Feature to Sunspero: Proves Easily Best in Main Race at Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-06


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FEATURE TO SUNSPERO Proves Easily Best in Main Race at Churchill Downs. Starbeck Again in Reversal of Form Jockey Griffin in Limelight. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 5. Sunspero. carrying the colors of J. G. McGill, was , winner of Churchill Downs feature race this afternoon, when he beat home Bradleys Toney in handy style over the mile route, with Gherrycote a close tip third. Sunspero was the first of the favorites to score during the afternoon, four choices having gone down to defeat in previous contests. Sunspero raced as if the best Griffin kept him under restraint for five-eighths, but in close pursuit of Cherrycote. He took command with ease when called on and was well under restraint at the end. Bradleys Toney was a laggard in last place until the stretch was reached, where he moved up rapidly and finishing gamely appeared going as fast as the winner. Starbeck again figured in the limelight here by his inconsistent racing. In a preceding start he won from a good band at the mile distance, but in todays racing he figured prominently only for five-eighths before he began fading fast, and he would have been in last place at the finish only for Dustabout being eased in the last sixteenth. Summerlikc weather was again the order here and the usual large attendance was present. The small fields produced spirited racing, with several finishes of the thrilling Variety. IIUOX TlXJZ BY ETCHES. Jockey Griffin, -who is fast looming up as one of the most promising lightweights in the country, again showed some brilliant horsemanship and to his superior ride can be attributed the victory of Huon Pine in the fourth race. This colt Avon by a matter of inches in the last stride from Queer, primarily because of Gormleys blundering riding of the latter colt. Queer was best, but Gormley, for no apparent reason, took back in the stretch when he was racing with Easter Bells, and the ground he lost to go around Easter Bells would have insured him an easy victory. He finished well and only succumbed in the last stride. Sayno was up in time to land third place, Easter Bells having tired badly during the last sixteenth, after being the leader from the start The public inaugurated betting activities inauspiciously when they gave Isaman and Climax preference in the introductory dash, won by Nimrod in the easiest manner possible after he had led for the entire way by a good margin. Climax managed to outstay the others for second place, with Miss Rosedale just lasting to nose out the extreme outsider, Lady Jane, for the shorter portion of the , purse. Isaman gave promise in the early stages, when he raced in second place, but beginning the stretch run he faded fast and brought up in last place. LUCKY DRIFT YICTEESS. Sari and Fair Vision had the call in the second race, with Twilight Hour also extensively regarded, but the finish found Lucky Day the victress after a hard sustained drive to keep in advance of Fair Vision. The winner led from the start, but was pursued closely by Fair Vision and the latter at one period of the stretch held considerable promise, but Lucky Drift proved the gamcst under Lilleys strong riding. Twilight Hour might have been more formidable but for getting away from the barrier stumbling and suffering interference when Lucky Drift came over from an outer position. She raced into prominence in the stretch after having been a distant follower, but she tired in the last seventy yards. Saris performance was a dull one and she was far back for most of the contest About as ordinary a band as could be mustered here were the staiters in the mile and a sixteenth dash, but it finished an exciting finish between La Planche de Briante and Repeater, both being urged, hard at the end, Avith the first mentioned Avinning out Pequot finished in third place. The latter showed the most speed until straightened for the stretch, where he began giAing away and just lasted for third place. There was considerable activity about Eelman in the race, but he acted badly at the post and retired after half a mile. The Idle Hour Farm Stable accounted for a purse Avhen Bargain Day beat home a fairly good band of juveniles that started in the sixth race. Bargain Day Avas a forward factor for most of the Avay and Avore down Agnes Call in the last eighth. The latter looked like the Avinner after she displaced The Badger from the lead, but she weakened steadily and just held on long enough to outstay Silver Slippers and the fast coming Vallette. The latter had closed an immense gap in the last quarter. The Badger quit completely after he ran three-quarters. Continued on twelfth pase. FEATURE TO SUNSPERO Continued from first page. The closing race brought a spirited finish between Parader and Johnny Jewell with the former the winner by a short margin after a terrific battle by the pair in the stretch. Ramkin was in a kindly mood in the early running and it carried him around the others with a rush at the stretch turn, but ho began sulking again in the last sixteenth, but held to third place. Mrs. George B. Cox, owner of the Parkview Stable, bought privately this afternoon from J. B. Jtespess the fast sprinter. Energy, which will race tomorrow in her interests.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110601/drf1924110601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800