untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-27


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: , I American I J Racing I i Manual I I . for 1925 I NOW ON SALE I This book has been for a score of years ||; 1 The Standard Statistical |fl Work on American | % Racing! ■ Each year it has been improved by the addition of ||| new and valuable features while all of the important | : matter which has characterized previous issues haa been retained. The 1925 volume has been ; |l Completely Revised and | j Rearranged fS, in order to make it the » Handiest Ready Reference Book |p on turf subjects which has ever been offered to the American public. The |p Handicapping Tables and Instructions gff which were such a popular feature of the 1924 vol- p, || J ume have been completely revised and brought up |f|1 to date to conform with new track speeds developed during last years racing. All who found the handi- | capping charts of help last year will want to obtain ||| the revised figures in order to adapt the method to |p this years racing. |p 1 A m f gg A Ciomprehensive m Index / m makes the AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1925 l extremely handy for quick reference. Whatever bit ; of turf information you may wish to find without laborious research is at your finger tips if you have a copy of this book before you. In spite of the fact that no expense has been spared in making the 1925 edition the best in the long history of the AMERI* m CAN RACING MANUAL there will be j| No Advance in Price n| The book is issued in two bindings : | ; gj SPECIAL .50 | U FULL LEATHER .00 If ordered by mail, ten cents must be added to these | I prices to cover the cost of registration. To be sure f|i pf of obtaining the binding which you desire, it would I i ;i be advisable to send your order at once. The at- |! |gf tached order blank is for your convenience. /x ||p COT off herd cut OFF BMMJ m PRICES BY MALL j Leather .10 p Special .60 M | ORDER BLANK | DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., |fj J 441 Plymouth Court, f ! ■ Chicago, Illinois. p|| ; Enclosed find $ for which send me a copy I f of the AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1925 in M Vfk Ipather 8 m binding. M ; | Special oil W t$ NAME 4 p T| STREET AND NO „ P P. 0. AND STATE „ : Ilojmc print name and ntldresa plainly.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925042701/drf1925042701_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1925042701_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800