untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1925-06-15


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JOE McAUUFFE HonestOld Andy THE TTJRFS BRIGHTEST SHIHING STAR IMMEDIATE AND COMPLETE SERVICE. 20 WEEKLY TWO WEEKS 130 15 Daily— 2 Horses Daily— 0 Weekly 158 Fulton Street, Room 418. New York City TUP fil l"i MAM IC CTII f*rrril READ EM AND WEEP! AND THIS WAS NO LUCK, EITHER! LIERRE 0.90, Won DID8*tlirda5 we were told that this w" no ,ure thi,1*• bnt tblt they wonld TRT T0 WIH— AND they SIR PETER 2.50, Won Parlay paid over 30 to 1. _ _f.**l* I 1 d* O O O f WT One? mure I rails the bell. Both horses cam- liom- easy winnws and my follower* made another big Vll D I laS ■ wm I r/ afT cleanup. This goes to show what can be done with tho right kind of information and I am aure this is * »XAAC*sV#A« *J/ J %J » U V" « fl i/11 in reach of even the smallest player. t BONA FIDE OFFER. YOU MUST WIN 52 000 00 WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK. To everyone who TRIDAY: Subscribes for next weeks service, t p"mire that vou muit b«» S2 000.00 winner in the six days, on a SPICES enl__._ a........... $ 5.00 Won 520.00 flat bet on each horse advised. If you are not that much winner on the six days. I will continue * * " THURSDAY- your service for the entire balance of the Latoma mect.ng. w.thout any extra charge. Could anything Mflll I rf*»l_l lnuitBliAY. ". _1 be fairer than thisl 0.00 for six days service. nnCV/ULUJUM 0.80, 2nd FRIDAY S BIG DOUBLE: WEDNESDAY: DUSTY MARY 2.00, Won BLACK GRACKLE 1.80, Won FLORENCE MILLS 2.60, Won -™«: FANNy D£ QQ[JRSY Parlay paid over 550 to SI. ..,..,. " THURSDAYS BIG DOUBLE: Df-lCTM M M0J.DAY. __ ... POSTMAN A «__ BONA VERA .70, Won 8.35, Won BAGENBAGGAGE .80, Won IT MONDAY— FREE— ,000 «%■ Parlay paid at 5 to fl. IA . GS?,L"neer SP60*1- Another one of my famous specials will be turned loose at very rood odds. WEDNESDAY S BIG DOUBLE: " u FREE to all weekly subrcribers. TEN EYCK $ 7.60, Won jj- ALSO 0 TO PARLAY — j DOLLY BAY 8.70, Won Wire your weekly subscription as you read this •ad." Also enclose your addreaa for a direct wire, .. u may Wlre for two »"— . as rates are going „ Par. • ay paid a at um 5160 *« to i . np. Rush 120 00 for six days service and be a big winner. Wire money by Western Union or Postal lYiK. AIMUY Telegraph. W6 BROADWAY. SUITE 1002 HEW YORK CITY _!J-" ~WHf? JiaiM-? iFiel IrJaHr ■ | 9J I °n the Grounds— C- KELLEY, JAMAICA. N. Y.— On tho Grounds Sold on all ■■■■Hill m and "SPECIALS l_H±S_S_________«___B_S_l | |# IY_jI_ljjL| 1 R Vfll If 11 ll lElItlJ WEEKLY. 35 CENTS. MAILED 10 WEEKS. 53 I I "RFfTED" EVERYBODY DAILT SPECIALS. . OCCASIONALS, 12 I My term, are, on* wire, 110; six wires. 