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HARVEY AMES FARLB BLDG. BROADWAY AT 62D ST. HEW YORK CITY The last "Harvey Transaction," and only horse advised: IS. Jordan, 0.60, Won Following Fridays "Harvey Transaction," TRY AGAIN, 2.90, Won. Every "Harvey Transaction" advised within the last twelve days WON. "Harvey Transaction" means one horse, not a collection. The following telegram was received and speaks volumes: "Received TRY AGAIN Friday, but did me no good as I limit plays with bookmaker six to one or better. Herewith sending subscription for Saturday." The subscription was immediately returned as this service is only intended for those intelligently inclined. This man did not play the horse because he was not six to one, but happened to be five and a half to one. Anyone claiming he controls the prices in the mutuels is either an impostor or should be placed in the observation ward of a hospital. The prospects for the coming week are equally bright. We were assured over the long distance telephone. Subscription, 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. Early subscription today or tomorrow is strongly advised. Our advertisements state "Facts," not "Illusions." TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591. 2592, 2593 and 5749 oh* BUGLE J JandJb every day _«rj«i™ At All Principal Newsstands TWO -HORSE WIRE *2 SPECIAL THREE WINNING PARXAYS ON WIRE IN PAST WEEK FRIDAYS PARLAY: , LEATHERWOOD-PECCANT . $ 8.75, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: j FLYING CLOUD-THE BAT ; 1.50, Won 1 I SATURDAYS PARLAY: MY COLONEL-THE BAT 1.10, Won The Bugles parlays on the fl Two-Horse Wire cant be beat. WMondays Parlay MU3T WIN AND MUST PAY lfT 0 for Otherwise send the sheet in to our office and 1 we will wire you FREE a 0 PriTate Special next Wednesday. Mondays parlay is two of the most likely looking propositions we have ever received the O. K. on the same day. Mondays wire for sale today, Sunday. Rush Tight to your newsdealer and get the Bugles wire and clean up * | on Mondays banner parlay. ■■TDETROITERS, ATTENTION! For sale only at the following two stands: Triangle Newsstand — Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand — Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS — Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. OMAHA. NEB.— Myer Coren. 1411 Farnum St. CLEVELAND. O. — O. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior St. KANSAS CITY — Ricksecker. 9th and Walnut Sts. TOLEDO. O. — St. Clair Newsstand, front old past office. ■VCHICAOO PLAYERS, ATTENTION The Bugle is for sale at: ARCADE NEWS8TAND— 74 W. Madison, opposite the Morrison: and other leading newsstands in the city. Also OUR OFFICE— 80 W. Jackson Blvd. COME DP MONDAY, 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. lsr~B;irtraln Subscription Offer % Parlay and S2 Special sent you one week for | 0. You receive first morning mail. Remit to BUGLE PUB. CO. 20 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL. ARCADE NEWSSTAND After May 1st will be located at its new I store 84 W. MADISON ST. Remember, we carry the largest line of turf publications in the city. Also a complete line of magazines and out of town newspapers. GARS WEEKLY Todays Free Codes: LEXINGTON: Vermont-Ocean-Gimas-Man. HAVRE: Mich-Brick-Light-Grass. Advertise in Daily Racing Form I , . j ; I 1 1 * | mum WEEKLY BOOK, 35 Cents; Mailed, 10 Weeks, DAILY SPECIAL, at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES: Lsxington — Albany -Canal -Flow -Human -Human Havre — Dayton - Might- Lease- Niche-Human HURRAH! Again We CLEANED DP YESTERDAY Meghan, .80, Won was the BIG BOOK LONG SHOT. After REN-BARG was scratched there was NOTHING TO IT. tell you. for REAL INFO you MUST get the MASTER CLOCKER— WEEKLY, 35 Cents; DAILY, .00. THURSDAYS BOOK SPECIAL: The Roll Call, 6.90, Won We sure are CLEANING