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POMPEY FOR DERBY I • Trainer Sends Word to Downs Colt Will Be Sure Starter. ♦ Haste Given a Final Workout Before Being Shipped to Belmont Park. ■ BnriSVII.l.E. Ky.. April 19. All doubts that had existed in the minds of local turfmen regarding W. K. Goes great colt Tom- I pey being shipped to Churchill Downs t fill his engagement in the forthcoming ICMVll of th«- Kentucky Derby were dispelled this , morning hy the receipt of ■ letter by line , of the higher officials of the Kentucky ] Jockey *lub from w. Karriek, the colts ; trainer, in which it was stated positively that the son of Sun Briar and Cleopatra would arrive on the battle grounds -f the , great race on the morning of May 11. four dass prior to the running of the Derby. The , letter also stated that Pompey would lie a certain starter in tin- Derby and that he j Would he accompanied here by his stable-mate. Black Maria, als i a Derby eligible, but which would not start in the race. Instead Klack Maria, a daughter of Black , T.ney and Bird Loose, would be a starter in the Kentucky Oaks, to which race she is .lie f the eligible*. Mr. Karricks letter also confirmed prior reports that Iomiry was taking his training soundly at Belmont Bark and that judging hy the advance he •ma making in his preparation that he Would be a fit horse when he landed at Churchill Downs. i IA1TCFI FAST GALLOP. .1 K Widener s crack colt Haste wa-given his final workout over the Churchill Downs course tails morning preparatory to being shipped Tuesday morning to Belmont i Bark, where his preparation for the great race will Ik- concluded. Haste and the others Of the extensive J. K. Widener string will be shipped by special train and will go along with the stahles of J. !•:. Madden and Basil Hers. Hastes final try out was a satisfactory one and showed that he is well advanced in his training.. In the company of Baavo. Pah1 Wind ami Federal, Haste was galloped five-eighths in 1:05*4, going the quarter iui] M and the half in :."•]. For the first time J this spring Fail Shade was aboard the sterling son of Maiuteiiant and Mrs. Mala-prop and he had the colt well in hand all tin- way. The Quartet broke at the half- mile post and Haste led the parade for the entire way. running like a piece of well oiled ■machinery. He displayed a strong disposition to run away front his stablemates. but was prevented by Baadea restraining hold. Socialist and Profiteer, the stahles other Derby rligihlea, were not called upon for any final work. , The speediest work of the season and one that nave trainers of other Berby eligihlos food for reflection was witnessed at Douglas I Park Sunday afternoon when Alex Gordons Bnnton ran three-quarters In the fast time I of 1:l::r, anil pulled up sound. The work 1 1 was the final test on the local track for the sort of Cudgel and Little Bock, for Tuesday l morning he. in the company of the Bud Fisher horses in charge of Mr. Gordon, | will be transferred to Belmont Bark. As in I all of his late gallops Banton was accompanied by Cartoonist as pacemaker. The latter essayed to keep up with the Derby colt : for the first hall, but found tin- pane too I fast and was forced to drop back. Banton was eager to run and the watches caught the quarter in :J4. three-eighths in .:::,*r,. half in Ms. five-eighths in GUI4-, and the I three-quarters in 1:13%. It was easily the ; most impressive trial shown this season. i MAMOMW 1MII1 MS. ii T. Archibalds French colt, ilantonian, made a go .d impression when lie galloped a mile in 1 :!♦• under restraint all the way I Tamale Dick went out with a stablemate ami galloped a half mile in :" 4-r.. The Keenelaiid Studs main Derby hope. Champ de Mars, created a most favorable Impression at Churchill Downs Honda morning when he rattled off three quartern in the creditable time of l i7-r.. running thel quarter in :Hl% and the half in :." ir. Mike M -I. uke. a stablemate, went out with the Son of War Star and Yell .w Blossom, hut could not keep up with him. , i: B. McLeans Derbj candidate. Prince ! of Wall-, turned In a creditable work wbei In- went out accompanied bj The Engineer and ran tin- three-eighths in £7%, racing I th. quarter in :-•:::.. The work was in the I nature of • preparation for a try cut at one I mile Tueada H. iv Whitney Dedans arenl ■ half mile in ■and!% The Beaton Farm Btubies Timothy went three-quarters la 1:17 and Musician, hi- stable-mate went a akuilsi distance in 1:17*. The fastest work of the season at Churchill Qearna van recorded when Don Diego, a twb-year-ob| owned by the Keenetand si ,u i displayed keen speed b negotiating three-eighth.- hi ■»■»--. going ti,e quarter in tin.-1 fast iitm- of :C14». This i- «-a iiv the bestjl j -,/ iiiit u*K-U wi InclUli fage POMPEY FOR DERBY Continued from first page trial for the distance shown by any horse at the local track this season. In order to be on the safe side. Fred Kraft, trainer of Carlaris. called Dr. Henry Harthill to examine and treat the colts injured hock this morning. The veterinarian probed and injected an antiseptic solution into the colts injured member and gave it as his opinion that it would he at least a week before he could pronounce him cured of the ailment. At the expiration of that period Dr. Hart-hill believes the colt will be as sound as the day he won the Coffroth Handicap. The treatment given by Dr. Harthill will cause no interruption to tin- colts training. John E. Madden paid another visit to Churchill Downs this morning and prior to returning to his home in Lexington he secured the contract on Danny McAuliffe. Louisville rider, who has been engaged for some time in helping to gallop the Madden horses. McAuliffe will leave Tuesday morning for the East with the stable, and will ride on the MetrojRilitan tracks in the Madden colors. Ceorge Terri. manager «f J. E Wid.ners Klmendorf Farm, was a visitor to the Widener barn at Churchill Downs this morning. .He had the pleasure of seeing a number of the two-year-olds that he bred at Klmendorf be put through their paces by trainer Ham Keene. Jack McPherson received word from New Orleans that R. A. Fairbairns Derby candidate. Longworth, which had to be left at the Fair .rounds track, owing to a slight illness, had fully recovered and that, in the company of nine others of the stables horses that also had been on the ailing list, would be shipped to Churchill DownM Tuesday morning. Longworth was getting along famously in his training when stricken with illness. His trainer, however, does not believe it will cause much of a setback to the colts Derby preparation. J. B. Partridge came over from Lexington to see about securing stalls at the local j track. He reported that his stable of nine horses was now at Lexington, having been shipped from Tampa. The better known ones in the string are Rasuli. a Derby eligible. Irish l ace. Ceo. Croom. Red Lamp. Dr. Jiggs and Cuco. Jockey Cliff Barnett. who rode successfully for the Partridge stable at Tampa, also came over from Lex-ington to visit his folks, who live at Decck-mont.