525. You will receive only one horse on each wire. VooTOrrloul! TODAYS FREE CODE: j On Friday I wired all clients that the dark horse on which 50 to 1 is expected wonld not go I CdlCl Udy.. LATOJIA— DJ" DUNKIRK. * MOUNT NTNICHZ NICHF FLORA FL0EA i B*tn,"11T- bat would be sent on Tuesday. Everything possible is being attended to and I believe . , this horse will be as good as ARCADY. 5102.60. Won. I sent nothing out yesterday. I do not BET THE LIMIT ON THESE PAECA- „ R5 i£-__rWand___5, £_?£! tt,J d0 not ron OTOry d*7 -* WMk- 3"SPECIALS" 1I/AM AT AIM. COL. BOARD 0.70, Won ■ -.. Ulf I ll] fl I HI |U I "Moved up steadily and won by two lengths." Ye.teLATONiA special. ff Ull iaU/llll »»* -_-« • I i LUCKYSTRIKE . 3.40, Won WON AGAIN!! • Much the best. dl.ew oat t0 win with mnch in rese_,e„ Teaterdays "FREE 525 LATONIA Special NAGA SA|| S CROSS VILLAGE _. ._. __ J™ £__J, 7"50 W°n WON ALSO!! MYSTERY OCCASIONAL _ij__y_ " " " " Teaterdays "FREE" BELMONT SpwUl PreTJons w , on,y _, ,_ T j WONALSO!! PJnilar Paal i £A Wnn lady Audrey 1 5-1 , Won Yes. air. th-se were the ONLY 3 horse. JACK I 1111111 1 CC1, fPt.UV, f T UII ARCADY 02.60, Won CLARK BEGGED everybody to BET THL I ■ ™° "* Occasional uecasionai won won. . ™ "•— — assssBaXtsssl iliVM asVassl asssss* LIMIT. WIN ONLY on all three. ia""«C"""i ■ Tho big spec:al which I have been raving about for the last week is scheduled to go in the I MUflQIt A/UII P "Yftll l FFP" nM CI IMIACTLTD PI nPlitTD lEst raco at IJttonia on Tuesday. Clients are urged to make their play as late as possible to I VVUnl VVnil-C I UU OLttr Url Jl IVIHOlUn bLUbrtn avoid killing good price, as they did on COL. BOARD. Ho clients will be accepted from Kentucky. In the "WEE hours cf the morning. JACK I have word on several othor good ones that are being primed for action. All clients who wire CLARK is at tho track WATCHING the moves W | ft 0 OA 117 **5 wl" receive my next s-x gooi oass on tha d*T toat U"1 educated monev is riding. My wires uay Mr-CLARK Won x". ssk- *• no ie*7-j ■■ ■*■ you Tue*diy, k°"° ,o ,mpi° ume- ••geV ™e sjy" ■o«s,"tut Karcolo, J J.Z0 ™ i *~+miZZ -mvZm _Ct!!!_Coimds~C- Kelley Jamaica» N- Y— On the Grounds YOU CAN BEAT THE RACING GAME!! MAftinilVP = — just like any BUSINESS. But YOU MUST BE ON , 111 ■ ■ I Tl 1 tl If the-wrs."! IflUllliA I I J PAH riPQ NEXT OCCASIONAL GOES Al*vr a 11/1 * a kj MONDAY A "BIG SURPRISE"!! Kj,JiiLJJMr O NEXT THURSDAY, JUNE 18th uAfrTU CLARK,, *f mi2!!andLs mSSS. NAfiA ?AKI AnVFRTKFn Theyre "n«tllnB over" .ome nice can now at l.:.f oi.in. Our docker i. MONDAY, as he has 2 horses the *1 and 55 SPE_ IV HUH OHM J HUVLH IlitU ri«ht there on tho eround erery day. »at.