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BROOKLYN PARK NOTES CI.KVF.I.AND. Ohio. June U, R. Rlatfcir departed today for Salt I.ako Iiiy with Skoki. a double winner at thia •■tn::. En route he will pick up Rookwood •el Dixie .Minor at BtoOX City, l,,wa. A. Manner aMpped today to Dorral Dark, Montreal, Lexington .Maid and Llewellyn. In he same car J. Kolaild sent three bead. .1. J. HcCaATerty, who was taken suddenly II uiih an attack of pleurisy oa Thursday, reCOVeied Bad was able to be around lay. Cliloe D. raced in the colors of her new t aad trainer, .1. Banfla. to, lay for the -t time bavins been purchased at private w iru.n L, i. Whitehall.