Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-20


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Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON TUESDAY, APRIL 20 nKAIHI.R 0,KH; in A K WIOIIY. ! The figures under the heading "Rec." in ! the entries below show the best time of aarh horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or eood track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9SOS7 IS KlItST INDEX OF 192C. 00103 IS IIUST INDEX OF APUII. Raring starts at 2:30 p. in. ifhicaeo time. 1:30. ® Superior mini runner x C.ood mud runner. ::K:iir nnul runner. iM Maiden. *Apprenti:e «!lon-an -e. The following ahbrcTi.i UsH are used to designate tracks it whieh tune records ;n entries were made: tAkron Ak TKingr Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lapocn Park L Aurora Au Lansdocce Park... LP Belmont Park ... BP Latonia La Blue. Bonnets BB Laurel Lit i Blue Grass BC Lexington Lx | Bowie ...Bo *Long Branch LB | Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heigbta MH iBiooklyn Park. Br tMarlboro Mb j Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tCoiumbus Co * Mobile Mo Coney Island CT Mount Royal MR Connaught Park ... CP tNiagara Falla NF , tConneaut Lake CL Omaha Om j Dade Park DP Orlando Or +TJelor-mier Park. . Dl tPhoenix ?n Devonsh re De Pimlico Pm Dorral Do Raceland Rd -Dufferin Park. . Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake ST. Fair Grounds FG 8aratog» and* Fairmount Park .. FP Tampa Ta Fr.rt Erie .FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hra Thomeliffe Th -Hastings Paik HP Tijuana T» Havre de Grace . . HG tTimonicm Tin Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts TTH Huntington Ha tWheeling" Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park .JP Windsor Wi Juarez Jz Woodbine Wo 1 Kemp ton Park KP tToungstown Yo Kenil worth Ke tDeaignatea hi If mile Tack Huntington Mile Track. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse ?4Dti | year ..i.N and upward Claiming iTra.k rMWw :g 1" . 1924 1:00 2 117 I Todays Ind. Mo.-«e Wt.Rec. A.Wt.nan. 00712 K.h| :. Mil Hrt 1 OHVih 10 107727. 00821 *l ..rd Allen. I Ti 107. 1 OOr, ~ 102x720 G074f •Sin. h» Panav. 2. . Om llfllM ,s tMBXTU CK7«2 Sj.ajartea. 7 III! 10O IM% I 107. 710 00*22 s.ddl.- Ring. 4.. 9 MVXVH 00770 Kive Markk .Ml 1 Mil 1119 1 Ofi- 4 107. 7O0 0O871 i:.d 1-.|. Ml fillu 111 1:03*1 * M». TOO. ! ! Second Racr — 5-8 Mile. PlWM .S40O. I year-olds and upward. flaiming. iTra.k rtWMi Aug. IS, 1924 1:00 2 117.1 05821 *ljidy »xfoi.l. lOm 112 1:01V. s ia" XT27. 00750" .Ma. hiavelli. 3 Mil 103 ljM% ■ 107X720 00792- ollie Tokalon. 2 j Hu 111 1:03:v. 7. 110. .717. 00750- Rerelta. 7 Hu 109U01V.* S 110x710 00876 Without. 4 ... Hv 112 1:02-, 5 112 707 00750 Pellet.-. i*f I-ist. C TD 107 1 :02 7 100. .700 00792 Crown Derby iM. I 7. Hu 107 1 :04-. I 10".. TOO 1 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. lurs.. .00. " year olds and upward. Claiming I i Ira. k reeord: Aug. IS, 1924 POO 2 117 I . 00728 •LOTTO. 4 ...Hu 101 1:02-, 4 100x730 00794 Helen Major. 7 Vu 112 1 02-. 7 10«i 720 ! 00795 -losie M.. 1 . . . Hu 103 1:03.-.* 0 100x717. 1 00718 liarish. 7. TI» MS 1:02 4 IOC a 710 00796 Horinga. i 7 100x707. 00795 Rlue :.... 7 108X700. 00771 Tom Mick?.. 2 Hu 113 1:01 V.s I 108x700: I Fourth Race — 5 1-3 Furlongs. I Purse C0. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. I ilra.k reeord: April M, 192:1 — 14*%— S 109 I 0O751 • 7...Hv 113 1:141%* 10 MtXlSSI 07JT27 •Vagrant Ditty. 0. Hv MS l:Mf| 3 97.XT20 00796 Melvina. 1 Mi 100 1 :07Vi 7. 111x717. 00752 Vodka. 2 ID 110 1:07*r. 11 10CX710 00876 Satana. | ...MH 110 ld*l% 9 113X707. 00731 Ainbulaii.e. 7.. Hv 110 1 :084t; 4 10« 700 0079C Margaret u Mar j liu. 4 Ti 110 1;W- 4 111.. 700 j Fifth Race — Futurity Course. ! 170 leet less than 3-4 mile Purse J.VIO. 4 year olds and n|.w:inl t laiiniug : TlwCk n-.ord: April 7. 192ti 1 12 S III. j OOiTO5 •Rills Hope. S 4 MSXTSSj 00821 Oacft th.- Baaat, ! 2 » 107 ■ 720 1 00751 »T H. KveritOMi. •". ii u 110 l:M%a 4 MS..TU 00657 l.asiui- Love. 7.. .". 107. .710 00732 S|.earl.u.-. tj . Hu 109 l:lS%h 11 107 70". 00681 CM. Mar.hui.ut. 4 Hu IS* 1 :P;«:.:i M 107. 707. 00*97 Aghamore. :;.... 7 107 • 700 00727 Roseberry ill, 1 4 107. 700 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Iurse .00. and upward Claiming : "Traek reiord: O. t. 17. 1923 1 43 4 107.. i00825 Frank Fogarty. 3 Ke 10". 1 : 44 i . S 1 10 ■ 727. 00775 •Tnle. 1 JP 97. l:4Mj ■ 97 720 007741 M Astro, f. ..FO 100 I 7.2 % 0 110 71." 1 I 00823 •ladhxk. 7. ... . De M41M 4 107. .710 0O82S Widgeon. I OI 107 1:43.. 7 107. 705 ■ I 00823 Avispa. 2 Hv KM 1 :47.»i 7 1 07. -70.. i 00754 Little Clair. 4..Ti 97 1:4.". 7. 107. 700 I 00650 *lHist|ir.of. 7... .IP PXi 1 "O-, f, lirj-700 I 1 j

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Local Identifier: drf1926042001_8_2
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