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4-lh rVrlCt * J"- Farlontrs. 4- car-oldg and apward. Claiming. April 23, 1923 — ■■■■ *»* J:05Mi— 7— 104. Index. Course. Dlat Time. Track. Odda.Wt. St K Str.Fin Jurkej Started. Order of Flnlah. GLENN, b. g. 10 107 By Magellan— Gastonia, by Florizel II. Trainer. C. E. Davison. Owur. C. E. Davison. Bred in France bv T. P. Thome. 04816 Col 3-4l:17ft 8 106 6 2 2 21 J Judy 9 Kv. ngStnr lOl.l.a.el I 112,Tli lolon.-l 107 95644 Oma ft-4 l:lt%» 11 113 4 6 P* V* R Haway 7 MmbL lit .n 1 lO.Craj mhi 1 13.Areti K g IPS 95523 Oma 1 70 1 :48sl 5 112 2 1 11 P| H Pad.-n !t Wear* Hi. k 1 12.1-at i-lia OO.Uinkavous 107 95246 Oma 1142 ft € 109 2 1 31 4 1 F Sereml.a ft K. 4fnl lot;. V.x.rf lor 10."..I.ittleBat HI.". 95089 Oma 1 1 :42Vjft 21 114 1 1 z| 3;J F S«r. ml... 7 Wall, rllanr 1 14Ja Ma.- lOO.Caunzel 100 94992 Oma 1 1 16 :4Sft 19-10 112 2 1 5 i P| F Sromba KllaWood MO.TWftHk 107.Torsida 109 94936 On t ::-4 1:14%fl 25 112 4 :t 21 43 F Sreniba 8 Slarlan.- 142. Stump 1 12. andvl.adj 101 94230 ol 1 70 1 49?jft 9-10 108 12 2 pa F Sreinba • fB4*R«jr lOOl.Supirladv 145,Paulina 103 SIR GLEN. ch. g. 6 107 By Glenesky— Lady Comfey. by Roi Herode. Trainer. J. V. Pons. Owner, D. Hall. Bree..»r. b. D. Riddle. 00815 Cllt— ■*■ .. fllO fast !6 5 108 4 6 V 2", L Aron 9 Jack Pot, MnyProsper, Bla.-kSan.l 44618 Orlan.lo f.J f 1 I4,mud 8 107 3 1 1» 2» H L Whit- yul.-t. tjtiota, Jim Daisy 00454 Orlando 51 f 1 13,hvy 10 111 5 2 2« :;- ]. Aron 0 Man William. .limDaisv. Dalton 00258 flrlando 6 8 1:14 hvy 14 102 4 2 2* 33 J Walker • Si-ellTligli. VanhgBov I Jane 00170 Orlando H * ll-..lny 11 103 3 4 6«1 6»l J Waller 8 M.-n uti... S..|irirh, BandK d 99537 Tampa 51 f 1:09 fast U 1092 10 10»il0 " I. 4;eving 12 Br nl!.-tt . Bl ksion... V Tlirgii 99420 l., mi a 6-8 1 OS hvy 7J 110 4 6 5»1 5*J .1 Judy 6 II Priest". KoyalDi.k. RelleKay 99349 Tampa «V4 1 :03/ifast 37 109 3 4 21 2 J Walker 8 Keaoluni. Bagdad, Pauline J|. 99276 Tampa J-4 1:20 slow 15 105 9 8 I1* 8" J Walker 12 Maiinonidea. Bugs. Royal Dirk 98767 Miami S-4 l:1Cmud 23 107 2 6 5J 6* B Thpson 7 IMmor. S rates, PariiineeB..||o !8552 Mian. i -.-4 1:15 taut 24 110 4 3 6*1 5J B Tbpson 8 rossw im-. 1/yllio.o. 4lcil.r .1 j 98479 Miami 3-1 1 l,/.iH 94 1"7 6 9 7»J 5»1 B ThpsonlO Nghty Msbn, .Muklong. . I.ilane PALMETTO, b. g. 7 112 E; The Manager— Star Jasmine, by Ogden. Trainer. C. S. Wilson. Owner. Mrs. C. S. Lemievx. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 00814 Col Hfl:M%n 34 111 6 7 i.-i i; I. a. HI BedWiwd IfO.BigSapp 11 l.Bla. kMask 110 00463 Mob ab". S l:05Vhv 1", 116 4 4 45 6i I, l e 0 C hWhip 1 1 1 1 lO.Iitterlatter 1 11 0O427 Mob 4 band-SlPAky :;i 1125 4 I C" 620 I. Iee 0 B nDiek 1 14Kerr.o;irl 104. Hast Miss Ml 00358 Mob ab5-S1:0r. hy 22 115 6 6 6» 64 I. Bee « DudleBug 1 15. B kKuler 1 15. AskJeasie 114 94129 oI f. BlJtPAfl 1; 104 6 6 6;1 6;1 B lire 7 Kob 10."..l»a.iof 1ea. . 10:.Ma hiavelli 108 93941 ol 2411445ft M 106 8 8 S" S« B Bee * SiipperySmlle 1 15. Tis4er HMI. Furor 105 I 78869 "ol C5 f S 10S 6T1 C 4ireend 8 Raj Boj III H.Ossaleen UO.Kedwood 111 I 78684 iol 6J f 1 jr.Zjsy 28 US Pulled up. C Gross 0 Fullo Fun 105. Stamp 1 lO.Oelliimar 112 TEA COSY. ch. m. 5 100 By Tea Caddy— Fleeing Venus, bv Kantaka. Trainer. T. E. Wilson. Owner. T. E. Wilson. Breeder. Lacefield A Gore. 00814 iol ltfl:M%n •. 106 4 3 4* Pi J Majesti. 10 BedWe.d 103.BigSapp 111. Bin. kMask IIS 97257 Col 5-Sl:12liy H 10S 1 .", 6u 4 » I » Ruin.y 7 Mount Chief 103. Bodany.k 1 13. Hn/./.as 108 97218 iol Mf1:19 by IS 104 7 8 61" 5" A Yerrat S Silent Gillian 1 V4». Servitor 1l8.Kimax 107 . 97172 «ol 51f1:212-by 95 101 5 6 6- PI VI Bamon • Salvage lOS.II.I.nMajor 104 .l.j dial « 10* 96948 Col 5-S 10 Ml 6 4 3 44 W" Bamon 7 Spontaneous 1 13. N.ptiini 100. StarMan 1 13 ERSKINE DALE, b. h. 7 110 By Sweep— Frances Gaines, by Star Shoot. Trainer. D. Anderson. Owner. V. B. Campbell. Breeder. W. G. Shropshire. 06684 F.P 3-4, l:1".ssl 39 106J 7 10 MJ 9 ■* B Ktjal 12 Fiankmnn 101. Ad. atur.- 109.Be"llel. 101 06247 F.P 55 fill hy2i-10 111 2 3 "« P I Coin 7 OldIop 1 12. Adventure 1 12. W" derBight Ml 04623 1.P 11:40-„ft 91 107 1 2 PI P| R Bee 0 K glieorg.- 107.1roleet s I7.VnieIay 109 94498 1XP 55 f BWift U 111 2 1 2"L 2 W Cbaita ■ M v.-OnSetli Mft.Dr.MM lll.Kleanorl. Ill BLACK TOP, ch. g. 8 • 107 By Ormondale— Black Cap. by Sir Wilfred. Trainer. J. S. Kindscher. Owner. J._ S. Kindscher. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 00868 Columbs 55f109Sfast 81 107 6 6 6»:J6,2A Yerrat O John Hoshor. Biltorio. P. Moodr 00500 Mobile Ab 5 S 1 :06shvy 7 115 3 5 5" 5" T Ronham 5 Roundel. Sli ley Louise. Kunpride 00336 Mobile Ab 6-S 1 :0t%k*7 ■ 111 2 « 61 7= J Carroll 7 MaryMd4nrr. S th 11M Ty. Svi 00206 Mobile Ab 5-S 1 :0lllvy 14 110 1 6 6 : 624 B Neal OKlitcn. Bi IhleniSteel. MaaRraM 96704 Ygstown lnGOy 1 MMMry 3S 10S 3 3 6T 5« P Taulelle 7 Zero. lip-. Snn.ho Iany 96621 Ygstown lm70y RSS-livy 19 106 1 5 4* 4*i; P Taulette 5 Fehrah. San.holansy . Sup.I.ady 96576 Yestown 3-4 1 20*imud 21 110 3 7 651 6" C O Mney s Thellster. San. holansy, TisS. th j BILLY BRUSH, b. h. " 115 By Ben Brush— Sweetheart Sue. by Peter Quince. Trainer. J. S. Everman. Owner. R. L. Hubble. