Havre De Grace Jockey Percentages, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-27

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II A Villi DE tillACE JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1, 1024, to and luclnding April 10, 1025. At or | Over ! Jockey. T.C. Wt. Mts. Int. 2d. 3d. I Tarke. I 24 109 5 S0 233 199 Mil Ambrose, D 22 109 390 87 C4 04 ] Maiben. J 21 107 7.r»7 1G1 116 10S j Barrett, N 20 10S 131 20 14 23 1 Harvey, W 19 M 754 147 120 102 i McAtee, L. 19 107 405 75 01 02 i McAuliffe, D 18 107 518 02 7G 70 ! Smitli. W 18 10i 030 114 100 Si! Wallace, J 18 99 933 171 132 132 Burke, .1. II 17 113 30! 51 49 3* S.-obie, E 17 111 438 74 M CI Stutts, II 17 108 970 105 132 140 Weiner, V 17 107 471 81 50 71 ; Williams, R M 100 312 51 52 38 Mia, Q 15 113 104 24 23 IT I Finn. T If 105 13 2 1 0, Ling L 15 90 900 140 133 147! Murrav, T IS 114 93 14 8 9 Fields. G 14 105 554 75 52 77 Hudgins. G 13 115 120 17 15 If] kiig 13 111 402 53 01 40 Smallwood. E 13 112 135 17 14 1*1 Leibgold, M 13 10 i 342 44 54 43 ■ Bieuning. 0 12 108 582 72 77 75 Kennedy. II IS 105 397 49 55 49, Schwartz, M 12 110 50 7 1 f Albiker. II II 103 249 28 35 35 Unci 0 H m 89 10 9 19 I Butwell, J U 11.". 110 12 19 S| Cnrter R 11 112 200 23 20 10 I At or Over Jorkev. T.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. M. Costrllo, R 11 108 292 33 34 39 Jeukins, L 11 111 152 17 25 24 McTague, J 11 95 GO! 04 78 79 Mein, G 11 100 280 32 32 24 Zucchini. R 11 102 500 62 82 57 Brown. O 10 98 96 10 9 9 Schuttinger, A 10 103 00 0 12 4 McKnight. W 10 97 302 31 43 41 Pierce. H 09 100 200 19 21 25 111— III. E 09 108 277 24 25 37 Taulette. V 09 94 179 10 21 29, I Madeira, P 09 110 254 24 31 40, ! Pullman, S 08 109 153 13 20 10 Hebeit. S 08 112 200 10 24 31 I I Mozer. K 08 99 49 4 2 6 I Lacaste, A 07 100 OS 5 9 7 Shanks, J 07 105 327 23 28 38 Aeeardy, A 0". 105 139 8 9 14 I Thompson. G 00 101 104 I 14 12 i Thorndyke, F 06 99 208 16 30 23 1 | Fisher, D 05 100 274 15 IS. 27 | Ix-vland. J 05 103 171 8 15 12 Mvers, II 04 109 20 1 1 1 I*we, S 04 110 27 1 4 2 Hunt, A 02 99 55 1 4 4 Gairl, J 100 8 0 0 2 Haviland, R 100 1 0 0 0 Horvath, K 100 3 0 0 0 McCrossen. C 100 9 0 0 0 Stott V 100 10 0 1 3

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925042701/drf1925042701_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1925042701_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800