untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-06


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SCHUYLER FLOYD INVITES SO ADDITIONAL CLIENTS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY! After successfully campaigning the Canadian and Maryland circuits for the past six months during which time no advertisements appeared, the founder of this organization has returned to this city for a brief stay, before leaving for New Orleans and, later, Miami. At a recent meeting, it was favorably voted upon by the Board of Directors, that, during this stay, the head of this formation would advertise to enlist the above number of copartners to participate in the "grade A" turf information that this office dispenses. A thorough investigation will be delved into each subscription, as applicant must be a person of responsibility and integrity to satisfy the officers of this management, that the information will only be used for the individuals own use and benefit. Terms, to those who qualify, are as follows: One hundred dollars, payable in advance, plus the winnings of a hundred dollar straight play on each and every "Schuyler Investment." Winnings to be telegraphed day following each race. No other proposition but the above will be entertained. Address all communications to SCHUYLER FLOYD 2532 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY DOC RILEY THE DOCTOR OF SECRET INFORMATION ONLY 0.00 DAILY pfTHE MAN WHO GIVES SERVICE AT ONCE- ITS A WOW! MEN AND WOMEN GOING WILD! I DONT BLAME THEM! ONE DAY CONVINCES! Yesterday the Doctor Prescribed: Warfare, 12-1, Won Waukulla, 11-5, Won THURSDAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED : Previeux 12-1, Won Benedict Vow 6-1, Won WEDNESDAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED: Gayly 15-1, Won Brinkley 3-1, Won TUESDAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED: Dave Goldie 7-1, Won Lucifer 9-2, Won MONDAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED: Pete the Scribe 4-1, Won Stormalong 3-1, Won SATURDAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED: Piedmont 10-1, Won Elector 5-1, Won FRIDAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED: Eagerness 0.80, Won Lieutenant II 8.90, Won """"ealTp 93EeBi9BHHHHHHHflHHHHHHIHHSHHBHHI9HHHIQHHHHillH pyTODAY THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBES Tor everybodys sick bank rolL as usual two very good long shot pills, that should win by a city block and pay automobile numbers, advising, as a special dose g-ANOTHER 00.00- WIN PARLAY- He also says to all sick bank roll owners, to wire daily, for health prescription parlay and know what it means to be healthy financially. Wire 0.00 early and your correct address for immediate service. DOC RILEY 5 CORTLAND ST., OFFICE 14A, NEW YORK CITY E. W. LEWIS and CO. Ill "WEST 7TJI ST. CISfCIXXATI, OHIO We are dealers in information. IVc have at present employees at New Orleans, Havana and Tijuana, who arc sending us direct track information which is obtained from reliable sources. Our next two hig specials go at New Orleans. First one goes Wednesday, December 10, and the next one, Saturday, December 13. We have the best information concerning these two big specials. Our proposition: Send us winnings of a 5 straight bet, after yon win. Send correct name and address at once. Advertise in Daily Racing Form Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for cne weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two -cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS j 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, Fla. joe Mccarty TUESDAY AT TIJUANA AN UNUSUAL PROPOSITION FOR REAL SP03.TSMEN Wire name at once joe Mccarty Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form FRANK H. COBURN Two Horses Daily Terms: 0.00 Daily YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: Warfare 12-1, Won Knights Bridge 20-1, Won XEW OFFICE AVI Lit BE OPENED MONDAY. 1LACE WILL BE STATED IX SUNDAYS ISSUE OF THIS PAPER. ANOTHER DOUBLE HEADER GOES TODAY Both these horses should pay at least 050 to SI or better. I have the probable winners of the first and second races and from what connections say both of these horses are the softest things that ever faced the barrier. Watch what this parlay will pay today. Cashing on long shot winners is an every day occurrence with my clients. I am connected with the shrewdest horsemen in the country. That is the reason why, when I release horses to my clients, the result is never in doubt. I am on the grounds personally to see that every angle is well protected before I release any horses to my clients. ,000 REWARD will be given to any person or persons who can prove that the horses advertised