-hinv every move and we ran .nur. Go to Your -Newsdealer- Today. WlySiery UCCaSlOnai "EXPECT WILL WIN EASILY AND AT PLENTY OF PRICE" *ClinriO/ " onrl Rot " lar l/ Plarlf " fu h,s worked Ike lightning and Naga Saki got Ouliudt. dMU UCl Jaj1 Vial r I him for the LIMIT. For this one ask your newa- So we have derided to xend this one ont an an "Orcantonal." Our prle* t1 ~nri CK *Cnnf iol" onrl "P?1P dealer for the MASTER CLOCKERS 52 OCCA- , *«•• th«» Infonnalion in only *S. We will Y I It K the namr of the home to salt-Ol dllU v J Opcbldl dMU Idl " SI0NAL. scrihern In plrnty of time Thursday and the horse we send yon KihBouiu ir Mftnf]avc i onf, shnt MUST m m m 0NLY D , ITlUllilClY O JuUIlaX UlIUl "r "• "iM •-*"11 "" fKKK onr llceol.ir Si: Saturdays w, ire Specials for Salnr- Dcl w W day, June 20th. and :il «» mall you rilll! Gallops Weekly with tallops r.ir- Now. DON T HESITATE— IF you let TODAY S on the 51 MASTER CLOCKER has worked extremely , I?5. ,"E* .. nd «™«trnc«lon« for SIX WKU. Send cither by mall or telrcraph ; ■PARLAY get away from you. then "STOP fast and tho word i, to LET IT GO— EXTRA *,.,.,?",a,,1: w *" ««•"■ »• " • Speeial Oelivery l.ettcr for yon will have to ACT FLAYING EM/ STRONG For this one ask your newsdealer for the ! « KV r.SSTfifi £SZ s.L"," BT" mm*amJ£V££5± Iw.. w5T*-J!S?! *a W,T" A ADDRESS and "FOR THIRsDAYS SPECIAL OFFER —Send S15 and we wiU mail. Ivvi.," say. OCCASIONAL 11V vou OVERNIGHT in plain SEALED ENVELOPE DAILY MASTFR HI flHKFR ""* both 51 and Si Special. You receive this FIRST 1"""-1 """" *-" «i_vwil_l l Yonr correct address Is absolutely necessary for prompt service. MALL each morning. 91- mailed 2 weeks. . 51 sheet and 52 occasional , *££•«•»• GAX-iLOPS 219 S. Dearborn St., ILL lArif; pi ARitf Dcarbom st. Chicago . ■ CHICAGO, «/./"% "OIV VLlXA.lIV CHICAGO FOR SALE AT Arcade Newsstand. 54 ., ... . . ., - „ c ■ . Positively Nothing of Ours on Sale by Agents or Newsdealer. Anywhere. _. _ Madison St.. and all other newsstands. Room 80C 64 W. Randolph St. Chicago. Ill r HONE— State 2648 _ . "ch,cgaogot7LaSsa-dont LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK ! HARVEY AMES ~ ™* before YOU STOP at onr office MONDAY and get ~,j, ■ ;. .,_._. „;„v. »k. , v » _ . wJBSiS Sr-LSSEF- "EBYB0DY m?XmwSTJ!2i,%!5lTand.m2SZ. KAULE BLDG- BKOABWAr AT IiD ST- "«• »w«n WELCOME TO CALL FREE. i 516.80; Pop Shot. 528.80; Statler. *13.60: Betty ~ Mae. 514 40: Florence Mills. 514.10; Luckv Strike. I""" ■■***■ ■"■a""1 513.40; La Kross. 514.50; Orpolina. 47.90 place: NAT HOLTER lST WON! Private Clocker tJSStm SrAtriSrSfiSS nSmSlXTUL r,!-3? wo " MAUING T,,E R,: ORD THBEE dailv-onk I.ORSK a LAV-,. i,A„.Y -gf+JSttLl ooracrnad0! "HARVEY TRANSACTION" MONDAY profit of 40.00. Last at Pimlieo. bad a profit of 55.00. The first seven days at Latonia, had a Monday, June It, we expect to pot OTer one of the most certain investmenta of the _— -,. __ . profit of 29 00. season. Iast performances will show nothing. Remember, "THKHE AKE DAIS AN1 / tft I Shftl ill ATlnS V Thls «y«te ~an be played at or away from the " * * * LdU III 1 UUUl lTll/lIUCiy track, with large or small capital, and it only *""■ ONI F •"»■ HUNDRFD ■"■»■-« DOI l/WLLnng I AR * takes about