Daily Racing Form Charts: Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-06

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1 JEFFERSON PARK NEW ORLEANS, XA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1924. .Tef forson Park 1 Mile. Eighth day. Jefferson Parish Fair Association. Winter Meeting o 30 days. Weather clear. Stewards, C. W. Ilay, J. T. Ireland and R. G. Leigh. Judges, J. 15. Campbell and J. G. Reeder. Starter, William Hamilton. Racing Secretary, J. 15. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m. AV indicates whip, S spurs, 15 blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. O FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Feb. 28, 1920 1:09 5 116. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maid-Ov StfSfhU Iv ens. Claiming. Net value to winner ?525; second, 15; thud, 60. Index Horses AAVtPlSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G 1 S 85965 WARFARE wb 111 H 6 53 3- 11 l3 J Shanks S N Holman 10 12 12 5. 21 859C43DEAN II. w US 7 3 13 11 2l 2s C Lang B Maginnis 3 4 31 7-5 7-10 78753 FRANCES JOHNSONw 113 4 S ! 2l 31 3 T BrthersAV Perkins C 10 7 21 C-5 85859 3 BAD LUCK wsb Ill S 12 81 6" 5l 4 D MoAiffeC H Knebelkp 21 3 11-51-5 2-5 859G5GYMNAST w 103 10 11 9 71 CI 5H V SwansnAV J Alford S 12 12 5 21 85964ELIZA BROAAN lvn 108 11 41 51 4 61 AV HarvcyJ L Holland 8 10 10 4 2 81769 PROBITY wn 113 6 5 31 41 7i 7"fc J McCoy J Price 20 20 20 8 4 85810 FRENCH LADY w 113 9 9 10 SI S1 S3 L Lang J Arthur 10 10 8 3 8-5 85985PETER DECOY will 5 3 71 W 9" 91 J McTgueJ C Milam 10 12 12 5 21 85965 HALKI w 113 12 7 63 10 10 10 F Smith Mrs AV J Potter 20 30 30 12 C CHICK AM A v 103 3 10 ll1 111 ll1 11 A AnrsonH T Batchler 30 30 30 12 0 85953 SHADY BROOK wb 116 2 4 12 12 12 12 C Taylor R L Hayden 30 30 30 12 6 Time 24. 49, 1:02 Vs. Track fast. AVinner Ch. g, by Lorenzo Ypres II., by The AVhite Knight trained by C. Howard; bred by Eclair Stud. , AVent to post at 1:58. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won easily; second and Jt. third driving. AVARFARE was away fairly well and was ridden wide on the turns, but raced past the leaders in the stretch to win going away. DEAN H. also set a good pace to the last turn, but began tiring in the stretch. FRANCES JOHNSON raced well, but also tired in the stretch. RAD LUCK was away poorly and closed a big gap. PROBITY showed speed, but tired in the stretch. ELIZA BROWN was going well at the end. Scratched S59653St. Nicholas, 110; 85904 Helen G., 10S; 81979 Escolane, 11C; 35953 Dr. F. T. Adams, 111; S5964 Betsy Baeo"n, 103; Golden Green, 113. SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Dec. 4. 1922 1:43 3 102. Purse 5700. 3-0l5vrdJ year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 15; third, . Index Horses AWtPPSt M -1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S S5888AVAUKULLA W 107 5 5 2 2 2h 11 1 AV Harvey M Goldblatt 2 11-59-3 7-101-3 85892THE FENIAN WD 107 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 C Allen D S Murphy C 7 5 2 1 85888 POLLYMARA w 109 7 3 Is l3 11 31 33 AV BogskiM Shields 21 31 21 1 1-2 85553TIGHT wb 110 6 4 33 35 43 4 4 Ar SwansnT II Bernhardt 6 8 S 3 7-5 84878LADY MARIAN w 107 1 1 7 5 5l Gnfc a- D MerglerMrs M F ShapoffS 8 8 3 7-5 85960DELYSIA W 100 3 7 6 7 63 6" 6" J OBrien H S Bowna 6 8 8 3 7-5 86001AVDLAND QUEEN w 102 4 6 51 6 7 7 7 F Lee C S AVilson 100 100 100 40 20 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:42, 1:46. Track fast. Winner B. f, by Chicle Tunnin, by Broomstick trained by M. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. L. S. Thompson. AVent to post at 2:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon driving; second and third the same. AVAUKULLA. well ridden, was kept under restraint for the first three-quarters, then raced into the lead and, holding it gamely, just lasted long enough to score a lucky victory. THE FENIAN was taken wide on most of the turns, but finished fast. POLLYMARA showed the most early speed, but began tiring in the stretch. TIGHT ran well. LADY MARIAN was always for back. Scratched 8j6002Previcur, 107. 