above. and below were not filed with this paper and released to my clients, five hours before post time. Notice! Notice! Notice! Connections have forbidden me to operate personally, as they need my assistance at tho track. I have left for New Orleans, where 1 will supervise all plays. I was compelled to. give up my Chicago office because the commissions on the horses that I released could not be placed properly. TEMPORARY OFFICE 728 Vermont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. TJsc Western Union or Postal telegraph, only until further notice. Old clients will receive their information direct from New Orleans race track until mr 2s ew lork manager is properly located. TODAY TODAY My connections have two horses that arc going to run for the . WISE MONEY Here is where you sec two horses that are figured to be dead, BUT WILL COME TO LIFE when I release them to my clients. My position Torblds me to say more about these Uvn horses today. If you are interested, rush your subscription at once, with correct name and address, to my temporary office. THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: LITTLE ALFRED 8-3 Won CARNARVON Lost WEDNESDAYS TWO HORSES: GAYLY 15-1, Won BRINKLEY 13.3, Won TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: DAYE GOLDIE 6-1, Won LUCIFER j.t Won MONDAYS TWO HORSES: BANTER 17-10, Won RIGEL 3,1 SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: VILLAGER C70, Won BALLOT BRUSn .50, Won SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: SPARKLE STAR 4-1, Won TIPPITY WITCIIET .90, Won FRIDAYS TWO HORSES: CLAVICHORD 9.40, Won CARDIFF .30 Won THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: JOELLA J 1.70, Won ELEMENTAL .70, Won WEDNESDAYS TWO HORSES: QUECREEK 3d SNOW 31 AID EN 3d TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: ROCK POCKET .70, Won MARY AGNES .30, .10, 2d TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: NOTE O LOVE .90, Won SENOR 3."0, Won TUESDAYS TWO HORSES: EDINBURGH 5.80, Won JUDGE PRYOR .30, Won SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: RANDEL 22.10, Won ETHEREAL BLUE .40, Won NAT HOLTER Information of the Better Kind ROOM 430, 156 FULTON STREET NEW YORK CITY .00 DAILY TWO WINNING HORSES A DAY 5.00 WEEKLY IF A 15-1 SHOT INTERESTS YOU. GET TODAYS WIRE 1493914939$ SATURDAY IS PAY DAY 1493914939$ Does this look like guesswork 1 YESTERDAY BOTH HORSES WON AGAIN: WAUKULLA n5, Won WARFARE 12-1, Won These -were two more from the select circle who know when. SUBSCRIBERS, PLEASE NOTICE t You will save money for yourself and much time for me, if you will subscribe by the wek instead of sending .00 for each day, separately, as this mians much bookkeeping- and loss of time in makinr up lists for telegraph office. SPECIAL NOTICE Any time one of my horses fails to win, you get another free, or if any horses are less than 2 to 1 it counts as a losing ons, as I am not dealing in favorites. They are your property and not information THURSDAYS TWO WINNERS: Benedict Vow 6-1, Won Previeux 12-1, Won WEDNESDAYS TWO WINNERS: Monastery 15-1, Won Brinkley 3-jt Won TUESDAYS TWO WINNERS: Dave Goldie 6-1, Won Dorius 41? Won MONDAYS TWO WINNERS: Pete the Scribe 7-2, Won Stormalong 3-j Won Office open all day to callers. Out-of-town clients, wire money, via Western Union "or Postal telegraph. GEORGE BARRY "THE LIMIT PARLAY KING" 1 7 West 27th St. New York City Two Horses Daily 0 Weekly Your weekly subscription entitles you to my famous 0 transactions whenever occasion warrants. Yesterday Barry Gave: DAVID HARUK 2nd My 0 transaction goes today. Dont miss this long shot. Should win and pay plenty. RECENT WINNERS: MISS MEISE 13-5, Won THE ARCHER 3rd EEAR GRASS 5-2, Won SEE IT THROUGH 3rd CAMOUFLAGE 0.30, Won EAGERNESS 0.80, Won JOELLA J". 1.70, Won EDINBURGH 2.20, Won FLAGON .10, Won FREEDOMS CALL ....4.40, 2nd SENOR 3.20, Won BONNIE OMAR 9.70, Won LADY AUDREY 3.90, Won ROCK POCKET $ 9.70, Wen LADDIE BUCK 4.80, Won DONAGHEE 3.40, Won KING NADI 2.60, Won 0.00 DAILY 510.OO DAILY J.DALY 54 VEST 36th ST. SEW YORK CITY Deal Daily With Daly A WINNER FOR YOUR MONEY DALY FOLLOWERS AGAIN CLEANED UP Warfare 12-1, Won Thursdays llig Daily Horse Old Paige 8-1, Won "Wednesdays Biff Daily Dorse Monastery 15-1, Won SEE RACING FORM FOR RECENT WINNERS. PRIVATE TRANSACTION RELEASED TO ALL DAILY SUBSCRIBERS FREE. Both daily and private hcrse must win or you receive next six winners free. WIRE MONEY EARLY, WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL. TO REACH RACING FANS ADVERTISE IN DAILY RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924120601/drf1924120601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924120601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800