily Wire. To All That Get MY WIRE TODAT, AYE WILL GIVE YOU THE GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY TO GET . ON TO A AVINNER ABSOLUTELY FREE We Will Give You ABSOLUTELY FREE Our 5 Special This Special, in the past, has only been sent to a few of our select clients, but Saturday, which is getaway day, and in order to get my followers way out in front for the Kentucky meeting, we will give you this one FREE. All you have to do is purchase todays sheet,; which has two of the best prospects of the meeting. They both should win, without any trouble, and pay very good odds. They are two of the best things that have come together In one day and It will be another prosperous day for my legion of followers. In order to get the big 5 Special FREE, get todays AYire and mail it to my office, after you get through with It. Get todays AYire, is all I can say. Full instructions will be on sheet. Get it and You Will Be Well Satisfied Monthly Racing Form FOR OCTOBER NOW ON SALE DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court ..... Chicago, Illinois. . -M..M. WALLINGFORD The Man Who Went From Rags to Riches on Information I AM NOAY DOING AS MUCH FOR THOUSANDS OF OTHERS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS. 0 DAILY 5, ANY SIX DAYS THIS INFORMATION HAS STOOD THE TEST YESTERDAYS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS : LadyGlassen 0.80- Won Thunderbolt 0.20- Won TUESDAYS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS: ARBITRATION 1.80- AVon PHIL McCANN 7.60- AYon MONDAYS TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS: STARBECK 4.60- AYon AYATCHFUL 2.30- AYon SATURDAY S TWO BANK NOTE SPECIALS: AVILD GOOSE 7.80- AYon JOHN Q. KELLY .40- AYon NOTICE Special Notice Beware of a publication on newsstands claiming to handle my information. THIS IS ABSOLUTE If BAUD. I positively have nothing for sale on any newsstand. GENUINE AND ONLY INFORMATION SOLD THROUGH MY OFFICE. NOTICE The private code sent to my clients will have to be abandoned. I cant understand why some of yoa gentlemen could not decipher it. It has caused much confusion. It was very simple, but sure, and it was my intention to use same as a protection to you and prevent the leaks which would hurt tha price on my Specials. STARTING TODAY all my offices will release information in plain language. DICK WALLINGFORD T 5 Cortlandt St.. Suite I4A New York City WEEKLY BOOK, 35 cents; mailed 10 weeks, DAILY SPECIALS, , at all newssUads TODAY At Last He Starts The BIG SPECIAL is ready, the one AL GERN has Raved About for Last 4 Weeks I tell yon, TODAY IS THE DAY. Under NO CONSIDERATION miss this special today. Goes in the SECOND RACE at LOUISVILLE and is given as the Special Given Free Today With the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER. Here is your chance. RUSH, right now, to your newsdealer and ASK for the Daily Master Clocker , at all newsstands; mailed two weeks, ?9 ADDRESS, MASTER CLOCKER, 440 S. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. "BURKE" THE BOY WHO KNOWS ONE HORSE DAILY TERMS 1 AVEEK G DAYS 0.00 Again I Made Good ! YESTERDAYS PRIVATE SPECIAL THIRD DAY: THUNDERBOLT, 0.20-, WON TUESDAYS PRIVATE SPECIAL SECOND DAY: PETTIBOCKER 5.80- Won This one was a maiden, never won a race, BUT I SAID GO THE LIMIT, TUESDAY, AND SURE enough, Pettibocker stepped down in front and paid good odds. MONDAYS PRIVATE SPECIAL FIRST DAY: INSULATE 7.50- Won Three Days and three BIG WINNERS Pimlico is the place where I get the dough. Ten straight winners expected. BEAT ANOTHER LONG SHOT TODAY Be with me today, SURE. Send a 0 money order at once. This is for six days service. Subscribe. Dont hesitate. Act immediately. I AM PERSONALLY ON THE GROUNDS And all my information is sent direct from the track. No favorites handled. You all know; "BURKE." I have operated for over five years and have given more winners than ANY ONE of my competitors. SEND ?20 for one weeks servico and make a flat play of 0 daily and you should easily win ,000 during the week. Wire, Western Union or Postal, or call at office. Send correct street address E. J. BURKE Room 509, 23 Duane St., New York City Advertise in Daily Racing Form Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110601/drf1924110601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800