0TaO-t THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Dec. 31, 1919 1:12 3 117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OWVi. upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, ?115; third, ?60. Ir.dex Horses AAVtPPSt y Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7715KNIGHTS BRGEwn 4 102 6 5 Gnk 21 11 l3 L Simon AV Daniel 15 20 20 S 4 8596G SUNNY GIRL w 6 113 7 2 l3 11 23 2U C Lang P H Sims 4 41 4 S-3 4-5 85912 JOHN Q. KELLY wsB 4 111 9 3 31 33 3l 3" D MerglerL Guarino 6 10 10 4 2 85960s THEO wb 5 99 5 9 6k 51 41 4! L MomeryAV A BmgartnerS 18-516-56-5 3-5 85987 EL ASTRO wsn 4 115 16 4and 41 51 5 V SwansnT H Bernhardt 21 3 3 6-5 3-5 85912 CANYON wn 5 112 4 4 21 6s 6s 63 E Scobie J A Coburn 5 6 6 2 1 859 66 KINDRED wn 4 105 8 1 7l 73 73 7 AV HarveyM F Shapoff S 12 10 4 2 85780 MEDINA W 3 102 2 7 8 S S S3 J McTgueP Dolan 23 30 33 10 5 85732 COBHAM w 3 104 3 8 9 9 9 9 J McCoy T V Mountjoy 20 30 30 10 5 Time, 23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. AAinner B. g, by Bridge of Earn Tilsit, by Mauvezin trained by A. G. Blakely; bred in England bv Mr. P. Fitzgerald". AVent to post at 2:48. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. KNIGHTS BRIDGE moved up with a rush after going a half mile and. taking the lead, drew away fast in the stretch. SUNNY GIRL showed the most speed to the stretch and made a game finish. JOHN Q. KELLY was close up for the entire race, but had to be ridden hard near the end to outstay THEO. The latter closed a big gap. EL ASTRO was always outrun. CANYON retired in the first half ""Scratched 85G80 Rajah, 105 : 85714 Sequel, 102; 86004 Quanah, 10S: S5535 Deadlock, 102; 8333S Climax, 110; 85888 Aera Acnnie. 107; S5485 Mr. Beck, 102; 858S7 Maude Harvey, 99. Overweight Canyon, 2 pounds. FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Dec. 31. 1920 1:39 4 109. Belle Chasse Purse. Purse 8GpG A 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second, 15; third, 0. Index Horses AAVtPPSt U ?i Str F:a Jockeys Owners O H C P S S3954BANTER wn 4 113 1 1 Is 1J 1 l3 l4 E Scobie J A Coburn 3-5 3-511-201-6 out 85884 MODO vr 5 107 2 2 Snt 2 2i 21! 21 J Stevens H G Bedwell 15 30 30 5 1 85562MIDAVESTERN w 3 103 5 5 4nt 43 4 4 3i AV BogskiJ II Steffen 10 10 8 2 1-2 8 5 9 5 4 3 PIRATE GOLD w 5 107 3 3 23 3 3 33 4s AV HarveyGreentree Stb 21 13-513-51-2 out 85969 P POLITICIAN w 3 100 445 5 5 5 5 L Lang M F Shapoff 20 30 30 6 6-5 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:39. Track fast. AVinner Ch. g, by Huon Hazzaza, by Cunard trained by J. F. Coburn; bred by Mr. H. II. newitt. AAent to post at 3:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. BANTER, away well, rushed into a long lead at once and kept it, but had to be hard ridden for a time in the stretch. MODO moved up steadily after going a half mile and finished gamely through the last quarter. M1DAVESTERN raced sluggishly for a half mile, but moved up fast when fully settled in his stride. PIRATE GOLD began tiring badly after going five-eighths. PRETTY POLITICIAN seems to be in poor form. 0Jfbf0 FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. March 17, 1920 1:45 7 110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upwafd. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 15; third, 3. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S 859703YOSHIMI w 5 103 2 6 6 6 21 23 11 D MerglerR V Haymaker 1 1 7-101-4 out 85991 SMART GUY wb 7 103 5 3 Is 1 l1! 