UP every day. So be cure and get the NEW WEEKLY, only 35 cents. MONDAY! AT LEXINGTON— 5th RACE WHAT A TRICK! Say. if you MISS this chance, then you MISS the BIGGE8T CHANCE you ever had of cashing on a probable WB~ lO-l Shot Under NO consideration MISS this one and the OCCASIONAL, which is also for sale at newsstands. | I CANNON %w SHOT JWL "•m SPECIALS TERMS: .00 DAILY 5.00 WEEKLY 5.00 FOR LEXINGTON MEETING Will be filed daily with Daily Racing- Form. A sample of our daily releases: April 20 — Clem Theisen 1.20 Won April 2 1— Hoot Mon 29.00 Won April 22— Flying Clond $.29 Won 1 April 23— Prlnee of Bourbon 4.69 Won April 24 — Try A train 13.20 Won April 25 — St. Mirhael 7.40 Won Results of releases today not lmown as yet. Wire your subscriptions at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph money orders and state name 1 and address clearly. Number of horses to be released daily is optional as regards conditions, either one. two or three. Ed J. Frazier 523 WALNUT ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO : HOW TO WIN 0 made over 00. Call or send name and address. ! Testimonials and full particulars will be sent absolutely free to yon. WATSON CORNELL 1 W. 4»th St., Boom 291 New York City I WEEKLY RACING GUIDES Daily Track Service , Free Code Special for Monday: Havre— Trainer- Breeze - Drive Lexington Trainer — -Whip -Whip For code buy this weeks issue of WEEKLY RACING GUIDE. OLWinlcy _m DAILY SHEET SPECIAL K •H p ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS £ Both Horses WonH Friday, the Last Day at Havre de Grace Col. Winley started the Lexington meeting in the right way. Re-» suit of only horse that started at this writing %3t. WON 9sf~ THIS IS COL. WINLKYS LUCKY TRACK. Here are a few of my winners of the last Kentucky meeting: SINSPERO, .90; LASS O MINE, .00; DARK SAY. C4.K0; MARY ELLEN O., 7.29; MISS ROSEDALE. 4.50; GEORGIE, .49; MAX MUCK, 2.20; LILY M„ 1.10; BROOMSTER. .70; CAPTAIN HAL, .10; ENERGY, .30; ARABIAN, .80; SIR PETER, 1.80; BLOTTER, 898.79; BIGNONIA, 8.40; CANDY KID, .00, and many others that are too numerous to mention. COL. WIWNLEY* HAS PROBABLY" THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL TURF PUBLICATIONS OF THIS KIND. THAT IS THE REASON THAT HE CAN WELL AFFORD TO PAY MORE FOR HIS INFORMATION THAN ALL OTHERS IN THIS LINE, AND THAT IS WHY HE GETS THE BEST. 03T MONDAY MONDAY T£l BOTH HORSES MUST WIN MONDAY If they do not, mail in the sheet to mj peneral asrents, Reliable News Co., and yon will pet my Special FREE for three days, mailed to you in plain sealed envelope, so as yon will receive it in the morning mail. HMondays Both Horses Must Win and They Both Should Win-§§ I AM CONFIDENT THAT THEY WILL BECAUSE I HAVE WONDERFUL INFORMATION ON BOTH OF THEM. BT Again I Say Dont Miss These Two Prospective Winners MONDAYS WIRE ON SALE TODAY— -SUNDAY. RUSH NOW TO ONE OF MY AGENTS LISTED BELOW AND GET THESE TWO BIG THINGS. THE PRICE IS SMALL, ONLY .00. SEND .00 AND WIN 00.00. " WIN WITH WINLEY " -DETROITERS— READ THIS- Have yon at any time asked for my wire and was told that it is not in yet? If it so happsned, then yon were not at one of my two agents, REMEMBER, my wires are for sale only at DUNNS NEWSSTAND. Michigan and Shelby I BAGLEY NEWSSTAND. Woodward and Monro* Opposite New Book-Cadillac Hotel In Front of Monument on Campus In Front of Claytons [ In Front of No Buildings -CHICAGOANS— TAKE NOTICE-M On sale today, Sunday, at ARCADE NEWSSTORE. 74 W. Madison St. Also lor sale at my general agents and distributors office, RELIABLE NEWS CO., Room 921. 115 S. Dearborn St. WST. LOUISANS— LOOK-» My wiro can bo bought atWLLLIAM LASER S STORE, 711 Market StT P-CLEVELANDERS— ACT-f My only agent in your city is O. C. SCHROEDER, 212 Superior Ave. ip-OMAHA BOYS— REMEMBER-g My only agent in your city is Meyer Coren, 1411 Farnum St. -SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER- MY DAILY WIRE AND DAILY WIRE, BOTH FOR 0. