untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-06


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WM. LYONS Fidelity BIdg. Cor. 26th St. and 60th Ave., New York City. Room 602 TERMS: DAILY, 0 WEEKLY TWO HORSES A DAY Everybody Knows Mo as an OLD-TIME SOUTHERNER MY MOTTO: DEEDS, NOT WORDS Pertaining to handle the best information obtainable. Thats all. A TRIAL IS THE ONLY CONVINCER. YESTERDAYS RELEASE: NIMROD 7.70- Won LADY GLASSEN 0.80- Won TUESDAYS RELEASE: HrlJtF 5.80- Won LADY BOSS $ 8.5o Won MONDAYS RELEASE: SUJ-ATE 7.50- Won CAPTIVA 9.30- Won Send Money Western Union or Postal, or Call at Office j i L 1 i j 1 1 1 i 1 i r I e t I 5 JACK ROWE 164-166 W. Washington St. Federation Building. Room 705 CHICAGO, ILL. TWO SPECIAL Getaway Good Things AT CHURCHILL DOWNS My first Getaway Special starts Friday, November 7th. Tho race in which this special good one goes on Friday looks like a real soft spot, and I wish to say to all my followers to have a strong bet to win, and you will bo stringing along with some of the smartest turfmsn operating at Churchill Downs. MY SECOND GETAWAY STAR SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY, NOV. 8 Getaway Day. The reason they have selected the last day is because there will be many people at the track. It will help us to get a big price on this horse. It would be useless to search the form charts on Saturdays Super-Special as recent form does not show him much support. Those in charge of this Special seldom make any mistakes. You all remember when I advertised my last two GETAWAY GOOD THINGS at Latonia, and both horses won. The foundation of my success throughout the year is information alono that made me famous and the peer of them all in this business. If you have never followed me before, start with me Friday and you will bo convinced, as many others have. I ALSO HAVE WORD ON TWO GOOD ONES at PIMLICO on the same days, that I will givo to all my clients FREE OF CHARGE, TO THOSE WHO SUBSCRIBE for my two getaway good ones at Churchill Downs. Terms, for Both Specials, YOU GET THE TWO SPECIALS FOR FIVE DOLLARS. When you subscribe to my service, you receive in return just what you pay for. Information, the REAL KIND, the KIND THAT INFORMS. REAL INSIDE ADVICE. Each and every horse a supposed medium for delivery, with tho information emanating from the right source. If you aro a speculator, be convinced and send in your subscription at once. OUR BIG SUPER SPECIALS WILL BE SOLD AT OFFICE ADDRESS ONLY BETTING SECRET SATURDAY AT LAUREL My Next Special Goes Saturday, November 8 This horsa has been carefully prepared for this race. "VVe have a good rider and the stable expects an easy win. Will wire to all responsible people who will pay me after they win. This looks like the best thing I have had this season. TERMS Winnings of five dollars straight, payable after the horse wins. Wire correct address. MILTON HOWARD 1418 N. Charles St. Baltimore, Md. GETAWAY SPECIAL At Churchill Downs, -will be turned loose Friday or Saturday and should win in a common gallop at a nico price. Expect this to be the outstanding "good thing" of the present meet. If you aro honest and will remit winnings of a 25.00 straight play, write or wire. GILBERT MADISON 123 East Canal. Cincinnati, Ohio From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks IPay trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the 53 scalo of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. F!a. Daily Racing Guide Has the Winners ON SALE IN CHICAGO AT 4:30 P. M. DAILY. . i j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110601/drf1924110601_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110601_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800