15 2 V SwansnT H Bernhardt 8-5 13-513-53-3 1-4 8"99l AVAR PRIZE w 8 110 3 2 4i 21 33 3 33 T BrthersF Tyler 8 10 8 2 7-10 8572OAERTAKE wb 5 103 4 5 53 53 5 4 4l C Allen H S Downs 6 10 10 21 1 85955RORK w 4 105 11 3 41 43 S1 53 L Simon F Delatour 20 33 30 8 4 8 17 78 CORSON w S 103 6 4 23 31 6 6 6 AV HarveyP Dunne 30 30 30 S 4 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:42, 1:49. Track fast. -pinner B. g, by Ballot Gold Lady, by Goldcrest trained by L. Haymaker; bred by Mr. C. n. Berryman. AVent to post at 3:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon driving; second and third the same. YOSniMI dropped far back in the first quarter, but moved up rapidly when fully in his stride and, coming fast in the stretch, was drawing clear at the end. SMART GUY raced into a long lead, but could not withstand the winners rush. AAAR PRIZE raced well. CORSON and RORK quit badly. Scratched S5S033Quesada. 110. rkffc A SIXTH RACE 1 1-2 Miles. Dec. 26, 1921 2:35 5 111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 8- OH-F"i and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 15; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U 4 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O n C P S 85970HUONEG w 6 113 2 2 2 2and 43 23 11 AY HarvcyJ A Coburn 1 11-101 2-5 1-6 8 59 r 7 CONUNDRUM wb 4 104 5 7 4h 41 31 1 2i D MerglerJ G McDonnell 20 20 15 5 2 859"8LITTLE AMMIE wb 5 101 3 3 lb 11 2 41 3 J McTgueH H Colin S 10 10 3 7-5 85983OAASCO w 4 106 7 5 5 6 51 Gl 43 J Shanks M Trotter 6 S 7 2 4-5 8 r 9 -TO SMUTS wn 5 109 1 1 6 51 C8 63 53 J OBrien L A Lyna 3 4 13-56-5 1-2 .sH8r0COTE DOR wb 6 103 6 4 7 3l l1 31 6 J Stevens H G Bedwell 6 10 10 3 6-5 83986 HERCULES wn 7 112 4 6 31 7 7 7 7 C Frost G AV AVillard 20 30 30 S 4 Time, 25. 51, 1:18. 1:45, 2:11, 2:38. Track fast. Winner Br. g, by Huon Anecdote, by Tom Ochiltree trained by J. F. Coburn; bred by Mr. AAillis Sharpe Kilmer. AVent to post at 4:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HUONEC was close up from the start, but had to be ridden hard in the stretch to outstay CONUNDRUM. The latter moved up with a rush in the last quarter and took the lead, but tired finally. LITTLE AMMIE set the early pace and began tiring after going a mile, but finished well. COTE DOR failed to stay and quit in the last quarter. SMUTS ran poorly. Scratched 85970 Hoy, 106; 86005 Superbum, 108. Overweights Conundrum, 1 pound; Owasco, 3. --Og SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. March 17, 1920 1:45 7 110. Purso 00. 4-ycar-OUV-0 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 15; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPlSt ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 85990AVRANGLER wb 4 103 2 2 11 l3 l1 l3 11 D MerglerL J Brown S-5 9-5 9-5 3-5 1-1 85914 DAAID IIARUM W 7 110 4 3 43 31 21 21 2 O Clark D S Roush 7-5 S-5 7-5 1-2 1-5 85860 STONEWALL wb 5 103 5 6 6 51 4l 3J 3s C Allen B S BourdreauxlO 10 10 3 7-5 85970 SLANDERER W 4 110 1 1 2h 4l 5 5 4s C Lang J Keller 10 10 10 3 7-5 86002 GEN. CADORNA W 7 U0 3 5 31 21 3 41 53 E Roehm S Oddo 4 6 6 2 4-5 813G9VENNIE wb 4 105 6 4 51 6 C 6 6 V SwansnB F McClain 13 20 20 C 2 Time, 25, 49, 1:15, 1:41, 1:48. Track fast. Winner B. c, by Wrack Bold Lady, by Ogden trained by J. M. Brown; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. AAent to post at 4:2C. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the 6ame. AVRANGLER was hard ridden and held sway after going the first quarter, but had to be ridden out hard to outstay DAVID IIARUM. The latter was ridden wide on the last turn, but finished fast and gamely. STONEWALL came from far back in the stretch. SLANDERER retired after going well for jt half mile, then came again. GEN CADORNA ran poorly.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924120601/drf1924120601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1924120601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800