Toronto Jumping Races: Liberal Support for Woodbines Cross Country Sport., Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-20


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TORONTO JUMPING RACES Liberal Support for Woodbines Cross Country Sport. «. , Forty -Eijrht and Forty -Six Knlries Respoct- Iielj for in tree and Woodbine Steeplechases. ♦ TORONTO. Out.. April 10.- Th. i n ourage-nient given Ity the Ontario Jockey Club to st opl K-hasins and c-ross-country racing has its own reward in the mangificent entry list to the two stakes to be run at the spring meeting at the Woodbine. There are forty - iglit nominations for the Aintrce Steoph - hase at two miles, and forty-six in the Woodbine at two and a half miles. The list includes the very best timber toppers in America, which presages some wonderful steeplechasing here this spring. AINTREE STEEPLECHASE. AIXTREK STEBPI.ECHASE- For four yonr old* and upward. By sutv-.ription of 0 each, utartem to pay 0 .-iddil ional. to the winner, with $." .000 added, of which ,000 to second lion.-. $.100 to to third and ." 0 to fourth. Weights to be announced Thursday. May LT. at twelve oeloek noon. Winners, after the publication of the weights, to carry five pounds additional. About two miles. To be run Saturday. May 29. Brooke, tlt-orgp. III. Mark Twain, br. k. 6, by Ceorge Smith Broil. Colohan. P.— Helsd. lite. br. g. S. by Itoi Heroic dam unknown. Colohan. P. Cavendish, b. g. S. by The Curragh Isirow. tonjer. I.. II Isis. b. m. 7. by Holbein Ijrlovia. Finch. It u f ns 1". Alopcx, br. g. «, Ity White Mapii-Olopc. Grerntree Stable Erne II.. ell. p. T,. by White Uaple am-atel. Creentree Stable Jolly Roger, eh. g. 4. by Pennant l/illn- Oreentree Stable Damask br. jr. !». by All Cold — Crinoline II. Creentree Stable Cn.ral Post, b. g. G. by Volta — 1ost Horn. C.reentree Stable Brantome. br. g. 0. by Jus dOmnpe I.a Berline. Hitchcock. linM Klzear. eh. g. T . by Sandy Hook Kluina. Hitchcock. Thomas Itarel, eh. t. • ■ bv Sir Martin | Tangle. , Kennedy. Kdwin Orions Sword, b. pr. 0, bv Negofol I Orbit. Kershaw Stable Bells. br p. fi. by Ballot! - Autumn II. Ludgatc Farm Mocking Horse, eh. p. 9. bv Trap Rock My Bessie. | Ludsate Farm Cauntlcy. eh. h, S. by Swynford - St. Regoe. Lynnmerc Stables Ie. cant. eh. g. ft. bv Trap Ruck | - Peccadillo. Maconiber. .1 R. Bridge, br g. 4. by Wrark — Cue. klacomber. J. R tiolden Cup, b. m. 5, by ! Jusni an Bout Ktlicllicrtn. Mat umber. .1 B. Blue and Bed. br. g, 5. bv j Trap Rock Baby Rose. rending. Richard Fleetwood, br. g. 4. by Jim ■affney Klitauay. Queen City Stable Cuing.-imp. b. jr. 9. by Dor - ;tiirlandc. Uueeii City Stable High Court. ch. g. .".. by I Prince Phillip Chancery. Read. William A. Sea Ballad, b. g. ,r . by Iommern Petti Sing. Read. William A. «;a»| cr. ch. g. 9. bv Cigar Doubt fill. Read. William A. fan dArgent. b. g. C, by Braxted Princess St. Ceorgc. Read. Willam A— Pink Star. gr. g 4. by Bethlehem Picotec. Read. William A. Henry the Seventh, b. h. 5, by Iommern Lancaater Lady. Read. William A Il jra« e Crooni. b. g, 4. by Cylta Mary Tavy. Read. William A- Bryn Bossett. eh. e, 4, by i Kwang Sti Iegaway. Read. William A Prince Charming II.. b. e, 4. j by Teddy Sweet Agnes Read. William A Court Jester, br. e. 4. by Black Jester Peep Show II. Read. William A. Ijicock, eh. g. C. by Argosy - Sweet l.ouioc. Salmon. Walter J. — Dunks Creen. b. g. 7. ly Creenbsick Bellanda. Salmon. Walter J. Courteous, ch. g. br Mareoyil— Politely. Salmon. Walter .1. — Cun Boat, ch. g, 4. by Man o War Star Fancy. Salmon. Walter J -Bed Hawk. ch. f. 4. by Xylon - Tomahawk. Salmon. Walter J— Gambling Bee. b. g. 4, by Honey Bee Pitch and Toss. Sewickley stable Carabinier. ch. g. 7. by Ex Veto Carabine. Sewickley Stable Another Star. b. g. bv Clarionet — Dcnisn WiMtd. Sewickley Stable Harrovian, b. g. C, by