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO RELIABLE NEWS CO., my general agents, Room 921, 115 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Hi., or Reliable News Co., 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y, GEORGE BARRY TWO HORSES A DAY THE LONG SHOT KINO 0 WEEKLY Except On Days When Occasion Warrants Otherwise EAST 11th ST., ROOM 222 NEW YORK CITY 14976$ ANOTHER WINNING WEEK FOR BARRY 14976$ YE8TERDAY BARRY RELEASED: Princess Doreen Lost Candy Kid Lost FRIDAY BARRY RELEASED: Peccant .30, Won Carlton .50, Won THURSDAY BARRY RELEASED: Canter Won Frigate Lost WEDNESDAY BARRY RELEASED: The Bat .10, Won Flying Cloud Won TUESDAY BARRY RELEASED: White Marsh .10, Won Sun Lady Lost MONDAY BARRY RELEASED: Soggarth Aroon . . .2.90, Won Primrose .40, Won The above record has been filed with all racing publications. Once you become a "BARRY CLIENT," you will always remain a "BARRY CLIENT, as my winning average excels all. Dont forget, BARRY SERVICE does not use waiting — no excuses— or other misleading tactics. Your service commences immediately upon receipt of your subscription. YOU MUST HAVE 50 PER CENT WINNERS at the end of your six days service or you will receive another weeks service free. I could not afford to make this offer if I was not confident of my connections. I have been connected with the turf for the past twenty years. My friendship in all these years enables me to get some of the best that is obtainable. My terms are the same as last year, 0.00 weekly, consisting of six days service, two horses a day. I want every player, small or large, to take advantage of this opportunity. Rush your subscriptions, via Western Union or Postal telegraph, giving correct address to avoid, unnecessary delay. No business by mail. 1 1 : PAII rsDC NEXT OCCASIONAL GOES V*/*.1-*iJLiVSJl O NEXT THURSDAY, APRIL 30th At the beginning of the Kentncky racing season, there are nlwaya a few genuine "good things" put over and we generally tret in on one or two of them. We have a competent docker who haa been right there for no me week*, and we can aaanre yon that he in in a position to get HEAL INS1UK "lMO" on many a "hot one." He advises that next Thursday, April 30, he will have one that they "EXPECT WILL WIN EASILY AND AT PLENTY OF PRICE" So we have decided to Rend thin one oat as an "Occasional." Oar price for the information la only %-. We will WIRK the name of the hone to nut -1 icribrrx in plenty of time Thursday and the horae we aend yon MUST WIN AND WIN ONLY or we will aend yon FRTCK oar Regular %Z Satnrdaya Wire Specials for Saturday, May -. and alao mall yon KREK t.allops Weekly with iallopa Parlay Page and Instructions for SIX WKCKS. Send either by mail or telegraph ; if by mall, we recommend Special Delivery Letter, for yon will have to ACT it l« K. Remember, thia one goea next THIRSDAY. Just aend *U WITH VOIR NAME ANU ADDRESS and Bay, "FOR THURSDAYS OCCASIONAL BY WIRK." Your correct addreaa ia absolutely necesaary for prompt aervice. GALLOPS 219 S. Dearborn St, CHICAGO, ILL Positively Nothing of Ours on Sale by Agents or Newsdealers Anywhere. ! , Players Special Info Service Address, WESTERN UNION, LEXINGTON, ST. All information secured from smart people. First ono-horse transaction released Monday, April 27th; second transaction, two horses, will be re- leased Wednesday, April 29th. SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER For all three transactions, ten dollars in advance. Wire your subscription at once. Players Special Info Service WESTERN UNION LEXINGTON, KY. Jtiasterjtiind The wonderful 50-pare craftsmans TURF MANUAL, a condensed experience as a MASTER in racing problems FREE — FREE. Write for it today. THE GROOTE COMPANY 2309 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY No Postals