Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-27


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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE MONDAY, APRIL 27 WEATnEn CLEAR: TttACIC PAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1924, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast . or good track, abbreviations show track con- • ditions. fisses is first indkx of 1923. 8S187 IS riltST INDEX OF APRIL. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mnd runner. :•: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — About 2 Miles. TTarford County Steeplechase Handicap. Purse ,500. 4 year-olds and upward. Todnys Ind ITorseiPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.ll.m 88777 Double Tip, 7 .. 7 137. .700 " 85474 Tassel. 3 5 144X69-5 83688 Isis. 4 f, H.v »■/ 88786 Herriard. 2 6 143.690 88919 Jim Coffroth, 5.. ]0 1:59 600 8S919 Irish .lie M . 1.. 7 139 MB I Delectable II.. 6. 6 140 ! Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 200. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 21. 1925—1:11 — 4—129. 85475 Oakwood. 17 . .De 114 1:12% ,r»107X7T 80914 •Kings.l.re. Ll JP 112 1:13% 5 102x720 88585 Frances Johnson 13 Mi 10r 1:13% 3 92x715 88S88» Mabel K . 11. Hv 107 1:14 ." 102x71.". 88213 Poppye. 7 FG 110 1:13% 5 102x71". I 88878 Ham S| ort. 2 FC. MS 1:13% B 107x710 Ml St ynentiii. 14 Mi 111 1:14% 9 lUSXTlvl 8834£» •Castilla. H Ht 105 1:13V, 4 105X710 88878 Rin Tin Tin. 1 Lu UK 1:14% 3 100 .710 78907 Jo ei h Hrnnt. 16 III! 108 1:14% 6 107. .710 88878 •Fredoms Call. 10 HB 101 113H 4 113 7U.1 88766 VUlantida. 3 ..Wi M 1:14% 4 97x70". 85616 Cordelier. 12 ..CI" 107 l:ft % 8 107. .700 88740 Slippy Sam M, 6 Mi 116 1:15% 4 102.700 86632 Bell.- „f Boyee M. 5 Lu 98 l:1t.% 4 102. 700 88849 Bart M. 4..IIG 98 l:17h 3 97. .700 88235 Winnie oWynn. 15 Au 107 1:14 3 02 ..700 88788 Winer. 9 lit; 105 1:16%s 3 92. 700 88849 Transplant, IS HO 98 l:17h 3 97. 700 88225 Neapolitan. 19 Hv 110 1:16% 0 112X700 Third Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 2 year olds. Maidens. Fillies. Track record: April 21. 192.5 53 2 110. 88805 lira Way. 5 . .110 113 :55% 115.. 725 88787« Wrac kalette. 9 ... 115. 720 88947 Pnn...-s Apple. 10 115.. 715 88850 Cozy. 8 IB; 113 :5SV,h 115. 715 88961 Trapeze. 2 ..HO 113 :7A 115.. 715 88803 Clnrlcie. 11 HO 100 :56 r.h 115. 710 88809 The Cocoon. 7 HO 112 :5T % 115. .705 88899 Fanoe. 1 HC. 109 :55% 115. 705 88787 TVinola. 3 115. .700 Kdith Cavell. 4 ... 115 Hants. i 115 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Carolina Purse. Iurse ,500. .i year-olds. Allowance* Track record: April 21, 1925-1:11—4—129. 85566 Sunny Man. 8 Pm 125 1:12% 121.. 750 88852 Primrose. 10 ..Lu 109 1:12% 109X745 85657 Courageous, 4 Pm 115 1:12% 114. 740 88810 Laddie Buck. lPm 121 1:13% 112x740 88380 Coldpicce, 3 .Pm 113 1 12% 109.. 740 88898 Prince of Bourbon. 0 M 116 1:1.1% 101. .733 88790 Saratoga Maje. 7 H»; 105 1:13 109. 733 88868 Trip Lightly. 11. . Lu 112 1:12% 107x730 88852- Glister. 5 Wo 105 1:13% KG. 730 88790 Silver Rock. 9HG 110 l:lT%ai DM. 723 88852 My Bet M. 2... 9! . .720 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sufmuehana Iurse. Purse ,500. 3-year olds anil upward. Allowances. iTrack record: April 25. 1925 1 :42 4 112. 88882 FLYING CLOTD. « HG 107 144%m 7 103x725 ,88923 Lucifer. 1 FG 112 1 .15% 3 96X713 88766 St. Valentine. 2.. 5 loo 713 88867 Modest. •. Hi; 113 1:43% 4 112 .710 88922 Ponjola. 5 Au 104 1:40 4 95. 710 78856 Heir at Law, 4HG 111 1:45% 4 103 705 88868- Thimble, 9 ...Hi; 103 I It 7 101 700 88714 SettiiiR Sun. 7 HG 100 1:44 5 100x700 88811 Malapert. 3 ...CI" 99 1:16 4 1O1..700 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track re.-ord: S. pt. IS. 192 V 1:14% 3 Itt.] 83610* Stone Jug. 3 Ja 107 1:45% 6 107.. 725 88924 Try Again. 9 . .JP 97 1:47% 3 91. 720 88869 Julia M. 15 ..HG 101 1:4S 4 101X715 88863 White Mir-h, 2 ... 3 99. 715 88769 Spags. 14 . . . .HO US 1:48% 7 113X715 88878 Lu.ky Strike. 0 JP 10© 1:47% 4 107. .715 Hw BM l:4W% 5 114V710 889043 Royal Duck, llllw 114 1:17 8 114x710 88900 *Jwt, 5 Lu 106 1 17% 4 HV! .710 888C6 Flax. M Mi 108 l:4*% 4 116X710 88866 Norniin:i. 13 ..Wi 107 1:47% 4 ll«. .705 88814 linsoii. 12 . ...IP 110 1:47% 4 116x703 88354 Soaitirtli Anion. 7 83920 Fornovo. 8 ...Hm 111 1:46 7 107*700 88715 Sir LtoaM, l...Bo 103 1:52% 5 106 .700 88869 Lieutenant Farrell. 4 HG 103 1:19 4 104 700 88920 Sister Sue. 10 5 MB..1M 88883 Llewellyn, 17. FG 113 150%h 6 110x700 Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200. 3 y.-ar olds and upward. Cliiming. Tra.k record: Sept. 27. 1919 1:30— ft- 126. 888831 Calemlour. 0 HC 91 1:54% 3 102. .725 88863 Sorline M, 3 ... 3 87®720 88924 T.wdles. 7 Wi 104 1:53 6 95x715 C3924 Stevens. 2 Ke 10611:57% 4 100x710 8892J.1 mmmjmtwmt, 4 .. 6 iosx7io 88883 Dactac Jim. 8 JP 107 1 53% 8 112x710 88924 TlmiJ. 5 ...Mi 104 1:57 9 107X705 88863 Lyrea M. 1 3 90X70. 88849 Ijitky Antoiue, 9. 6 108,. 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925042701/drf1925042701_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1925042701_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800