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 95014 I.atonia 3 4 1:19 hvy 169 109 7 8 $" S2« T Malear 8 Widgeon. First Pullel. Char.oal 83491 Aurora 51 f BlHihvy 30 114 6 6 6 6» W Bosee 6 IeterBrown. Sequel. B.I.eigliloo 78724 Bexgton 3-1 1:15 good 10 106 f. 7 5- 8» K O Brien 9 Napoo. Boyal Ii k. Hullo 77993 Havana 55 f 1 :09 fast 4-5 110 4 1 l2 Is O Perria 0 Aunt Deda. Sovereign II.. Sniita 75551 Chuuhill 3-4 1:14 fast 3 1131 7 S P 8:1 J D Mnevll Gordon Sbnw. Spats. Tr.intnla 75474 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 65 105 6 4 2 21 V Bosee 9 John 4J Kelly. Yalta. Buby MINIATURE, b. g. 4 M 112 By Marathon— Argument, by The Commoner. Trainer. P. Merchant. Owner. P. Merchant. Breeder. Pavr.e AWest. 94373 Col ttritOMfcfl 16 110 6 6 6- 0" 1 II " 8 I.n. kj Lou 104- S rl.ady 107. Fr sSharp 103 94230 1 l l-701:40%ri IS 107 3 3 4*16" II la.len 0 FastBoy IMJ .lilt-nn 108.Superl.Ndy 105 94132 Col Z-41:1S%R 15 109 4 4 47 4* II Paden ft TisS.tb llO.Mi-lvina 108. Bed 1141 93938 Cot 2-4 l:16-ft "1 M 102 I 4 PJ PJ 11 WctM 14 M .1 umbo Hi J. Fast Boj 10:. Vn.Udwin 107 BILLY WALZ. ch. g. 4 M 107 By Oiseau Bleu— Dame Marco, by Marco. Trainer. N. B. Davis. Owner. Mrs. N. B. Davia. Bred 111 England bv H. Everard. 97288 Col 1-702:13 hy 10 101 4 6 5" 5" J Logan 7 V.x.rf lor 102.Binkavou-. 109. W iirwi. k 14M 97214 Col 5-8 1:13 hy32-10 107 10 9 8" 6" A Yerrat 10 Iet. Evans 107. 1irette llll.Rl.i Wi-l.-h 1 15 I 97069 Col || f 1:19 m ft 109 I I PJ P C K Allen 8 Theodeii Mil. So. Ilea llt5.1Vti-rKian« 14H I 96897 Col 5-S 1:11 m ft] 102 8 8 S" ST W MurphylO Msi.Masler 1 10. L. Pirate 107. 1in.uett. 97 BRIAR SWEET, b. m, 5 105 By Marathon— Briar Path, by Marta Santa. Trainer. F. Wood. Owner. F. Wood. Breeder. H. G. Bedwell. 96902 Col 1-70 2:05 m 0 107 7 9 !• Pupil White 0 Ilstrr 142.Blkolia 102.S.M. Alters Ml 96753 Col 51 f 1:19 m ft 111 6 ft 6»5 a5 K Bubriul 7 i nShaw 104.CatrvOn M.l.l. mSte.l 107J 96667 Col 51 f 1:18 hy 245 102 8 8 »•• P» W Murphy 8 Melvinn 104..loe.oe Mt, Sentiment 101 95841 Akn ll:45!ift 40 112 8 8 Pup. F HuiU 8 I.eBIcuct 110 .Knos 1 l.t.Tomnhoi 108