five minutes to select the plays. I promise you that thero will be no mistakes Oentlrm-n. just think, the lowest amount figures! PajBble In advance, hy trlecrnph or In person. made with this one today. Here is a chance to OTjr S40 or, per day and every time it cashed. l| Mondays Inve-itment w III proie again why so many confine their operations strictly to fatten your bankroJ. started with .00. Only once at those tracks did "Harvey Transactions." WINNERS THIS "WEEK: it have three losers in succession. Prica in over — — 4,. ,„„»,. t-_„„,.,_. ,„..», ■.»_„. ■ Transaction «_„ "Harvey means one horse, not a collection. fuU. for both, only 0.00. MARY AGNES ... .9.10, WOn i ■• „n,-,0,,,,i •■» **—*—*—* •*•• "•■••*• •»* «»Ml»»a*." We hnTe no It** or representatives ■ "■ CROSMAII anvwhert. Send nil telesrrams and kobscripllons to the aboir address only. ni/ rilD»f.rMinr * n On Ml DAutllDAlluAut . .* y.OU, WOn BOX 2« PALMYRA. IND. TELKIHON ES— CIUl IK 2i91, 2M2, SSDJ and i74» DOLLY BAY 8.70. Won — _________ _-___ Do not let on© loting day discourage vou. as one rood on* m-kae up for mar.y bad ones. Wira 55 00 ARCH B CDOM | ■■%!_• I P A O * Ol *1 SLrr:rrihud",ki •••■-."let -••«*«, Ky imponant Wotice to o. U. service oubsenbers 172 MILF0RD ST.. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Latonia Track Only „ar nrx, „„ „ne „orse Spcclal a, Anr lu,.sda, fifth race, and appears to ba r=====r=___!=r—-— ________ L*81 »XEK ;, relll good th|„g. ,. i?T7T.1,NNLS4 YESTIItDAYS 0 ONE HOlthE SPECIAL WAS: r, r v «--* of unknown PAY FROM YOUR PROFITS Sn-TJSt-? LIERRE 0.90, Won The M— ter Key Bystcm of playing the races will ■iNNE.RS-a We — -I,°1 tw0 wcts " ,,,e rlsjht spot on this one. i_Ct_5. - a-aprof.VIf atVatO NNRf . V .XftP M,"a """ n"t "n W " "*""• ~ Knl " "* "" $,° 0" H°"e a day on the seal, of play. For part.culars . TOTAL, K DAYS TTwiNNERS P ! mail thu ad and a two-cent stamp to THIS WEEK A ,rw of "ur r,""f11* Sperluls were: lllTt II ;IKI., 0.10, Won; POST DISPATCH. I _" VAf 1 1 I IQ Have several good onei ready this week *l! _0. Won; V UO II I., 1.80, Won, and others at good prices. Our Specials consist of J. IS.. V*l — — .IO anii j rjyi.g y0a t„ rt.t in at once. I will one horse only. BOX 1068 FORT LAUDERDALE. FLA. wire safe play each day at »:30 a. m. ___ l_j _ 0— oLX DAYS SERVICE— 0 Tnevnavs nesday s Sneclnl special .h.,.1.1 s_oal l nnv paj at 1. 1 least la 10-1, I bnt if Mil it does not win and pajr hB1 or better, ~~ ~ "e wl" **nA "ur "" oue rrr- H-sh »• subscription k Western I nlon; Postal Be Wise— STOP GUESandING— Ojt in Right no Here. Advertise in Daily Racing Form lM-__1-a----ai-f. s. o. service -:_ Jamaica, new York

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925061501/drf1925061501_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1925061501_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800