Xasso- vian l.ady Brendon. Sewickley Stable Honey de I.uxe. b. g, 4, by Honey Bee Honey of Roses. Sewickley Stable Father Tom. br. c. 4, by Kroonstad Sheevretta. Sewickley Stable Vesington King, b h. 5 by Roi Herode Wclonah. Warren. Bayard — Ipsal. b. g, 5, by Trompe la Mort Phenicia. Warren. Bayard Sed. ch. g, 4, by Irishman — The Moonstone. Whiting. C L. -Cold Roik. ch. g, j. bv Half Uock - True i;old. Wilson. W. t; Lieutenant Seas. b. g, 9, by Maraj ix Honeymoon. WOODBINE STEEPLECHASE. WOODBINE STEEPLECHASE For four year olds and upward. By subscription of 0 each. starlers to pay 0 additional, to the winner. with .." 0o added, of which ,000 to second horse. $."kjo to third, and TjO to fourth. Weights to 10 announced Tuesday. May IS, at 12 oclock noon. About two and a half miles. To bo run i Victoria Day Monday. May 24. Brooke. Ceorge III. Mark Twain, br. g, C, by t.eorge Smith I roll. Caw. Allen -Hclsdelitc, br. g, by Roi Herode— dam unknou n. Conger. L. tL— -Isis. b. m. by Holbein -Iglovia. Finch. Rufns C. AIojkx, br. g, 0, by White Magic ■ — Aleope. Creentree stable — Erne II., ch. g, ,, by White Bagle i ascatel Creentree stable Jolly Roger, ch. g, 4, by Fen- nant — » t he Creentree Stable Damask, br. g. 9, by All Cold-Crinoline II. Creentree Stable Ceneral Post, b. g, G, by Volta —Post Horn. Hitchcock. Thomas Klzear, ch. g, 5, by Sandy Hook Flnina. Hitchcock. Thomas Ravel, ch. g, 5, bv Sir Martin —Tangle Kershaw Stable Autuum Bells, br. g, 6, by Ballot —Autumn II. I/Udgate Farm Rocking Horse, ch. g, 9. by Ttap Rock -My Bessie. Lynniucrc stable* -Peccant, ch. g, 9, by Trap Rock — Peccadillo. Macotnlxr J. B. Bridge, br. g, 4, by Wrack — Cue. Macomlwr. J. It — Colden Cup, b. in, Z, by Jus- quau Bout Kthelberta. MacxMuber. J. B Blue and Bed, br. g, 5, by Trap Rock— Baby Roue. Pending. Richard Fleetwood, br. g. 4, by Jim Gaffney— rTitaway. Queen City Stable Cuiiigatnp. b. g, », by Dor Cuirlande. Uuccii City Stable High Court, ch. g, 5, by Prince Phillip -Chancery. Read. William A. Sea Ballad, b. g. r», by Pom- roern — P«-tti King. Read. William A. Casper, ch. g, 7, by Cigar — Doubtful. Read. William A Noce dArgent, b. g, 6, by Braxted Prim-ess st Ccarge. Road. William A. — Pink Star, gr. g, 4, by Bethlehem — Picotec. Read. William A. Henry the Seventh, b. h, 5, by Pommern I.ancaster Ijidy. Bead. William A. Horace Croom, b. g, 4, by Cylba Mary Tavy. Read. William A.- Bryn Rossett, ch. c, 4, by Kwang Su- Pegaway. Read. William A- Prince Charming II., b. c, 4. by Teddy — Sweet Agnes. Read, William A. — Court Jester, br. c, 4, by Black Jester Peep Show II. Read. William A. -Lacocfc, ch. g, 6, by Argosy- Sweet I-ouisc. Salmon, Walter J. — Ihir.ks Green, b. g, 7, by Greenback Bellanda. Salmon. Walter J.— Courteous, ch. g, 11, by Mar- covil — Politely. Salmon. Waller J. -Gun Boat, ch. g, 4, by Man o" War Star Fancy. Salmon. Walter J. Red Hawk, ch. f, 4, by Xylon - Tomahawk. Salmon. Walter J Gambling Bee, b. g, 4, by Honey Bee Pitch and Tosk. Sewickley Stable Carabinier, ch. g, 7, by Hx Voto — Carabine. Sewickley Stable Thorndale, b. g, by Sir Martin -Maud B. L. Sewickley Stable Harrovian, b. g, 6, by Nasso- vian l4dy Brendon. Sewickley Stable Honey de I.uxe, b. g, 4, by Honey Bee Honey of Boses. Sewickley Stable- Father Tom, br. c, 4, by Kroonstad Slieej rettis. Sewickley Stable Another Star, b. e, by Clrtrion.-t — Denise Wood. Sewickley Stable- Vesington King, b. h. 5, by Roi Herode Wetonah. Tuckennan. Bayard. Jr. Ipul, b. g. 5, by Trorui o la Mort Phenicia. Warren, Bayard ,Sed, ch. g, 4, by Irishman The Moonstone. Whiting, C. L. -Gold Rock, ch. g, 5. by Half Rock — True Gold. Wilson, W. G. Lieutenant Seas. b. g. 9, by Mara- jax Honeymoon.

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Local Identifier: drf1926042001_11_1
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