untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-06


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"REAL LIVE WINNING INFORMATION" Clocker Ted Malone rttttt- 159 "WEST 33RD ST. NEW YORK CITY - TERMS: 0 "WEEKLY. TWO HORSES DAILY YESTERDAYS "WIRE: .Warfare 12-1, Won Galleon 7-5, Won THURSDAYS WIRE: Benedict Vow 6-1, Won Richard Murray 10-1, Won Ted Malonc, who is at New Orleans, wires two liorscs daily to the Hew York office. This information can only be had at my 3Tcw York office. Todays wire brings a parlay that should pay the limit. Dont hesitate. Get in on the winning side. "WEDNESDAYS "WIRE : Galleon 8-1, Won Gayly 15-1, Won TUESDAYS "WIRE : Dave Goldie 6-1, Won Miss Meise 13-5, Won - MONDAYS "WIRE: Banter 17-10, Won Stormalong 3-1, Won City clients, call; out-of-town clients, remit uy wire. Daily Specials at All Newsstands. Weekly Book 35 Cents. Mailed 10 Weeks, .00. New Weekly Out AGAIN BE SURE AND GET TODAYS .00 Free Code JEFFERSON: Dayton-Canal-Joil-Misht-Fancy. 10-1 SHOT That was the final 0. K. So rush right now to your newsdealer and get the new weekly, only 35 cents. LAST WEEKS CLEAN-UP: Simpler, 5.50, Won El Astro, 8-1, Won Miss Kate, 5-1, Won Benedict Vow, 6-1, Won And a world of other winners. So dont miss the new weekly. Hot Dog! What a Long Shot 12-1 Shot GOES AT JEFFERSON AND IS THE Special-Free Today with the Daily Master Clocker. Rush right now newsdealer and ask for the to your Daily Master Clocker Mailed, 2 Weeks, ; 1 Week, . 440 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, HI. DETROIT FOR SALE AT: Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square. AL KENNEDY FIRST HAND INFORMATION That comes from the scene of action. ONLY ONE HORSE DAILY SIX RACING DAYS 520.00 "WEEKLY AND AGAIN WE WON YESTERDAYS ONLY HORSE Warfare 12-1, Won THURSDAYS ONLY HORSE: Witch Flower 12-1, Won WEDNESDAYS ONLY HORSE: Gayly 15-1, Won TUESDAYS ONLY HORSE Colonel Lit 6.00, Won MONDAYS ONLY HORSE Toddy Toast ...30-1, 8-1, 2d Last week was a winning week and so was the week before. WINNERS COUNT AND KENNEDY SURE DAS A BIG TOLL Eoys, I am out to break my wonderful turf record of last winter. Just watch my smoke. Nuf sed. Better subscribe NOW; 0.03 pays for o.ne weeks subscription to my strictly One -Horse Daily Special. Call at office; wire or mail your fee. For Today Only Big 0.00 Occasional goes today. Terms: 0.00 and no propositions accepted. Al Kennedy 10G 1ark Row Suite CIO New York City Gars Weekly 35 Cents, At All Newsstands New Issue Out TODAYS FREE CODE: Jefferson-Virginia-White-Rain-Light. And under no consideration miss this one today. Thre9 winners and a second out of 5 on our one horse daily wire this week. Terms for this service: for G days. Todays Code Special: March-Poach-11-83-30-41. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, 403 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111. Daily Racing Guide Has the Winners HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT .12D STREET NEW YORK CITT- Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" WON i ODDS WERE 6 TO 1 Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, WON, at odds of 6 to 1. This followed Thursdays "Harvey Transaction," which paid better than 5 to 1 and also WON. Yesterdays horse had not been in the money in four previous starts, again proving that there are "DAYS AND DAYS." "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Subscription, 00 in advance, by telegraph or in person. Early subscription is strongly advised. Past performances should be again ignored. Our advertisements state "facts, not illusions." "Harvey Tran- saction" means one horse, not a collection. . i TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592. 2593 and 5749 Two Horses JL "ne an no a Day dPSo- Produced Most 0 Daily SSiLSyHk Winners KO "WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTIONS JUST AS I PREDICTED, YESTERDAYS RESULT WAS NEVER IN DOUBT. Both horses won easily. PHENOM WIRED YESTERDAY: KHiTGRITS BRIDGE 20-1, Won "WAUKULLA 3-5, Won NOTICE WINNING RESULTS NOTICE Why pay any attention to bureaus, organizations, etc. 1 What we are interested in is W-I-N-N-E-R-S. Dont hesitate. Wire 0, at once, for one days trial and be convinced that I am the man who is producing the most winning results. I am on the grounds personally. Phenom Wired Thursday: Phenom Wired Tuesday: Phenom Wired Saturday: Kinsman 2-1, Won Dave Goldie C-l, Won Elector 5-1, Won Boot Black Third Elsass 13-5, Won Piedmont 10-1, Won Phenom Wired Wednesday: Phenom Wired Monday: Phenom Wired Friday: Gayly 15-1, Won Good Will 18-5, Won Little Alfred 8-1, Won Brinkley 13-5, Won Pete the Scribe ..7-2, Won Miss Kate 4-1, Won THE PHENOM AT NEW ORLEANS I am on the grounds, personally, at Jefferson Park, supervising a few private specials for some of the "largest operators" in the country. All private specials will be included in my two horse daily service, which is released daily through my New York office. With the assistance of my exclusive connections, I will produce results at the New Orleans meetings that will startle "the turf world." They call me "The Phenom" on all principal race tracks for the phsnomsnal results I produced. Owing to my high standing on all principal race tracks it is impassible to give my identity to the racing public, as my reputation would be jeopardized. My connections include! information from owners, trainers and jockeys, who will always be my pals. Remit 0, at once, for one days service and be convinced of profitable results. Wire remittance, giving correct address, to avoid delay. Address all communications, THE THENOM 799 BROADWAY ROOM 223 NEW YORK CITY BUGLE FOLLOWERS Or Others Whom This May Concern - You will receive, or possibly have already received, a letter from one who signs himself as Mr. Land, Chief Editor of the Bugle. TheJ source of this letter is 848 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. This letter is not truthful. THESE ARE THE FACTS This young man, who signs himself as above, was until recently in my employ, as messenger boy and junior clerk, and was discharged by me for inefficiency and other tactics which are not in accordance with my views of honest business policies. To be forwarned is to be forearmed and my mission to all my fol- lowers is to protect them from any fraudulent circular letters, such as the one mentioned. I am at your service at all times and appreciate the hearty support my followers have given me in the past. Should you receive any liter- ature from any source other than my office, kindly send it to me. Sincerely, Publisher, Bugle Publishing Co 20 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. p. s.: Our Mr. Land is now at 3330 Canal St., New Orleans, La and no place else, ;

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924120601/drf1924120601_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924120601_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800